Updated: 1st February. Note: stock numbers may not be accurate. UK grown, mostly East Anglian in peat free compost
Product Detail | Price List GBP | Stock Availability | |||
Plant Name | Common Name | Pot Size | Full description of plant | Retail Price | In Stock |
Abutilon megapotamicum ‘Pink Charm’ | 3Lt | A beautiful, semi-evergreen shrub with slender, semi arching stems bearing pendent, bell shaped flowers with soft pink petals and prominent richer pink calyces.Narrowly ovate to lance-shaped, toothed, tapered, dark green, Acer like leaves. Requires a very protected site in free draining soil in sun – winter protection advised. 2.0m | £14.50 | 5.00 | |
Actinidia deliciosa – Self Fertile Form | Kiwi Fruit | 3Lt | SELF FERTILE. A very useful form being both self fertile & a pollinator for femals varieties. Twining, deciduous climber with oval, pale-green leaves. Clusters of cup-shaped white flowers followed by the expected hairy green fruit in September & October. Best on a warm, sheltered wall in full sun. Ht to 5,0mtrs. | £12.95 | 3.00 |
Actinidia kolomikta (AGM) | Actinidia | 3Lt | A striking, slender climber bearing creamy-white flushed pink leaves except on very young plants. Slightly fragrant white flowers in June followed by ovoid, yellow, sweet fruits. Most fertile soils in sun or semi-shade. 3.0×3.0m+ | £11.25 | 3.00 |
Akebia longeracemosa | Chocolate Vine | 3Lt | Twining deciduous climber with palmate leaves having five semi-evergreen long leaflets. Vanilla-scented, brownish purple flowers, held in long racemes to 15cm long in spring, followed by sausage shaped, purplish fruits. Easy in any reasonable soil in sun or shade. From N.Taiwan. (4-6) Ht to 4.5mtrs. | £14.95 | 3.00 |
Akebia quinata | Chocolate Vine | 3Lt | A semi-evergreen, twining climber with attractive foliage & racemes of fragrant, red-purple flowers, May-June, then dark purple, sausage-shaped fruit. Excellent for training over hedges, low trees etc. Reasonably drained soil on S or W aspect. (5-6) Ht to 8mtrs | £14.50 | 5.00 |
Akebia quinata -cream flowered | White Chocolate Vine | 3Lt | Twining, semi-evergreen climber with divided, oblong leaflets. Clusters of bell-shaped, fragrant, cream flowers, purple-brown at the centre;- April & May followed by sausage like fruit in good summers. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. Ht to 8mtrs. | £14.50 | 6.00 |
Campsis radicans ‘Flamenco’ | 3Lt | Bold, woody stemmed, twining climber bearing exotic looking, bright orange, trumpet shaped flowers with a proud boss of stamens. Flowering earlier than most from mid summer. Attractive, pinnate ash like leaves. Requires a hot sunny position to flower well. Reasonably drained, fertile soil Hardy to -10c. 4m+ | £12.85 | 2.00 | |
Clematis ‘Akaisha’ | Large flowered hybrid | 3Lt | (Large flowered hybrid) Japanese cultivar with single flowers the striking, large, wavy edged, rich violet petals having a broad crimson bar and a boss of creamy filaments; very free flowering. For sun or part shade in a fertile, retentive soil. 3m | £12.95 | 2.00 |
Clematis ‘Apple Blossom'(AGM) (Ar) | armandii Clematis | 3Lt | Beautiful, strong growing evergreen climber bearing clusters of white-shaded pink flowers April – early May. Leaves bronze-green when young. Warm, sunny sheltered wall. Ht: to 12m | £21.95 | 7.00 |
Clematis armandii | Leatherleaf | 3Lt | Superb, strong growing, evergreen species bearing scented, creamy-white flowers, 5cms across, in early spring. Best on a warm, sunny wall with a cool, moist root run. 4.0×3.0m. Flowers: April-early May. | £21.50 | 4.00 |
Clematis ‘Asao’ | Early Large Flowered Clematis | 3Lt | (Patens) Large flowers of deep pink with darker edges & a white bar; EARLY SUMMER & AUTUMN. No pruning required. Cool, moist roots. Ht: 2-2.5m. Any aspect | £11.50 | 3.00 |
Clematis ‘Bernadine’ | Clematis | 3Lt | (Boulevard Collection) Shorter growing variety bearing large, single , soft rose-purple blooms over a long period; May – October. Ideal pillar, courtyard or even container growing in a retentive, fertile soil. Best if light shade. Prune hard to 15cms in late winter. To: 120 x 90cms . | £13.25 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘Beth Currie’ (EL) | Early Large Flowered Clematis | 3Lt | (Patens) Single plum-purple flowers to 12.5cm across, with a crimson central bar to each petal, and creamy-white stamens, very free-flowering; May-June and autumn. Retentive, fertile soil. Best in light shade. 2.5m. | £12.75 | 3.00 |
Clematis ‘Blue Dancer’ (A) | alpina Clematis | 3Lt | A vigorous grower with nodding, pale blue lantern-like bells followed by silky seed heads; very free flowering variety. Attractive ferny foliage. No pruning necessary. Any aspect including shady, cool sites. 2-2.5m. Flowers: April-May. | £12.75 | 4.00 |
Clematis ‘Change of Heart’ | Clematis | 3Lt | (Early Large Group) Medium-large, single flowers open red-pink maturing to a pale blue-pink crossed by a central white bar; June – August. For a fertile, retentive, humus rich soil in sun or part shade. Light prune Gp 2. 2.0×1.5m. Marczynski Poland | £12.95 | 2.00 |
