
Herbaceous Perennials & Bulbs

Updated: 22 Jan. Note: stock numbers may not be accurate. Home / UK grown in peat free compost

Plant NameCommon NamePot SizeFull description of plantRetail PriceIn Stock
Acaena microphylla ‘Kupferteppich’New Zealand Burr 1.4Ltsyn.Copper Carpet’. Gently creeping evergreen ground cover, with pinnate bronze leaves, rooting as they run. Small rounded insignificant flowers are followed by large showy bright red burrs in late summer. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 2cm.£5.251.00
Acanthus hungaricus ‘White Lips’Bears Breeches 2LtTall, stiff spikes of silvery-green bracts with hooded. dusky-purple protruding flowers with a frilly, prominent white lower lip. throughout summer. Basal clumps of bold, leathery, finely cut, glossy green leaves. Best in a light, free draining soil in sun. 70cm. Selected form of a Balkan native.£7.252.00
Acanthus ‘Morning’s Candle’Bear’s Breeches 2LtSelected for it’s long spikes of white flowers with just a kiss of pink of the exterior, held in dark maroon-purple & jade green suffused bracts;- summer. Rosettes of spiny leaves. Well drained soil in sun. (7-8) 90cm.£7.951.00
Acanthus senniiAfrican Acanthus 3LtAmazing shrubby evergreen species with woody stems & glossy, intensely spiny holly like leaves. Spikes of rich red flowers during spring & often late summer & autumn. From east Africa & proving surprisingly tough, hardy with us in a cold greenhouse so far. (3-4 & 8-10) 2.0mtrs.£6.953.00
Acanthus spinosus (AGM)Bears Breeches 2LtStately perennial of architectural merit. Stiff spikes of hooded soft mauve flowers with white lips; good seed heads. Rich, glossy, deeply cut leaves to 90cms. giving good ground cover. Prefers good, well drained soil in sun or light shade. 90x90cms (7-9)£7.7517.00
Acanthus ‘Whitewater’ 2LtStriking architectural, clump forming, semi evergreen perennial with large, deeply lobed, glossy green leaves heavily splashed white. Bold panicles of dark red buds opening to hooded, fragrant, pink-flushed, white flowers in mid- to late spring. For a deep, fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade..1.0m+£8.502.00
Achillea ‘Fanal’Yarrow, Milfoil 1.4Ltsyn. ‘The Beacon’. Flattened heads of rich cherry-red flowers with a yellow eye, eventually fading terracotta-orange with age. Flowers over a long period through midsummer. Mounds of aromatic, finely pinnate green leaves, flushed silver. Retentive soil in sun or shade. (6-9) 75cm.£5.752.00
Achillea filipendulina ‘Gold Plate’ (AGM)Yarrow, Milfoil 1.4LtLarge flattened heads of GOLDEN-YELLOW flowers; early summer to early autumn. Good for drying & cutting. Grey-green pinnate leaves. Retentive well drained soil in sun. 129x75cm.£6.251.00
Achillea filipendulina ‘Gold Plate’ (AGM)Yarrow, Milfoil 2Lt£7.505.00
Achillea ‘Inca Gold’Yarrow, Milfoil. 1.4LtA striking new hybrid with flat heads of small MARMALADE-ORANGE FADING TO CREAMY-YELLOW in succession all summer. Feathery fern-like silvery green foliage. Well drained retentive soil in sun. 60x45cm.£6.257.00
Achillea millefolium ‘Cerise Queen’Yarrow, Milfoil 1.4LtLarge flattened heads of bright magenta-pink flowers with a small white eye; early summer to early autumn. Flowers fade with age. Mid-green pinnate leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in full sun. 60x60cm.£5.753.00
Achillea millefolium ‘Little Moonshine’ (PBR) 1.4LtA compact form of this ever popular & reliable clump-forming perennial. Forms clumps of highly aromatic, ferny, grey-green evergreen leaves the branching stems topped with flattened heads of bright yellow flowers held over a long period and also dry well; June -Sept. Loved by bees & butterflies. Reasonably free draining, fertile soil in sun or part shade. 35cms.£6.252.00
Achillea millefolium ‘Red Beauty’Yarrow, Milfoil 1.4LtAttractive species with flattened heads of true-red flowers with a small yellow eye;- midsummer, held on well branched stems. Creeping mats of fern like rich green leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-7) 60cm.£5.757.00
Achillea millefolium ‘Red Velvet’Yarrow, Milfoil 1.4LtFlattened heads of velvet textured cherry red unfading flowers with a small white eye during summer. Basal clumps of finely cut silver green leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 75cm.£6.2510.00
Achillea millefolium ‘Rose Madder’Yarrow, Milfoil. 1.4LtFlattened heads of rich raspberry-pink flowers not fading with age & usually repeating long into autumn. Short, compact habit with fresh green finely cut leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 35cm.£6.259.00
Achillea ‘Paprika’Yarrow 2LtUpright stems topped with flat heads of DARK CHERRY-RED flowers with a small yellow eye; June to September. Basal clumps of finely-cut, ferny, aromatic, green-grey foliage. Any reasonable soil in sun. Ht: 60-90cms.£8.253.00
Achillea ptarmica ‘Peter Cottontail’Yarrow, Milfoil 2LtVery bushy, well branched compact, hardy perennial very well covered in heads of large, double-white, button-like, fluffy flowers resembling ‘bunny tails’; May into summer..Toothed dark-green, aromatic leaves. leaves. Excellent hardy perennial for a well drained, sunny position. 45cms£7.253.00
Achillea ptarmica The Pearl’ (clonal selection)Yarrow or Milfoil 2LtThis form grown at Wisley for many years is the true original clone as introduced & not the seed raised strain which has evolved today. Fully double button-like flowers & pinnate fresh green leaves on strong stems. (5-7) 60cm.£7.255.00
Achillea ‘Summerwine’ (AGM)Yarrow 1.4LtIncredibly bright glowing intense scarlet-red flowers ageing yellow. Mounds of deeply cut, pinnate, grey-green leaves. Retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 75cm.£6.251.00
Aconitum carmichaelii (Arendsii Group) ‘Arendsii’Monkshood 2LtNoble, erect perennial with tall spikes of large, hooded, mid-blue flowers; freely produced in early autumn. Rich-green, divided leaves. ALL PARTS POISONOUS. Most soils in sun or part shade. 120x60cm.£7.952.00
Aconitum carmichaelii wilsonii ‘Barker’s Variety’Monkshood 2LtGood bold, back of the border variety with large spikes of hooded mid-blue flowers on thick stems. Glossy, deeply divided dark-green leaves. ALL PARTS POISONOUS. Retentive soil in sun or shade. (6-8) 150cm.£6.954.00
Aconitum carmichaelii wilsonii ‘Spatlese’Monkshood 1.4LtGerman selection, with spikes of clear, light blue flowers, shading darker at the edges, over a long period. Clumps of deeply cut leaves, bronze tinted when young. Humus rich, retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-10) 120cm.£6.251.00
Aconitum carmichaelii wilsonii ‘Spatlese’Monkshood 2Lt£7.951.00
Aconitum Cloudy’Monkshood 2LtVery subtle, erect spikes of helmet shaped, palest soft grey-blue flowers with a paler keel. Very subtle & excellent colour for midsummer. Mounds of divided basal leaves. ALL PARTS POISONOUS. Retentive soil in sun or shade. (6-8) 75cm.£6.953.00
Aconitum fischeriMonkshood 2LtThought to be a synonym for carmichaelii, this is a short species even if it is not a true one! Thick textured, glossy, divided leaves & short spikes of hooded bright blue flowers during summer. ALL PARTS POISONOUS. Retentive soil in sun/shade. (6-8) 30cm.£7.1512.00
Aconitum fischeri arcuatumMonkshood 2Ltcoll. from steep wooded hillsides at T’aebaeksan, S. Korea. Tall, rather willowy stems with deeply cut, lobed rather sparse dark-green leaves. Spikes of high hooded, deep purple-blue helmets during late summer & autumn. Cool, moist woodland soil in part shade. (7-9) 200cm.£7.2514.00
Aconitum ‘Ivorine’Monkshood 2LtUpright spikes of hooded, tubular, IVORY-WHITE flowers; May to July. Glossy, heavily cut leaves. Grows best in retentive soil in sun or part shade. 90cms. TUBEROUS ROOTS ARE VERY POISONOUS.£7.2511.00
Aconitum lycoctonum neapolitanum 2Lt(A.pyrenaicum / pyrenaicum etc) Clump forming, well branched perennial well covered in hooded, pale sulphur-yellow flowers over a relatively long period from July into September; attractive to bees. Leathery, glossy, malple like leaves. Toxic if eaten. For a good fertile, moist yet drained soil in sun or part shade. European native. 1.2m£7.259.00
Aconitum napellusMonkshood 2Lt(Monkshood) Erect spires of large, hooded, DEEP BLUE flowers over a long period; July to September. Clumps of glossy, deeply cut foliage. POISONOUS especially roots. Sun or shade in fertile retentive soil. 130x60cms.£6.953.00
Aconitum napellus ‘Album’White monkshood 2LtSpikes of large, hooded, white flowers freely produced; early summer. Stiff, upright stems clothed with glossy, dark green, finely cut leaves. ALL PARTS POISONOUS. Retentive soil in sun or shade. 90x45cms.£7.251.00
Aconitum ‘Newry Blue’Monkshood 2LtHeavily branched spikes of hooded MID-BLUE flowers; mid to late summer. Rounded, lobed dark green leaves. Retentive or moist soil in sun or shade. 120x60cm.£7.258.00
Aconitum sp. from Kath DrydenMonks Hood 2LtShorter form found growing in Nepal but not identified. Strong stems with divided glossy green leaves. Pyramidal panicles of high hooded violet-blue flowers, paler grey-blue inside;- mid to late summer. Retentive soil in sun or shade. (7-10) 65cm.£7.955.00
Aconitum Spark’s Variety’ (AGM)Monkshood 2Lt(syn.A.henryi) Erect stems carry closely packed spikes of INTENSE VIOLET-BLUE hooded flowers. Forms clumps of spreading, glossy, dark green, finely cut leaves. Good retentive soil in sun or part shade. ALL PARTS POISONOUS. 120x60cm. Flowers: June-August.£6.959.00
Aconitum x cammarum ‘Bicolor’ (AGM)Monkshood 2LtErect spikes of hooded bicoloured flowers of violet & white; June-August. Glossy, deep, finger-like leavers. Retentive soil in a sunny site. 120x45cm. ALL PARTS ESPECIALLY ROOTS, ARE POISONOUS.£7.253.00
Actaea ‘Chocoholic’Bugbane 2LtShorter form of simplex with rosettes of airy, finely divided rich chocolate-brown leaves, reddish in autumn. Erect spikes of white flowers from purple-pink buds;- late summer & autumn. Retentive soil in part shade is best to retain colour. (8-9) 75cm.£7.951.00
Actaea cordifoliaBugbane 2LtWAS CIMICIFUGA.Much confused with racemosa & rubifolia. Clump former with mounds of deeply cut fresh green leaves. Branched stems with curved racemes of unpleasantly scented white flowers in late summer. Moist, fertile, humus rich soil in part shade. 120cm. (8-9)£7.9511.00
Actaea japonica from Cheju DoBugbane 2LtVery distinct form, collected by Darrell Probst. The leaves are not very deeply cut & emerge purple white silver veining, more green at flowering. Erect, candelabra like spikes of white flowers on black stems during autumn. Retentive soil in part or full shade. (8-10) 120cm.£7.9511.00
Actaea japonica ‘Silver Dance’Bugbane 2LtA more compact, distinct form with stunning silver veined purple palmate leaves. Erect, candelabra like spikes of white flowers on black stems during late summer into autumn. Attractive to bees. Beautiful statuesque, clump forming perennial for a retentive soil in part or full shade. 60cm.New to us 2023£8.5012.00
Actaea pachypoda Misty Blue’Doll’s Eye 1.4LtAttractive woodlander with erect stems having finely cut, ash grey leaves. Short, fluffy spikes of white flowers in May followed by spikes of white fruit, held on bright red stalks;- late summer. Best a rich, retentive, woodsy soil in part shade. (5-6) 75cm.£6.251.00
Actaea pachypoda Misty Blue’Doll’s Eye 2Lt£6.955.00
Actaea podocarpaAmerican Bugbane 2Ltsyn. americana. Rarely seen species from the Eastern States, with rounded, rather gently lobed basal lvs. Long, slender racemes of creamy-white flws on unbranched stems inlate summer. Retentive, humus rich soil in part shade. 180cm. (8-10)£8.951.00
Actaea ‘Queen of Sheba’Bugbane 2LtA shorter form with much more finely cut, dark brown-black divided leaves. Arching, very long, narrow sprays of white flowers over a long period through autumn. Best in a retentive soil with some shade at least. (8-10) 130cm.£11.951.00
Actaea racemosa (AGM)Black Snake Root 2LtSlender, branched stems bearing long (to 60cm) bottlebrushes of white flowers; midsummer. Forms clumps of attractive, divided, fresh green leaves. Best in moist, fertile, humus-rich soil in part shade. From: 1.0 to 2.0m x 60cms.£7.504.00
Actaea simplex Atropurpurea GroupCimicifuga 2Lt(formerly Cimicifuga) Unusual hybrid with erect spikes of starry WHITE flowers with long anthers, flushed deep pink in bud & held on bronze stems;- autumn. Mounds of deeply cut, bronze purple leaves. Rich, tretentive soil in sun or shade. 150cm.£7.955.00
Actaea simplex Atropurpurea Grp ‘Brunette’Bugbane 2Lt(syn.Cimicifuga) The most spectacular hybrid. Compact wands of pink tinted, white flowers from purple buds; early & mid autumn. Basal clumps of dark purplish-bronze leaves. Moist, fertile, humus rich soil in part shade. 90x45cm.£8.2511.00
Actaea simplex ‘Black Negligee’ (Atropurpurea Group)Bugbane 2Ltsyn. Cimicifuga. Probably the darkest leaved selection to date with mounds of cut, rich purple-black leaves holding their colour well through summer. Arching wands of white flowers from purple tinted buds during autumn. Retentive soil in shade. Ht2.5mtrs.£8.5025.00
Actaea simplex ‘Hillside Black Beauty’ (Atropurpurea Group)Bugbane 2Ltwas cimicifuga. Mounds of deeply cut, richest plum purple, almost black leaves, a great improvement on all other purple leaved forms. Erect spikes of white flowers from pink flushed buds. Rich, retentive soil in part shade. (9-10) 125cm.£9.507.00
Actaea simplex ‘James Compton’ (Atropurpurea Group)Bugbane 2Lt(WAS CIMICIFUGA) Mounds of finely cut, serrated basal leaves flushed purple-bronze, giving a two-tone effect. Arching spikes of scented white bottlebrush-like flowers in late summer & autumn. Retentive, humus-rich soil in part or full shade. (7-9) 90cm.£7.951.00
Actaea simplex ‘Pink Spike’Bugbane 2LtShowy, autumn flowering species for the woodland garden with erectly held spikes of soft-pink flowers, consisting mainly of stamens on long, wand like stems;- late summer & autumn. Basal mounds of cut, smokey purple-brown leaves.Humus soil in pt/sh.150cm£6.9515.00
Adenophora stricta sessilifoliaLadybells 1.4LtFound growing on forest margins through Western China, this attractive, non running species has hairy reddish stems with narrow, pointed leaves. Arching stems with sprays of hanging, bell-shaped rich blue flowers throughout early summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-8) 40cm.£5.952.00
Adenophora tashiroiLadybells 1.4LtSpikes of pendent, bell shaped small lilac-blue flowers on unbranched stems; midsummer. Elliptic, coarsely toothed leaves. Rich, moist well drained soil in sun or part shade. 30x30cm.£5.957.00
Adoxa moschatellinaTown Hall Clock 1.4Lt(Town Hall Clock) rare native forming spreading mats of very finely cut, fresh green leaves. Rather small yellowish-green flowers spin & track the sun as it moves around the sky, hance the strange common name & also the square flower head. Cool, moist woodland soil in part shade. 10cm.£5.9511.00
Agapanthus africanus ‘Twister’African Blue Lily 2LtNeeding a very sheltered spot, this semi-evergreen has basal clumps of strap-like, broad green leaves. Large, dense, packed, rounded heads of narrowly tubular white flowers, stained bright-blue on the tube during mid to late summer. Free draining soil in sun. (7-8) 60x45cm.£8.952.00
Agapanthus africanus ‘Twister’African Blue Lily 3Lt£12.254.00
Agapanthus ‘Beeches Dwarf’African Lily 2LtOur own selected dwarf form. Showy umbels of SOFT POWDERY-BLUE flowers with a darker mid blue midrib down each petal; mid to late summer. Deciduous & quite hardy. Retentive well drained soil in full sun. 30x30cm.£8.7512.00
Agapanthus ‘Black Pantha’African Blue Lily 2LtIntermediate umbels of flared, trumpet shaped, inky blue, almost black flowers, held on black flushed stems;- July to September. Narrow, deciduous leaves make it one of the hardier ones. Retentive, free draining soil in sun. 60cm.£11.507.00
Agapanthus ‘Blue Thunder’African Blue Lily 2Lt(Everpanthus series) An excellent shorter selection with rounded umbels of goood size, rich bluetrumpet shaped flowers; late summer & early autumn. Strap-like, evergreen leaves. May require winter protection. Retentive, well drained soil in full sun.50x45cm.£12.956.00
Agapanthus campanulatus ‘Wendy’African Blue Lily 2LtVery hardy, dwarf deciduous hybrid, completely dormant in winter. Intermediate umbels of almost white flowers with a slatey sky-blue wash, during June & July. Fine tufts of strap like leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in full sun. (6-7) 35cm.£9.255.00
Agapanthus ‘Charlotte’African Blue Lily 2LtFrench hybrid with intermediate umbels of widely flared, sky-blue flowers with a darker stripe down the centre of each petal, amazingly from spring into autumn. Broad, semi-evergreen, strap-like leaves. On the borderlines of hardiness in the open garden. 100x45cm.£8.958.00
Agapanthus ‘Chika’s Blue’African Blue Lily 2LtOur own selected seedling often into flower in June & much earlier than other cultivars. Intermediate umbels of striking rich blue flowers with navy central veining held on dark flushed stems. Semi evergreen leaves. More or less hardy in sun. (6-8) 60cm.£9.255.00
Agapanthus ‘Dark Silk’African lily 3LtA deciduous, clump-forming herbaceous perennial with sturdy stems topped with large heads of trumpet-shaped dark blue flowers from dark purple-black buds; June – August. Fleshy lance shaped leaves. Winter protection advised. Retentive yet free draining soil in sun. 60cms.£12.504.00
Agapanthus ‘Double Diamond’Lily of the Nile 3LtDwarf hybrid, excellent in pots & bred in South Africa so it should be good. Unusual, fully double pure white flowers with long, pointed petals;- July & August. Semi evergreen in mild winters. Free draining soil in sun. (7-8) 20cm.£12.252.00
Agapanthus ‘Enigma’African Lily 2LtBig, bold evergreen for a warm, sheltered spot. Dense, rounded umbels of tubular white flowers, stained rich blue on the tube giving a two tone effect. Large, strap like leaves. Needs a very warm, sheltered spot in sun. (7-9) 90cm.£6.951.00
Agapanthus inapertus ‘Summer Blue Bells’African Blue Lily 2LtLong admired in Adrian Blooms Foggy Bottom Garden this distinct cultivar has now been made available. Abundant, upright, fleshy stems topped with large nodding, light blue,pendulous, bell like flowers in late summer. Free draining yet retentive, fertile soil in sun. May need winter protection. 150cm.£17.504.00
Agapanthus ‘Jacaranda’African Blue Lily 3LtSmaller evergreen with narrow, strap like leaves. Rounded umbels of rich blue flowers with a deeper central stripe, emerging from inky blue buds ;- July & August. Reasonably hardy in a sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (7-8) 80cm.£12.251.00
