

Updated: 22 Jan. Note: stock numbers may not be accurate. Home / UK grown in peat free compost

Plant NameCommon NamePot SizeFull description of plantRetail PriceIn Stock
Adiantum aleuticum ‘Imbricatum’Dwarf Maidenhair Fern 1.4LtDeciduous gently creeping ferm, with wiry black stems carrying rounded kidney-shaped pale-green pinnate leaflets, which eventually mature green. New fronds are lightly tinged pink when young. Light, leafy retentive soil in part or full shade out of cold winds.25cm£6.955.00
Adiantum hispidulumRosy Maidenhair Fern 1.4LtVery delicate, deciduous fern with wiry black stems with the fronds divided into five narrow finger shapes. The new fronds emerge a rich rosy-copper creating a superb two tone effect. From New Zealand & Australia but only hardy to -7c. In cold spots grow in a pot & put in a cold greenhouse in winter. 25cm.£9.504.00
Adiantum raddianum ‘Ultragracillium’Dwarf Maidenhair Fern 1LtDeciduous gently creeping fern with wiry stems massed with smalll, rounded pale-green pinnate leaflets, New fronds are lightly red flushed when young. Light, leafy retentive soil in part or full shade out of cold winds.20cm£9.502.00
Adiantum venustum (AGM) 2Lt(Evergreen Maidenhair Fern) Closely resembles the Maidenhair Fern with evergreen lacy, filigree fronds tinted brown when young then bluish tinged when mature. Creeping rootstock. Humus rich, moist soil in full or part shade. 20x30cms.£10.505.00
Asplenium ebenoides (AGM)Dragon tail Fern1.5ltThought to be a hybrid of the Walking stick fern, this semi-evergreen rhizomatous fern with long narrow, tapering, glossy green fronds with saw toothed pinnate, making it very distinct. Forms a small clump to 30cm tall in a retentive soil in part or full shade. From Eastern USA. 30x60cm.£9.255.00
Asplenium scolopendrium Cristatum GroupCrested Hart’s Tongue 1.4Lt(syn.Phyllitis) A lovely evergreen with smooth, leathery, strap-like leaves that divide halfway up the frond & end in a crest. Any reasonable soil in shade. 60x75cm.£7.251.00
Asplenium scolopendrium Cristatum GroupCrested Hart’s Tongue 1Lt£6.951.00
Asplenium scolopendrium Undulatum GroupHart’s Tongue Fern 2LtEvergreen fern producing lance shaped dark green glossy strap-like fronds with a wavy margin. Distinct black ribs & stems. Humus rich, moist, yet well drained soil in part shade but tolerant of all conditions. 30x50cm.£7.959.00
Athyrium filix-femina (AGM)Lady Fern 1.4LtFresh green, divided small leaves create a lacy effect; quickly forms an attractive clump. Looks at its best in Spring. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 60cm£7.251.00
Athyrium filix-femina ‘Frizelliae’ (AGM)Lady or Tatting Fern 1.4LtNarrow, deciduous fronds have massed pinnae on either side of the stems. They then curl into flattish balls giving the appearance of a necklace of green beads. Prefers moist but adapts to drier soils in part shade. 45x45cms.£6.953.00
Athyrium filix-femina ‘Minutissimum’ 1.4Lt(Lady Fern) A miniature, deciduous form of the Lady Fern. Masses of small crowns with fine, lacey, green fronds. Ideal for the front of the fern border. Prefers moist but will adapt to drier soils in part shade. 15x30cms.£6.9515.00
Athyrium filix-femina ‘Rotstiel’Lady Fern 1.4LtGraceful, light deciduous fern, with the pale yellow-green fronds delicately & lacily cut with fine pinnae. Forms a shuttlecock shape. A choice German selection. Moist, fertile, partly shaded site in anything except dry soil. 60cm.£6.951.00
Athyrium filix-femina rubellum ‘Lady In Red’ 1.4LtUpright, gently creeping, deciduous fern with delicate fronds held on striking red stalks. Each pinnae is delicate and finely lacey with the tips suffused grey. Found in the wild in New England. Retentive soil in part shade. 45cm.£5.701.00