Clematis cirrhosa purpurascens ‘Freckles’ (AGM) | Winter-Flowered Clematis | 3Lt | An evergreen winter flowering variety with nodding bell-shaped creamy flowers marked with reddish-purple freckles inside. Flowers JANUARY to MARCH. Ht.4-5m. No pruning required. Sheltered S or SW aspect. | £13.95 | 5.00 |
Clematis cirrhosa purpurascens ‘Jingle Bells’ | Balearic Clematis | 3Lt | Charming, pure white, pendent, bell-shaped flowers to 5cms; December-March. Deep green, glossy leaves. Strong grower to 4-5m. Prefers a reasonably protected, sunny site. No pruning required. | £13.95 | 5.00 |
Clematis cirrhosa ‘Winter Parasol’ | Winter Flowering Clematis | 3Lt | Strong growing, winter flowering evergreen Clematis with clusters of large, nodding, narrow petalled soft cream flowers, heavily speckled purple-red on the inside, borne during mild spells from November to February. Finely cut, bright evergreen leaves. Best on a warm, sheltered wall. No prune. Sunny aspect. Ht. to 4.0mtrs. | £13.95 | 5.00 |
Clematis ‘Comtesse de Bouchaud’ (AGM) (LL) | Late Large Flowered Clematis | 3Lt | (Jackmanii) Medium sized mauve-pink flowers with cream anthers, JUNE to SEPTEMBER. Very free flowering. Prune hard in February. Cool moist root run. Ht. to 2.6m. Any aspect. | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘Doctor Ruppel’ (EL) | Early Large Flowered Clematis | 3Lt | (Patens) Large, rose-coloured flowers with a prominent carmine bar & gold anthers; May-June & August. Prune lightly in late February. Any aspect. To: 3.0m | £12.95 | 3.00 |
Clematis ‘Dorath’ | 3Lt | (EL) Beautiful, medium size soft lilac flowers with a suffused pale creamy-green stripe and a boss of reddish stamens; May-June & August-Sept.. Sun or part shade in a retentive, fertile soil. Prune: Gp 2. 2m+ | £13.50 | 5.00 | |
Clematis ‘Duchess of Albany’ (T) | texensis Clematis | 3Lt | (Texensis) Flws: Tulip-shaped, deep pink; July-Sept.\nHt:1.5-3.0m. Semi-herbaceous climber for a S. E. or W aspect. Some winter protection. | £13.95 | 5.00 |
Clematis ‘Elsa Spath’ (AGM) (EL) | Early Large Flowered | 3Lt | (Lanuginosa/Patens) Large deep violet-blue flowers have reddish purple anthers, JUNE to SEPTEMBER. Light prune in February. Cool, moist root run. Ht. to 3.5m. Any aspect. | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘Etoile Violette’ (AGM) (Vt) | viticella Clematis | 3Lt | (viticella) Masses of small, saucer-shaped deep purple flowers with yellow stamens. Slender stems with attractive foliage. Prune hard late February if required. Cool, moist root run. Any aspect. Ht: to 4.0m. Flowers Late summer. | £11.95 | 4.00 |
Clematis fasciculiflora L657 | 3Lt | Collected on Emei-Shan by Roy Lancaster, this flowers in early spring with nodding, sweetly scented, bell-shaped greenish-white flowers. Has proved semi-evergreen in mild winters. The new growth is flushed red & they all have a strong silver veining. Really needs a sunny spot to flower well. Ht to 6mtrs. | £14.95 | 6.00 | |
Clematis ‘Giant Star’ (M) | montana Clematis | 3Lt | Vigorous climber massed with 4-petalled, medium-size, fragrant, pink flowers with a white margin and yellow anthers; April-May. Young leaves have bronze tinting. Prune only to maintain shape. Fertile, retentive soil in sun or part shade. To: 6.0m+. | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘Hanaguruma’ (EL) | 3Lt | (EL) Large, striking deep pink flowers to 14cm across are produced in late spring and early summer, sometimes with a second, smaller flush in late summer. fertile,retentive soil in sun or part shade. 2.0m | £12.75 | 2.00 | |
Clematis ‘Huldine’ (AGM) (LL) | Late Large Flowered Clematis | 3Lt | (Viticella) Medium size flowers of pearly-white with pale mauve bar on reverse, JULY to OCTOBER. Very vigorous. Prune hard to 45cms (18ins) late February. Cool, moist root run. 4-6m. South, East or West. | £13.95 | 5.00 |
Clematis ‘Innocent Glance’ | Clematis | 3Lt | (Early large flowered) Sumptuous, large, rosette like,double, light pink with darker pink marbled blooms the tepals edged rich pink; May – June, September. Later blooms may be semi double or single. For a fertile, retentive, humus rich soil in sun or part shade. Gp 2 Light prune in early spring. 2.0×1.5m. Marczynski, Poland 2014 | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘Jackmanii’ (AGM) (LL) | Late Large Flowered Clematis | 3Lt | (Jackmanii) Probably the most popular clematis with medium-large, dark purple-blue flowers. Very free flowering from July- August. Prune hard in late February. Cool, moist root run. Ht. to: 5m . Any aspect. | £13.50 | 5.00 |
Clematis ‘Jan Lindmark’ (A) | alpina Clematis | 3Lt | (Alpine/diversifolia) An attractive new Swedish cultivar with nodding, double, deep pink flowers paling towards the centre; APRIL – MAY. Fluffy seed heads summer & autumn. Moist, cool roots in sun or shade. Ht: to 5.0m | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘Jan Pawel II’ EL) | Early Large Flowered Clematis | 3Lt | (Jackmanii) Medium-large creamy-white flowers with a pale pink bar and brown stamens; JUNE to SEPTEMBER. Prune out dead wood only. Cool, moist root run. Best colour in dappled shade. Ht:2-2.5m. | £12.95 | 2.00 |