Agapanthus ‘Lilliput’African Blue Lily 2LtA real miniature with umbels of BRIGHT BLUE trumpet-like flowers in late summer. Narrow strap-like, almost fully evergreen leaves. Full sun in fertile, not too dry soil. 20x45cm.£7.953.00
Agapanthus ‘Midnight Sky’African Blue Lily 3LtStunning, long flowering and repeat blooming variety with wonderfully open, tubular, intense deep inky-blue flowers with a larger number of flower heads than other varieties; summer. Forms clumps of strap-like, semi-evergreen, fleshy leaves. Fertile, retentive yet drained soil in sun. May need winter protection. 80cms. Recently introduces (2023) by De Wet£12.504.00
Agapanthus ‘Misty Dawn’African Blue Lily 2LtSmaller, slower growing deciduous hybrid with the leaves emerging in spring entirely pure white. At flowering they become streaky. Loose umbels of small, rich-blue flowers during midsummer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (7-9) 45cm.£7.9512.00
Agapanthus ‘Peter Pan’African Lily 2LtA dwarf variety with umbels of flared, MID-BLUE flowers; late summer. Small clumps of narrow, strap-like, glossy green leaves. Good for cutting & excellent in pots. Usually hardy in a fertile retentive soil in sun. 30x30cm.£9.501.00
Agapanthus ‘Pino’African lily 3LtClump forming, compact, semi-evergreen variety with large umbels of pretty dark blue flowers, with contrasting central stripe down each petal, from late June to August. Possibly hardy in favourable soils, areas, winters but winter protection advised. Fertile, retentive yet free draining soil in sun. (50cm).£12.501.00
Agapanthus ‘Polar Star’ 2LtUpright, fleshy stems topped with large umbels of shiny, tubular, lavender-purple flowers with a single mauve stripe at the centre. Fleshy, lance shaped, green leaves. Free draining yet moist, fertile soil in sun or dappled shade. May need some winter protection. 60x45cms.£7.958.00
Agapanthus ‘Purple Cloud’African Lily 2LtShowy heads of tubular violet-purple flowers on erect stems; mid to late summer. Strap like leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in full sun. 75x45cm.£9.504.00
Agapanthus ‘Queen Mum’African Blue Lily 2LtHuge Australian hybrid with a rounded head packed full of small, widely falred white flowers, stained blue on the tube;- late summer into autumn. Semi-evergreen, very broad, strap like leaves. Needs a very warm, sheltered spot or cold green house in winter. (7-9) 120cm.£9.501.00
Agapanthus ‘Queen Mum’African Blue Lily 3Lt£12.254.00
Agapanthus ‘Royal Velvet’ 3LtRounded flowerheads of funnel-shaped, deep purple flowers with a darker central stripe to each petal; late summer and early autumn. Clump-forming herbaceous perennial with relatively narrow, dark grey-green leaves. Retentive yet free draining soil in sun. May need winter protection 75cms.£12.253.00
Agapanthus ‘Sandringham’African Blue Lily 2LtSuperb hybrid with umbels of intense dark-blue flowers on black flushed stems. Narrow, leathery leaves. Good in pots. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 60cm.£9.503.00
Agapanthus ‘Sky’African Lily 3LtSpectacular species with dense, nodding umbels of narrowly bell shaped sky blue flowers, held on long stalks;- late summer & early autumn. Deciduous leaves. Will need a very warm, sheltered spot in sun with a winter mulch. (8-10) 120cm.£7.951.00
Agapanthus ‘Snow Crystal’Lily of the Nile 3LtA very showy white form with large, rounded umbels of trumpet shaped pure white flowers; late summer & early autumn. Strap-like, semi evergreen, fleshy leaves. Retentive yet well drained soil in sun. 75x60cm. A relatively new form 2023£10.952.00
Agapanthus ‘Snow Pixie’African Lily 2LtChoice dwarf species, ideally suited to tubs. Dense, packed, rounded umbels of narrowly tubular, pure white flowers in late summer & autumn. Arching, glossy deciduous leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (8-9) 40cm.£6.951.00
Agapanthus ‘Streamline’Blue African Lily 2LtA beautiful bi-coloured variety with narrow, grassy, strap-like foliage. Umbels of tubular SOFTEST BLUE flowers have a slightly darker stripe down the centre of each petal. Best mulched in the first winter. Well drained soil in sun. 75 x 45cm.£7.951.00
Agapanthus ‘White Heaven’African Lily 2LtSaid to be the first repeat flowering Agapanthus. very large rounded heads of starry, narrow petalled white flowers in heads of up to 80 blooms;- August & September. Reasonably hardy in a sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (8-9) 100cm.£8.951.00
Agapanthus ‘Windsor Grey’African Lily 2LtSlow, choice & rarely offered is this wonderful selection with huge dove-grey flowers on stout stems in late summmer & autumn. Broad strap-shaped leaves. On the borderlines of hardiness in a retentive well drained soil in sun. (8-9) 60cm.£9.503.00
Agastache ‘Blackadder’Hummimgbird Hyssop 1.4LtThis foeniculum x rugosa cross is one of the hardiest hybrids for the garden. Very long lasting, bold spikes of tubular light violet-blue flowers from smokey bracts all summer to the frosts. Aromatic, nettle like leaves. Well drained spot in sun. 75cm.£5.754.00
Agastache mexicana ‘Red Fortune’Anise Hyssop 1.4LtErect, deciduous perennial with cana in it’s breeding. Spikes of darkest-pink red flowers from darker buds throughout summer. Nettle-like aromatic leaves. Loved by insects. Well drained soil in a sunny sheltered site. (6-10) 75cm.£5.751.00
Agastache ‘Serpentine’Mexican Hyssop 1.4LtTall, erect catmint like stems with highly aromatic, toothed, grey-green leaves.Whorled spikes of small, tubular rich-blue flowers during mid to late summer. Sheltered, frelly drained spot in sun. (6-9) 90cm.£6.502.00
Ageratina altissima ‘Chocolate’ (AGM)White Snakeroot 1.4Ltsyn. Eupatorium rugosum ‘Chocolate’. A form especially selected for it’s deep chocolate, nettle-like leaves on glossy brown stems. Flattened heads of pure white flowers in autumn. Retentive soil colouring best in a sunny site. (8-10) 90cm.£6.252.00
Ajuga reptans ‘Atropurpurea’ (AGM)Bugle 1.4LtGood spreading evergreen ground cover Rosettes of glossy deep bronze purple leaves & spires of hooded, bright blue flowers. Sun or shade but grows better in moister conditions. 15x90cm. Flowers: May to June.£6.258.00
Ajuga reptans ‘Burgundy Glow’Bugle 1.4LtCreeping, quick-spreading, evergreen ground cover with silvery-green leaves suffused dark red. Dark blue flowers in spikes in late spring & early summer. Best in moist, retentive soil with some shade. 15x60cm.£5.251.00
Alchemilla glabraLady’s Mantle 1.4LtThe largest leaved form of our native species found mainly in Scotland & Wales & N.England. Basal clumps of grey-green leaves with crimped margins. Airy sprays of small yellow-green flowers during midsummer. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (6-9) 40cm.£6.752.00
Alchemilla mollis (AGM)Lady’s Mantle 1.4LtA beautiful combination of pendant sprays of green-yellow flowers over a mound of serrated, oval grey-green leaves which hold droplets of water at the edges after rain. Good ground cover. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. 45x45cms. Flowers: June-July.£5.7536.00
Alchemilla valdehirsutaLady’s Mantle 1.4LtRarely seen in cultivation, this small very neat species from the Caucasus proved to be an excellent edger. Mounds of round lobed, softly grey-green leaves. Sprays of tiny yellow flowers on well branched stems during summer. Easy in any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (5-8) 20cm.£5.952.00
Alchemilla venosaLady’s Mantle 1.4LtLike a small version of mollis. This Caucasian species has thinner textured leaves. The yellow-green flowers open a month earlier than mollis. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 40cm.£6.503.00
Allium altissimumOrnamental Onion 1.4LtDensely packed umbels of VIOLET tubular flowers with a dark central vein down each petal. A large, bold, bulbous perennial forming clumps of grassy leaves. Fertile well drained soil in sun or part shade. 120x45cm. Flowers: Midsummer.£4.754.00
Allium caeruleum (AGM)Ornamental Onion 1Lt(syn.A.azureum) Dense heads of BLUE-PURPLE flowers on naked stems; May to July. Clump-forming bulb with rosettes of narrow leaves which have withered before the flowers appear. Ordinary, well drained soil in sun. 20x30cms.£4.952.00
Allium cernuum (AGM)Lady’s Leek 1Ltcoll; Olympic mtns, Clallam Co, Washington. Drooping heads of AMETHYST-PINK flowers turning upward when pollinated; summer. Showy seed heads. Narrow grassy leaves. Fertile, well drained soil in sun. 45x30cm.£4.755.00
Allium ‘Forelock’Ornamental Onion 1.4LtTall allium, most likely a hybrid of atropurpurpureum. Flattened oval heads of sombre maroon flowers opening to show the white stamens with a curious tuft on the top. Flowers early summer. light, free draining soil in sun. 120cm.£4.651.00
Allium hollandicum ‘Purple Sensation’ (AGM)Ornamental onion 1.4LtStrong, upright stems topped with VERY RICH DEEP-PURPLE, starry flowers in rounded heads; May & June. Excellent, clump forming, bulbous perennial; the strap-like leaves die back at flowering time. Grows in any reasonable soil in a sunny position. 90x30cm.£4.751.00
Allium lenkoranicumOrnamental Onion 1LtVery rarely seen small alpine species, with umbels of narrow buff bells emerging from a long arching, sheathing spathe. Narrow, thread like leaves. Autumn flowering. Well drained soil in sun. (8-9) 15cm.£4.357.00
Allium moly ‘Jeannine’ (AGM)Yellow Onion 1.4LtRounded heads of bowl-shaped, bright yellow flowers with a lovely sweet scent; summer. Lance-shaped, glaucous leaves. Excellent variety for naturalising. Best in well drained soil with some shade but tolerates sun. 30x60cm.£4.952.00
Allium prattiiOrnamental Onion 1LtStrange little Chinese Onion, much misrepresented in cultivation. This has pairs of prostrate, glossy green, broad leaves. Open umbels of small, bell-shaped rich burgundy-red flowers during June & July. Best in a humus rich, well drained soil in sun. (6-7) 20cm.£5.651.00
Allium przewalskianumAlpine Onion 1.4LtDiminutive alpine species with tufts if very fine, thread like leaves. Small but dense round heads of bell shaped rose-purple flowers in late spring & early summer. The base of the leaves are stained orange. From East Asia & China. Light soil in sun. (4-5) 10cm.£6.2511.00
Allium ‘Purple Rain’Ornamental Onion 1.4LtA large flowered form on a slightly shorter stem. Rounded heads packed with violet-purple flowers throughout May & June. the strap like grey-green leaves wither at flowering. Well drained, light soil in sun. (5-6) 60cm.£4.703.00
Allium schubertiiOrnamental Onion 1.4LtRosettes of wide, strap-shaped leaves & umbels of large star-shaped, pinky-purple flowers on stalks of varying length; summer. Good for drying. Large, bulbous species for a gritty, well drained, sheltered site in sun. 45x30cm.£4.753.00
Allium senescensOrnamental Onion 1.4LtVery variable European species with fans of slightly twisted, often grey flushed leaves. Rounded umbels of usually soft pink flowers during early summer. easy in well drained soil in sun or light shade. (5-7) 30cm.£4.952.00
Allium zebdanenseOrnamentalk Onion 1LtUmbels of large bell shaped scented white flowers in spring. Strap like leaves. Fertile well drained soil in a sunny sheltered site. Rare native of the Lebanon. 30x30cm.£5.9510.00
Alonsoa warsewiczii ‘Peachy-keen’Mask flower 1.4LtA slightly tender Diascia-like plant with branching stems carrying spikes of two-lipped peachy-pink flowers all summer & autumn. Excellent for containers and overwintering in the conservatory. Easily propagated from cuttings or seed. Well drained soil in sun. 60x60cm.£6.508.00
Alstroemeria ‘Little Miss Zoe’Lily of the Incas 3LtDwarf, compact form the fleshy stems clothed in elliptic, creamy-yellow leaves edged in rich green. Exotic looking, funnel shaped, bright rich-red, speckled flowers with a yellow throat; July until frosts. Dead head regularly. Free draining soil in sun. 20cms£16.751.00
Althaea officinalisMarshmallow 2LtNative herbaceous, clump forming perennial the erect stems carrying silky cup-shaped soft pink to white flowers with deeper veining; mid summer. Soft grey-green leaves. The roots once a source for marshmallow confections. Any reasonable soil in sun. 90cm.£7.508.00
Amaryllis belladonna (AGM)Amaryllis 2LtSouth African bulb with stout, naked stems carrying up to 6, large, trumpet shaped, scented, mid pink flowers;- autumn. The strap like, fleshy leaves are produced after flowering. Plant with bulb necks at the surface in a sheltered spot in sun. 60cm.£6.5011.00
Amaryllis belladonna (AGM)Amaryllis 3Lt£7.255.00
Amianthium muscitoxicumFly Poison 2LtALL PARTS POISONOUS. A small, clump forming perennial, previously included in Zigadenus. Clumps of grassy, strap-like, fresh-green leaves. Erect spikes with whorls of small, star-shaped, creamy-white flowers, borne from early to midsummer. Retentive soil in sun or shade. 45x30cm.£6.951.00
Amsonia ‘Blue Ice’Blue Star 2LtAttractive hybrid with heads of starry, periwinkle like palest sky-blue flowers from inky blue buds, held in domed heads;- mid to late summer. Willowy, erect stems with narrow leaves. Easy in well drained soil in sun or light shade. (6-8) 45£8.955.00
Amsonia ciliataBlue Star 1.4LtSheaths of stems are clad in narrow willow like leaves. Heads of small blue periwinkle like flowers. Sun lover for fertile soils. 60x45cm. (5-8)£6.5012.00
Amsonia ellipticaBlue Star 1.4LtThis geographically disjunct population of a normally American genus forms slow clumps of willow stems with narrow leaves, turning rich golden-orange in autumn. Heads of periwinkle like flowers during midsummer. Seed raised so variable in their blue colour. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 40cm.£6.954.00
Amsonia ‘Ernst Pagels’Blue Star 1.4LtLooks like a tabernaemontana x illustris hybrid. Erect clump former with unbranched stems having lance-shaped, leaves, superb yellow during autumn. Terminal clusters of tubular, five lobed, soft-blue flowers, opening from slatey buds during late spring to midsummer. Easy in any soil in sun or part shade. 60x45cm. (6-8)£7.2512.00
Amsonia hubrichtiiBlue Star 1.4LtRarely seen N.American native for a sunny well drained border. From a woody rootstock, erect stems are topped by starry, periwinkle- like, powdery blue flowers in summer. 60x45cm.£6.7512.00
Amsonia illustrisBlue Star 1.4LtColl;-Rockton, Illinois. Rarely seen U.S native making bushy clumps of thick textured, willowy, elliptic leaves. Drooping heads of periwinkle-blue, starry flowers in midsummer. CARE! Stems exude a milky sap. Fertile soil in sun. 90x45cm.£7.2512.00
Anaphalis margaritacea 1.4LtA narrow leaved form with green leaves held on felted white erect stems. Flat heads of pearly-white everlasting’ flowers; late summer. Reasonably retentive soil in sun or light shade. 60cms.£4.951.00
Anaphalis triplinervis ‘Sommerschnee’ (AGM)Pearl Everlasting 1.4LtGood spreading ground cover with intensely silvery-white, woolly leaves. Heads of PURE WHITE, papery flowers with a yellow eye; from midsummer when they become dried on the plant. Well drained yet retentive fertile soil in sun or part shade. 60x60cm.£5.753.00
Anemone barbulataWindflower 1.4LtChinese species rather like a more delicate levellei. Very well branched stems with small white flowers, often with blue backs, occasionally pink;- late spring through summer. Flowers finish with a faint pink flush. Divided basal leaves. Needs at least a retentive soil in sun or light shade. (5-7) 60cm.£4.651.00
Anemone cylindricaThimbleweed 1.4LtAmerican prairie plant with small greenish white flowers on well branched stems during midsummer followed by fluffy seed heads. Basal mounds of divided leaves. Any reasonable soil even difficult shade in sun or shade. (6-7) 85cm.£5.253.00
Anemone ‘Frilly Knickers’Anemone 2LtA sport from A.Dreaming Swan this acclaimed clump forming perennial has branched heads of large purple buds that open to incredible large, double, white, frilly flowers.with a hint of lilac The reverse is a beautiful lilac. Flws: July-Sept. Fertile, retentive yet drained soil in sun or part shade. 50cms. Int. Hardy, 2020  £8.505.00
Anemone hupehensis japonica ‘Rotkappchen’Japanese Anemone 1.4LtClusters of semi-double, deep puple-red flowers held on much branched stems in late summer & autumn. Divided basal leaves. Retentive soil in sun or shade. (8-9) 90cm.£5.751.00
Anemone hupehensis japonica ‘Splendens’Windflower 1.4LtDeep pinkish-red flowers with distinct yellow stamens; September & October. Well branched, upright stems. Spreading clumps of finely cut, dark greem leaves. Humus-rich well drained soil in sun or part shade. 80x45cm.£5.751.00
Anemone multifida ‘Major’Anemone 1.4LtOne of best forms of this very variable species with basal mounds of very finely cut diseected green leaves. Clusters of cup shaped soft creamy-white flowers in late spring & early summer. Free draining soil in sun or light shade. (5-6) 25cm.£5.755.00
Anemone multifida ‘Rubra’Windflower 1.4LtClusters of small, cup-shaped, pinky red flowers; June & July. A tufted perennial for the front of the border or rockery. Clumps of narrow toothed leaves are slightly hairy. Well drained soil in sun. 30x30cm.£5.2515.00
Anemone nemorosaWood Anemone 2LtA native gem for a woodland setting. Invasive roots form large colonies of delicate, finely cut foliage & cup-shaped white flowers from pink buds (although they show some variation). Humus-rich, woodland soil in part shade. 15x60cm. Flowers: April-May.£8.951.00
Anemone nemorosa ‘Allenii’ (AGM)Wood Anemone 2LtShowy deep lavender-blue flowers with deeper reverses amongst creeping mats of divided finely cut leaves; mid spring. Good in woodland soil in part shade in a humus rich soil. 10x30cm.£8.954.00
Anemone nemorosa ‘Bressingham Blush’Wood Anemone 2LtA beautiful wood Anemone with large, semi-translucent, soft pink purple flowers over mats of much divided dark-green leaves during early spring. Summer dormant. Humus rich, woodland soil in part or full shade. 15cm.£8.953.00
Anemone nemorosa ‘Robinsoniana’ (AGM)Wood Anemone 1LtGentle creeper for woodland conditions. Clumps of finely cut, purple tinted foliage & cup-shaped WISTERIA BLUE flowers; March & April. One of the first to flower. Leafy soil in part shade. 10x45cm.£5.253.00
Anemone nemorosa ‘Vestal’ (AGM)Wood Anemone 2LtUnusual fully double, white flowers arranged in a perfect symmetrical pattern over low creeping mats of fresh green divided basal leaves; late spring to early summer. For a woodland, humus rich retentive soil in part shade. 10x30cm.£8.952.00
Anemone rivularisWindflower 1.4LtHeavily branched stems with WHITE flowers having metallic backs & blue anthers; late spring & early summer. Divided dark green leaves. Humus rich, moist soil in sun or part shade. 60x30cm.£6.5017.00