Athyrium ‘Ghost’ (AGM) 1.4Ltniponicum pictum x filix-femina. This deciduous fern was found in a US garden & is one of the most beautiful & unusual. forms a regular shuttlecock shaped rosettes of finely cut, glaucous silver fronds with just the merest tinge of pink down the central vein. Excellent for pots. Retentive, humus rich soil in part or full shade. 100cm.£7.507.00
Athyrium niponicum pictum (AGM)Japanese Painted Fern 1.4Lt(Athyrium niponicum metallicum) Small, clump forming deciduous fern, unique in having purple stalks and fronds of grey, blue & silver hues in a lovely blend. Deciduous. Any reasonable soil in shade. 60x45cm.£6.9522.00
Athyrium niponicum pictum ‘Apple Court’Crested Japanese Painted Fern 1.4LtSelected at Apple Court Nursery, this deciduous form of the Japanese painted fern is a subtle blend of silver, purple & green. Distinct in that the tip & leaflets are lightly crested. Gently creeping deciduous fern for a retentive, humus rich soil in part shade. 40cm.£9.507.00
Athyrium niponicum pictum ‘Burgundy Lace’Japanese Painted Fern 1.4LtAmazingly coloured deciduous fern with the finely cut fronds overlaid silver, with purple & pink suffusions. In autumn the whole frond is almost entirely a rich plum -purple with a silver suffusion down the centre. Cut back by frosts but hardy in a sheltered, retentive spot in dappled shade. Ht;- 45cm.£6.954.00
Athyrium niponicum pictum ‘Pearly White’ 1.4LtFeathery fronds with light green edges and a white centre – almost a ghostly effect. Forms low mounds slowly spreading via rhizomes. For a moist, fertile soil in full or part shade. 40 x 40cms. Deciduous.£7.254.00
Athyrium niponicum pictum ‘Red Beauty’Japanese Painted Fern 1.4LtHardy,deciduous fern with a striking red central vein, most noticeable on more mature plants. Either side is a silver zone, almost sage green at the tips. Can be nipped by the late frosts but always grows back. Retentive or moist, sheltered spot in part shade. 30cm.£6.958.00
Athyrium niponicum pictum ‘Silver Falls’ (AGM)Japanese Painted Fern 1.4LtCreeping, rhizomatous deciduous fern with slim fronds almost entirely silver, with burgundy markings down the central vein. The new growth emerges burgundy. Best in a sheltered spot in a retentive soil in part or full shade. 45cm.£8.953.00
Athyrium niponicum pictum ‘Ursula’s Red’Japanese Painted Fern 1.4LtA showy form of this deciduous fern, with the new fronds emerging with a heavy silver & red overlay, held on red stems. medium sized fronds take on red autumnal colour. Sheltered spot as the new fronds can be scorched by late frosts. Retentive soil. 45cm.£6.958.00
Athyrium otophorum okanumSpleenwort 2LtDeciduous woodland fern with short erect fronds of thick texture. Slightly greyish leaves have a reddish midrib. Becomes very lush in a shaded moist site. 75x60cm.£7.9511.00
Athyrium vidalii 1.4LtA tall, elegant fern from the Far East forming a graceful shuttlecock shape. Delicate fronds with dark stems & veins. A very elegant deciduous fern for sheltered, well drained soil in part or full shade. 75cm.£7.253.00
Blechnum penna-marina alpinum 2LtSmall, semi evergreen creeping fern with short erectly held, pinnate dark green fronds, often copper tinted on the new growth. Gently creeping rootstock provides excellent ground cover for retentive soil in shade. 10cm.£7.951.00
Blechnum tabulareMountain blechnum 2LtLarge, clump forming, attractive evergreen fern with sterile fronds to 60cm. Indigenous to sub-Saharan Africa often associated with shady river banks. May develop a sturdy ‘trunk’ with age. Fertile, retentive soil in part or full shade. Hardy to -10C but may suffer winter damage to fronds.£12.9510.00