Clematis ‘Kakio’ (EL) | Early Large Flowered Clematis | 3Lt | (Patens) Large deep pink flowers with a white bar; MAY-JUNE & SEPTEMBER. Prune lightly in February. Cool, moist root run. Ht to 3.5m. S, E, W aspect. | £13.95 | 5.00 |
Clematis ‘Kokonoe’ | Florida | 3Lt | (Florida) A stunning new variety with large, rich velvety, deep royal blue flowers with a inner ring of shorter petals the inner purple tepals incurving to form a crown: June – September,.Best if container grown so the plants can be given winter protection in an unheated structure. Fertile, retentive yet drained soil in sun or light a protected position. 2m | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘Krakowiak’ | Clematis | 3Lt | (Viticella) Masses of small, single, bright red-purple blooms with a darker pink central stripe; July – September. For a fertile, retentive, humus rich soil in sun or part shade. Prune back hard in early spring. 2.0×1.5m. Marczynski, Poland 2014 | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘Madame Edouard Andre’ (AGM) (LL) | Late Large Flowered Clematis | 3Lt | (LL) Abundance of medium size, rich crimson blooms with a boss of creamy-yellow stamens; summer & early autumn. Any aspect but best with some sun in a fertile, retentive soil. 3m+ | £13.50 | 5.00 |
Clematis ‘Madame Julia Correvon’ (AGM) (Vt) | viticella Clematis | 3Lt | (Viticella) good display of medium-size, clear rosy-red flowers; late summer – early autumn. Slender climber. Deciduous. Any aspect. Cool, moist root run. Choice variety. Ht: 3m (10ft) | £11.95 | 2.00 |
Clematis ‘Margot Koster’ (Vt) | viticella Clematis | 3Lt | (Viticella) Slender-stemmed climber massed with clusters of small, rosy powder-pink flowers JULY-SEPTEMBER. Attractive feathery foliage. Prune hard in spring if required. Cool, moist root run; any aspect. Ht: to 3.0m. | £11.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘Marjorie’ (M) | Mountain Clematis | 3Lt | Spectacular show of semi-double, creamy-pink flowers with a salmon centre; May. Vigorous climber of strong constitution with trifoliate bronze-tinged leaves. Prune after flowering if required. Any aspect with a moist, cool root run. 8.0×5.0m+. | £9.75 | 5.00 |
Clematis ‘Markham’s Pink’ (AGM) (A) | alpina Clematis | 3Lt | (Alpine/diversifolia) Graceful variety with nodding, semi-double flowers of lavender-pink, softer dusky-pink within, followed by silky seed heads. Attractive ferny foliage. Cool moist root run. 2-2.5m. April-May. Any aspect. | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘Mirabelle’ (Boulevard series) | Clematis | 3Lt | Compact, very free-flowering variety with large, pale pink flowers with wavy, ruffled margins and contrasting red-purple anthers, are borne from early summer to early autumn. Ideal for both container and border cultivation in a retentive soil, best in part shade. 1.0-1.2m | £14.75 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘Miss Bateman’ (AGM) (EL) | Early Large Flowered Clematis | 3Lt | (Patens) A compact plant with medium-sized creamy-white flowers & chocolate anthers. Light prune in February. Flowers MAY-JUNE. Ht to 2.6m. Cool moist root run. S,E,W aspect. | £13.95 | 6.00 |
Clematis montana rubens ‘Broughton Star’ | 3Lt | An abundance of semi-double deep dusky-pink flowers with golden stamens, MAY & JUNE; (similar to `montana’ type). No pruning required. Cool, moist root run. Vigorous grower to 6m+. Any aspect. | £11.50 | 3.00 | |
Clematis ‘Morning Yellow’ (M) | 3Lt | (Montana) Large, vigorous climber well covered in scented. semi-double or single, pale primrose-yellow flowers to about 6cm across, with creamy-yellow stamens; May-June. Fertile, retentive soil in sun or part shade. To: 8x6m | £12.95 | 2.00 | |
Clematis Multi Blue’ (EL) | Early large Flowered Clematis | 3Lt | Early Large Flowered Group. Unusual in that it is repeat flowering & both times double. Good sized, deep inky-blue flowers with the short, central petals tipped creamy-green. Flowers May-June & August-September. No prune. Sun or part shade. Cool, moist root run. Ht to 3mtrs. | £12.95 | 3.00 |
Clematis ‘Niobe’ (AGM) (EL) | Large-Flowered Hybrid Clematis | 3Lt | (Jackmanii) Flws: Dark ruby-red with gold stamens. June-September. Prune hard (to 18ins) Feb-March.\nSouth, East or West aspect. Cool, moist root run. Ht.10ft | £13.95 | 6.00 |
Clematis ‘Pink Flamingo'(AGM) (A) | alpina Clematis | 3Lt | Nodding, double, pink ‘lanterns’ with red veining; APRIL-MAY. The longest flowerer of all the ‘alpinas’. Attractive feathery seed heads. Adaptable plant with ferny foliage suitable as a low climber or over banks etc. Cool, moist root run. 1.5m. | £12.95 | 4.00 |
Clematis ‘Polish Spirit’ (AGM) (Vt) | Italian Clematis | 3Lt | (Viticella group) Rich purple, single flowers to 4cms. JULY TO SEPTEMBER. Wiry stems. Prune hard to 45cms (18ins) late February. Cool moist root run. Ht: 3.5m (10ft). Any aspect. | £11.95 | 10.00 |