Anemone tomentosa 1.4LtHandsome, vigorous, border perennial with cup-shaped, SOFT PINK flowers in mid-late summer – but earlier than the Japanese anemones. Large, deeply veined, divided leaves. Fertile, well drained soil in sun. 120x60cms.£5.504.00
Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’ (AGM)Japanese Anemone 1.4Lt(syn. A.h.Alba’) Branched heads of LARGE, SINGLE WHITE flowers over clumps of 3-lobed dark green leaves. Any well drained soil in sun or part shade. Ht:90cms. Flowers: August-October.£6.257.00
Anemone x hybrida ‘Honorine Jobert’ (AGM)Japanese Anemone 2Lt£8.955.00
Anemone x hybrida ‘Lady Gilmour’Japanese Anemone 1.4Ltsyn. ‘Crispa’. Old variety, grown chiefly for it’s amazingly crisped, rather parsley-like, foliage. Single, bowl-shaped, soft pink flowers in autumn. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or shade. (8-10) 100x45cm.£4.753.00
Anemone x hybrida ‘Margarete’Windflower 1.4Lt(Lady Gilmour’) Much confused in cultivation, this is now what we think is the right plant. Large, blowsy, heavy, fully double mid-pink flowers with overlapping petals; autumn. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (8-9) 90cm.£5.252.00
Anemone x hybrida ‘Pretty Lady Susan’Japanese Anemone 1.4LtBred in Japan, these small forms give excellent autumn colour. deeply cup-shaped pale pink flowers, deepening to rich pink at the edge of the petals ;- mid to late autumn. Mounds of hairy, much divided basal leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or shade. (8-10) 60cm.£5.251.00
Anemone x hybrida ‘Richard Ahrens’Japanese Anemone 1.4LtQuite unusual form with SEMI-DOUBLE, DEEP PINK cup-shaped flowers. Strong grower for well drained soil in sun or part shade. 110cms. Flowers: August-October.£6.253.00
Anemone x hybrida ‘Robustissima’Tibetan Anemone 1.4LtFlowering a little earlier than the Japanese Anemones. Terminal clusters of open flowers with rounded petals, PALE PINK WITH A DARKER REVERSE. Deeply divided, large leaves. Best in sun; any reasonable soil. 90x60cms+.£5.9517.00
Anemone x hybrida ‘Serenade’Windflower 1.4LtStriking, semi-double, rich-pink flowers, held on well branched stems during late summer & early autumn. Basal clumps of ternate, fresh-green leaves. Spreads gently in a retentive soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 120cm.£5.751.00
Anemonopsis macrophylla 1.4LtWaxy’, cup-shaped, LAVENDER flowers with a violet exterior. A lovely perennial with delicate, ferny, divided leaves. Cool, shady, humus-rich soil. Not easy to grow well. 45x45cm£7.953.00
Angelica archangelicaAngelica 2LtBig, bold architectural umbellifer with mounds of jagged, deeply cut, fresh green leaves. the stems & roots are edible & used for their sweetly scented taste. Domed umbels of greenish-yellow flowers in the second year. Usually biennial. Best in a retentive or damp soil in sun but adaptable. Ht to 2mtrs.£8.508.00
Angelica gigas 2LtArchitectural plant with bold clumps of finely cut, dark green leaves on thick branching stems. Enormous DEEP BEETROOT heads like a cow parsley; mid to late summer. Short lived but self seeds freely. Not too dry soil in sun or part shade. 120x90cm.£8.506.00
Angelica hendersoniiCoast Angelica 2LtAn imposing Angelica native to coastal areas of SW USA. Bold clumps of pinnate, toothed leaves & thick, fleshy stems topped with very large umbels of ‘fluffy’ creamy white flower heads in summer. This long tap rooted perennial requires a very free draining soil in sun. To 1.5m+£9.952.00
Angelica pachycarpa 2Ltsyn. hispanica. Unusual umbellifer with intensely glossy, divided basal leaves. Flattened heads of greeny-yellow flowers on thick, branched stems; midsummer. Showy, compact variety. Deep, rich, retentive soil in part shade but tolerates sun. 45x60cm.£6.951.00
Anthemis ‘Susanna Mitchell’ 2Lt(A.tinctoria x A.punctata) Clump forming perennial massed with heads of creamy-lemon, yellow-eyed daisies over a long period; May-August. Forms a spreading dome of silver-grey, cut leaves. Reasonably drained soil in sun. Ht: 45cms.£8.951.00
Anthemis Tetworth’Dyer’s chamomile 2LtA new hybrid between A.tinctoria x cupaniana forming dense mounds of evergreen, finely dissected, silver-grey foliage. Semi-double, WHITE DAISIES WITH A GOLDEN EYE; freely produced May & June. Any reasonable soil in sun. 45x60cms.£6.952.00
Anthemis tinctoria ‘Sauce Hollandaise’ 2LtReliable, clump forming perennial massed with pale sulphur yellow, daisy like flowers with a yellow centre over a long period from early summer. Remove old flowers to extend season. Mounds of ferny, aromatic, evergreen foliage. For a reasonably drained, fertile soil in suin or part shade. To: 70x45cms.£8.953.00
Anthemis tinctoria ‘Top Gold’ 2LtGiven to us by Westacre Gardens this variety forms bold, tall. upright stands of single, shining golden yellow flowers with reflexed petals and a darker dome; June & July and again in late summer if cut back. Aromatic foliage. Free draining yet retentive soil in sun or part shade. 60cms. £7.955.00
Anthericum liliagoSt. Bernard’s Lily 1.4LtA clump-forming perennial with grassy foliage & clusters of WHITE, trumpet-shaped flowers & ornamental seed pods. Fertile soil in sun. 60x30cm. Flowers: May-June. Very slow to maturity.£6.251.00
Anthericum liliago ‘Major’ (AGM)St.Bernards lili 1.4LtTall airy spikes of large flared wide-open trumpet shaped flowers in late spring & early summer. Grass-like linear mid green leaves. Fertile well drained soil in full sun. 90x45cm.£9.9510.00
Antirrhinum molle 1LtA lovely evergreen ground cover that is reliably hardy in very well drained soil in a sunny site. The woody stems are covered in rounded hairy leaves. Large soft pink snapdragons are produced all summer. 15x60cm. (5-9)£6.256.00
Apocynaceae sp. SDR5135 2LtThis unusual, possibly shrubby or herbaceous perennial, wild collected in China has not been identified even to genus level yet.To date is has formed, erect, unbranched stems with pairs of leathery leaves, turning a stunning gold in autumn. Yet to flower. 1.0×1.0mtrs. £7.5011.00
Aralia cachemiricaSpikenard 2Lt(syn.A.macrophylla) Large, rich green, deeply cut, hand-shaped leaves. Long, arching stems with long panicles of creamy-white flowerheds in summer, followed by maroon-black berries. Large architectural plant for fertile soil in sun or part shade. 180x180cm.£8.952.00
Aralia cordataUdo 2LtRare Chinese species with large flattened heads of white flowers followed by black fruits in autumn. Mounds of deeply cut, rich green leaves. Give it plenty of space! Good soil in sun or part shade. 120x90cm.£6.506.00
Aralia cordata ‘Sun King’ 1.4LtBred in Japan, this imposing herbaceous perennial has mounds of much divided, rich burnished gold leaves. Compound heads of white flowers from dark buds, held on dark stems;- late summer & autumn. Best in a retentive soil in shade or sun. (8-10) 90cm.£7.258.00
Arisaema candidissimum (AGM) 1.4LtShowy white & pink striped spathe flushed green in the throat in summer. Sweetly scented. One large single green palmate leaf. Cool rich moist yet well drained soil in part shade. Mulch in winter. 40x40cm.£19.954.00
Arisaema consanguineum ‘Siren’s Song’ 2LtImposing perennial with large, umbrella like radiating narrow leaflets with a central silvery band. , and tapering, narrow tips. Striking spathe like green and white striped flowers during early summer. Never to dry, well drained soil in part shade. 90cm.£17.504.00
Arisaema griffithiiJack In The Pulpit 1.4LtLong, narrow, lurid brown spathe with a greenish white veining; late spring. Pairs of large, trifoliate leaves. Disappears underground by midsummer. Well drained yet moisture retentive soil in part or full shade. 45x30cm.£9.956.00
Arisaema nepenthoidesCobra Plant 1.4LtBotanical curiousity with large leaves on long stems divided into elliptic lance-shaped leaflets, glaucous beneath. Large spathe has a folded snake’s head of GREENISH-RED with a protruding spadix; late spring. Humus rich, retentive soil. 30x30cm.£9.958.00
Arisaema propinquumCobra Lily 1.4LtMuch confused already, as it is very variable in the wild. Mottled purple-brown stems with pairs of trifoliate leaves. Large, purple-green spathes are heavily striped white. Wispy spadix. Leafy, woodland conditions in part or full shade. (6-7) 45cm£9.957.00
Arisaema sikokianumArisaema 1.4LtMuch sought after, this Japanese species has a spectacular black spathe, with a white club like spathe. Humus rich, woodland soil in part or full shade. Difficult to overwinter. (5-6) 60cm£23.503.00
Arisaema tortuosum 1.4Lt(syn.A.helleborifolium) Bizarre bulbous perennial the pairs of large leaves divided into lance-shaped leaflets. The large, 15cms (6in) spathe is glaucous green with a dark purple tail; early summer. Rich soil in a sheltered shady spot. 60x45cm.£8.252.00
Arnica chamissonisMountain Tobacco 1.4LtOne of the taller members of this family with narrow lance-like leaves. The upright stems carry many 2.5cm (1inch) GOLDEN-YELLOW daisies over a long period; June to August. Easy in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cms.£6.252.00
Arnica chamissonisMountain Tobacco 2Lt£7.5012.00
Artemisia abrotanum ‘Coca Cola’Southernwood 1.4LtWoody based sub-shrub with very fine, needle like intensely silver grey leaves with a strong Artemisia scent & strangely reminiscent of coca-cola. Airy silver flowerheads in summer add little. Best in a light, rather poor soil in sun. (6-8) 60cm.£5.9512.00
Artemisia absinthiumWormwood 1.4LtSemi-woody perennial forming clumps of aromatic, deeply divided, grey-green foliage. Racemes of greyish-yellow flower heads in late summer. Excellent informal foliage plant for a hot, sunny site in well drained soil. 90cms.£5.751.00
Artemisia lactiflora (AGM)Wormwood 1.4LtBig, bold, back of the border perennial fron China, with mounds of jagged, deepy cut basal leaves taking on yellow autumnal tints. Branched stems carrying heavy clusters of small, bead-like, grey flushed white flowers in late summer. Ordinary soil in sun/pt.sh. 180cm.£6.254.00
Artemisia lactiflora Guizhou Group 1.4LtWonderful foliage perennial with aromatic, deeply cut, blackish-green leaves and mahogany-brown stems. Sprays of creamy-white flowers; midsummer on. Reasonably drained soil in sun or light shade. 1.5m.£5.953.00
Artemisia lactiflora Guizhou Group 1Lt£4.951.00
Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Silver Queen’ (AGM)White Sage 1.4LtClumps of erect stems clothed in silvery-white, willow-like leaves with jagged margins. Slender plumes of small, silver-grey flowers; July to August. Well drained soil in full sun. 90x60cm.£6.2513.00
Artemisia ludoviciana ‘Silver Queen’ (AGM)White Sage 2Lt£7.953.00
Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’ (AGM)Wormwood 1.4LtBeautiful semi-woody perennial making a low mound of finely cut, silvery, aromatic foliage. Good contrast plant; also useful in summer containers. Requires hot, dry conditions in full sun. Suffers in cold, wet winters. 60x45cms.£6.954.00
Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’ (AGM)Wormwood 1Lt£4.951.00
Artemisia princepsJapanese Mugwort 1.4LtA vigorous, spreading aromatic herb with creeping, erect white stems with finely cut, silver leaves. Arching stems with small buff flowers add little. Loved by insects & probably best for the wild garden. 120x120cm.£6.7512.00
Arum italicum italicum ‘Marmoratum’ (AGM)Lords & Ladies 1Lt(syn. A.italicum pictum) Glossy spear-shaped leaves are marbled grey & cream. Greenish-white spathes in spring are followed by orange berries. Fertile moist soil in light shade. 45x30cms.£5.9525.00
Arum italicum neglectum ‘Chameleon’Lords & Ladies 1.4LtBroad leaves appear in winter with the central part delicately veined silver. Inconspicuous green spathe followed by spikes of orange berries. Any reasonable soil in part shade. 30x30cm.£6.5025.00
Aruncus dioicus ‘Kneiffii’Goats Beard 1.4LtLong, upright stems topped with creamy plumes; June-August. Clump-forming, stately perennial for enriched, moist soil; best in light shade. 90cms.£5.251.00
Asclepias tuberosa 2LtStout, upright, spreading perennial with ascending spires of unique, reflexed, BRILLIANT BRICK-RED blooms; July to September. Warm spot in well drained soil. Slow to establish. 45cms.£7.5012.00
Asparagus filicinus giraldiiAsparagus 2Ltcoll;- San-ba, Haba Sha Mtn,Yunnan,China. More compact form with arching clumps of very fine, feathery leaves which sway in the breeze. Blue-black fruits in autumn. Light, fre draining soil in sun. 50cm.£10.953.00
Asphodeline luteaKing’s Spear 1.4LtUsed in British gardens since 1648, this comes from SE Europe & N.Africa. Basal rosettes of channelled, ash grey basal leaves. Erect spikes of starry golden-yellow flowers from midsummer into early autumn. Best in a light, free draining soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 120cm.£5.255.00
Asphodeline lutea ‘Yellow CandleKing’s Spear 1.4LtBasal rosettes of channelled, ash grey basal leaves. Erect spikes of starry bight golden-yellow flowers from midsummer into early autumn. Best in a light, free draining soil in sun or part shade. 70cm.£5.953.00
Aspidistra luridaAspidistra 1.4LtHardy, tall, Chinese woodland species with tall, erect stems with large, paddle shaped glossy green leaves. Small yellow brown flowers nestle at the base & are pollinated by slugs. Sheltered, cool, moist, humus rich soil in shade. 90cm.£8.9510.00
Aster ‘Afternoon Delight’Michaelmas Daisy 2LtGiven to us by West Acre Gardens this Michaelmas Daisy flowers a tad earlier than the norm. Well branched, open heads massed with blue daisies, about 1cm across, with a yellow eye; July-Spet. Seems to have very good mildew resistance. fertile, retentive yet drained soil in sun. 90cms. Name tentatively accepted by RHS£7.2514.00
Aster amellus ‘Blue King’Italian Star-wort 1.4LtBushy mid to late summer flowering aster with well branched stems having grey-green leaves. Good sized, narrow petalled, starry violet-blue daisies with a yellow centre & small green eye;- mid to late summer. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-8) 35cm.£5.951.00
Aster amellus ‘Brilliant’ 1.4LtClusters of large, rayed, BRIGHT PINK daisy-like flowers on upright, branched stems; August to October. Easy, trouble-free. Similar to Michaelmas Daisy. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 75cms.£5.956.00
Aster amellus ‘Rosa Erfullung’Pink Zenith’ 1.4Ltsyn, ‘Pink Zenith’. Stiff, upright, branched stems topped with heads of BROAD-PETALLED, CLEAR PINK daisy-like flowers late summer. Easy, trouble-free perennials similar to Michaelmas Daisies. Reasonably drained soil in sun. 60x40cms. Flowers; August-October.£6.258.00
Aster amellus ‘Rudolf Goethe’Aster 1.4LtLoose heads of sky-blue daisies, with a yellow eye, produced in profusion in late summer. Grey-green leaves are mildew free. Retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 60cm.£5.953.00
Aster ‘Anja’s Choice’aSTER 2LtA series of strong uprigt stems with much branching form a spire of small yellow eyed white daisies with a pink flush late in the season. Fine leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-10) 120cm.£6.501.00
Aster ciliolatusLindley’s Aster 2LtWidespread species across North America but rare in cultivation. Dense heads of small pale lilac-blue daisies in autumn. The cream centres age pinkish with age. Basal clumps of lightly hairy, heart shaped leaves. Easy in any retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-10) 80cm.£7.5010.00
Aster divaricatus 2Lt(syn. A.corymbosus) One of Gertrude Jekyll’s favourites. Slightly floppy but the black branching stems carry CLOUDS OF SMALL WHITE DAISIES. Not prone to mildew. Fertile soil in sun or part shade. 60x45cms. Flowers: August-September.£7.256.00
Aster ericoides ‘Blue Star’ (AGM)Heath leaved Aster 2LtAttractive, mildew free variety with clouds of very small, powder-blue daises with a creamy-yellow in autumn which smother the bush. Fine, needle like leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-10) 90cm.£7.253.00
Aster ericoides ‘Cinderella’Heath Aster 2LtErect aster with the stems clothed in very fine, heath like narrow leaves. clouds of tiny white flowers just flushed palest pink, the cream eye ages red;- August to October. Mildew free, Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-10) 80cm.£7.254.00
Aster ericoides ‘Golden Spray’ (AGM) 1LtA very unusual variety forming low basal clumps of tufted foliage. Branching stems are clothed in clusters of small, STARRY, GOGOLDEN-YELLOW daisies that en-masses create a haze; August-October. For a fertile retentive soil in sun or part shade. 90x45cm.£4.9510.00
Aster ericoides ‘Schneegitter’Heath Aster 1.4LtSmall, arching perennial with the stems clothed in very fine, heather like leaves. Produces a cloud of small, tiny white flowers with a yellow eye;- autumn. Good over walls. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-10) 70x90cm.£6.259.00
Aster greatae KM-K-186-02Aster 2LtA form we collected in Kanab, Utah, this has erect stems with elliptic leaves topped by heads of attractive sky blue flowers around a creamy yellow eye during late summer & autumn. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-10) 100cm.£7.508.00
Aster laevis ‘Calliope’ 2LtA beautiful, very tall, erect border perennial with the stems & leaves a wonderful shining dark purple. Airy sprays of small PALE PURPLE flowers in autumn. Easily grown in any reasonable soil in sun. 120x60cm.£7.255.00
Aster macrophyllusLarge Leaved Aster 2LtExcellent ground cover, even for very shade. Spreading mounds of heart shaped leaves forming a dense carpet. Sprays of narrow petalled violet-white daisies during late summer & autumn. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (7-9) 80cm.£7.507.00
Aster novae angliae ‘Andenken an Alma Potschke’ (AGM)New England Aster 2LtA lovely border aster with large, daisy-like, SALMON TINGED BRIGHT-RED FLOWERS, with slighly curling petals, carried on stiff, leafy stems. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 100x60cm. Flowers: August-October.£6.953.00
Aster novae-angliae ‘Barr’s Violet’New England Aster 2LtCompact heads of medium-sized rich violet-blue daisies with a yellow eye, held on stout stems in autumn. pairs of simple, elliptic leaves are not prone to mildew. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (9-10) 120cm.£6.951.00
Aster novae-angliae ‘Herbstschnee’New England Aster 2LtStout stems with clusters of semi-double white flowers with a yellow eye late in the season. Retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. 150cm. (8-10)£6.451.00
Aster novae-angliae ‘Purple Dome’New England Aster 2LtA very dwarf compact form, with heads of intense violet-blue daisies with a golden-yellow eye. Forms a neat compact mound & is relatively mildew resistant. Retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-9) 45cm.£7.251.00
