

Updated: 22 Jan. Note: stock numbers may not be accurate. Home / UK grown in peat free compost

Plant NameCommon NamePot SizeFull description of plantRetail PriceIn Stock
Ammophila arenariaEuropean Beach Grass 2LtA tall, strong growing, possibly invasive dune grass with a running rhizome & & erect stems having finely linear, rough, silvery-blue leaves. Erect stems carry closely set spikes of small silvery-white spikelets, during midsummer. Any soil in sun. 120x100cm. (7-8) £6.953.00
Anemanthele lessoniana (AGM)Pheasant Tail Grass 2Ltsyn. Stipa arundinacea. Lovely grass making dense clumps of long, narrow leaves of rich orange-brown darkening through autumn & winter. Clouds of tiny brown flowers on pink stems. Good in shade & dry soil. 100x60cms. Flowers: July-September£7.956.00
Anemanthele lessoniana (AGM)Pheasant Tail Grass1.5lt£6.953.00
Aristidia sp. 1.4LtNot sure of the species of this attractive grass with lown, very fine, swirling leaves. Airy, arching bead like plumes of golden-yellow, ageing dark brownish black through summer to the frosts. Needs a sheltered spot in sun. (6-10) 120cm.£6.501.00
Arundo donax versicolorGiant Reed 4LtFast Growing Perennial Grass’ The Thick Stems Bearing Broad, floppy, creamy-white striped leaves. Spreads by underground rhizomes. Superb feature plant for retentive soil in a sunny position. Requires winter protection under cover. 2.5-3.0m.£12.952.00
Briza mediaQuaking/Ladies Hair Grass 1.4LtGrown Mainly For Its Locket-Like’ Flower Heads Giving A Lovely Hazy Effect In The Border Trembling In The Slightest Breeze. Good For Drying. Perennial Form Spreading Via Underground Rhizomes. Any Reasonable Soil In Sun Or Part Shade. 45x30cms.£5.752.00
Briza media ‘RussellsVariegated Quaking Grass 1.4LtGently spreading evergreen with clumps of pastel-green & white variegated leaves. Airy sprays of silvery lockets on well branched stems quiver in the breeze;- summer. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 60x60cm.£6.502.00
Calamagrostis epigejosWood Small Reed 2LtRare British native, familiar in the Cheddar Gorge. Swirling mounds of very long, fresh green evergreen leaves. Erect 1ft spikes of narrow purplish-brown flowers turning silver grey with age;- August & September. Best in a moist woodland in shade. Ht to 1.5mtrs.£7.957.00
Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘England’ 2LtAttractive form the rich green, long, glossy, linear leaves have vertical yellow stripe. Long wiry stems topped with airy plumes of creamy-pink ‘flower’ heads in late summer. Clump forming perennial for a fertile, retentive yet drained soil in sun or part shade. 110cm.£8.9513.00
Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster’Feather Reed Grass 2LtShowy upright grass the green leaves turning yellow in autumn then bright golden-yellow throughout winter. The buff flower spikes are held well clear of the leaves in July & August. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 120x45cm.£8.751.00
Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Overdam’Feather Reed Grass 2LtAn easily grown, attractive grass with upright stems clothed in dark green leaves edged a startling white. Feathery, grey flower heads eventually fade to brown. For sun or part shade in ordinary soil. 120x60cm.£8.758.00
Carex atrataBlack Sedge 1.4LtGently running evergreen, with tufts of narrow, grey-blue leaves. Tubby spikes of purple-black flowers ageing to brown-yellow seeds. Needs damp soil in sun or shade. (7-8) 40cm.£4.952.00
Carex buchananii ‘Viridis’Sedge 1.4LtA less upright form than the parent. Forms mounds of evergreen, thread-like, silver-green leaves. Short flowering spikes; July-August. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. Ht: 60cms.£4.956.00
Carex comans bronze leavedSedge 1.4LtA very attractive sedge from New Zealand forming dense, evergreen, distinctly rusty-bronze tussocks very wispy at the tips. Excellent contrast plant in moist or waterside sites. 45x45cm.£4.951.00
Carex comans bronze leavedSedge 3Lt£8.502.00
Carex flacca flaccaGlaucous Sedge 1.4LtLoose, evergreen clumps of narrow blue-green leaves with a steely reverse. Long purple-brown flower spikes followed by reddish-yellow seed. Flowers early summer. Forms tight clumps in pots. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 45cm.£5.952.00
Carex flagellifera ‘Kiwi’New Zealand Sedge 1.4LtVigorous, strongly arching, cascading evergreen sedge with fine,s swirling, thread-like, fresh lime-green leaves. Looks superb spilling out of pots. Rather insignificant flowers add little. Retentive soil in sun or shade. 45x60cm.£5.252.00