Clematis ‘Prince Charles’ (AGM) (LL) | Large-Flowered Hybrid Clematis | 3Lt | (Jackmanii) Abundance of medium-size, pale mauve-blue flowers with green stamens; JULY to SEPTEMBER. Prune hard to 45cms (18″) late February. Cool, moist root run. Compact grower to1.8m (6ft). Any aspect. | £13.95 | 10.00 |
Clematis ‘Purpurea Plena Elegans’ (AGM) (EL) | Italian Clematis | 3Lt | (viticella group) Masses of small, double, violet-purple flowers; July-Sept. Delicate foliage on thin wiry stems. Ideal for trellis or through shrubs etc. Cool, moist root run. Ht:3.0m. Any aspect. | £11.95 | 7.00 |
Clematis ‘Red Pearl’ (EL) | 3Lt | (Early large) Large, to 12cm across, scarlet to wine-red flowers with lavender margins and creamy stamens: May-June and late summer. Fertile, retentive soil.Best in part shade. 1.8m | £12.95 | 1.00 | |
Clematis ‘Rosebud’ | Montana group | 3Lt | (Montana) A very vigorous Clematis massed with double, pale pink flowers, to 6cm across and with a light musky scent produced in mid to late spring. Dark green leaves are flushed bronze. Ideal for covering large structures, into trees or as a ground cover. Prune after flowering if required. retentive, fertile soil in sunor shade.To: 6x4m+ | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘Rosy O’Grady’ (AGM) (A) | Alpine Clematis | 3Lt | (alpina gp) Macropetala type with nodding, deep pink flowers April-May. Attractive ferny foliage. 4m. No pruning required. Cool, moist root run.. Any aspect. | £12.95 | 3.00 |
Clematis ‘Ruby’ (A) | alpina Clematis | 3Lt | (Alpina) Scrambling, early flowering variety the hanging, star like flowers having rich deep purple-pink outer sepals the staminodes within creamy flushed pnk. Silky seed heads. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 1.8m | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis tangutica | Lemon – Peel Clematis | 3Lt | Scrambling climber massed with waxy, golden yellow ‘lanterns’, mid summer, followed by long lasting, feathery seed heads. Attractive, ferny foliage. Well branched, quickly covering supports or can be left as ground cover. Fertile, retentive yet drained soil. Any aspect. 3x3m+. | £12.95 | 4.00 |
Clematis ‘The President’ (AGM) (EL) | Large-Flowered Hybrid Clematis | 3Lt | (Patens) Early large flowered. Established for well over 100 years this popular variety carries medium size, rich, velvety purple flowers, silvery on the reverse & red tinged anthers; May-June and September. Requires little pruning. Rich green leaves. Fertile, retentive soil in sun or part shade. 3m | £13.95 | 6.00 |
Clematis ‘Venosa Violacea’ (AGM) (Vt) | Italian Clematis | 3Lt | (viticella gp.) Clusters of upward-held, smallish white flowers with purple edge July-Sept.4m. Prune hard late Feb. Cool, moist root run. Any aspect. | £11.95 | 8.00 |
Clematis ‘Warwickshire Rose’ (M) | Mountain Clematis | 3Lt | Vigorous climber massed with trusses of single, deepest pink, fragrant flowers: May & June. Unusual deep purple-red foliage. Seedling from C.m.’Rubens’. No pruning necessary. Any reasonable, retentive soil in sun or shade. Ht: to 7m. | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘White Columbine’ (AGM) (A) | alpina Clematis | 3Lt | Nodding, white bell-shaped flowers March -April. Attractive pale green ferny foliage. 4m. No pruning required. Cool, moist root run. Any aspect. lso for banks,tubs etc | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Clematis ‘White Prince Charles’ | 3Lt | (viticella type) A white form of the popular C. Prince Charles’ well covered in single white flowers (to 3″) with a hint of soft lavender flush; July – September. A shorter grower to c 2.5m for a fertile, retentive yet drained soil in sun or part shade. Prune hard in late February. | £13.75 | 6.00 | |
Hedera algeriensis ‘Gloire de Marengo’ | Algerian Ivy | 3Lt | Large olive-green leaf variegatd silver-white. Self-clinging climber. Ideal sheltered wall for any reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. 3.5×3.5m | £10.95 | 6.00 |
Hedera azorica | Ivy | 3Lt | A vigorous, self clinging climber or ground covering evergreen with large, alternate, soft green leaves palmate-lobed when young, entire on maturity. Umbels of creamy-white flowers mid summer followed by black berries. For a retentive yet drained soil in part or full shade. 20x15m+. Native to upland forests in the Azores Islands | £8.95 | 2.00 |
Hedera azorica – amber fruited | Ivy | 2Lt | A vigorous, self clinging climber or ground covering evergreen with large, alternate, soft green leaves palmate-lobed when young, entire on maturity. Umbels of creamy-white flowers mid summer followed by amber berries. For a retentive yet drained soil in part or full shade. 20x15m+. Native to upland forests in the Azores Islands | £10.62 | 3.00 |
Hedera colchica ‘Dentata Variegata’ (AGM) | Persian Ivy | 3Lt | Evergreen, self-clinging climber with large light green leaves mottled grey-green and broadly margined creamy-yellow. Any reasonable soil sheltered from cold winds. Ht: to 5m. | £11.25 | 3.00 |