Aster novae-angliae ‘Violetta’New England Aster 2LtStriking hybrid, with heads of rather small single intense deep violet-purple flowers with a gold eye late in the season. Reasonably good mildew resistance. Good back of the border plant for retentive soil in sun or part shade. (8-10) 135cm.£7.953.00
Aster novi-belgii ‘Crimson Brocade’Michaelmas Daisy 1.4LtChoice autumn flowering perennial with clusters of almost single, intense, cerise-pink flowers with a pale yellow eye;- autumn. Needs a retentive soil to prevent mildew although this form has good resistance. Sun or part shade. 90x45cm.£5.753.00
Aster novi-belgii ‘Jenny’Dwarf Michaelmas Daisy 2LtExcellent dwarf variety with leafy stems topped in clusters of RICH BEETROOT-RED, FULLY DOUBLE flowers. Well drained, yet retentive, soil in sun or part shade. 30x30cms. Flowers: Sept-Oct.£6.501.00
Aster novi-belgii ‘Little Pink Beauty’Michaelmas Daisy – D 2LtRounded, bushy plants massed with SEMI-DOUBLE PINK, daisy like flowers. Any reasonable soil; best in full sun. 40x40cms. Flowers: Sept-Oct.£6.503.00
Aster novi-belgii ‘Schneekissen’ 2LtDWARF MICHAELMAS DAISY Hardy Perennial. flowers:Masses of compact white.Sept-Oct. Any well-drained soil.Best in full sun£7.259.00
Aster novi-belgii ‘Winston S. Churchill’Michaelmas Daisy 2LtDouble dark red flowers with a golden eye in late summer & autumn. Good clump former. Moist, fertile yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. 90x60cm.£6.951.00
Aster oblongifolius ‘October Skies’Asteraceae 2LtShorter, bushier form of ‘Raydon’s Favourite’. Dense mounds of narrow leaves are smothered in a profusion of lavender-blue flowers in mid autumn. Easily grown even in poor dry soil in shade. Best in retentive soil in sun. (8-10) 30cm.£7.952.00
Aster ‘Ochtendgloren’ (AGM) (pringlei x)(pringlei x ) 2LtSmothered in SINGLE, SOFT PINK, yellow eyed daisies over several weeks; autumn. Easily grown in any retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. Mildew resistant. 90x60cm.£7.952.00
Aster sedifolius 1.4Lt(syn.A.acris) Compact perennial plant with erect stems clothed in narrow lance-shaped leaves. Densely packed heads of small lilac-blue starry flowers with spidery petals; August & September. Dry soil in full sun. 75x45cm.£5.253.00
Aster ‘Sunhelene’ 2LtBred for the cut flower trade, this early flowering Aster has heads of smart, semi-double, mauve-blue daisies over a long period from July to September. the leaves are mildew free & stained black. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 60cm.£7.252.00
Aster x frikartii 1.4LtFree branching upright stems with long display of open, rayed, LIGHT BLUE blooms. Prefers fertile soil & sun. Good mildew resistant border plant. 90x45cms. Flowers: August-October.£5.954.00
Aster x frikartii ‘Jungfrau’Aster 1.4LtOne of the popular mountain series, with heads of almost semi-double rich sky-blue daisies with a yellow eye, held on stout upright stems in late summer & early autumn. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (7-9) 60cm.£5.752.00
Aster x frikartii ‘Monch’ (AGM) 1.4LtAbundance of broad petalled, RICH LAVENDER-BLUE daisy-like flowers; August to October. Mildew free. Excellent hybrid of upright, well branched habit. Reasonably drained soil in sun. 75x45cms.£6.2516.00
Aster x frikartii ‘Wunder Von Stafa’ (AGM) 1.4LtUpright free-branching stems with heads of broad petalled, BRIGHT LAVENDER-BLUE, rayed, daisy like flowers; August to October. Prefers good soil in sun. Excellent mildew resistant hybrid. 75x45cms.£5.952.00
Aster x herveyi 2LtWas sold as macrophyllus ‘Twilight’. Naturally occurring hybrid from E.USA. Showy sprays of violet-blue daisies in late summer & autumn on dark stems. Heart-shaped leaves. Disease resistant. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 75x45cm.£7.2511.00
Astilbe ‘Beauty Of Lisse’ (x arendsii)False Spiraea 2Ltinteresting foliage variety with the divided leaves an unusual lime yellow, having a fine red edge when cold. More green at flowering. Large plumes of dusky pink flowers in summer. Best in a retentive soil in sun or shade. (6-7) 55cm.£7.254.00
Astilbe chinensis pumila (AGM)False Spiraea 2LtDwarf form with mounds of finely dissected, glossy green leaves, flushed bronze on emergence, taking on good autumn colour. Pyramidal spikes of soft-pink flowers during summer followed by ruddy seed heads. Retentive soil in sun/ptsh. 45x45cm.£6.953.00
Astilbe chinensis pumila (AGM)False Spiraea 3Lt£7.351.00
Astilbe chinensis ‘Vision in Red’False Spiraea 2LtSmall, bushy, clump former with divided mounds of bright, glossy green leaves, emerging red, more bronze-purple at flowering. Dark stems have fat, reddish-purple plumes, borne during midsummer. Retentive, even wet soil colouring best with some sun. 45x45cm. (7-8)£6.955.00
Astilbe ‘Deutschland’ (japonica x)( x japonica) 2LtDense spikes of intensely white, bold plumes. Ruddy-brown seed heads through winter. Basal clumps of ferny foliage. Moist, even boggy, rich soil in sun or part shade. 60cms. Flowers: June-July£7.501.00
Astilbe ‘Fanal’ (x arendsii) (AGM)Spiraea 2LtDwarfer variety with dense, compact spikes of intense deep-red plumes. Basal clumps of ferny foliage mahogany tinted when young. Ruddy-brown seed heads through winter. Best in rich, moist soil in sun or partial shade. 40x40cms. Flowers: June-August£7.956.00
Astilbe ‘Glut’ (x arendsii)(x arendsii) 2LtLong, wiry stems with spikes of clear-red plumes – late. Ruddy-brown seed heads through winter. Attractive ferny foliage, mahogany-red when young. Moist (even boggy) humus-rich soil in sun or part shade. 80cms. Flowers: August-September£7.9511.00
Astilbe ‘Weisse Gloria’ (x arendsii) 2Lt(syn. A.White Gloria’) A compact variety with finely cut, fresh green leaves topped by LARGE, PURE WHITE TRUSSES. Ruddy-brown seed heads through winter. Retentive soil in sun or shade. 60x45cm. Flowers: June-August.£8.001.00
Astrantia major ‘Rosensinfonie’Masterwort 1.4LtWiry stems with large, RICH-PINK collared flowers on wiry stems; June to September. The colour can be variable as this is a seed strain. Retentive yet well drained soil. 45cm£6.501.00
Astrantia major ‘Ruby Cloud’Masterwort 1.4LtOne of the most popular groups of plants, this has raspberry-red flowers held on red flushed stems. Seems to prefer dappled shade in a retentive soil. (5-9) 45cm. N.B Tunnel grown plants may not show true flower colour at this stage of the season.£5.351.00
Astrantia major ‘Ruby Giant’Masterwort 1.4LtSlow growing, clump forming masterwort with divided, glossy leaves & dark stems carry deep crimson-red large flowers with matching spikey bracts, borne from late spring, well into summer. Retentive soil in sun or shade. The largest of the reds. 60x50cm. (5-8)£7.151.00
Astrantia major ‘Ruby Wedding’Masterwort 1.4LtSpectacular new hybrid with pincushion-like intense burgundy-red posies of great poise all summer. Mounds of divided leaves. Much sought after. Retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-8) 60cm.£7.255.00
Astrantia major ‘Venice’Masterwort 1.4LtCompact red selection with dark purple red pincushions on black flushed stems during early to midsummer. Divided basal leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 60cm.£7.501.00
Astrantia ‘Roma’Masterwort 1.4LtHeads of large, papery mid-pink flowers, tipped red over mounds of divided, toothed leaves. A popular new European cultivar, flowering long into the season. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-8) 60cm.£6.501.00
Astrantia ‘Snowstar’Masterwort 1.4LtLong lasting heads of papery white pincushion flowers with green tipped petals & stamens. Basal clumps of deeply divided, dark-green leaves. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 70cm.£7.251.00
Ballota pseudodictamnus dwarf B&M8119False Dittany 2LtA dwarf form of this small sub-shrub, collected on Crete by Chris Brickell. Erect, white felted stems have opposite pairs of green very woolly leaves. Terminal whorls of green inflated bracts from which peep small lilac flowers, during summer. Gritty, free draining soil in sun. (6-8) 20x60cm.£9.958.00
Baptisia ‘American Goldfinch’ 1.4LtImpressive clump forming Lupin relative producing abundant spikes lined with golden yellow, pea like flowers; mid to late summer followed by showy black seed pods. Grey pinnate leaves on woody stems. Retentive well drained soil in sun or light shade. hates root disturbance. 90cm.£7.951.00
Baptisia australis ‘Exaltata’ (AGM)False Indigo 1.4LtSlow growing Lupin relative with erect, narrow spikes of indigo-blue, pea-like flowers during June & July. They are followed by showy, polished black seedpods. Glaucous flushed, divided leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (6-7) 80cm.£6.501.00
Baptisia ‘Blueberry Sundae’False Indigo 1.4Lt(Decadence Series) Compact form with erect spikes of pea like, vibrant blueberry-purple flowers with a creamy keel, during summer, followed by curved black seed pods. Glaucous stems with palmate, silver-glaucous leaves. Initially slow. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 80cm.£8.959.00
Baptisia ‘Brownie Points’Redneck Lupine 1.4LtStiff, uprigh, well branchedt grey green stems topped with long spires of large, caramel brown, non fading yellow keeld pea-like flowers similar to a lupin; early-midsummer – usually longer than most cultivars. Large seed deep grey seed pods are an attractive late feature. Ash like, blue-grey leaves. Free draining, not too chalky soil in sun. Resent root disturbance. 60x45cms£7.952.00
Baptisia ‘Dutch Chocolate’Redneck Lupine 1.4Lt(Decadence Series) a hybrid of minor & one of the darkest forms available. Narrow spikes of pea like, black-purple buds, opening to rich chocolate-brown flowers, just marked yellow on the keel. Flowers through summer, followed curved black seed pods. Trifoliate grey-green leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (6-9) 85cm.£7.508.00
Baptisia ‘Pink Truffles’False Indigo 1.4LtClump forming, semi shrubby perennial forming lowish mounds of stiff stems lined, to 30cms, with aromatic, pea like soft pink fading to lavender pink flowers from yellow buds; April-June. Large seed pods an added feature. Handsome, lance shaped, grey leaves. For a reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. To: 75x75cms.£9.953.00
Baptisia ‘Vanilla CreamRedneck Lupine 1.4LtDeep rooted perennial forming clumps of fresh green, clover-like leaves. Elegant spires of rich cream pea-like flowers from smoky purple buds opening from the base of the flower spike upwards, Needs a retentive yet free draining, preferably sandy soil in sun. 80cms£8.507.00
Begonia grandisHardy Begonia 1.4LtAn amazingly hardy tuberoys Begonia. Fleshy stems with pale olive green leaves flushed red beneath. Clusters of fragrant soft pink or white flowers all summer. Well drained soil in dappled shade. 45x30cm.£6.251.00
Begonia grandis evansiana albaHardy Begonia 1.4LtClusters of scented, SOFT WHITE flowers; summer. Amazingly hardy tuberous species with thick fleshy stems & pale olive green leaves flushed pink beneath. Well drained soil in dappled shade. 45x30cm.£6.502.00
Begonia sutherlandii (AGM)Iwozya 1.4LtTuberous rooted half hardy perennial, proving tougher than expected for a plant from Natal. After the clusters of soft apricot flowers which last all summer small bulbils drop off which generally regrow the following year. arching fleshy stems with pale green leaves. Best in shelter & dappled shade. (5-10) 35cm.£5.7510.00
Bergenia ‘Bressingham Ruby’Elephant’s Ears 1.4LtOne of the most spectacular for winter colour. The medium sized glossy green leaves turn a fiery burgundy & scarlet when subjected to cold. Heads of bell shaped rich pink flowers intermittently;- November to March. Easy in any soil in sun or shade. (11-3) 30cm.£6.951.00
Bergenia ‘Bressingham Ruby’Elephant’s Ears 2Lt£9.505.00
Bergenia ‘Bressingham White’ (AGM) 2LtA good white form the large, pure white flowers freely produced from mid to late spring. Robust, rich green leaves. Clump forming perennial for and reasonably drained soil in sun or shade. 40x50cms+.£9.505.00
Bergenia ‘Eden’s Dark Margin’Elephant’s Ears 1.4LtLarge, shiny, intensely dark maroon leaves, especially in autumn, but still coloured well throughout the rest of the year. One of the more deeply toothed varieties. Large light-rose flowers in spring. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (2-5) 35cm.£6.504.00
Bergenia ‘Overture’Elephant’s Ears 2LtLarge leaverd hybrid with glossy, dark-green leaves in summer turning a wonderful rich burgundy-red in winter. Heads of large glowing cerise flowers with a red eye in early spring. Good ground cover for any soi, in sun or shade. (2-4) 30cm.£9.505.00
Bergenia ‘Pink Dragonfly’Elephant’s Ears 1.4LtNew hybrid with small to medium sized, spathe-shaped leaves, taking on rich burgundy-red autumn colour. Warm pink flowers fade even paler during late winter & early spring. Any soil in sun or shade. (2-4) 30cm.£6.503.00
Bergenia ‘Pink Dragonfly’Elephant’s Ears 2Lt£9.504.00
Bergenia ‘Spring Fling’Elephant Eras 1.4LtGreat new, compact hybrid producing multiple, upright stems lined with magenta-pink flowers; March-April. Attractive to bees etc. Mounds of rounded, leathery, green, glossy, evergreen leaves turning purple-black in winter. Adaptable to almost any aspect in a reasonably drained, fertile soil. 30x45cms.£6.502.00
Bidens aurea -white floweredTickseed 3LtUnusual colour break for this usually yellow species. Very tall, willowy stems topped by heads of small creamy-white daisies with a rusty gold eye, during late summer, through autumn. Finely cut, sparse leaves. Retentive soil in a sunny sheltered spot. (8-10) 180cm.£9.509.00
Boehmeria sieboldiana 2LtTall, strong growing nettle relative from China & Korea, ideal for the back of the border. Tidy, upright clumps of handsome, deeply veined leaves. Arching sprays of dangling tan flowers from mid to late summer. Best in a moist soil with some shade. (7-9) 150cm.£7.959.00
Boltonia asteroides latisquama ‘Snowbank’Starwort 2LtTall, stiffly erect, back of the border daisy with clouds of starry white daisies in profusion during late summer & autumn. Narrow grey-green leaves. Does not need staking. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-10) 150cm.£6.953.00
Bomarea acutifoliaClimbing Alstroemeria 2LtOn the borderlines of hardiness, this climbing, deciduous Alstroemeria has twining stems with fleshy, elliptic, grey-green leaves. Terminal clusters of nodding, narrowly tubular orange flowers with a yellow throat are held sporadically all year. Best in a cold greenhouse in winter. Ht. to 3.0mtrs. £14.951.00
Brodiaea californica 1Ltvery rarely seen native of N.California with large large umbels of widely flared, trumpet-shaped, large lilac-violet flowers from silver striped buds, held on long stalks Linear blue-green basal leaves. Light, free draining soil in sun. (4-5) 60cm.£6.759.00
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Blaukuppel’Brunnera 1.4LtWoodland perennial with much larger flowers than it’s parent. Sprays of 1/2′, cup shaped, piercing blue flowers on well branched stems; spring. Hairy, heart shaped leaves. Best in woodland soil in pt/full shade. (3-5) 30x45cm.£5.951.00
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Dawson’s White’ 1Lt(syn.Variegata’) A beautiful form with large, handsome leaves regularly edged creamy-white. Sprays of sky-blue flowers; April-May. Cool, sheltered site out of cold wind in part/full shade & retentive soil. 45x60cm.£4.755.00
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Diane’s Gold’Brunnera 1.4LtSmall, neat growing form with neatly pointed heart-shaped chartreuse-gold leaves, more burnished in sun. Sprays of small, sky-blue forget-me-not flowers on branched stems;- spring. Excellent ground cover for not too dry soil in part shade. (3-5) 30cm.£8.9521.00
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Jennifer’Siberian Bugloss 1.4LtExcellent ground cover for shade with mats of pointed, heart-shaped pale-green leaves. Airy sprays of tiny white flowers with the edge of each petal etched in pale-blue. They flower March to May. Best in a retentive, well drained soil in part or full shade. (3-5) 30cm£6.954.00
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Langtrees’Perennial Forget-me-Not 1.4LtExcellent ground cover with large, heart shaped leaves with small silver spotting. Sprays of small, sky-blue flowers. Prefers moist soil in full or part shade. 45x60cms. Flowers: April-May.£6.002.00
Brunnera macrophylla ‘Looking Glass’Brunnera 1.4LtNew, improved ‘Jack Frost’ with the mounds of heart shaped leaves almost entirely silver, with just the veins highlighted in green. Airy sprays of small, piercing sky-blue flowers in spring. Retentive soil in part or full shade. (3-5) 45cm.£6.2512.00
Brunnera sibirica 1.4LtVigorous Russian species, even for dry shade. Spreading rhizomes with heart shaped leaves. Heads of small, piercing blue flowers in spring. Has medicinal uses in it’s homeland. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (4-5) 45cm.£6.2510.00
Buglossoides purpurocaerulea 1.4Lt(syn.Lithospermum) Arching stems tipped by panicles of deep violet flowers which quickly fade gentian blue. Flowers late spring & early summer. Spreading ground cover for fertile well drained soil in light shade. 45x60cm.£5.758.00
Calamintha nepeta glandulosa ‘White Cloud’Mint Bush 1.4LtSmall deciduous edging perennial with woody stems carrying hightly aromatic, mint scented small hairy leaves. Narrow, airy spikes of small, two lipped tiny white flowers over a long period in summer, much loved by insects & bees. Light, free draining soil in sun. (5-9) 30cm,£6.956.00
Caltha palustris (AGM)Kingcup 1.4LtFamiliar native waterside plant with sprays of shiny, golden-yellow flowers in spring. Rich, very moist soil in sun or part shade. 30x30cms. Flowers: April-May£5.9522.00
Caltha palustris (AGM)Kingcup 2Lt£8.003.00
Caltha palustris albaKingcup 2LtFamiliar native waterside plant with sprays of shiny, white flowers in spring. Rich, very moist soil in sun or part shade. 30x30cms. Flowers: April-May£7.752.00
Camassia cusickiiCamosh 1.4LtChoice bulbous plant from Oregon with wide strap-like greyish leaves, green beneath & wavy margined. Loose spikes of starry, pale blue flowers with one folded back petal; late spring. Retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. 60x30cms.£4.753.00
Campanula carpatica alba ‘Weisse Clips’Tussock Bellflower 1.4LtLarge, showy, tubby, pure white bells produced over mats of fresh green leaves; late summer. Excellent for the rockery, front of the border or tubs. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. 30x30cm.£5.755.00