Carex morrowii ‘Irish Green’Japanese sedge 1.4LtSmall,,semi evergreen forming clumps of coarse, linear, leathery, mid to bright green leaves.Heads of inconspicuous flowers in late summer. Prefers a cool, moist, fertile soil in part shade. Ideal to give that Japanese feel to an area. 15cms.£5.759.00
Carex oshimensis ‘Evergold’ (AGM)Sedge 1.4LtTough, eye-catching evergreen with grass-like leaves of bright gold with a narrow green margin. Makes a good focal point where it can enjoy dampish soil in sun or part shade. 25x30cms.£5.752.00
Carex oshimensis ‘Evergreen’Japanese Sedge 1.4LtEvergreen tufts of arching, glossy strap like leaves emerging lime green, turning rich emerald green. Does not scorch in the sun but needs reasonable levels of moisture. insignificant brown flowers. Excellent in cool borders or containers. 40cms.£6.505.00
Carex oshimensis ‘Everlime’Japanese Sedge 1.4LtEvergreen tufts of gracefully arching, glossy strap like, rich green leaves subtly variegated limey green.. Does not scorch in the sun but needs reasonable levels of moisture – tolerates drier conditions in shade. Insignificant brown flowers. 40cms.£7.505.00
Carex paniceaSedge 1.4LtSmall, running, clump forming evergreen, with narrow, silver-blue tufts of upright leaves. The flowers add very little to the display. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 30cm.£6.2510.00
Carex ‘The Beatles’Spring Sedge 1.4LtEvergreen tufted clumps of narrow-bladed, deep green leaves which fold back, looking much like a 1960’s haircut (male). Spikes of light, airy, buff-green flower spikes in summer & autumn. Any reasonably moist soil in sun or part shade. 75x60cm.£5.254.00
Chasmanthium latifolium ‘River Mist’Spangled Oat Grass 1.4LtClumps of deciduous, rather bamboo like ribbon leaves heavily variegated creamy-white, flushed pink on the new growth. Dangling, copper, oat like heads of flowers from midsummer into autumn. Excellent for cutting. Tolerant of most soils but prefers moisture in dappled shade. (7-9) 80cm.£7.505.00
Chionochloa rubraTussock Grass 2LtCoarse, erect, evergreen, tussock-forming grass with narrow, golden-red tinted leaves. Large airy sprays of drooping panicles of bead-like flowers; mid to late summer. Excellent for drying. Retentive yet well drained fertile soil. 120x60cm.£9.9518.00
Cortaderia selloana ‘Tiny Pampa’Pampas Grass 2LtA very dwarf form of this showy, South American native. Compact, dense clumps of sharp edged, coarse, linear, evergreen leaves. Erect stems topped with feathery panicles of silky creamy-white flower spikelets late summer persisting throughout winter. Prune our dead leaves and old flowers in late winter. Full sun in well drained soil. 60cms. PBR£9.505.00
Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Bronzeschleier’Tufted Hair Grass 1.4Lt(syn D.C.Bronze Veil’) Dense Clumps Of Stiffish, evergreen leaves topped with superb silvery panicles turning a glistening bronze; June & July. These make interesting winter seed heads if not cut back. Any reasonable soil, except chalky, in sun. 120cms.£5.755.00
Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Pixie Fountain’Hair Grass 3LtA dwarfer form of this evergreen grass with rather unremarkable tufts of narrow, fresh green leaves. Billowing, airy plumes of fine, bead like flowers initially flushed purple, quickly turning creamy-white as they age, throughout summer. The flowers are very persistent. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 55cm.£9.502.00
Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Waldschat’Tufted Hair Grass 1.4LtVery showy German hybrid with more or less erect stems with sprays of bead like silky bronze-black flowers in airy heads through summer, straw coloured into autumn. Tufts of narrow, evergreen leaves. Retentive,w ell drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 120cm.£5.752.00
Deschampsia ‘Silver Mist’ 2LtA strong, robust evergreen forming clumps of rich green.narrow leaves. Long, wafting stems topped with a long lasting display of magnificent airy, dense, silvery flower spikes – like early morning mist; June-Sept. Reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. 90cms. Introduced by Alan Bloom, 2020£9.258.00