Cyrtomium fortunei clivicolaJapanese Holly Fern 1.4LtUnusual evergreen of spreading habit. More or less evergreen, holly-like fronds on dark stems.Slightly more compact than the species. Needs a moist retentive soil in sun or shade & a mulch in hard winters. 45x45cm.£6.753.00
Cyrtomium fortunei clivicolaJapanese Holly Fern 2Lt£8.408.00
Cyrtomium fortunei clivicolaJapanese Holly Fern 1Lt£6.952.00
Doodia mediaCommon Rasp Fern 1LtSmall, more or less evergreen fern from New Zealand with narrow, leathery, glossy green pinnate leaves. Most striking when growing quickly as the new fronds are a rich coppery-pink. Hardy in most winters in a warm, sheltered spot in retentive soil with some shade. 25cm.£6.954.00
Dryopteris affinis (AGM)Golden Male Fern 1.4LtEvergreen fern producing a shuttlecock- shaped rosette of fresh green, pinnate fronds. The fronds are pale green on emergence, with scaly brown midribs. Moist, humus rich soil in a partly shaded site. 90x60cm.£7.251.00
Dryopteris affinis Crispa GroupCrested Golden Scale Fern 1.4LtViryually evergreen shuttlecock like fern with pinnate deeply divided wavy-edged leaves with scaly golden-brown midribs. moist, humus rich soil in part shade, but will tolerate sun. 60x60cm.£7.253.00
Dryopteris affinis cristata ‘The King’Crested Wood fern 1.4LtA more robust form of the species. Semi-evergreen, with rosettes of erect to arching bipinnate fronds, handsomely crested at the tips of the fronds. The fertile fronds are held erect, the sterile ones are spreading. Needs plenty of moisture or wet, not too chalky soil in part shade. 1.2m – name subject to discussion!£7.251.00
Dryopteris affinis cristata ‘The King’Crested Wood fern 1Lt£6.253.00
Dryopteris affinis Polydactyla Group ‘Polydactyla Dadds’Crested Scaly Male Fern 1LtRosette forming semi-evergreen with the pinnate leaves rather gappy & glossy, ending in a triple crest. They are held on dark stalks. More or less evergreen but cut off old fronds in spring. Easy in a retentive soil in part or full shade. 100cm.£6.952.00
Dryopteris championii 1.4LtRobust, easy to grow evergreen fern, initially found in Hong Kong but widespread over Asia. At it’s best in spring when the new, thick textured fronds emerge a bright apple green. They have wide pinnae & are richly glossy dark green as they mature. One of the best for winter interest. Rich, retentive soil in part or full shade. 75cm.£6.951.00
Dryopteris championii 2Lt£7.952.00
Dryopteris coreanomontana 1.4LtMay be synonymous with sichotensis. Arching, rosette forming evergreen fern with finely pinnate, light green leaves, darkening a little as the fronds mature. Easily grown, hardy fern from Japan, Korea & China. Retentive soil in shade or sun. 90cm.£6.952.00
Dryopteris cristataCrested Wood fern 1.4LtSemi-evergreen, with rosettes of gappy segmented, fresh-green pinnate leaves. The fertile fronds are held erect, the sterile ones are spreading. Needs plenty of moisture or wet, not too chalky soil in part shade. 45cm.£6.754.00
Dryopteris dilatata ‘Crispa Whiteside’ (AGM)Broad Buckler Fern 1LtMore or less evergreen clump former. Broad triangular fronds are pale green & heavily pinnate & crisp. Easily grown in a retentive soil in part or full shade. 60x60cm.£6.957.00
Dryopteris dilatata ‘Lepidota Cristata’Broad Leaf Buckler Fern 1.4LtMore or less evergreen fern, forming a regular shuttlecock shape. Intricately, finely cut leaves are rather lacy, crisped & variably lightly crested. A delicate, almost see-through fern. Retentive soil in part or full shade. Selected from a British native form. 60cm.£6.751.00
Dryopteris filix-mas ‘Barnesii’Male Fern1.5ltSmall deciduous fern with narrow arching fronds with small pinnae, serrated along the margins, giving it a crisped look. Easily grown in any retentive soil in part or full shade. 90x45cm.£7.251.00