Campanula carpatica ‘Blaue Clips’Tussock Bellflower 1.4LtLarge, flared, bell-shaped, blue flowers freely produced in late summer. Dense mats of creeping evergreen foliage. Good rockery or edging perennial. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. 30x30cm.£5.7510.00
Campanula carpatica ‘Blue Uniform’Tussock Bellflower 1.4LtA low growing perennial that forms neat, compact, uniform mounds of small, green, toothed lance-shaped foliage. Numerous, outward facing, clear blue, bell-shaped single flowers are borne on short stalks over a long period in summer. An easy to grow plant for a retentive but free draining soil in sun or shade. 20cms£5.751.00
Campanula garganica ‘Dickson’s Gold’Bellflower 1LtMats of vivid golden foliage overtopped with BLUE flowers; July & August. Dwarf variety for any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. Ht:8cms.£4.952.00
Campanula glomerata acaulisClustered Bellflower 1.4LtDwarf clump former with terminal clusters of VIOLET-BLUE flowers on erect stems. Excellent for the front of the border. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 20x45cm. Flowers: June-August.£5.252.00
Campanula glomerata albaClustered Bellflower 1.4LtErect stems are topped by a rounded cluster of white bell-shaped flowers in summer. Cut back hard after flowering for a second show. Showy, front of border perennial which spreads slowly. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cm.£5.9510.00
Campanula glomerata ‘Joan Elliott’Clustered Bellflower 1.4LtLarge clustered heads of bell-shaped RICH-VIOLET flowers in early summer. Very showy hybrid of this popular, front of border perennial. Spreads gently. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cm.£6.259.00
Campanula glomerata superba (AGM)Clustered Bellflower 1.4LtA vigorous, strong growing hybrid with a cluster of violet-purple, bell-shaped flowers atop of leafy stems; early summer. Cut back hard after flowering for a second flush. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 60x60cm.£5.9510.00
Campanula lactiflora ‘Loddon Anna’ (AGM)Milky Bellflower 2LtBranching heads of SOFT PINK, bell shaped flowers; June to September. Excellent, stately perennial the stout stems clothed with pointed leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 120x60cms.£8.408.00
Campanula lactiflora ‘Prichard’s Variety’ (AGM)Bellflower 2LtFine hardy perennial with stout stems carrying branching heads full of VIOLET-BLUE bell-flowers; May-August. May need staking if exposed. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. 120x60cms.£7.505.00
Campanula latifolia macrantha ‘Alba’Bellflower 1.4LtStiff, strong, erect stems studded up their entire length with wide, saucer-shaped, PURE WHITE flowers; June & July. Outstanding evergreen with rosettes of handsome, green leaves. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 75x60cm.£5.752.00
Campanula Mevr. V. Vollenhove’ 1.4LtA compact, slow-spreading perennial to around 30cm tall with ovate to heart-shaped leaves. Low, arching stems bear broad, creamy-white, bell-shaped flowers in summer. Well drained soil in sun.£6.255.00
Campanula ‘Moonlight’Bell flower 2LtMakes a mound of light green foliage which is filled with china blue, fading to white flowers. The colour as with many plants, changes with the light. Flush of flowers in early summer and again in autumn. Fertile, moist yet drained soil in sun or part shade. 30cms. Acquired Bressingham, 2022£8.954.00
Campanula odontosepalaBellflower 1.4LtOriginally sold by us as sp, coll Iran. A Paul Furse collection with running stems having toothed leaves. Large, nodding, bell shaped soft grey-blue bells with jagged mouths during summer. Free draining soil in sun. (6-8) 40cm.£5.959.00
Campanula persicifoliaBellflower 1LtSlender stems lined with cup-shaped LILAC-BLUE flowers; June to August. Attractive basal rosettes of evergreen leaves. Any well drained soil in sun or part shade. 90cms.£4.9512.00
Campanula persicifolia ‘La Bonne Amie’Peach leaved Bellflower 1.4LtSpikes of double, almost hose-in-hose, pure white flowers with reflexed tips to the petals;- early summer. Basal, evergreen rosettes of leaves need dividing regularly for vigour. Well drained soil in sun. (5-7) 70cm.£7.952.00
Campanula persicifolia ‘Telham Beauty’Bell Flower 1LtSlender, wiry stems lined with attractive, nodding, papery, cup-shaped flowers of CHINA-BLUE; over a long period from June to August. Makes a basal rosette of evergreen leaves. Any reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. 90cms.£4.955.00
Campanula portenschlagiana ‘Clockwise BlueBellflower 1.4LtStrong grower forming mats of small, scalloped, deep-green leaves. Short stems carry masses of flared, trumpet-shaped, blue flowers over a long period from early to midsummer. Light, free draining soil in sun. 10x60cm.£6.253.00
Campanula portenschlagiana ‘Clockwise White’Bellflower 1.4LtStrong grower forming mats of small, scalloped, deep-green leaves. Short stems carry masses of flared, trumpet-shaped, white flowers over a long period from early to midsummer. Light, free draining soil in sun. 10x60cm.£6.254.00
Campanula poscharskyana ‘Blue Waterfall’ 1LtVery prolific, more or less evergreen trailing perennial with scallop shaped dark green leaves & a profusion of starry dark sky-blue flowers, slightly paler at the centre all summer into autumn. Ideal trailing over walls. Well drained sun. (5-9) 15cm.£4.951.00
Campanula poscharskyana ‘Pinkins’Bellflower 1LtA little less vigorous than the type the trailing mats of rich green, glossy foliage offset short stems with star like, lilac pink flowers. attractive to bees; June-July. Retentive yet free draining, fertile soil in sun or part shade. Excellent for edging, containers & will climb given a host. 10x30cms. From the National Collection holder.£4.751.00
Campanula poscharskyana ‘Pinkins’Bellflower 1.4Lt£5.951.00
Campanula punctata rubrifoliaBell Flower 1LtA low, spreading perennial with large, TUBULAR, CREAMY FLUSHED PURPLE BELLS SPECKLED BRIGHT RED WITHIN; July & August. Well drained, preferably sandy soil in a sunny position. 30x45cms.£3.991.00
Campanula pyramidalisChimney Bellflower 1LtSpikes of large, MID-BLUE flowers over a long period; summer. Large, heart-shaped leaves. Can be short lived but in a light, well drained soil is soudly perennial. 150x60cms.£4.9510.00
Campanula rapunculoides 1.4LtSpires of STARRY, RICH VIOLET-BLUE flowers; June & July. Rosettes of nettle-like leaves. An excellent naturalizer in grass. Fertile, moist yet well drained soil in sun. 90x60cms.£5.757.00
Campanula ‘Samantha’Bellflower 1.4LtNew american hybrid forming tight mounds of dark green, toothed leaves. Widely flared, cup-shaped blue flowers with a deeper blue eye; late spring through summer.Well drained soil in sun or light shade. (4-8) 15x30cm.£5.952.00
Campanula ‘Samantha’Bellflower 2Lt£9.251.00
Campanula ‘Sarastro’Bellflower 1.4LtA new Austrian hybrid very much like C.Kent Belle’ but much more compact. Large, bell-shaped, deep violet blue flowers on branched stems. Clumps of jagged leaves. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cm.£5.952.00
Campanula takesimanaBellflower 1.4LtBeautiful large bell-flowers of RICH LILAC-WHITE SPOTTED MAROON INSIDE; July & August. Makes a clump of glossy leaves. Roots colonise freely. Best in retentive soil in sun or part shade. 60x45cms.£5.7521.00
Campanula takesimana ‘Elizabeth’Bellflower 1.4LtHuge, DROOPING, PURPLE-PINK BELLS smother the plant over a dense clump of large, heart-shaped, toothed leaves. Needs a sunny well drained site. 60x60cm. Flowers: July-September.£6.256.00
Canna – generic 5LtCannas are tropical and subtropical flowering plants with large, banana-like leaves. Dramatic summer bedding plant for both containers and borders. Lift & store frost free in winter. Free draining soil in full sun.£23.5017.00
Canna – generic 4Lt£19.959.00
Cardamine trifolia 1.4LtClusters of four-petalled WHITE flowers; April-June. Creeping rhizomes give rise to small, rounded, glossy leaves. Needs a moist soil in shade. 20x60cms.£5.9514.00
Cardamine yezoense B&SWJ 4659 1.4LtForms low mounds of ‘bitter cress like’ pinnate, aromatic leaves the wiry, fleshy stems topped with clusters of 4 petalled, white flowers with yellow stamens; late spring. Spreads slowly though not invasive in semi shaded, reasonably drained soils.45cms.£6.2513.00
Cardiocrinum giganteum (AGM)Giant Lily 5LtSpectacular bulbous plant with huge basal rosettes of glossy, dark green leaves. Stout stems bear large racemes of strongly scented, nodding, white trumpets striped maroon inside. Cool, rich soil in part shade but does not tolerate drought. 2.5×1.2m.£24.954.00
Caryopteris divaricata ‘Blue Butterflies’Blue Beard 3LtUnusual herbaceous, clump forming perennial the tall, erect stems lined with toothed, very aromatic, nettle like green flushed purple leaves.up the erect stems. Airy, 3 branched heads of unusually shaped, lipped blue flowers with prominent curved stamens; summer into autumn. Well drained soil in sun. Hardiness unknown. 150x75cm. Selected from Japanese native.£14.953.00
Catananche caeruleaCupid’s Dart 2LtSheaves of branching, wiry stems ending in dark-eyed daisies of cornflower-blue enclosed in a papery everlasting’ calyx; July-August. Light, well drained soil in a sunny position. 60cms.£6.954.00
Catananche caeruleaCupid’s Dart 1Lt£4.9512.00
Caulophyllum thalictroidesBlue Cohosh 1.4LtRarely seen woodlander with small spikes of greenish-yellow flowers with long stamens; late spring & early summer followed by spectacular bright blue glaucous seeds. Palmate leaves. Slow to increase. Moist, humus rich acid soil in woodland soil.75cm.£6.953.00
Cautleya spicataHardy Ginger 1.4LtSpikes of tubular, two-lipped yellow flowers held in reddish-maroon bracts. Broad, lance-shaped glossy-green leaves on stout stems. Moist, humus-rich soil in part shade. Mulch in winter. (8-9) 75cm.£6.2510.00
Cautleya spicata ‘Arun Flame’ HWJK2172Ginger Lily 2LtA distinct form with darkest red stems. Terminal spikes of hooded yellow-orange flowers from red bracts; late summer. Linear, green leaves tinged red on reverse. Retentive soil in part shade. Winter mulching advised. to 1.0m. Jones / Hinkley, 2002 East Bengal£10.953.00
Cautleya spicata ‘Arun Flame’ HWJK2172Ginger Lily 1.4Lt£7.251.00
Centaurea ‘Caramia’Knapweed 1LtCornflower-like purple-pink spidery flowers on tall stems from dark buds; all summer. Narrow dark green leaves. Not sure of the breeding but may be a hybrid of C.phrygia. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. 90x60cm.£4.955.00
Centaurea dealbataCornflower 1LtBasal clumps of pale-green leaves, silver beneath. Heads of warm-pink cornflowers with a creamy-white eye during mid to late summer. Any reasonable soil in sun or light shade. (6-8) 90cm.£4.956.00
Centaurea glastifoliaKnapweed 2LtAn unusual variety with basal clumps of lomg, narrow, grey-green leaves. Heavily branched stems with thistle-like soft yellow flowers from silver calyces in late summer. Best in poor limy soils in full sun. 120x60cm.£6.958.00
Centaurea macrocephalaStar Thistle 1.4LtStout stems with enormous, YELLOW, thistle-like flowers enclosed in papery, brown bracts; summer. Dries well. A robust, clump-forming perennial with mid-green, narrowly oval, deeply cut leaves. Well drained even poor soil in sun. 90x60cms.£4.955.00
Centaurea macrocephalaStar Thistle 2Lt£6.955.00
Centaurea montanaMountain Knapweed 1LtRICH BLUE, thistle-like heads surrounded by starry, trumpet-shaped petals; summer. Grown in gardens since 1596, this easily grown clump-former has jagged grey-green leaves. Well drained chalky soil in full sun. 45x60cms.£4.958.00
Centaurea nigra 1.4LtStiff upright stems with branching heads topped with tightly packed, thistle like purple flower heads from rounded, hard buds; summer. Much loved by bees & butterflies. Slightly hairy, may=t green leaves. Native for any reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. 90cms.£5.251.00
Centaurea orientalisYellow Star Thistle 1.4LtGood, mid border perennial from S.W Europe with large, creamy-yellow thistle, emerging from silver-brown, scaly calyces during summer. Leathery, finely pinnate leaves. Dry, well drained soil in sun. (6-8) 120cm.£5.952.00
Centaurea simplicicaulisKnapweed 1.4LtChoice ground covering species, with carpets of much divided silver leaves, white on the reverses. Large, cornflower like, rich mauve flowers all summer. Well drained soil in sun or light shade. (6-8) 20cm.£6.751.00
Chaerophyllum hirsutum ‘Roseum’ 1.4LtFlat, umbrella-like heads of pink flowers; late spring to midsummer. Upright habit with large, attractive, apple-scented, ferny, mid-green leaves sometimes flushed purple. Moist, fertile soil in sun or part shade. 60x30cms.£6.956.00
Chelone lyonii ‘Hot Lips’Turtle Head 2LtPrairie perennial with glossy, deeply veined leaves on erect stems. Whorled clusters of narrow mouthed, dusky-pink flowers, like a turtle head during late summer & autumn. Never too dry soil in part shade. (7-9)40cm.£7.257.00
Chelone obliquaTurtle’s Head 1.4LtStiff, leafy stems with heads of WARM, DEEP LILAC-PINK hooded flowers lasting well even in bad weather. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 90x45cms. Flowers: August-September.£6.251.00
Chelone obliquaTurtle’s Head 2Lt£6.9511.00
Chelone ‘Pink Turtle’Turtlehead 1.4LtSelected from the species for it’s flower power & cutting, this unusual autumn flowering perennial has whorls of rich pink hooded flowers, reminiscent of a turtle’s head. Erect, creeping stems with nettle like leaves. easily grown in any well drained soil in sun & very hardy. (7-9) 60cm.£5.502.00
Chelone ‘Pink Turtle’Turtlehead 2Lt£7.507.00
Chelonopsis moschata 1.4LtPenstemon-like, narrow, wine-red tubular flowers. A very unusual plant with dark green hairy leaves. Moist, shady site. 45x45cm. Flowers: July-September.£5.752.00
Chlorophytum graminifolium 1.4Ltsyn. Anthericum undulatum. Widespread across Cape province in S.Africa, this is proving hardy for us. Basal rosettes of long, narrow, strap like channelled leaves. Airy spikes of starry white flowers during late summer & autumn. Sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (7-9) 80cm.£5.954.00
Chromolaena arnottianum RCB-RA-L-2Joe Pye Weed 2LtColl;- Escoipe Gorge, Salta province, Argentina. Unusual, rather lax species with somewhat trailing stems topped by small, flattened heads of Ageratum-like, powder-blue flowers;- late summer & autumn. Relatively untried in cultivation. (7-10) 90cm.£7.952.00
Chrysanthemum ‘Bronze EleganceHardy Perennial Chrysanth 2LtA dense bushy plant with LIGHT BRONZE POM-POMS freely produced. Fertile soil in sun. 90x60cms. Flowers: September-October.£6.991.00
Chrysanthemum ‘Cottage Apricot’rubellum Chrysanthemum 2LtSoundly perennial rubellum type chrysanthemum with semi double rich salmony-oeach flowers, paler at the the centre & bronze backs;- late summer into autumn. Lobed grey-green leaves. Any reasonable, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (9-11) 65cm.£7.257.00
Chrysanthemum ‘Dixter Orange’Chrysanthemum 2LtSelected by Christopher Lloyd, this early flowering chrysanth has fully double, pom pom like, rich orange flowers. held on well branched stems from july to September. aromatic, lobed, grey-green leaves on woody stems. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 100cm.£6.956.00
Chrysanthemum ‘Doctor Tom Parr’Hardy Chrysanthemum 1.4LtSmall, compact, hardy hybrid with clouds of small, pompom-like, soft, reddish-bronze flowers in late summer & autumn. Grey-green, lobed leaves. Well drained soil in sun or light shade. (8-10) 45cm.£5.502.00
Chrysanthemum ‘Doctor Tom Parr’Hardy Chrysanthemum 2Lt£7.501.00
Chrysanthemum ‘Goldengreenheart’Hardy Chrysanthemum 2LtRather unusual hybrid with pale peachy-orange flowers, usually semi-double with rounded petals. The yellow eye unusually ages a lime green. Flowers September & October. Grey-green, round lobed leaves. Light, free draining soil in a sunny, sheltered spot. (9-10) 50cm.£7.257.00
Chrysanthemum ‘Mei-kyo’Chrysanth 2LtDwarf, perenal chrysanth with clusters of small, fully double, pompom like, dusky pink flowers, overlaid with a copper wash;- late summer & autumn. Grey, lobed leaves. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. 40x40cm.£7.259.00
Chrysanthemum ‘Uri’Hardy Chrysanthemum 2LtBred by Woolman’s, this unusual hybrid has semi-double watermelon coloured dusky reddish-pink flowers around a cream eye ;- September & October. Grey-green lobed leaves. Best in a light, free draining soil in sun. (9-10) 60cm.£6.9514.00
Chrysosplenium alternifoliumGolden Saxifrage 1.4LtA plant of moist, wet ditches, found across much of Western Europe. Evergreen mats of densely packed, rather fleshy, hairy leaves. Small heads of Euphorbia-like, golden yellow flowers,. almost stemless from April to July. Retentive or moist soil in part shade. (4-7) 5cm.£6.953.00
Cichorium intybusChicory 2LtBoth ornamental & edible. Large, double, dandelion-like RICH-BLUE flowers with a creamy eye are borne on open, well-branched stems over a long period in summer. Basal rosettes of coarse leaves. Well drained soil in full sun. 90x45cm.£7.951.00
Cichorium intybus ‘Roseum’Chicory 2LtTall, open-branching stems topped with dandelion-like SOFT-PINK flowers for a lomg period through summer. Basal clumps of coarse foliage. Chalky, well drained soil in sun. 1.2x60cms. Flowers: July-August£7.255.00
Cirsium ‘Mount Etna’Mount Etna Thistle 1.4LtAn attractive, as yet unidentified thistle collected on Mt. Etna with showy, flattened heads of creamy white flowers with protruding pink filaments, held in spiny bracts;- midsummer. Basal rosettes of spiny leaves. Well drained soil in sun. (6-8) 75cm.£5.759.00
Cirsium rivulare atropurpureumPlume Thistle 1.4LtErect branched stems with pincushion like deep crimson flowerheads; early to midsummer. Pinnate prickly, thistle like dark green leaves. Slow growing plant needing plenty of space. 120x60cm.£6.7517.00
Cirsium rivulare ‘Frosted Magic’Pink Thistle 1.4LtThe offshoot of the popular magenta form, albeit a much smaller plant, suitable for the rockery. Basal rosettes of strongly spined, mid-green leaves. Short, branching stems carry thistle like, off-white flowers, in silvery bracts, from May to July. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 40x40cm. (5-7)£7.251.00
Claytonia virginicaSpring Beauty 1LtDelicate rarely seen woodlander. Five petalled white flowers flushed pink with darker veining; spring. Narrow, lance-shaped leaves. Summer dormant. Humus rich soil in part shade. 30x30cm.£6.005.00
Claytonia virginicaSpring Beauty 1.4Lt£6.258.00