Hedera helix ‘Glacier’ (AGM) | English Ivy | 3Lt | Attractive evergreen, self-clinging climber with white edged silvery-green leaves. Also makes very effective ground cover. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. 4.0×4.0m | £10.95 | 6.00 |
Holboellia brachyandra HWJ1023 | 3Lt | A very unusual species bearing very large purple tinted white male & female scented flowers, April-May, followed by edible sausage shaped fruit if pollinated. Evergreen, twining climber the parchment-textured dull green conspicuously veined leaves, paler below. Good fertile soil in a sheltered S facing aspect. 5m. From Fansipan the highest mountain in Vietnam, | £16.95 | 3.00 | |
Hydrangea anomala petiolaris (AGM) | Climbing Hydrangea | 3Lt | Self-clinging climber with large heads of white lace-cap flowers above a dense cover of fresh-looking leaves. A tracery of attractive `chestnut-brown’ stems in winter. Vigorous once established. Excellent on a shady wall in any reasonable soil. To 15m. | £12.75 | 7.00 |
Hydrangea anomala ‘Semiola’ | Climbing Hydrangea | 3Lt | This is a semi-evergreen, woody stemmed climber hinting it may have some seemannii in it’s breeding. Oval, glossy green leaves flushed bronze on the new growth. Lacecap like heads of white flowers during midsummer. Initially slow then strong. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. Ht to 5.0mtrs. | £13.25 | 5.00 |
Hydrangea seemannii | Climbing Evergreen Hydrangea | 3Lt | Evergreen species the long, trailing branches having self-clinging, ariel roots and leathery, elliptic leaves. Terminal heads of white flowers with large sterile florets; summer. Moist, yet drained, humus-rich soil in sun or part shade out of cold winds. Ht: to 10m. | £12.95 | 3.00 |
Itea ilicifolia (AGM) | Virginia Willow | 4Lt | Lax evergreen shrub with holly-like, dark green leaves. Long, (to 30cm), pendant, catkin-like, green-white flowers; midsummer to early autumn. Best grown as a wall shrub in a sheltered site in full sun; moist yet free-draining soil. Ht: 3m. | £14.95 | 1.00 |
Jasminum beesianum | Jasmine | 3Lt | Vigorous, deciduous climber forming a tangle of slender stems bearing fragrant, small, deep velvet-red flowers May & June. Black berries persist into winter. Sunny, fertile, drained site. | £11.35 | 4.00 |
Jasminum nudiflorum (AGM) | Winter Jasmine | 3Lt | One of the most beautiful winter flowering plants with bright yellow flowers appearing on the bare green branches from November to February. May be grown as a wall or ground-hugging shrub in any reasonable soil in sun or shade. Prune after flowering. 4.0×4.0m | £11.50 | 10.00 |
Jasminum officinale (AGM) | Common White Jasmine | 3Lt | Strong, free growing, deciduous twining climber with stems of 5-9 leaflets. Terminal clusters of deliciously fragrant, white flowers from June to September. Reasonably protected site in not too wet soil in sun. Up to 9m. (6-9) | £11.35 | 4.00 |
Jasminum officinale ‘Argenteovariegatum’ (AGM) | 3Lt | Strong growing deciduous climber with the pointed leaves irregularly variegated creamy-silver. Heads of narrowly tubular white flowers, emerging from pink buds, during summer. They have a sweet scent & are followed by black berries. Easy in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) Ht to 4.5mtrs. | £11.95 | 4.00 | |
Jasminum officinale ‘Devon Cream’ | Jasmine | 3Lt | (syn.’Clotted Cream’) Twining, deciduous climber with clusters of well scented, soft cream flowers in profusion; June-August. Better flowering than it’s parent. Toothed, dark-green leaves with yellow autumn colour. Well drained soil in sun or light shade. Ht to 3.5m. | £12.25 | 1.00 |
Jasminum officinale ‘Fiona Sunrise’ | Poet’s Jasmine | 3Lt | A strong-growing, deciduous, twining climber with foliage suffused a non-fading, vivid golden-yellow. Clusters of fragrant white flowers in summer. Sheltered site with reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. Ht: 4-5m. Flowers: June-September. | £12.25 | 7.00 |
Jasminum officinale ‘Inverleith’ (AGM) | Poets’ Jasmine | 3Lt | Vigorous, twining climber with attractive pinnate leaves. Clusters of deliciously fragrant, white flowers (larger than type) from red buds; June to september. reasonably protected, not too wet soil in sun. Ht: 6-9m. | £11.95 | 2.00 |
Jasminum officinale ‘Sunbeam’ | Jasmine | 3Lt | Strong growing deciduous climber with pinnate, burnished gold leaves on orange flushed stems. Clusters of salverform, soft-pink flowers from deeper buds throughout summer. Has a light, pleasant scent. Retentive, well drained soil, the foliage colouring best in sun. (6-9) Ht to 4.5mtrs. | £12.25 | 8.00 |
Jasminum x stephanense | Summer Jasmine | 4Lt | Vigorous, twining climber bearing loose clusters of flared, fragrant, pale-pink flowers. Leaves variable in form are dull green sometimes cream-flushed. Fertile, well drained soil in full sun. Ht: to 5.0m.Flowers: Early & mid-summer. | £12.25 | 7.00 |