Eragrostis elliottiiLove Grass 2LtRarely seen species from S.E USA with evergreen mounds of very fine, swirling, blue-green leaves. Arching, airy plumes with bead like, tan flowers becoming black with age;- summer. Needs a very warm, sheltered spot in sun. (6-8) 90cm.£6.951.00
Festuca glauca ‘Elijah Blue’Blue Fescue 2LtProbably the brightest & best of the small blue grasses. Rounded evergreen tufts of narrow needle-like leaves topped by panicles of silver-green flower heads; May & June. Well drained soil in sun. 30x30cm.£7.952.00
Festuca glauca ‘Intense Blue’Blue Fescue 2LtPossibly even more a silvery white than than ‘Elijah Blue’. Symmetrical domes of very fine, needle like glaucous silver evergreen leaves. Insignificant silver flowers in summer. Divide regularly to keep healthy. Light, poor, free draining soil in sun. (6-7) 35cm.£9.505.00
Festuca maireiAtlas Fescue 1.4LtOne the taller Fescues from the Atlas mountains of Morocco. Swirling mounds of thread like grey-green leaves. Airy, open plumes of silver buff flowers through summer. never prune, only de-thatch. Light, free draining soil in sun. 90cm.£6.2512.00
Festuca valesiaca ‘Buddy Blue’Fescue 2LtHighly attractive perennial grass forming ‘punk like’ tufts of evergreen, silvery-blue, needle-like foliage. Best colour in full sun & dry soil. Ideal for rockeries, edging, etc. Ht. 30cms£7.253.00
Glyceria maxima variegata 2LtA lovely grass with smooth leaves neatly striped creamy yellow. Young shoots are flushed deep pink. Greenish pink flowers. Moist soil in sun. 120x60cm.£8.253.00
Hakonechloa macra 1.4LtDelicate grass looking more like a bamboo. Arching stems with horizontally held, broad, fresh green lvs. The small brown flws in autumn are insignificant. Good in pots. Retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-10) 45cm.£6.751.00
Hakonechloa macra ‘Alboaurea’ (AGM)Japanese Grass 1.4LtA wonderful feature grass making a flowing drift of arching, green & buff variegated, soft leaves ageing to bronze-tinged. Also very effective in containers when its flowing nature can be seen to advantage. Humus-rich soil in sun or part shade. Slow. 40cms.£6.751.00
Hakonechloa macra ‘Albostriata’ 1.4LtForms low mounds of cascading layers of wafting, narrow green leaves striped creamy-white. A beautiful, graceful ornamental grass preferring a shady site in a retentive soil. Makes an excellent feature plant for containers or grouped in borders. 30x45cm£6.951.00
Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ (AGM)Wind Grass 1.4LtNot seen as often as it’s golden counterpart, this delicate almost bamboo like grass has light green leaves narrowly striped cream. Slowly creeps to form dense clumps. Excellent in pots but hates root disturbance. Humus-rich soil with some shade. 30x30cm£6.954.00
Hakonechloa macra ‘Naomi’ 1.4LtArching deciduous grass with the ribbon like leaves on bamboo stems heavily variegated creamy-yellow. Showy in autumn when it turns rich magenta. Insignificant flowers. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 35cm.£7.505.00
Hakonechloa macra ‘Sun Flare’Japanese Forest Grass 1.4LtForms flowing mounds of soft, long, linear, vibrant chartreuse leaves which rapidly turn a golden yellow flecked with random deep crimson highlights in sun. Rich bronze red autumn colour. Deciduous grass for a fertile, reasonably drained soil in sun or shade. Lovely in containers or border. To: 25 x 25cms.£6.951.00
Hakonechloa macra ‘Sunny Delight’ 1.4LtA deciduous perennial grass forming a compact mound of arching stems bearing elegant, green & yellow variegated leaves. Makes an excellent container or border plant. Needs a retentive yet drained, fertile soil. Best in part shade. 30cms£8.958.00
Helictotrichon sempervirens (AGM) 2Lt(syn.Avena sempervirens) Dense clumps of narrow, erect, brilliant blue-grey leaves & slender, waving stems of grey feathery plumes; July. Effective, non-invase ornamental grass for reasonably drained soil in sun. 120x45cms£7.5015.00
Koeleria glauca 1.4LtA lovely low growing grass with dense tufts of soft silver-blue leaves. Short, dense flower spikes on upright stems. Any reasonable soil in sun. 30x30cms.£4.503.00
Luzula sylvaticaGreat Wood Rush 1.4LtA robust, evergreen woodrush, excellent for even the driest of shady spots. Evergreen rosettes of broad, thick textured, smooth, soft-green leaves. Insignificant spikes of brown flowers. Any soil in sun or shade, virtually bombproof. (6-7) 30x45cm.£5.751.00