Clematis ‘Prince William’Texensis / herbaceous 3LtAn herbaceous – texensis form massed with neat, tulip-shaped purple-red blooms from June into September. Prune hard in late February. Medium size grower for a fertile, retentive yet drained soil in sun or part shade. 2-3m£13.952.00
Codonopsis cardiophyllaBonnet bellflower 1.4LtClosely related to C.clematidea with short erect stems holding the leaves with thickened white leaf margins. Nodding PALE BLUE bells with a BRIGHT ORANGE RING IN THE THROAT. Retentive soil in a cool position. 30x30cm.£6.2513.00
Codonopsis clematideaTwining Bellflower 1.4LtScrambling plant with greyish rounded leaves. Delightful nodding, PALE CHINA-BLUE bells with an orange & maroon eye; July to October. Humus rich soil in part shade. 60x60cms.£6.255.00
Codonopsis tangshenBonnet Bellflower 1.4LtVigorous twining species to 2 metres with rounded almost hairless leaves. Yellow-green tubular flowers have a purple band in the throat. Not too dry soil in shade. Flowers: June-August.£5.9512.00
Commelina dianthifolia 1.4LtAn unusual, slightly tender bulbous, low growing perennial with intense blue tradescantia like flowers borne amidst shiny, green, dianthus like leaves all summer. Free draining soil in sun. Native to Arizona, Colorado into northern Mexico. Infusion used by the Navajo as a medicinal herb.£6.257.00
Convallaria majalis ‘Hardwick Hall’Lily of the Valley 1.4LtUnusual variegated form, grown chiefly for that narrow cream variegation on the large green leaves, especially strong on emergence in spring. Usual, sweetly scented, bell-shaped white flowers. Humus rich soil in part shade. (4-5) 30cm.£5.754.00
Convallaria majalis ‘Hofheim’Lily of the Valley 1.4LtA german cultivar with very broad pairs of glossy, mid-green leaves with a wide & irregular variegation of creamy-white, sometimes with the striping extending well into the leaf. At its best with the sweetly scented, waxy white bells, borne in arching sprays during spring. Woodland soil with some shade. (4-5) 20cm.£5.759.00
Convallaria majalis ‘Mary Brooks’Lily of the valley 2LtA stunning golden leaved Lily of the Valley sourced from Bressingham. Bright yellow leaves unfurl from a reddish basal stem with highly perfumed, dainty, pendant, cup shaped, white flowers; spring. Spreads slowly via underground stems. Reasonably drained, fertile soil in sun or shade.May take time to establish. 15cms.£8.251.00
Convallaria majalis ‘Prolificans’Lily-of-the Valley 1.4LtVery floriferous form, with hanging, grape like bunches of small, bell shaped, double white flowers with an excellent scent during April & May. Pairs of ellptic, grey-green leaves. Retentive soil in part shade. (4-5)15cm.£5.956.00
Convallaria majalis roseaLily of the Valley 1.4LtIdentical in habit to the well known white form but has attractive, short spikes of PINK flowers; April & May. Ordinary soil in part shade. 20x45cms.£5.7518.00
Convallaria majalis roseaLily of the Valley 1Lt£5.7510.00
Coreopsis ‘Fool’s Gold’Tickseed 1.4LtThere appears to be two Coreopsis masquerading under this name. This is rather a verticillata type with fine, needle like leaves. palest creamy-white single daisies with a chocolate brown eye in profusion ;- early to midsummer. Best in a light, free draining soil in sun. (5-8) 40cm.£6.256.00
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Curry Up’ 1.4LtIf you like a bit of zing this is for you. Makes a dome of multi branched, fleshy stems covered in needle like, fresh green leaves the whole covered in vibrant, daisy like, golden yellow flowers with a bright red eye; all summer from June on. Free draining soil in sun. 30cms. ‘Sizzle & Spice’ series from Walters Gardens.£4.954.00
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Grandiflora’ (AGM) 1.4LtMasses of GLISTENING, WARM-YELLOW, daisy-like flowers over a long period on bushy, upright plants with fine leaves. Sunny position. 45cms. Flowers: June-September.£5.751.00
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’ (AGM)Tickseed 1LtLong lasting display of single, PRIMROSE-YELLOW daisies; April to September. A bushy, well branched perennial with small, needle-like leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun. 45x30cms.£4.953.00
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Zagreb’Tickseed 1.4LtMasses of upright stems covered all over from with SINGLE, GOLDEN-YELLOW daisies over a long period; feathery foliage. Compact habit to 35cms. Any reasonable soil in sun. Flowers: June-September.£5.757.00
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Zagreb’Tickseed 1Lt£4.751.00
Corydalis flexuosa ‘China Blue’ CD&R 528c 2LtBeautiful plant for woodland shade. Delicate clusters of china-blue, tubular blooms; spring. Purple-flushed, feathery foliage. Requires humus-rich, retentive soil in part shade. Unusual species. 30x45cms.£8.501.00
Crinum amoenum 3LtRare species from Northern India with large heads of fragrant,spidery, white flowers, tinged pale-red on the exterior & striking red filaments;- autumn. They are held on long green tubes. Linear, bright green leaves. Very sheltered spot in full sun.(8-10) 60cm.£7.252.00
Crinum ‘Cintho Alpha’ 2Lt£13.9510.00
Crinum x powellii (AGM) 2LtHardiest variety with bulbs eventually reaching football size. Strap like leaves & stout stems topped by clusters of rich rose-pink sweetly scented trumpet shaped flowers over several weeks. Best planted at the foot of a sunny wall in rich soil.£9.956.00
Crinum x powellii ‘Album’ (AGM) 3LtDeciduous perennials growing from a large bulb, with arching deciduous light-green leaves. Umbels of widely flared, fragrant white flowers appear before the leaves from late summer to autumn. Sheltered, well drained spot in full sun. (8-10) 130cm.£8.501.00
Crinum x powellii ‘Album’ (AGM) 2Lt£9.955.00
Crinum x powellii ‘Harlemense’ 2LtThis old clone dates back to Archibald & Smith & is much less coarse than the traditional hybrid. Rosettes of very narrow, chanelled fresh freen leaves, Whorls of paler mid-pink trumpet-shaped flowers, before the new leaves in autumn. Warm, dry,s sheltered spot in sun. (8-10) 90cm.£6.757.00
Crinum x powellii ‘Krelagei’Crinum 2LtThis name is untraceable but distinct clone of powellii with arching clumps of sparse, narrower, smooth green strap like leaves. Whorl of large, flared, trumpet shaped mid-pink flowers with a white throat in autumn. Best in a sheltered, well drained spot in sun. Thought to derive from the Plantsman nursery. (8-9) 120cm.£6.957.00
Crocosmia ‘Golden Ballerina’Montbretia 3LtOne of the most distinct form available with huge, reflexing, erythronium like, rich golden yellow flowers from bright orange buds;- late summer. Fine, ribbed, pale green leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (7-9) 90cm.£8.454.00
Crocosmia ‘Lucifer’ (AGM) 1.4LtArching sprays of STUNNING FLAME-RED flowers on wiry stems; August-October. Clump forming cormous perennial with soft, sword like leaves. Humus-rich, moist yet drained soils in sun or part shade. 120x30cms.£6.252.00
Crocosmia masoniorum (AGM)Montbretia 1.4LtArching sprays of tubular ORANGE-FLAME flowers, August-October. Good cut flower. Any reasonable not too dry soil in sun or part shade. 75x45cms. Flowers: August-October£6.2516.00
Crocosmia paniculata ‘Cally Greyleaf’Montbretia 1.4LtVery distinct form with rather large, fat, pleated glaucous grey leaves. Very long spikes of narrowly tubular orange flowers, held in two ranks on purple stems, during late summer & autumn. Needs space. Sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (7-9) 120cm.£6.756.00
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ‘Babylon’Montbretia 1LtShowy new hybrid with arching spikes of tubular, ORANGE FLOWERS DEEPENING TO RED AT THE THROAT; late summer. Robust fans of narrow lance shaped leaves. Retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. 60x45cm.£4.951.00
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ‘Buttercup’Montbrtia 1LtArching sprays of butter-yellow tubular flared flowers during midsummer. Fans of narrow fresh-green leaves. Very popular, but needs good living, as like most yellow forms can be a little prone to rust. Retentive, free draining soil in sun. (7-9) 75cm.£4.952.00
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ‘Citronella’Montbretia 3LtOlder, less robust variety, now a little prone to rust but still sought after. Arching sprays of narrowly tubular soft lemon yellow flowers during mid to late summer. Erect fans of narrow green leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (7-8) 60cm.£8.501.00
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ‘Emily McKenzie’Montbretia 1LtArching, wiry stems topped with spectacular sprays of lily-like, DARK ORANGE FLOWERS WITH RED SPLASHES; June to September. Clumps of fan-like, lance shaped leaves. Vigorous & hardy. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 60x20cms.£4.959.00
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ‘George Davison’Montbretia 1LtArching spikes of rather small, widely flared deep-yellow flowers, flushed deeper on the reverses. Upright, rust free leaves. Clump former for well drained soil in sun or light shade. (7-9) 75cm.£4.951.00
Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora ‘Zeal Tan’Montbretia 1.4LtFrom the same breeding programme as ‘Lucifer’ this has sprays of good sized rich intense dark red flowers with an orange flush & a small yellow eye;- mid to late summer. Light pleated leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (7-8) 90cm.£5.752.00
Cynanchum ascyrifolium 1.4LtAsclepias relative, closely related to Vincetoxicum. Erect stems with elliptic, deeply veined leaves. Open heads of five petalled white flowers with a small yellow eye;- Early summer. Easy in any well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 70cm.£7.957.00
Cynara cardunculus (AGM)Cardoon 3LtFeature plant making clumps of huge, silver grey leaves with lance-shaped segments. Stiff, upright, branched, grey-woolly stems carry large, edible, thistle-like, purple flower heads all summer – remove these if you want better foliage! Well drained soil in sun. 1.5×1.2m.£10.953.00
Cynara cardunculus (Scolymus Group)Globe Artichoke 2LtThe flower buds are eaten as a vegetable. Bold perennial with basal mounds of large, thistle-like, grey-green leaves, woolly beneath. Stout, branching stems topped with large, thistle-like purple flower heads; summer. Well drained soil in sun. To 2m.£6.9516.00
Cynoglossum nervosumHound’s Tongue 2LtSprays of intense blue, small, forget-me-not flowers on branching stems; early summer. Mats of narrow, grey-green leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun but the stems will flop if overfed. 60x60cm.£6.9510.00
Dactylorhiza beeches hybridsOrchid 1.4LtOver the years we have grown several species & are now getting seedlings showing varying characteristics of many of the species. All appear to be stronger & better garden plants, flowering May & June. Never too dry, well drained soil in sun. (5-6) 30cm.£7.951.00
Dahlia ‘Advance’Dahlia 2Lt(Informal decorative) Large (to 20cm) Showy, fully double blooms the salmon-pink petals fading to a creamy yellow at the edges; July until frost. Attractive to bees. Good cut flower. For a fertile, reasonably drained soil in sun. Protect tubers in winter. To: 120cms£7.501.00
Dahlia ‘Ambition’(Fimbriata) 2Lt(Fimbriata) Bright red-purple flowers 10cm across, with rolled-under petal edges and jagged tips; mid-summer until the first frost. Rich green, glossy leaves. Not reliably hardy – lift & store tubers in autumn. Fertile soil in sun. 90x60cm.£8.501.00
Dahlia ‘American Sunset’(Decorative Small) 3Lt(Small to medium decorative) Fully double 10-12cm light orange bllooms shaded orange-red on the underside of the reflexed petal giving a lovely two-toned effect; mid summer until frosts. Dark stems and lightly bronzed, dark green foliage, Not reliably hardy; lift & store tubers in late autumn. Well cultivated soil in sun. 90x60cm.£10.753.00
Dahlia ‘Arbatax’Small decorative 3Lt(Small decorative) Excellent recent introduction with beautifully formed, double white flowers each petal edged a soft pink. Good for border and cutting. Fertile, reasonably drained yet retentive soil in sun or part shade’ 1.2m£10.751.00
Dahlia ‘Bishop Of Llandaff’ 2LtTuberous perennial with bronze-green leaves toning well with the single, dark red flowers produced from June until frosts. Lift & store tubers in a frost-free place in early autumn. Reasonably drained soil in a sunny position. 1.0m.£9.505.00
Dahlia ‘Black Beauty’Dahlia 2Lt(Single) Compact, bushy variety with velvety, deep red=black black, single blooms with a boss of yellow stamens; June until frosts. Green foliage. For a rich, fertile soil in sun. Protect tubers in winter. 35cms£9.956.00
Dahlia ‘Chat Noir’Dahlia 3LtTall cactus Dahlia with double, quilled deep blood red flowers stained black at the centre from June to the frosts. Fresh green leaves. Mulch tubers in winter or lift. Light, free draining soil in sun or light shade. (6-10) 90cm£10.751.00
Dahlia coccineaDahlia 2LtStartling, single, medum-small, PURE VERMILLION flowers on delicate airy stems; July to frosts. Green waxy leaves. The parent of many modern hybrids. Lift tubers or mulch in winter. well drained soil in full sun. 90x75cm.£12.951.00
Dahlia ‘David Howard’ (AGM)(Decorative miniature) 2LtLarge, semi-double, fragrant, BURNT ORANGE flowers freely produced against contrasting mounds of smokey-brown foliage; July into September. Not reliably hardy – lift & store tubers in autumn. Fertile soil in sun. 90x60cm.£8.4010.00
Dahlia ‘Embassy’Dahlia 2Lt(Decorative) Beautifully formed, fully double, deep purple-red blooms the petals flushed white on the reverse; July unti frosts. Attractive to bees. Good cut flower. For a fertile, reasonably drained soil in sun. Protect tubers in winter. To: 120cms£8.751.00
Dahlia ‘Frans Kafta’Dahlia 2Lt(PomPom) Beautifully formed, fully double, ball like, lilac-rose blooms paler at the centre; July until frosts. Attractive to bees. Good cut flower. For a fertile, reasonably drained soil in sun. Protect tubers in winter. To: 80cms£8.751.00
Dahlia ‘Golden Sceptre’Decorative 2Lt(Decorative) Beautifully formed, fully double, bright golden-yellow blooms shaded to soft apricot at the centre; July until frosts. Prostect tubers in winter. Fertile, retentive yet free draining soil in sun. 90cms.£8.756.00
Dahlia ‘Kelvin Floodlight’Large decorative 2LtPerhaps the largest of all, this giant dahlia or ‘Dinner Plate Dahlia’ features huge and magnificent, bright, sunny yellow blossoms. Such an appealing focal point! The impressive fully double flowers of ‘Kelvin Floodlight’, up to 10-12 in. (25-30 cm), are not top-heavy and remain upright and straight, even when it rains. Blooming massively from midsummer until frost, this dahlia grows up to 36 …£8.753.00
Dahlia ‘Kordessa’Dahlia 2Lt(Decorative) Impressive variety the large (to 5″) double flowers the quilled pink petals suffusing to white at the centre; June until frosts. Rich green, glossy foliage. For a humus rich, fertile, retentive soil in sun or part shade. Best if tubers are lifted & stored frost free in winter. 120x60cms£7.502.00
Dahlia ‘Loes’Decorative 2Lt(Decorative) Sumptuous, fully double bright pink heads suffused soft golden-yellow towards the centre; July until frosts. Protect tubers in winter. Fertile, retentive yet free draining soil in sun. 90cms.£8.751.00
Dahlia merckiiDahlia 2LtSlender fleshy stems topped by clusters of small, single, LILAC FLOWERS with yellow stamens; all summer & autumn. Elegant parent of many of modern hybrids. Hardier than many hybrids but may need winter protection. 120x60cm.£12.957.00
Dahlia ‘Mexican Star’(Decorative Small) 2LtSingle flowers, 6cm across, have rounded, dark brownish-red petals with a yellow central disc; mid summer until frosts. Dark stems and lightly bronzed, dark green foliage, Not reliably hardy; lift & store tubers in late autumn. Well cultivated soil in sun. 90x60cm.£8.951.00
Dahlia ‘Mystic Dreamer’ 2LtPreviously sold as ‘Candy Eyes’. Dwarf form with single, palest shell pinkie flowers with a deeper magenta bar down each petal. Delicate, finely cut, filigree mahogany brown leaves offset the flowers. Lift or mulch tubers in winters. Well drained, sunny spot. (6-10) 50cm.£9.503.00
Dahlia ‘Mystic Illusion’Dahlia 3LtPreviously sold as ‘Knockout’. Free flowering single Dahlia with good sized mid-yellow deeply ribbed flowers from July to the frosts. Finely divided, darkest mahogany-black leaves. Mulch tubers or lift in winter. Sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (6-11) 60cm.£9.506.00
Dahlia ‘Natal’Dahlia 1.4Lt(Miniature Ball) Well branched stems with small, tight, pompom like blood-red flowers, shading black towards the eye, over a long period from June to the frosts. Much divided, fresh green leaves. hardy in a warm, sheltered, well drained spot in sun or lift tubers in winter. (6-10) 90cm.£8.753.00
Dahlia ‘Peaches & Cream’Int Decorative 2Lt(Decorative) Medium large, double blooms likened to a glowing sunset the orange petals fusing to an outer yellow and tipped white; June until frosts. Protect tubers in winter. Fertile, reasonably drained yet retentive soil in sun or part shade. 60cms. £8.503.00
Dahlia ‘Sir Alf Ramsey’Dahlia 2Lt(Decorative) Fully double, white heavily flushed lilac towards the petal tips; July until frosts. Attractive to bees. Good cut flower. For a fertile, reasonably drained soil in sun. Protect tubers in winter. To: 100cms.£8.753.00
Dahlia ‘Snow Cap’Decorative 2Lt(Decorative) Beautifully formed, large, fully double white flowers suffusing to a soft cream at the centre; June until frosts. Rich green, glossy leaves. Not reliably hardy – lift & store tubers in autumn. Fertile, retentive soil in sun. 120x90cms.£8.502.00
Dahlia ‘White Perfection’Dahlia 2Lt(Decorative) Sumptuous, large, fully double. pure white flowers with a soft green-cream hue at the centre; July until frosts. Attractive to bees. Good cut flower. For a fertile, reasonably drained soil in sun. Protect tubers in winter. To: 110cms£8.753.00
Delphinium Astolat Group(Pacific Giant) 1LtFlowers subtly shaded lilac, pink & deep rose. Outstanding spires of bloom for the back of the border. Sun or part shade in moisture retentive, cool soil. 1.8m (6-7)£4.951.00
Delphinium ‘Cha-Cha’Larkspur 2Lt(Highlander Series) Bred in Glasgow this is a short, fully double form. Spikes of soft mauve purple flowers during May to July, occasionally repeating later. They have subtly suffused creamy green eye. Divided basal leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 85cm.£9.957.00
Delphinium elatum ‘Morning Lights’ (New Mill. series)Larkspur 1.4Lt(Millennium Series) Superior New Zealand raised seed strain with impressive spikes of double mauve flowers with blue tinged edges to the petals & white bee’;- June to August. Divided basal leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (6-8) 160cm.£5.956.00