Jasminum x stephanense ‘Starry Starry Summer Scent’ | Summer Jasmine | 3Lt | Vigorous, twining climber bearing loose clusters of flared, very fragrant, pale-pink flowers. Leaves variable in form are dull green sometimes cream-flushed. Fertile, well drained soil in full sun. Ht: to 5.0m.Flowers: Early & mid-summer.New into: 2024 PBR | £12.95 | 2.00 |
Lathyrus latifolius ‘Red Pearl’ | Perennial Sweet Pea | 3Lt | Strong growing, twining herbaceous climber with large clusters of unscented, rich-pink, almost red flowers, held over a long period through summer into autumn. Good climbing in to roses etc. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) Ht to 3.0mtrs. | £11.50 | 4.00 |
Lathyrus latifolius ‘Rosa Perle’ (AGM) | Perennial Sweet Pea | 3Lt | Old cottage-garden herbaceous perennial climbing via tendrils. Small sprays of sweet-pea-like pearl-pink flowers: June-September. Humus-rich, fertile soil in full sun. 1.8m+. | £11.50 | 1.00 |
Lathyrus latifolius ‘White Pearl’ (AGM) | Perennial Sweet Pea | 3Lt | Old cottage-garden herbaceous perennial climbing via tendrils. Small sprays of sweet-pea-like white flowers: June-September. Humus-rich, fertile soil in full sun. 1.8m+. | £9.95 | 1.00 |
Lonicera henryi | Honeysuckle | 3Lt | A vigorous evergreen or semi-evergreen twining climber with terminal clusters of scented yellow stained red flowers. Long, slender, dark green leaves. Prefers cool, moist roots with head in sun or part shade. 5.0m+ (June-July) | £12.25 | 4.00 |
Lonicera henryi ‘Copper Beauty’ | Evergreen Honeysuckle | 3Lt | Strong growing, evergreen climber, ideal for screening. Twining stems with narrow, leathery leaves, heavily flushed bronze on the new growth. Clusters of scented, stumpy, tubular golden-orange flowers with copper tubes during midsummer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) Ht to 6.0mtrs. | £12.25 | 2.00 |
Lonicera japonica ‘Halliana’ (AGM) | Japanese Honeysuckle | 3Lt | Vigorous, semi-evergreen twining climber with pale green leaves. Clusters of very sweetly scented, white, changing to biscuit, flowers over a long period June onwards. Cool, moist roots with heads in sun or partial shade. 4.0×4.0m (6-10) | £11.95 | 9.00 |
Lonicera japonica ‘Hall’s Prolific’ | Japanese Honeysuckle | 3Lt | Clusters of very fragrant, white, tubular flowers fadingto a soft crea; June-July, followed by red berriesloved by birds. Semi evergreen, elliptic leaves. Semi evergreen, twining climber for a fertile, humus rich soil in sun or part shade. 4m+ | £11.95 | 6.00 |
Lonicera japonica ‘Mint Crisp’ | Honeysuckle | 3Lt | Unusual form the oval, semi-evergreen leaves mottled green & white then assuming a pink flush in autumn. Clusters of fragrant white flowers maturing to cream; June-October. Vigorous, twining climber for a cool, retentive soil in sun or part shade. Ht: 3.5m+. | £12.25 | 1.00 |
Lonicera periclymenum | Common honeysuckle | 3Lt | Our native ‘woodbine’. Vigorous twining climber bearing clusters of tubular, biscuit-white, highly fragrant blooms in early summer followed by glistening red fruit. Attractive to bees etc. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. 6m+ | £14.50 | 5.00 |
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Belgica’ | Early Dutch Honeysuckle | 3Lt | Popular old variety bearing clusters of very fragrant reddish purple & cream flowers, May-June & late summer. Prefers cool, moist soil with heads in sun. 4.0×4.0m | £14.50 | 6.00 |
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Belgica Select’ | Early Dutch Honeysuckle | 3Lt | An improved form of this very popular old variety bearing clusters of very fragrant reddish purple & cream flowers, May-June & late summer. Clusters of juicy red fruit in late summer .Prefers cool, moist soil with heads in sun. 4.0×4.0m | £12.50 | 1.00 |
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Graham Thomas’ (AGM) | Woodbine | 3Lt | Vigorous, twining climber bearing abundant clusters of wonderfully scented creamy-white & yellow flowers, June. A selected form of the Common Honeysuckle. Moisture holding, good loam with shaded roots but heads in sun or light shade. 4.0×4.0m | £12.50 | 6.00 |
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Munster’ | Woodbine | 3Lt | Vigorous, twining climber with pairs of mid-green, oval leaves. An abundance of sweetly scented, white streaked pink, then fading to cream, tubular flowers from white buds; June on. Fertile, humus-rich, retentive soil in sun or part shade. Ht: 7.0m+. | £14.50 | 5.00 |
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Scentsation’ | Honeysuckle | 3Lt | One of the most scented of all the honeysuckles, it has yellow and white shaded blooms, deepening as the flowers age. Flowers over a long period through midsummer. Deciduous but less vigorous than some. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) Ht to 2.5mtrs. | £12.25 | 5.00 |
Lonicera periclymenum ‘Serotina’ (AGM) | Late Dutch Honeysuckle | 3Lt | Lovely ‘cottage garden’ twining climber with terminal clusters of wonderfully scented, tubular flowers – rich reddish-purple on the outside & yellow within. Bronzed young leaves. Prefers good, loamy, moist soil with shaded roots & heads in sun. 4.0×3.0m (7-9) | £14.50 | 5.00 |