Melica altissima ‘Atropurpurea’Siberian Melic 1.4LtA lovely foil plant for a mixed border. Clumps of short, soft leaves & long flower spikes of deep purple tassles, all falling to one side; they turn a beautiful pink when dried. Any reasonable soil in sun. 80x45cm.£5.953.00
Miscanthus sacchariflorusEulalia 2LtMuch like a giant bamboo on a grand scale. Large, spreading, but not invasive clumps the long leaves rustling in the wind. Good for hedging & screening. Rarely flowers in cultivation. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 270x90cm. (9x3ft)£8.505.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Brazil’Eulalia 2LtA more compact form. A graceful, upright and bushy architectural grass the long stems lined with slender, green grass blades which turn red in autumn. Terminal feathery heads of red flower plumes in the summer The ‘dead’ stems make an attractive winter feature. Cut back hard in late winter. Free draining yet retentive fertile soil in sun or part shade. 1.2m£10.954.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Ferne Osten’ (AGM)Eulalia 2LtOne of the earliest to flower. Arching, silvery plumes in mid-July turn a vivid purple. Long, deep green leaves with a silver central stripe. Good autumnal colour. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 120x60cm.£8.505.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Gracillimus’Japanese Silver Gras 2LtUpright bamboo-like grass with very narrow curling grey-green leaves. Inflorescence of silvery-grey pink-flushed flowers fade silver in autumn. The whole plant bleaches straw colour in winter. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 120x60cm.£8.506.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Kleine Fontane’ (AGM)Eulalia 2LtTall, graceful, deciduous grass with narrow green leaves with a central silver stripe. Lax plumes of silver-red flowers fade silver & persist all winter. Good autumnal colour. Any not too dry soil in sun or part shade. 150x75cm.£8.505.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Kleine Silberspinne’ (AGM)Eulalia 2LtCompact, low growing cultivar with narrow deep green leaves heavily veined white. Arching panicles of very silky, silvery-white flower heads persist all winter. Good autumnal colour. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 75x45cm.£8.505.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Malepartus’Eulalia 2LtTall plumes emerge rich purple mid July before maturing a glowing silver. Narrow, deep green leaves with a silver central stripe. Good Autumnal colour. Retentive, rich, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 150x60cm.£8.506.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Morning Light’ (AGM)Eulalia 2LtTall, statuesque grass with narrow, arching, dark green leaves, the white margins giving a silvery effect. Feathery, silky panicles of purple-tinted soft cream flowers; autumn. Retentive soil in full sun. 120x75cm.£8.505.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Neil Lucas’Eulalia 2LtAn extremely elegant variety. The long, linear leaves with white mid ribs start off lush green turning to tones of red tints Large upright stems topped with arching creamy plumes in late summer which persist well into winter. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 150x90cm. Named after N Lucas, Knoll Gardens£7.958.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Nippon’Eulalia 2LtOne of the dwarfer varieties with graceful, upright stems clothed in narrow green leaves. Thin feathery silver plumes held on differing stem lengths; August through winter. Good autumnal colour. Any not too dry soil in sun or part shade. 75x45cm.£8.505.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Purple Falls’ 2LtA bold clump forming grass with purple stems lined with shiny, linear & arching exquisiitly tinted purple leaves turning red purple in autumn. Large pilumes of ale-pink flowers are borne in summer and early autumn turning silvery-grey in winter. Fertile, reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. 1.5m+£8.751.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Red Tower’Eulalia 2LtOne of the most spectacular in flower. Large arching plumes of bright metallic-red ‘flowers’ from late summer the dessicated heads persisting through winter.. Upright stems with narrow leaves with a silver stripe Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 150x90cm.£7.951.