Delphinium elatum ‘Morning Lights’ (New Mill. series)Larkspur 2Lt£9.952.00
Delphinium Galahad GroupLarkspur15cmSeed raised strain offering bold spikes of semi-double, pure white flowers with a white bee, borne from early to midsummer. Basal clumps of much divided, dark-green leaves. Beware of slugs. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-7) 150x45cm.£6.951.00
Delphinium grandiflorumLarkspur 1.4Lt(syn.D.chinense) Dwarf, short-lived perennial with heavily divided, palmate leaves. Heavily branched stems with hooded, deep violet-blue flowers with long spurs. The true wild species. Fertile, humus- rich, well drained soil in sun. 60x45cm.£7.952.00
Delphinium laxiflorum 2LtFrom grassy meadows in Western Siberia. An elegant sparsely branched species with long finger-like crooked segments. Very long spurred bright and very clear blue flowers tinged with pink outside. Reasonably drained soil in sun. 1.2m Home propagated from seed.£7.255.00
Delphinium ‘Magic Fountains Dark Blue’Larkspur 1LtSeed raised strain giving bold vertical spikes of darkest blue flowers with a white eye during early summer. Can often rebloom if pruned after flowering. Needs a retentive, well drained soil in sun. Beware of slugs. 150x60cm.£4.953.00
Delphinium ‘Sherbet Lemon’Larkspur 2LtBrand-new in 2022 this delphinium has large, soft pale yellow, unusually frilly rosettes held on strong stems during summer. An extremely floriferous variety the stunning spires grow to around 1.2m tall, above compact clumps of ferny foliage. Statement plant for the border and used in the cut flower industry. Fertile, retentive, humus rich soil in sun or part shade.£9.951.00
Delphinium ‘Strawberry Fair’Larkspur 2LtSought after variety, raised from cuttings & not seed, giving a much better plant. Densely packed spikes of warm pink flowers, with a white bee during midsummer. Basal rosettes of deeply cut leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (6-8) 110cm.£8.252.00
Delphinium x ruysii ‘Pink Sensation’Larkspur 2LtNeeds great skill tocultivate this well. Similar to the Belladonna hybrids, this good clump former does not need staking. The branching stems have spikes of hooded clear pink flowers. Rich fertile soil in sun or part shade. 90x60cm. (7-9)£9.251.00
Desmodium canadenseShowy Tick Trefoil 1.4LtOne of the showiest of the herbaceous form with spikes of large, pea like lilac-pink flowers through mid to late summer. Woody based but herbaceous. A prairie denizen for a never too dry soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 90cm.£7.252.00
Dianella revoluta ‘Coolvista’Dwarf Flax Lily 1.4LtErect, tufted evergreen with narrow, steely blue, pleated, folded leathery leaves, quickly forming a good clump. Airy sprays of potato like electric blue flowers with a yellow beak followed by showy purple fruit in autumn. Hardy to -6c. Best in in a rich soil in light shade. (6-8) 45cm.£6.7511.00
Dianella revoluta ‘Coolvista’Dwarf Flax Lily 2Lt£9.952.00
Dianella revoluta ‘Little Rev’Flax 1.4LtMore or less hardy evergreen with fans of blue hued, strap like leaves with rolled back margins. Airy sprays of reflexed blue flowers with yellow beaks in summer followed by intense blue berries. Sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (6-7) 45cm. Good in pots.£4.951.00
Dianthus carthusianorumPink 1.4LtSmall, tufted evergreen alpine with tight mats of long, narrow, needle like, silver-grey leaves. Clusters of simple, reddish magenta, scented flowers, opening from maroon buds during summer. Light, rather poor soil in sun. 15cm.£6.2515.00
Dianthus ‘Coconut Sundae’ (Scent First Series)Pink1.5ltCompact variety the firm, grey stems topped with clusters of fragrant, semi double, ruffled white flowers splashed rich red at the centre; May – August. Dead head regularly.. Needle like, grey green, evergreen foliage. Requires a fre draining solil in sun or part shade 30x30cms.£5.951.00
Dianthus ‘Doris’ (AGM)(Pink) 1LtDouble blooms of light pink with a salmon eye; well scented. A very popular variety. Plant in groups for effect. Well drained, sunny position. Ht:30cms (12ins). (June-Oct)£4.9510.00
Dianthus ‘Flashing Light’Dianthus 1LtStrong growing, mat forming evergreen edger with narrow, glossy green leaves with a bronze-purple tinge. Small, intense ruby-red flowers with a darker eye over a long period from late spring into summer. Light, free draining soil in sun.10x20cms£4.952.00
Dianthus ‘Gran’s Favourite’ (AGM)(Pink) 1LtWhite flowers with the edge of each petal outlined in purple; wonderful spicy fragrance. Good compact habit. Well drained soil in a sunny site. 30x45cm.£4.9511.00
Dianthus ‘Laced Monarch’Border Pink 1LtDouble flowers of pink with chestnut marking from June-Sept.; slight fragrance. Excellent for edging or underplanting roses. Well drained soil in a sunny position. Ht:30cms£4.958.00
Dianthus ‘Laced Monarch’Border Pink 1.4Lt£5.503.00
Dianthus ‘Lady In Red’Pink 1.4Ltsyn.Xanthe’. One of the most intense vermilion reds. Fully double flowers in profusion from June through the summer over mounds of steely grey leaves. Light, rather poor soil in sun. (6-9) 35cm.£5.5011.00
Dianthus ‘Memories’Pink1.5lt(Scent First Series) Voted the best new perennial of 2013, this is surely one of the most powerfully scented pinks ever bred. Superbly shaped, pristine white flowers over a very long period from may to August. Tight buns of silver grey, needle like leaves. Light, free draining soil in sun. (5-8) 20cm.£5.955.00
Dianthus ‘Rasperry Sundae’ (Scent First Series)Pink1.5ltCompact variety the firm, grey stems topped with clusters of spicy fragrant, double, pink blooms splashed rich red at the centre; May – September. Dead head regularly.. Needle like, grey green, evergreen foliage. Requires a fre draining soil in sun or part shade 30x30cms.£5.951.00
Dianthus ‘Sugar Plum’Pink1.5lt(Scent First Series) Fully double, wavy petals in a blend of maroon, pink & white, emerging from chocolate buds from late spring through summer. Has a spicy, musky scent. Tight mounds of steely grey leaves. Light, free draining soil in full sun. (5-8) 30cm.£5.952.00
Dianthus ‘Tickled Pink’ (Scent First Series)Pink1.5ltCompact variety the firm, grey stems topped with clusters of spicy fragrant, double, lavender pink blloms; May – September. Dead head regularly.. Needle like, grey green, evergreen foliage. Requires a fre draining soil in sun or part shade 30x30cms.£5.952.00
Dianthus ‘Valda Wyatt’ (AGM)Garden Pink 1LtPopular variety with flattish double flowers of clear purple-pink with redder markings in the centre; June-Oct. Plant in groups for effect. Well drained, sunny position. Ht: 30cms (12ins)£4.955.00
Dicentra formosa ‘Spring Magic’Bleeding Hearts 1.4LtExcellent ground cover for woodland soil with creeping mats of lacy, silvery blue leaves. Sprays of hanging silvery-pink lockets over a long period from April through July. Retentive, woodland soil in part or full shade. (4-7) 30cm.£5.954.00
Dierama ‘Dark Angel’African Harebell 3LtLong. semi-arching, fine yet strong stems tipped with pendulous, flared, deep purrple-maroon bells; July & August. Slowly clump forming, erect fans of semi-evergreen narrow leaves. Needs moisture at flowering but dry in winter. Sunny, sheltered spot. 90 x 60cms.£10.9511.00
Dierama pulcherrimumFairies Wand 1.4LtLong, graceful, arching stems topped with rows of beautiful ROSE-LILAC bells; late summer. Long, wiry, arching evergreen leaves. Moisture holding soil in sun. 1.2m.£6.253.00
Dierama pulcherrimum ‘Blackbird’Angel’s Fishing rod. 2LtVery rarely available is this wonderful deep plummy-maroon form, almost black. These are from division & not seed as is usually offered. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (7-8) 75cm.£10.954.00
Dierama pulcherrimum ‘Dark Cerise’Angel’s Fishing Rods 1.4Lt The wiry stems carry arching panicles of bell shaped, rich dark cerise flowers from papery calyces during summer.Stiff grassy clumps of erect narrow leaves. Deep, rich, retentive soil in full sun. 90x45cm.£6.951.00
Dierama robustumWand Flower 1.4LtBold, more robust species, for a sheltered spot, with variably coloured flowers, from white, pink to purple, held in [pendulous, silvery bracts in summer. Bulbous, with narrow fans of upright leaves. retentive, well drained soil in sun. (6-7) 140cm.£6.9511.00
Dierama tyriumAfrican Harebell 2LtGrown from wild collected seed this could also be a hybrid with insigne. Tall stems with sheathing leaves & sprays of usually rich magenta often wine purple flowers from silver calyces during midsummer. Likes dry winters & moisture for flowering. (7-9)90cm.£12.951.00
Digitalis purpureaFoxglove 1.4LtOur native biennial foxglove. Bold spikes ogf tubular flowers in a range of colours from white through to deep-pink, often with spotted throats. Self seeds when happy. retentive soil in sun or shade. (5-8) 90cm.£6.257.00
Digitalis purpureaFoxglove 1Lt£4.951.00
Digitalis purpurea ‘Camelot White’Foxglove 1LtUpright perennial, breedingtrue from seed. Bold spikes of trumpey-shaped, pure white flowers with fine red flecking in the throat;- summer. Basal rosettes of coarse leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (6-9) 90cm.£4.952.00
Digitalis purpurea ‘Dalmatian Peach’Dalmatian Foxglove 1LtStriking foxglove with whorled, fat spikes of large, bell-shaped soft pinky-peach flowers, slightly speckled rusty bronze in the throat. Flowers through summer. A short lived perennial capable of self seeding. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (6-8) 60cm.£4.951.00
Digitalis purpurea Excelsior GroupFoxglove 1LtElegant, tall spikes of white, cream, pink, primrose or purple shades each flower spotted within & held horizontally evenly spaced round the stem; early summer. Basal clumps of large, ovate leaves. Self-seeds freely. Best in humus-rich soil in part shade. 1.25m.£4.955.00
Digitalis purpurea ‘Pam’s Choice’Foxglove 1LtShort lived perennial seeding itself true to type. Spikes of large, trumpet-shaped white flowers with the whole troat purple-red. Basal rosettes of coarse, grey-green leaves. Any soil in sun or shade. (6-8) 120cm.£4.951.00
Digitalis purpurea ‘Sutton’s Apricot’ (AGM)Foxglove 1LtLong upright stems with spires of SOFT APRICOT, tubular flowers; basal rosette of large, hairy leaves. Self seeds. Best in dappled shade in fertile soil. 1.0m+(3ft+)£4.952.00
Digitalis x mertonensis ‘Summer King’Strawberry Foxglove 1.4LtA naturally occurring hybrid between grandiflora and purpurea. Densely packed, erect spikes of rich strawberry-pink unmarked flowers throughout summer. basal rosettes of glaucous, coarse basal leaves. short lived like all foxgloves but self seeds true to type. easy in any soil in sun or shade. (6-9) 120cm.£6.252.00
Dipsacus laciniatus 2Lt(Native species) Erect, stately monocarpic perennial the branching, prickly hollow stems topped with egg-shaped white flower heads which mature to the familiar, spiky teasels. Fertile, reasonably drained soil. 3m+£7.5012.00
Disporopsis fuscopicta 1.4LtWoodland perennial, looking a little like an evergreen solomon’s seal. Arching, thick stems with leathery, alternate, pale-green leaves. Small clusters of orange scented, waxy, creamy-white, bell-shaped flowers in the leaf axils; spring. Cool, humus rich soil. 45£6.959.00
Disporopsis nova 1.4LtNewish to cultivation this species has long, semi arching stems lined with bell like whitish, speckled flowers in late spring. Narrowish, shiny evergreen leaves. Moist yet drained, fertile, humus rich soil in shade. 40cms.£6.5020.00
Disporopsis pernyi 1.4Lt(syn.Polygonatum cyrtonema) Only recently introduced from China this unusual evergreen has dark mottled stems with pairs of waxy leaves. Large, WHITE, flared flowers have a wonderful citrus scent. Humus-rich soil in cool shade. 45x45cm. Flowers: May-June.£7.508.00
Disporopsis undulata 1.4LtSmall, low growing, creeping woodlander, spreading by stolons. Arching evergreen stems with light-green, leathery leaves. Small clusters of narrowly bell-shaped white flowers with green mouths & speckling, borne during May & June. Best in a retentive, neutral woodland soil in part or full shade. (5-6) 30x45cm.£6.253.00
Disporum flavensYellow fairy Bells 2LtStiff, arching stems arise in spring lined with apple-green leaves. Some 2 weeks later spectacular, drooping, bell shaped, yellow flowers emerge along the stems. Black berries in late summer. Slow clump former for woodland, part to full shade in humus rich, retentive soil. To: 75x45cms. Native to N Korea.£9.154.00
Disporum sessile ‘Variegatum’ 2LtAttractive woodland perennial similar to a Solomon’s Seal’. Lance-shaped leaves are regularly variegated white. Creamy-white, bell-shaped, feathery flowers; spring. Spreads freely in cool, moist, humus-rich soil in part or full shade. 60x60cm.£9.959.00
Dodecatheon jeffreyiShooting Stars 1.4LtPrairie native with bare stems carrying nodding, refelexed usually lilac-pink flowers with a black beak ringed in yellow, during late sapring. The rosettes of fleshy leaves become dormant shortly afdter flowering. easy plant for retentive soil in sun. (5-6) 30£6.503.00
Dodecatheon tetrandrum ‘Red Light’Shooting Stars 1LtUmbels of nodding, rich red, shuttlecock like flowers with a yellow beak, held on bare, fleshy stems; April-May.. Basal rosettes of smooth pale-green, fleshy leaves. Dormant by late summer. Retentive soil in dappled or part shade. 30cm.£4.9510.00
Dracunculus canariensisDragon Arum 2LtRarely seen, tender species from Madeira & the Canary Islands. Stout spotted, snakeskin stems, with pairs of large, divided leaves. The white spathe, flushed green on the exterior, with a yellow spadix in early summer. Keep frost free. (6-7) 60cm.£7.255.00
Echinacea ‘Cheyenne Spirit’Cone flower 1LtSlow clump former the sturdy, upright stems topped with large yellow, orange, pink or red daisies with a prominent bronze cone. Coarse, ovate, green leaves. Although seed grown the plants are robust with good winter hardiness given a free draining, fertile soil in full sun. 60x45cms.£4.952.00
Echinacea ‘Green Jewel’Coneflower 1.4LtVery unusual, semi double soft jade green flowers with horizontally held ray petals;- Late summer into autumn. Distinct colour break in these en-vogue perennials. Needs a retentive yet sharply drained soil in sun. (7-10) 90cm.£7.953.00
Echinacea paradoxaCone Flower 2LtThe rarely seen yellow form of the usually purple coneflower. Upward facing, daisy-like, rich yellow flowers with drooping, almost reflexed petals around a bold reddish-bronze, raised cone;- late summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-9)75cm£7.252.00
Echinacea purpureaConeflower 1.4LtLong, upright, wiry stems carry large, upfacing, soft mauve, pink or pale pink daisies with a golden central boss; June to September. Large basal leaves. Rich soil in sun. 120x45cms.£6.2521.00
Echinacea purpureaConeflower 2Lt£7.251.00
Echinacea purpurea ‘Bressingham Hybrids’Cone flower 1.4LtBold, clump forming perennial the stff, branched stems topped with large, rayed, deep pink flowers with a central bronze cone; through summer. Attractive to bees & butterflies. Coarse ovate leaves. A select strain from Bressingham. Reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. 90cms.£5.953.00
Echinacea purpurea ‘Doubledecker’Coneflower 1LtSeed raised plants with a single lilac-pink flower with a bronze cone often having a secon row of petals on top of the crown;- mid to late summer. Often in the first season they are single. Retentive, well drained siul in sun. (8-10) 90cm.£4.953.00
Echinacea purpurea ‘Magnus’ (AGM)Purple Coneflower 1.4LtHuge, bright magenta-pink, wide rayed daisies with a prominent black central cone; June to September. A new hybrid with large, basal leaves. Rich soil in sun. 90x60cms.£6.757.00
Echinacea purpurea ‘Magnus’ (AGM)Purple Coneflower 1Lt£4.951.00
Echinacea purpurea ‘Primadonna Deep Pink’Coneflower 1.4LtA seed raised, strain, breeding reasonably true from seed. A clump forming perennial with erect stems topped by heads of single, rich rose-pink daisies, with an orange-bronze cone, freely borne from late summer, into autumn. Light, free draining soil in sun. (7-9) 90x40cm.£6.256.00
Echinacea purpurea ‘White Swan’Coneflower 1.4LtLarge, single, wide rayed, daisy flowers of PURE WHITE with a pronounced central cone; June to September. Stately, upright perennial with well branched stems. Any reasonable soil; best in sun. 60x60cms.£6.258.00
Echinacea purpurea ‘White Swan’Coneflower 1Lt£4.952.00
Echinacea ”Starlight’Cone Flower 1LtClump forming perennial the firm, upright stems topped with large (to 7cm) rayed, vibrant carmine rose flowers with a yellow bronze cone; over a long period from August on. Elliptic green leaves. Prairie plant requiring a very free draining soil in sun or part shade. To: 75-90cms.£4.952.00
Echinops bannaticus ‘Blue Globe’Globe Thistle 2Lt(syn.E.ritroBlue Ball’). Steel-blue, globular heads on grey stems from a base a green-grey, jagged leaves. Excellent contrast plant for reasonably drained soil in full sun. 120x60cms.£6.9511.00
Echinops bannaticus ‘Taplow Blue’ (AGM)Globe Thistle 2LtStatuesque, very vigorous perennial with prickly, rounded heads of steely pale-blue; late summer. Stout, well branched stems with divided, grey foliage. Heads dry well. Well drained, even impoverished soil in a sunny position. 120cms.£7.2512.00
Echinops ritro (AGM)Globe Thistle 2LtClump forming perennial the upright stems clothed with elliptic, heavily cut, stiff, spiny leaves (to 20cm long) dark green above & downy white beneath. Heads of globe-shaped metallic blue flowers; summer. Poor, well drained soil in sun. Ht: 60cms.£7.253.00
Epimedium ‘Akebono’Bishop’s Mitre 1.4LtA Japanese hybrid with grandiflora in it’s breeding. The large spidery flowers are subtely blended white & pink. The deciduous leaves are heavily flushed red when young. Compact clump former for retentive soil in part or full shade. (3-5) 30cm.£7.9511.00
Epimedium ‘Amber Queen’Bishops Mitre 1.4Lt(E. Caramel x E.flavum) Abundance of dancing heads of beautiful soft amber flowers with down curving, soft yellow spurs; March – April. Semi-evergreen, heart shaped leaves with serrated edges often speckled burgundy when young. Humus rich, retentive soil in part or full shade. 25cms. Robin White introduction£7.502.00
Epimedium brevicornu Og 88.010Bishop’s Mitre 1.4LtLarger, deciduous species from China, with Rounded, deciduous leaves, heavily speckled crimson when young. Long spikes of small, starry white flowers in spring. Humus rich soil which never dries out in part or full shade. (3-5) 40cm.£7.506.00