Lonicera similis delavayi | 3Lt | Clusters of fragrant, creamy-white flowers, fading to yellow, appear in the leaf axils; late summer. Slender, semi-evergreen, twining climber with lance-shaped leaves downy beneath. Moisture retentive yet drained soil in sun or part shade. Ht: 4m+. | £11.95 | 7.00 | |
Lonicera x brownii ‘Dropmore Scarlet’ | Honeysuckle | 3Lt | Semi-evergreen, twining climber with bright scarlet, tubular flowers mid summer on. The large, shiny leaves are glaucous beneath. Retentive soil with shaded roots & heads in sun or part shade. 3.0+ x 3.0m. July-Oct. | £11.95 | 5.00 |
Lonicera x heckrottii ‘Gold Flame’ | Honeysuckle | 3Lt | Shrubby plant with twining branches. Whorls of fragrant, tubular, bright yellow heavily flushed purple flowers at the end of stems in summer. Fertile, well drained soil; prefers roots in shade & heads in sun or part shade. Ht: to 5m. | £10.95 | 4.00 |
Lonicera x tellmanniana | Honeysuckle | 3Lt | A twining deciduous climber with dark green, oblong leaves white beneath, and terminal clusters of tubular orange flowers 5cm long, often red-tinted, in late spring and summer. Prefers a retentive, fertile soil in sun or part shade. To: 5m. | £11.95 | 5.00 |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia (AGM) | Virginia Creeper | 3Lt | Tall growing, more or less self clinging vine excellent for high walls, trees etc. Slender-pointed 5-lobed leaves are matt green turning rich scarlet in autumn. Any reasonable soil in any aspect. 7.0 x 6.0m | £11.25 | 3.00 |
Parthenocissus quinquifolia ‘Kirigami’ | Virginia creeper | 3Lt | New form (2023) of the Virginia Creeper. Fast growing, usually self clinging, deciduous climber the 5 deeply lobed, rich green, glossy leaves bronze tinted when young turning to a dazzling fire engine red in autumn. Clusters of small blue-black berries in autumn. Any reasonably drained, fertile soil in sun or shade. 4m+ | £12.95 | 4.00 |
Parthenocissus tricuspidata (AGM) | Boston Ivy | 3Lt | Glossy leaves, scarlet in Autumn Up to 50ft. Self-clinging climber. Vigorous. Deciduous. Any situation. | £10.95 | 1.00 |
Passiflora caerulea (AGM) | Blue Passion Flower | 3Lt | A vigorous, dense, semi-evergreen climber bearing a continuous display of very unusual white & purplish blue flowers throughout summer until frosts. Edible, ovoid, orange red fruit. Best on a sunny, south wall in reasonably drained soil. 4x3m (6-9) | £12.50 | 5.00 |
Passiflora ‘Snow Queen’ | Passion flower | 3Lt | Excellent, award winning introduction bearing spectacular, large, pure white flowers the reflexed petals with a shimmering, white halo of white filaments topped with a green brown cross. Flowers lasting much longer than ‘Constance Elliot’. Free draining soil in sun. 3x2m. | £12.95 | 1.00 |
Passiflora x violacea ‘Victoria’ | Passion Flower | 3Lt | On th borderlines of hardiness is this showy evergreen climber with very large grape purple flowers, with a boss of black & white filaments all summer & autumn. Worth a try in a sheltered, well drained spot or a conservatory in cold areas. Ht.4.0m. | £12.95 | 9.00 |
Pileostegia viburnoides (AGM) | 3Lt | (syn. Schizophragma / Hydrangea v.) Slow growing, self clinging, evergreen climber bearing large, dense heads of star-like, creamy-white flowers with prominent stamens; Sept & Oct. Leathery, dark green leaves. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or shade. To: 6m. | £14.95 | 5.00 | |
Schizophragma hydrangeoides | 3Lt | Woody, clinging climber bearing large, showy, white heads, like a ‘lacecap’ hydrangea, with creamy, marginal bracts. Large, ovate, sharply toothed, rich green leaves. Fertile, humus-rich, moist yet drained soil in sun or part shade. Plant 60cms away from support. | £19.50 | 4.00 | |
Solanum crispum ‘Glasnevin’ (AGM) | Chilean Potato Vine | 3Lt | Spectacular semi-woody, scrambling, semi-evergreen vigorous wall plant bearing clusters of ‘potato-like’ rich purple flowers with orange-yellow stamens over a long period. Well drained soil in a sheltered sunny site. Ht:4-6m (7-10) | £10.95 | 1.00 |
Solanum dulcamara ‘Variegatum’ | 3Lt | A very unusual close relative of the potato. The leaves are handsomely variegated cream which offset the deep violet reflexed flowers with a yellow beak. Can be grown as a free standing shrub or wall climber. Well drained sunny site or conservatory. | £10.95 | 5.00 | |
Solanum laxum ‘Album’ (AGM) | Potato Vine | 3Lt | Vigorous, scrambling, semi-evergreen climber with glossy, dark green leaves. Clusters of fragrant, potato-like, white flowers with yellow stamens; over a long period in summer. Very sheltered, sunny site in well drained soil; may need winter protection. Ht:6m+. | £9.95 | 4.00 |
Solanum laxum ‘Album’ (AGM) | Potato Vine | 19cm | £12.95 | 3.00 | |
Trachelospermum asiaticum ‘Pink Shower’ | Star Jasmine | 3Lt | A colour breakthrough for this popular wall plant. Soft pink, highly fragrant, star shaped flowers cover the plant in flushes throughout the summer. Small, ovate, glossy green leaves. For a sheltered wall, or structure with a fertile, reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. Good conservatory plant. 3.0 x 2.0m. | £14.95 | 6.00 |