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Ruby Cute’Eulalia 2LtA compact form with narrow, arching green leaves with a white midrib. The leaves take on a pink tint in late summer before turning deep red in autumn. Pale, feathery flower spikes are produced in late summer and early autumn, and can last into winter. Clump forming but non invasive grass for a moist yet drained fertile soil in sun or part shade. 60cms£8.502.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Samurai’Eulalia 2LtA tall bold,clumpforming grass with stiff stems the clasping red tinged leaves having a central silver stripe. Plumes of folded flowers emerge red-brown turning silver-buff with age. The whole plant turns straw coloured in winter. Any not too dry soil in sun or part shade. Cut back hard in early spring. 150cm£9.952.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Silberfeder’ (AGM) 2LtTall upright stems clothed in fluttering ribbon-like leaves. Feathery silver-pink plumes in Autumn. Moisture retentive soil. Ht:1.8m£8.505.00
Miscanthus sinensis ‘Strictus’ (AGM)Eulalia 2LtRather Similar To Zebrinus’. Erect Leafy Stems With Zebra-Like Stripes Of Golden-Yellow Bands. Airy Sprays Of Buff Flws Are Not As Freely Produced As In Some Hybrids. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-10) 120cm.£8.505.00
Molinia caerulea arundinacea ‘Black Arrows’Moor Grass 1.4LtVery tall, deciduous grass with airy, bead like, almost black plumes held on wispy dark stems during late summer & autumn.. Clumps of soft, grassy foliage. Prune hard in spring. Best in a retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 160cm.£5.752.00
Molinia caerulea arundinacea ‘Karl Foerster’Purple Moor Grass 1.4LtTufted clump-former with long, narrow, mid-green leaves, purple at the base. Long, open spikelets of purple flowers on arching stems; spring to autumn. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 150x60cms.£5.504.00
Molinia caerulea arundinacea ‘Transparent’Purple Moor Grass 1.4LtA tall airy grass, almost see-through, giving a lovely open feel to the border in late summer. Erect panicles of widely spaced, bead-like flws spway in the breeze. Insignificant lvs. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 180cm.£6.252.00
Molinia caerulea arundinacea ‘Windspiel’Purple Moor Grass 1.4LtA wonderful large grass for autumn colour. Tall, upright clumps of thin leaves taking on a rich honey-yellow hue. Small, lacy flower heads persist into winter. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 180x90cm.£5.952.00
Molinia caerulea caerulea ‘Moorhexe’Purple Moor Grass 1.4LtA selected dwarf form of our native species. It is highly tolerant of almost any conditions except extreme drought. Clumps of narrow bluish foliage are topped by wide-branching deep purple-black sprays. 45x30cm.£6.252.00
Molinia caerulea caerulea ‘Poul Petersen’Moor Grass 1.4LtNamed for the well known Danish nurseryman. Deciduous, fine needled grass is bright-green, turning gold in winter. Erectly held, small, open airy plumes of purple flowers during late summer. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 70cm.£5.754.00
Panicum bulbosum 1.4LtLess well known than P. virgatum this prairie grass has the advantage of flowering some 2 months earlier. Bulbous roots give rise to clumps of greyish foliage. Long stems topped with sprays of red tinted flowers in mid summer. Reasonably tolerant but prefers a free draining soil in sun. Central & southern North America.£5.755.00
Panicum ‘Oxblood Autumn’Switch grass 1.4LtForms clumps of softly arching, lustrous, green leaves with dark red tones – increasing with age. Plumes of reddish purple flower heads in autumn. Reasonably drained, fertile soil in sun. 80x60cms. £6.509.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Dallas Blues’Switch Grass 2LtA tall form, found in Dallas & introduced in 1990. Stout, chalky blue stems & ribbon like, chalky blue leaves, with the tips nodding. Spectacular golden-orange autumn colour. Bead like, airy pastel-mauve flowers in autumn. Best in retentive soil in sun. (8-10) 150cm.£9.256.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Hanse Herms’Switch Grass 2LtA good choice for autumnal colour. Arching lvs with a strong purple-brown colour in late summer & yellow in autumn. Reddish-purple flower plumes on upright stems late in the season. Retentive soil in sun. (9-10) 150cm.£9.253.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Heavy Metal’Switch grass 1.4LtClumps of upright, arching lvs with a steely-grey hue & slightly hairy. In autumn they take on a wonderful golden-yellow hue. Airy, open panicles of small, bead-like biscuit coloured flws, persisting through winter. Ordinary soil in sun or shade. 