Dryopteris filix-mas ‘Barnesii’Male Fern 1Lt£6.951.00
Dryopteris filix-mas ‘Furcans’Forked Male Fern 1LtMore or less evergreen, upright fern with the fronds divided into narrow stipules, slightly glossy & forked into a small crest at each of the tips. Forms a regular shuttlecock shape. Retentive soil in part or full shade. 70cm.£6.951.00
Dryopteris filix-mas ‘Linearis Polydactyla’Linear Male Fern 1LtSemi- evergreen with long upright deeply cut almost lacy dark green fronds which become more prostrate with age. Seems more tolerant of drier sites than other Male ferns. 90x90cm.£6.955.00
Dryopteris lepidopodaSunset fern 1LtThis attractive Hiamlayan fern although hardy needs a very warm, sheltered spot as it’s main problem it getting into growth too early in spring when it is often frosted. the new fronds are rich copper orange, becoming yellow & finally glossy green. Moist. 60cm.£5.751.00
Dryopteris lepidopodaSunset fern 1.4Lt£7.258.00
Dryopteris sieboldiiBuckler Fern 1.4LtMore or less evergreen, gently spreading ground cover, forming mats of divided, finger like fronds with a thick, leathery texture. Unusual Japanese species, easily grown in retentive, soil in sun or shade. 45x60cm.£7.2510.00
Dryopteris sieboldiiBuckler Fern 2Lt£7.9512.00
Dryopteris wallichiana (AGM)Buckler Fern 1.4LtErect fronds, like a shuttlecock in spring. When young the leaves are yellow green, maturing a lustrous dark green. Dark brown scales are most noticeable in spring. Deciduous. Moist, humus-rich soil in a shaded, sheltered site. 90x90cm.£6.955.00
Dryopteris wallichiana (AGM)Buckler Fern 2Lt£7.956.00
Dryopteris wallichiana ‘Jurassic Gold’Buckler Fern 1.4LtErect fronds, like a shuttlecock in spring. Young fronds are a lovely burnished yellow-orange with dark ribs maturing a lustrous dark green. Dark brown scales are most noticeable in spring. Deciduous. Moist, humus-rich soil in a shaded, cool site. 90x60cm. Beautiful new variety introduced in 2018.£9.954.00
Dryopteris wallichiana ‘Jurassic Gold’Buckler Fern 2LtErect fronds, like a shuttlecock in spring. Dark ribbed young fronds are a lovely burnished yellow-orange maturing a lustrous dark green. Dark brown scales are most noticeable in spring. Deciduous. Moist, humus-rich soil in a shaded, cool site. 90x60cm. Beautiful new variety introduced in 2018.£8.255.00
Dryopteris wallichiana ‘Jurassic Gold’Buckler Fern 1LtErect fronds, like a shuttlecock in spring. Young fronds are a lovely burnished yellow-orange with dark ribs maturing a lustrous dark green. Dark brown scales are most noticeable in spring. Deciduous. Moist, humus-rich soil in a shaded, cool site. 90x60cm. Beautiful new variety introduced in 2018.£9.501.00
Gymnocarpium dryopteris ‘Plumosum’ (AGM)Oak Fern 1.4LtDeciduous fern with triangular, overlapping fronds which erupt from a creeping rootstock. liks to wander through damp humus rich soil in part shade. 20x60cm.£6.2511.00
Matteuccia struthiopteris (AGM)Ostrich-Plume Fern 1.4Lt(Ostrich-Plume Fern) A spectacular, fully hardy, deciduous fern with lance-shaped, Erect Fronds Arranged Like A Shuttlecock’ – Fresh Green On The Outside Shorter, dark brown fronds within. Loamy, humus rich, moist soil in full or part shade. TAKES A WHILE TO SHOW ITS FULL MAJESTY. 120x45cms.£6.957.00
Onoclea sensibilis (AGM)Fern 1.4LtFully hardy, deciduous, creeping fern with handsome, arching, almost triangular fresh-green divided fronds. Often suffused pinkish-brown in spring & fading to yellow-brown in autumn. Remove old fronds regularly. Wet soil in sun or shade. 45cms.£6.951.00
Onoclea sensibilis copper-leavedSensitive Fern 2LtSpreading deciduous fern with erectly held, round lobed fronds. Most striking when in growth as the new fronds emerge a rich copper-orange. Rather tolerant of drier conditions when established. Best in part shade. 30cm.£10.303.00