Trachelospermum jasminoides (AGM) | Star jasmine | 3Lt | Woody, evergreen, twinning climber bearing cymes of fragrant, salver-like, pure white flowers; mid to late summer. Oval, glossy, dark green leaves to 10cms (4ins) long. Fertile, well drained soil in sun, sheltered from cold winds. Ht: to 9m. | £14.95 | 5.00 |
Trachelospermum jasminoides ‘Star of Toscane’ | Star Jasmine | 3Lt | An evergreen climber for a warm position. Twining stems with leathery, dark-green leaves. Clusters of periwinkle like, strongly scented cream flowers, age deep gold, borne over a long period through summer & autumn. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. Ht. to 4.0mtrs. (6-9) | £12.95 | 5.00 |
Trachelospermum jasminoides ‘Variegatum’ (AGM) | Star Jasmine | 3Lt | A beautiful self-clinging, slow, evergreen climber with oval, dark green, glossy leaves, splashed creamy-white & crimson flushed in winter. Very fragrant white fading cream Jasmin-like flowers in July & August. Sunny sheltered wall or conservatory. Ht: to 7.0m | £12.95 | 4.00 |
Trachelospermum jasminoides ‘Waterwheel’ | Confederate Jasmine | 3Lt | Slow growing, woody stemmed, twining evergreen climber with very narrow, glossy green leaves, larger than normal, Highly scented white flowers during summer. Needs a well drained, sheltered spot in sun. ht to 5mtrs slowly. (7-8) | £14.95 | 7.00 |
Vitis vinifera ‘Incana’ | Dusty Miller Grape | 3Lt | Woody climber the large leaves, sometimes 3-lobed, covered with a white, cobwebby down. Clusters of edible, black fruit. Very effective when grown with purple-leaved shrubs. Humus-rich, well drained soil in sun or dappled shade. To: 7m. | £13.95 | 6.00 |
Wisteria brachybotrys albiflora ‘Shiro-kapitan’ | Downy Wisteria | 7.5lt | Hanging clusters of heavily fragrant white flowers smother the plant in May & June. Distinct in the fact that the new growth is covered in distinct, silky white hairs.A strong climber for a retentive,w ell drained spot in sun or light shade. (5-6) Ht to 5.0mtrs. | £34.50 | 1.00 |
Wisteria brachybotrys ‘Barbara’ | Downy Wisteria | 3Lt | (Grand Diva Series) Hanging clusters of heavily fragrant bi-coloured lavender & white flowers smother the plant in May & June. Distinct in the fact that the new growth is covered in distinct, silky white hairs. .A strong climber for a retentive,w ell drained spot in sun or light shade. Ht to 5.0mtrs.Int: Minier Nursery, France honouring Barbara Hendrix. | £21.75 | 5.00 |
Wisteria brachybotrys ‘Shiro-Kapitan’ | Silky Wisteria | 3Lt | (syn.venusta Alba) Vigorous twining climber with attractive ‘feathery’ downy leaflets. Huge, slightly fragrant, broad trusses of pea-like white flowers in May. Stunning plant for a large wall or pergola. Good, rich loam in a sunny position. 9.0×9.0m+ (5) | £19.95 | 5.00 |
Wisteria floribunda ‘Cascade’ | Japanese Wisteria | 3Lt | Distinctive, free flowering form with extremely long (to 1m) racemes of fragrant, purple-mauve & white flowers with a pink tinge; May-June. Attractive feathery foliage. Vigorous twining climber for a reasonably drained soil in a sunny position. Ht: 9m+. | £18.75 | 1.00 |
Wisteria floribunda ‘Domino’ | Japanese Wisteria | 3Lt | The smaller form of Wisteria, still to 5mtrs. Long, hanging panicles of lilac-blue, lightly scented flowers, emerging with the new leaves in late spring. Pinnate, light green leaves. Likes a deep, rich, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (4-5) Ht to 5mtrs. | £18.95 | 6.00 |
Wisteria floribunda ‘Ed’s Blue Dragon’ | Papilionacaea | 3Lt | Smaller, twining deciduous climber with long, hanging panicles of fully double, rich blue-violet flowers appearing just before or with the new leaves during mid to late spring. Pinnate, light-green, finely divided leaves. Best in a retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. Ht. to 4.5mtrs. | £18.75 | 2.00 |
Wisteria floribunda ‘Shiro-noda’ | Japanese Wisteria | 3Lt | (syn.floribunda Alba’, Snow Showers) Vigorous twining climber withh attractive, pinnate folaige. Long racemes (to 60cms) of fragrant white flowers. For large walls, pergolas, into trees etc. Good loamy, moist yet drained soil in sun. 4x4m+ Flowers: Early summer. | £17.75 | 2.00 |
Wisteria floribunda ‘Violacea Plena’ | Japanese Wisteria | 3Lt | A woody stemmed twining climber with large leaves divided into leaflets. Panicles of fragrant, double, rich-purple pea-like flowers are produced as the leaves emerge. Velvety seed pods. Fertile reasonably drained soil in sun. 4m x 4m. | £18.75 | 4.00 |
Wisteria frutescens ‘Amethyst Falls’ | American Wisteria | 3Lt | very different to our usual Wisterias this usually flowers in early summer just after the divided, glossy pinnate leaves appear. Short, arching spikes of scented lavender-pink flowers unusually on the new years wood so it is best unpruned. Needs a sheltered, warm spot in sun to ripen the wood. Well drained spot. Ht to 3mtrs. | £17.50 | 2.00 |