90cm.£5.753.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Heiliger Hahn’Switch Grass 1.4LtShorter form of switch grass with tidy, upright clumps of narrow, blue-green leaves with burgundy speckling, becoming more extensive in autumn. Loose, open plumes of tiny rosy-buff flowers in autumn. Retentive soil in sun or pt/sh. (8-10) 80cm.£5.759.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Hot Rod’Switch grass 2LtForms clumps of softly arching, lustrous, blue-green leaves with dark red tones the colour intensifying with age to dark wine red – earlier than most other varieties, Plumes of reddish purple flower heads in autumn. Reasonably drained, fertile soil in sun. 90x60cms. £7.509.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’Switch Grass 1.4LtSelected in Wisconsin, this bolt upright perennial has tight clumps of grey-green leaves with a steely caste, turning butter yellow in autumn. Airy, bead like plumes of silver flowers ageing burnished gold in autumn. Well drained soil in sun.(8-11)120cm.£5.953.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Northwind’Switch Grass 2Lt£7.953.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Prairie Sky’Switch Grass 1.4LtLike A Tall Form Of Heavy Metal’, with the leaves covered in a silver-blue bloom, especially on emergence in spring. Airy, amber-brown spikelets, ageing straw. Found by a Wisconsin railroad. Good autumnal color. Well drained soil in sun. (8-10) 180cm.£5.755.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Prairie Sky’Switch Grass 2LtLike A Tall Form Of Heavy Metal’, with the leaves covered in a silver-blue bloom, especially on emergence in spring. Airy, amber-brown spikelets, ageing straw. Found by a Wisconsin railroad. Good autumnal color. Well drained soil in sun. 180cm.£8.254.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Purple Haze’Switch Grass 2LtBred at Bressingham gardens with has deciduous clumps of blue-green leaves with purple tips, more so at flowering in autumn. Haze of bead like purple flowers;- July to October. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (7-10) 100cm.£9.254.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Rubrum’Crab Grass 2LtNarrowly upright, deciduous grass with linear, flat leaves turning a wonderful bright to purple hue in autumn. Airy spikes of small burgundy red beads persist well into winter, looking lovely covered in frost. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 100cm£9.253.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Shaggy’Switch Grass 1.4LtThis is a switch grass for which i can find no information whatsover. Will be a deciduous grass for a retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-10) 90x45cm.£6.506.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Shenandoah’Switch Grass 1.4LtDeciduous species which has burgundy-red tipped lvs, with the blades turning complete burgundy in autumn. Airy panicles of small bead like burgundy purple flws create a haze in late autumn. retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (9-11) 90cm.£6.501.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Strictum’Switch Grass 2LtNarrwo, very upright stems with narrow, ribbon-like mid-green lvs which turn butter-yellow in autumn. Weeping panicles of tiny bead-like, yellow-green spikeletsin autumn. Fertile, well drained soil in sun. (8-10) 120cm.£9.254.00
Panicum virgatum ‘Warrior’Switch Grass 2LtLarge heads of airy purple-flushed flws in open panicles. Green lvs turn reddish-brown in autumn. Retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 120cm.£7.506.00
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Hameln’Swamp Foxtail Grass 1.4LtForms clumps of stiff, bright green leaves arching to form elegant clumps; September to November. Takes on yellow & orange tints in Autumn. Hairy brown bottlebrushes on short stems. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 60x45cms.£6.2511.00
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Hameln’Swamp Foxtail Grass 2Lt£8.251.00
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Little Bunny’Fountain Grass 1.4LtA dwarf selection for the front of the border forming a dense tuft of deciduous narrow green lvs. Bottlebrush-like spikes of bristly yellow-green flws ageing purple-brown. Flws late summer & autumn. Light, well drained soil in sun. (8-10) 30cm.£6.251.00