Osmunda regalis ‘Purpurascens’Flowering Fern 1.4LtDeciduous fern the new fronds emerging reddish-purple on purple stems in spring. Bright green, delicately pinnate leaves in a shuttlecock. Moist, fertile, humus rich soil in dappled shade. 120x90cm.£6.955.00
Polypodium cambricum ‘Oakleyae’ 1.4LtLovely evergreen the deeply cut, slightly crisped and imbricated, over lappign bipinnate fronds giving a feathery look. Slowly creeping rhizomes for a cool, shaded site. 25cm Found in Wales by Mrs Oakley, 1868£6.955.00
Polypodium glycyrhiza x scouleri 1.4LtUnusaul native hybrid from the US west coast appearing to be more reliable than the species. Long mainly upright, leathery, evergreen leaves with well spaced, semi corrugated leaflets. Retentive soil in part – full shade. 60cms£7.259.00
Polypodium vulgareAdder fern 1LtPopular evergreen fern with smooth, elongated, lance-shaped fronds which are deeply cut & look rounded on either side of the stem. Spreads via creeping rootstock. Tolerates drier soils in part shade. 45x45cms£6.952.00
Polystichum biaristatumUpright shield fern 1.4LtAn elegant medium size, evergreen fern the dark green, shiny, bristly fronds held at an angle. Tightly curled, shepherds crook like unfurling fronds. Moist conditions in full or part shade. Native Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan. 75cms.. £6.955.00
Polystichum brauniiBraun’s Holly Fern 1.4LtNative of N.America & Eurasia. Glossy, deep-green leathery deciduous fronds have a silvery sheen when young. The separate pinnae are slightly overlapping. Needs a moist humus rich soil in part or full shade. 75x60cm.£6.752.00
Polystichum makinoi 1.4LtA very handsome evergreen fern the bi-pinnate, glossy, olive green leaves forming a slightly arching mound to 60cms. Asian native for a shady, cool position in a moisture retentive soil.£6.251.00
Polystichum munitum (AGM)Sword Fern 1.4LtShowy evergreen fern with narrow, lance shaped, leathery, pinnate, dark green fronds up to 90cms long, forming shuttlecocks. Fertile, humus rich, well drained soil in part or full shade. Remove dead fronds before new ones unfurl. 90x90cm.£6.9513.00
Polystichum neolobatum 2LtEvergreen mountain fern from Taiwan, Japan to Nepal. Rosettes of rather thick textured, leathery, glossy green fronds, held on a dark, scaly midrib. Always sought after fern for a retentive soil in part or full shade. 35cm.£8.951.00
Polystichum polyblepharum (AGM) 1.4LtA lovely more or less evergreen fern the arching, dark green, glossy fronds have a leathery texture & are distinctly cut. They are held on long haired stalks. Any reasonable soil but likes moisture. 90x45cm.£7.258.00
Polystichum rigensShield Fern 1.4LtForms open sprays of stiff, heavily cut, light moss-green semi-evergreen fronds bronzing slightly with age. Remove old fronds regularly. Moist yet drained humus-rich soil in semi-shade. 45cms.£6.958.00
Polystichum setiferum Congestum GroupSoft Shield Fern 1.4LtA evergreen or semi-evergreen with lance shaped soft textured & much divided spreading fronds. As they unfurl they are clothed in white scales. The fronds are tightly congested in this form. Moist rich yet well drained soil in part shade. 45 x 45cm.£6.957.00
Polystichum setiferum Congestum GroupSoft Shield Fern 1Lt£6.951.00
Polystichum setiferum Divisilobum Group ‘Herrenhausen’Soft Shield Fern 2LtElegant evergreen fern with narrow, slender, graceful, greyish-green fronds remaining fresh all the year. Stems are covered in grey scales. Especially lovely when unfurling. Tolerates drier conditions in full or part shade. 50x30cms.£7.956.00