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Moudry’Foxtail Grass 1.4LtDistinct species with very long, erect, bottlebrush like flowers emerging brown, becoming burnished black with age. The flowers emerge from the crown of ribbon like leaves with the yellow autumn colour. Sheltered, well drained spot in sun. 90cm.£5.952.00
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Moudry’Foxtail Grass 2Lt£8.503.00
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Red Head’Fountain Grass 2LtArching clumps of ribbon like, yellow-green leaves taking on fiery orange & red autumn colours. One of the first to flower in early autumn with impressive spikes fat, silvery-pink bottlebrushes over a long period. late into growth in spring & needs to be cut back hard. Sheltered, well drained spot in sun. 90cm.£7.952.00
Pennisetum alopecuroides ‘Weserbergland’Fountain Grass 2LtDensely tufted, evergreen grass with deep green leaves. Wiry stems topped with large, bristly, bottle-brush flowers; late summer into autumn. A newer German selection of compact habit. Prefers a fertile, light, well drained soil in sun. Ht: 45cms.£8.251.00
Pennisetum orientale ‘Flamingo’Fountain Grass 2LtSimilar to but flowering a tad later than ‘Karley Rose’. Multiple stems topped with long, arching soft pink-grey, fluffy bottlebrushes which age deep rose-pink;- midsummer into autumn. Clump forming perennial with tufts of long linear leaves.Warm, sheltered spot in sun. 90cms£8.251.00
Pennisetum thunbergii ‘Red Buttons’Foxtail Grass 2LtA very spectacular Fountain Grass with abundant foxtail like rusty red flowers, ageing buff held on wiry stems above the leaves;- late summer & autumn. Erect clumps of rough rolled leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Needs a warm, sheltered, well drained spot in sun. 100cm.£7.507.00
Poa alpinaAlpine meadow grass 1.4LtSmall, sparsely tufted grass highly adapted for survival in rocky crevices etc. Narrow, evergreen leaves. Pyramidal, bronze flower heads adapted to sometimes producing young plants on the spikelets. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 40cms.£5.956.00
Poa chaixii 1.4LtClump-forming grass making dense tufts of broad, flat, reed-like, glossy, rich green leaves to 45cms long. Strong, upright stems with pale green flower heads (25cms long) held well above the foliage. Reasonably drained soil in sun/part shade. 90x45cms.£6.259.00
Scirpioides holoschoenusSedge 1.4LtArching, thin bladed, perennial sedge with fine, swirling fresh green leaves. Small, rounded, cockscomb like flowers similar to those of Carex heg the stems in late summer. Any reasonable soil, especially retentive in sun or part shade. 60cm.£5.754.00
Sesleria caeruleaBlue Moor Grass 2LtVigorous, tufted, mound-forming evegreen with round tipped, linear, pale blue-grey leaves; glosyy dark green on the underside. Greenish white spikelets from mid spring to early summer. Well drained soil in sun or part shade.£8.501.00
Sesleria sadlerianaMoor Grass 1.4LtA tight, vigorous, clump-forming, evergreen grass. Stiff blades of rich green with metallic-silver undersides & an overall sheen. Attractive, long blue-green flower spikes; May to July. Any ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 60x60cm.£6.256.00
Sporobolus heterolepisDropseed, Rush Grass 1.4LtA dense, tufted, upright grass with very fine mid-green leaves. Long grey-green stems with pyramidal ascending branches tipped with dark green flower spikelets. Said to smell of popcorn & coriander? Good autumnal colour. Well drained soil in sun. 60x45cm.£5.954.00
Stipa gigantea (AGM)Giant Oat Grass 2LtA majestic grass forming a dense bluish mound of leaves. Everlasting heads open purple & turn oat gold & persist for up to 3 years. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 180×90.£8.5010.00
Stipa gigantea ‘Pixie’ 2LtA dwarfer form of this popular grass with plumes only to 1.2mtrs as opposed to 1.8mtrs. Tufts of fine, needle like leaves re rather insignificant. tall, arching golden stems with airy plumes of creamy-buff flowers through summer, often remaining on the plant most of the year. Well drained soil in sun. (6-10) 120cm.£9.2510.00
Stipa tenuissimaNeedle Grass 1.4LtA delicate evergreen grass with very fine, bright green leaves. Wispy, feathery panicles of creamy-buff flowers; May to July. Best cut back hard in late winter. Ordinary well drained soil in sun or part shade. 75x45cm.£6.754.00



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