Polystichum setiferum Divisilobum Group ‘Wollaston’Soft Shield Fern 1.4LtSpreading semi-evergreen to evergreen fern with hairy brown stems with triangular, very finely pinnate, feathery, soft yellowish-green fronds, maturing a deeper green. They have very fine, overlapping segments. Retentive soil in part or full shade. 60x75cm.£6.959.00
Polystichum setiferum Plumodivisilobum GroupSoft Shield Fern 1.4LtChoice evergreen with overlapping heavily pinnate fronds giving a light mossy effect. Shuttlecock like habit. Bristly midribs. Fertile humus rich well drained soil in part or full shade. 75x75cm.£5.953.00
Polystichum setiferum ‘Plumoso-Divisilobum’ 1.4LtSmall, upright evergreen with quadripinnate, very finely finely cut, fronds with overlapping pinnae. Slow & rare in cultivation as it is slow to cultivate. Retentive soil in part or full shade. 45cm.£6.958.00
Polystichum setiferum ‘Plumosomultilobum Densum’Soft Shield Fern 1.4LtA semi-evergreen to evergreen, clump-forming fern with overlapping fronds with overlapping ‘leaflets’, giving a densely feathery appearance.Forms a lovely Shuttlecock’ shape. Fertile humus rich soil In part or full shade. 45x45cm.£7.255.00
Polystichum setiferum Plumosomultilobum GroupSoft Shield Fern 2Lt(syn.Plumosodensum’. Evergreen Soft Lance Shaped Pinnate Leaves With Overlapping Leafy Pinnae, Giving It A Moss Like Appearance. Forms A Lovely Shuttlecock’ Shape. Fertile Humus Rich Soil In Part Or Full Shade. 45x45cm.£8.257.00
Polystichum setiferum Plumosum GroupSoft Shield Fern 1.4LtEasily grown evergreen fern forming a regular shuttlecock shape. Long, elegant fronds with finely cut margins, slightly hairy on the reverses. An easy British fern for not too dry soil part or full shade. 90x90cm,£6.254.00
Polystichum setiferum ‘Proliferum’Soft Shield Fern 1.4LtLow growing, spreading deciduous fern with very long, horizontally held, very finely cut fronds, held on rusty brown stems. Excellent ground cover for a retentive or moist soil in part or full shade. 30x90cm.£6.254.00
Polystichum setiferum ‘Proliferum Wollaston’Wollastons Soft Shield 1.4LtNative. Long Narrow Evergreen Very Lacy Fronds With Bulbils Along The Rachis. Forms A Tidy Shuttlecock’. Fertile Humus Rich , well drained soil in part or full shade. 90x90cm.£7.252.00
Polystichum setiferum ‘Proliferum Wollaston’Wollastons Soft Shield 2Lt£8.256.00
Polystichum tsussimense (AGM)Korean Rock Fern 1LtEvergreen fern with shuttlecocks of broadly lance-shaped pinnate dark green fronds. Narrow sharply toothed pinnae. Fertile humus rich well drained soil in part or full shade. 45x45cm.£6.954.00
Thelypteris palustrisMarsh Buckler Fern 2LtA dainty deciduous fern with lance-shaped pale green fronds with widely separated deep cut pinnae. Has a creeping, wiry, blackish rhizome. Excellent with it’s feet almost in water. Part shade or shade in moist soil.£6.951.00
Woodsia obtusaBlunt lobed Woodsia 1.4LtA small, clump-forming, evergreen fern with lance-shaped, finely cut fronds hairy beneath. Requires a moist, free draining, humus-rich soil in sun or part shade. Native of North America. 30x30cm.£7.506.00
Woodwardia fimbriataGiant Chain Fern 1.4LtA huge fern from western USA with a creeping rhizome. The thick, leathery fronds are broadly pinnate, with round lobed rather wavy edges. In the wild the fronds are known to grow to 3m long but in cultivation are considerably less. Sheltered retentive spot.£7.251.00
Woodwardia unigemmata (AGM)Chain Fern 1.4LtA large, strong growing evergreen fern for a warm, sheltered spot. The lance-shaped, strongly pinnate fronds are mid-green, with the new growth a rich coppery-brown when growing well. The pinnae are cut & finely toothed. Forms a widespreading clump in a retentive soil with some shade. 1.0×3.0mtrs.£9.501.00



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