Epimedium ‘Buckland Spider’Bishop’s Mitre 1.4LtDeciduous hybrid derived from grandiflorum with nodding, large, spidery dusky pink flowers over mounds of rounded leaflets, rich copper bronze in spring. Tolerant of drier condition sin part or full shade. (3-5) 35cm.£9.959.00
Epimedium ‘Domino’Barrenwort 1.4LtImposing clumps of long, narrow, spiny leaves with an amber fleck. Fat, packed spikes of spidery white flowers with burgundy tips ;- April & May. Can form clumps to 1 mtr quickly. Prefers a more retentive soil in part or full shade. (4-5) 60cm.£8.508.00
Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Cranberry Sparkle’Bishop’s Mitre 1.4LtFound by Don Elick in Southern Japan, this wild variant has large, rich cranberry flowers, held on horizontal stems, later than most grandiflorum types. Deciduous leaves are small on emergence in spring & are bronze. Late to emerge. Humus rich, woodland soil in part shade. (4-5) 25cm.£9.958.00
Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Elfenkonigin’Bishop’s Mitre 1.4Lt(Elf Queen’). A compact form of this deciduous species, with the new growth flushed purple in spring. Relatively large cream flowers held on wiry stems in ;late spring & early summer. Good ground cover for fertile, rich soil in shade.(4-6) 30cm.£8.954.00
Epimedium grandiflorum ‘French Braid’Mitrewort 1.4LtDistinct deciduous variety, grown chiefly for its leaves. They are rather oned sided & emerge luminous yellow in spring with a broad brown margin. Good sized creamy white flowers become hidden by the expanding spring leaves. Retentive soil in part or full shade. (3-5) 40x45cm.£9.953.00
Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Freya’ 1.4LtSmaller variety forming carpets, via rhizomes, of airy green leaves with a rusty glow when young. Nodding lilac-purple flowers with white tips to the petal spurs and matching white centres to the sepals. A delightful cultivar raised by Elizabeth Strangman. Reasonably drained soil in woodland conditions. 20cm£9.956.00
Epimedium grandiflorum ‘Lilac Seedling’ 1.4LtDelicate heads of soft lilac flowers; spring. Medium-large, arrow-shaped leaflets emerge a spectacular deep reddish-purple in spring etched in bright green along the main veins. Fertile, woodland soil in part / full shade. 30cms.Teyl de Bordes of Scotland selected this outstanding seedling from a batch at Washfield Nursery. Came to us via Julian Sutton. £8.952.00
Epimedium ‘Jenny Pym’Bishop’s Mitre 1.4LtVery old hybrid of the x cantabrigiense persuasion with deciduous leaves colouring well in autumn. Rather small red & yellow bicoloured flowers well clear of the leaves;- mid spring. A good choice even for dry shade. (3-5) 50cm.£9.951.00
Epimedium ‘Lemon Zest’ 1.4LtErect wiry stems carry racemes of bright lemon-yellow bells; early spring. Dense rosettes of small, shiny, rounded, evergreen leaflets bronze flushed in spring. A slowly spreading hybrid with occasional rhizomes. Fertile, humus rich soil in part or full shade. 30cms. A Darrell Probst hybrid.£9.957.00
Epimedium ‘Little Shrimp’Bishop’s Mitre 1.4LtShowy, new, dwarf hybrid which creeps slowly. Reflexed, RICH SALMON-PINK flowers marked yellow; March & April. Deciduous, small, rounded leaves on wiry stems. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 20x45cm.£8.952.00
Epimedium ‘Pink Elf’Bishops Mitre 1.4Ltpubescens x leptorrhizum. Robin Whites excellent cross with heavily brown mottled leaves in spring, turning warm coral brown in autumn. Smmall pixie like salmon-pink flowers in late spring with the new leaves. Never too dry soil in part shade. (3-5) 25cm.£6.9510.00
Epimedium pinnatum colchicum (AGM)Bishops Mitre 1.4LtAn unusual form with almost rounded, evergreen leaves flushed a deep bronze. Wide, spurless, YELLOW flowers on dancing stems; April & May. Grows anywhere but best in cool shade. 30x45cm.£7.507.00
Epimedium ‘Red Maximum’ 1.4LtA lovely form bearing long white spurs and deep pink petals and centers. Bronze young foliage. A cross between E. grandiflorum ‘Freya’ and E. membranaceum. Evergreen to 30cms. Bred by Koen Van Pouke in Belgium. £8.953.00
Epimedium sempervirens ‘Okuda’s White’Bishop’s Mitre 1.4LtFrom the snowy slopes slopes of Honshu this is more or less like an evergreen form of grandiflorum. New leaves have a reddish flush with the good sized white flowers; late spring & early summer. Not easy needing an acid, rich soil in part shade. (3-50 30cm.£7.505.00
Epimedium ‘Spine Tingler’Barrenwort 1.4LtAmazing plant, found on a remote cliff in Sichuan. Has wiry stems with very long, narrow, very spiny leaves which attractively overlay each other. The new growth is flushed chocolate. Airy sprays of hawk like, very large soft yellow flowers from April into June. Retentive or moist soil in part or full shade. (4-6) 40cm.£7.508.00
Epimedium ‘Sunshowers’ 1.4LtMasses of dainty, light yellow flowers with out facing spurs & short pink sepals held on erect wiry stems; spring & again later in the year. Young leaves speckled red. Slowly creeping, semi evergreen perennial for woodland conditions. 20cms. Introduced Cobblewood, 2008£9.959.00
Epimedium ‘William Stearn’Bishop’s Mitre 1.4LtNamed for the writer of the Epimedium monograph & named by Robin White. Tall, upright evergreen with leathery, brown blotched leaves. Large, spider-like flowers with long cherry-red spurs, backed by mauvy pink sepals, tipped gold, borne from April to June. Retentive soil in part or full shade. (3-6) 50x45cm.£6.504.00
Epimedium ‘Windfire’ 1.4LtA newer, very floriferous, late blooming hybrid from Darrell Porbst. The flowers have long, elegantly curved yellow spurs and small red inner sepals, attached to upright, wiry, almost black flower spikes, rising well above the deep green, serrated foliage; April. Slow spreading, semi-evergreen for a woodland soil in part or full shade.£8.505.00
Epimedium x perralchicum ‘Lichtenberg’Bishop’s Mitre 1.4LtVery vigorous German selection, forming semi-evergreen clumps of rounded, leathery green leaves, pale yellow on emergence in spring. Spurred mid-yellow flowers in profusion in spring. good ground cover for shade or part shade. (3-5) 30cm.£9.954.00
Epimedium x rubrum (AGM)Bishops Mitre 1.4LtMounds of large, fresh green, heart-shaped foliage lightly marbled red when young. REDDISH, starry flowers marked white; April & May. Sun or shade in not dry soil. 25x60cm.£8.956.00
Epimedium x versicolor ‘Sulphureum’ (AGM)Bishop’s Hat 1.4LtA very delicate, dainty form the small leaves having beautiful tinting when young. Sprays of PALE YELLOW flowers; March to May. Sun or shade in not too dry soil. 30x30cm.£6.522.00
Epimedium x warleyense ‘Orangekonigin’Bishop’s Mitre 1.4LtGood ground cover making mounds of light green, semi-evergreen leaves on wiry stems that take on good autumnal colour. Small reflexed BRIGHT ORANGE flowers. Fertile soil in sun or shade. 30x30cms. Flowers: Early spring.£8.957.00
Erigeron ‘Azurfee’ 1.4Lt(Fleabane) A reliable easy border plant forming dense ground cover.Sky-blue semi double daisies freely produced.Fertile well drained soil in sun.60x60cm.(6-8)£5.952.00
Erigeron glaucus ‘Sea Breeze’Beach Aster 2LtA lovely pink flowered form of this Californian native. Dense mats of spathe shaped leaves. Short stems carry good sized, yellow eyed pink daisies throughout summer. Ideal trailing over walls. Best in a light, free draining soil in sun. (5-10) 10cm.£7.557.00
Erigeron karvinskianus (AGM)Fleabane 1.4Lt(syn.E.mucronatus) Slow spreader creeping by rhizomes in dry conditions. Slender stems with narrow, elliptic leaves & SMALL, DAISY-LIKE WHITE FLOWERS WITH PURPLE REVERSES; all summer. Self seeds freely. Well drained soil in sun. 30x60cm.£6.509.00
Erigeron karvinskianus ‘Lavender Lady’Fleabane 1LtAn excellent colour break for this ever popular mat forming, semi-evergreen perennial bearing masses of lavender daisy-like flowers throughout late spring into autumn. For a free draining soil in sun. Ideal for edging, containers etc. 15cm. £4.9512.00
Erigeron karvinskianus ‘Profusion’Fleabane 1LtA mat forming, semievergreen perennial slowly spreading by underground stems. Bears masses of flowers white, daisy-like flowers gradually becoming pink with age, so different shades of flower will be found on one plant. For a free draing soil in sun. Ideal for edging, containers etc. 15cm. May on£4.955.00
Erigeron ‘Rosa Juwel’Fleabane 1.4LtBushy, daisy like perennial with good sized, rich dusky-pink flowers with a yellow eye, during midsummer. attractive cottage garden perennial, easily grown in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 60cm.£5.754.00
Erigeron ‘Sommerabend’Fleabane 1.4LtClusters of purple-blue, semi-double narrow petalled daisies with a golden yellow eye, over a long period in summer. Basal lumps of narrow, elliptic leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (6-8) 60cm.£5.759.00
Erigeron ‘Sommerneuschnee’Fleabane 1.4Ltsyn.New Summer Snow’. Cottage garden plant with a myriad of stems carrying narrow rayed white daisies which age blush pink as the flower matures;- midsummer. A little floppy so may need support. Well drained soil in sun or light shade. (6-8) 75cm.£6.503.00
Erodium x variabile ‘Bishop’s Form’Storksbill 1LtTight, mound forming evergreen with small, dark green, scallop shaped leaves. Small clusters of cup-shaped rich-pink flowers, ageing slightly paler over a long period through spring into summer. Good for rockeries or edge of border in sun. 10cm.£5.755.00
Eryngium agavifoliumSea Holly 2LtStatuesque plant forming a rosette of sharply toothed, sword-like leaves. Big, GREEN, thimble-like flowerheads; late summer. Well drained fertile soil in sun. 1.5×1.2m.£7.959.00
Eryngium eburneumSea Holly 2Lt(syn.E.paniculatum. of hort.) Clump former with long narrow spiny toothed arching leaves. Airy umbels of small whitish-green thimbles on pale stems; late summer. Moist, well drained fertile soil in sun. 150x60cm.£10.955.00
Eryngium pandanifolium ‘Physic Purple’ 2LtA real show stopper this S.American giant forms a basal cone of long (to 1.5m), linear, barbed leaves from which emerges a majestic, multi branching flowering spike covered in terminal flowering ‘cones’ of deep purple – can reach 2.5m. Said to be hardy to -10c in a free draining soil in sun..£8.2511.00
Eryngium planumEryngo, Sea Holly 1LtGood architectural plant & excellent for cutting. Small, rounded, light blue flowerheads surrounded by blue-green, spiny bracts; June to August. Dark green basal rosettes. Sunny, well drained even poor soil in sun. 90x45cm.£4.957.00
Eryngium variifoliumSea Holly 1LtBeautiful evergreen with rosettes of small, spiny, rounded leaves with conspicuous white veins. Erect stems carry GREY-BLUE prickly flower heads; good for drying. Well drained, sunny position. 45x25cms. Flowers: May-September.£4.953.00
Erysimum ‘Bowles’s Mauve’ (AGM)Perennial Wallflower 2LtForms a handsome bush furnished to the ground with rosettes of evergreen, bluish grey-green leaves. Stems to 30cms. closely set with vibrant, light-purple flowers from dark purple buds over a long period. Well drained soil in sun. 90x75cms. Flowers: March-October£7.955.00
Erysimum cheirii ‘Bloody Warrior’Perennial Wallflower 1.4LtLow growing woody based sub-shrub which in a well drained position in sun will give a continuous show of sweetly scented, maroon-red flecked yellow flowers from late spring until the frosts.Loved by bees. Perennial but does not live for ever so propagate regularly. 45x45cm.£6.256.00
Erysimum cheirii ‘Harpur Crewe’Perennial Wallflower 2LtLow growing woody based sub-shrub which in a well drained position in sun will give a continuous show of yellow, scented flowers from late spring until the frosts. Propagate regularly. 30x45cm.£7.954.00
Erythronium americanumYellow Adder’s Tongue 1LtA collector’s plant which is difficult to flower. Spreads freely by stolons at the expense of flowering. Beautiful pairs of two toned brown leaves & narrow, nodding, yellow flowers flushed red; spring. 15x15cm.£6.9510.00
Erythronium dens-canis ‘Old Aberdeen’Dog’s Tooth Violet 1LtRare form due to it’s slow nature. The leaves are spectacularly mottled chocolate brown & held in pairs. Nodding, narrow, purple-pink flowers in mid spring. Cool, retentive, well drained woodland soil in part shade. (3-4) 15cm.£6.505.00
Erythronium ‘Pagoda’ (AGM)Trout Lily 1LtWoodlander making clumps of leathery, wide, green leaves. Large reflexed PALE-YELLOW flowers. Dies down by midsummer. Peaty, humus-rich, well drained soil in part or full shade. 30x30cms. Flowers: April-May.£5.9510.00
Eucomis autumnalis (AGM)Pineapple Lily 1.4LtLong lasting spikes of white flowers topped by a tuft – the whole spike resembling a pineapple. Attractive late summer flowering bulb with waxy clumps of narrow, green leaves. Mulch or lift & dry in winter. Well drained soil in sun but needs to be kept well watered during its summer growing period. . 45x45cm£5.957.00
Eucomis bicolor (AGM)Pineapple Lily 1.4LtSpotted brown stems carry a spike of STARRY PALE-GREEN FLOWERS EDGED MAROON. Large, glossy, overlapping leaves forming a rosette. Bulbous & marginally hardy. Any reasonable soil in sun.£7.259.00
Eucomis comosaPineapple lily 1.4Lt(syn. E.punctata) Stout stems topped with PALE CREAMY-GREEN flowers with LILAC anthers topped by a green pineapple like tuft; late summer. Rosettes of limp, strap-like, green leaves. Sunny, sheltered, well drained soil or winter protection.£7.252.00
Eucomis comosaPineapple lily 2Lt£7.957.00
Eucomis comosa ‘Amelia’Pineapple Lily 1.4LtNew hybrid the stout, fleshy stems densely packed with star like soft pink-lilac flowers topped by a pineapple like crown; late summer. Broad, lance shaped, ruffled edged, fleshy leaves. Bulbous , S African perennial for a sheltered, well drained spot in sun. 45cms..£7.951.00
Eucomis comosa ‘Sparkling Burgundy’Pineapple Lily 1.4LtRosettes of broad, fleshy smokey-purple leaves. Spikes of purple-flushed green-white flowers topped by a pineapple-like crown in late summer. Bulbous plant for gritty, well drained very sheltered spot. (8-9) 45cm.£11.9515.00
Eucomis comosa ‘Sparkling Burgundy’Pineapple Lily 2Lt£7.502.00
Eucomis ‘Playa Blanca’Pineapple Lily 1.4LtVery showy form with long spikes of starry, pure white flowers, topped by a huge pineapple like crown, during late summer into autumn. Basal rosettes of smooth green, wavy margined leaves. hardy in warm, sheltered gardens in a well drained sunny spot. Can be grown in pots & protected in winter. Needs full sun. (7-9) 60cm.£6.954.00
Eucomis pole-evansiiPineapple lily 2LtStout stems topped with wide open, pale green flowers topped by a green pineapple-like tuft; late summer. Rosettes of overlapping strap-like, matt, mid-green leaves with wavy edges. Bulbous perennial for a sheltered, well drained, sunny site. Winter protection?£15.9510.00
Eucomis vandermerweiPineapple Flower 1.4LtSmall, South African species, rare in cultivation with fleshy rosettes of strap-like, dark-green leaves, heavily spotted burgundy-chocolate. Short spikes of cherry-burgundy flowers with a small crown. Well drained soil in sun & shelter. (7-8)30cm£10.954.00
Eupatorium dubium ‘Baby Joe’Joe Pye Weed 2LtShorter form & one of the most vividly coloured with flattened heads of intense fuchsia-pink in late summer & autumn, held on almost black stems. Nettle like, bronze flushed leaves. retentive soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 90cm.£6.953.00
Eupatorium fistulosum albidum ‘Bartered Bride’Joe Pye Weed 2LtTall, back of the border perennial with slightly drooping, narrow whorls of dark green leaves. Flattened, large heads of slightly off white flowers in late summer into autumn. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (8-9) 180cm.£7.505.00
Eupatorium maculatum ‘Ankum August’Joe Pye Weed 2LtSelected by Coen Jansen, this bold, back of the border plant has flattened heads of dusky-pink flowers, held on dark flushed stems during August & September. Smokey flushed nettle like leaves. Never too dry soil in sun or part shade. (8-9) 160cm.£7.252.00
Eupatorium maculatum Atropurp. Group ‘Gateway’Joe Pye Weed 2LtBig, bold form with black stems & smokey flushed coarse green leaves. Domed heads of dusky pink flowers in autumn. Yellow autumn colour. Good wildlife plant. Retentive or moist soil in sun or shade. (7-9)200cm.£8.954.00
Eupatorium maculatum Atropurp. Group ‘Glutball’Joe Pye Weed 2LtImposing back of the border perennial with domed heads of rich, dusky purple flowers, held on black burnished stems during autumn. The large, toothed leaves have a slightly smokey flush. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (8-10) 220cm.£8.953.00
Eupatorium maculatum ‘Augustrubin’Joe Pye Weed 2LtImposing mid-late summer flowerer the stiff, upright stems topped with large, branched umbels of intense burgundy-red flowers – highly attractive to butterflies. Dark stems lined with large, elliptic, rich bronze-green, glossy leaves, Retentive, fertile soil in sun or part shade. 1.5m£7.501.00
Euphorbia amygdaloides ‘Purpurea’Spurge 2LtBushy evergreen with whorls of narrow, rich wine-purple flowers, taking on blackish overtones in winter. Heads of burnished acid-yellow flowers, held on red stalks, during mid spring, into early summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (4-7) 45cm.£7.505.00
Euphorbia amygdaloides robbiae (AGM)Spurge 2LtSlowly running’ perennial with handsome, tall rosettes of dark, evergreen foliage. Showy heads of LONG LASTING YELLOW-GREEN FLOWERS. Prefers reasonably drained soil in shade making excellent ground cover. 60x60cms. Flowers: April-August.£7.2512.00
Euphorbia characias ‘Black Pearl’Spurge 2LtA new, selected shorter hybrid, with short spikes of green-yellow flowers, with a black eye. Whorls of glaucous, grey-green leaves on upright stems. Well drained soil in sun. (4-5) 50cm.£7.9513.00
Euphorbia characias characias ‘Humpty Dumpty’Spurge 2LtA dwarf selection of this attractive evergreen. Cylindrical heads of apple-green bracts; spring into early summer. Whorls of grey-green leaves. SAP IS AN IRRITANT. Well drained soil in sun. 75x60cm.£7.9521.00
Euphorbia characias Portuguese Velvet’Spurge 2LtSelected from the species & named after it’s Portuguese habitat. Stout stems with crowded, felted green leaves, especially at the tips. Cylindrical whorls of greenish flowers with a red eye;- late winter & spring. well drained soil in sun. (1-50 90cm.£7.258.00
Euphorbia characias wulfenii (AGM)Spurge 2LtWonderful feature plant with long stiff stems covered in evergreen blue-grey foliage & carrying HUGE CLUB-LIKE HEADS OF LIME-GREEN flowers in spring. Prefers well drained, sunny position sheltered from strong winds. 90x90cms. Flowers: March-May£8.252.00
Euphorbia characias wulfenii Margery Fish GroupSpurge, Milkweed 2LtA lovely selection of this popular species with upright stems clothed in narrow grey green leaves. The nodding tips of the stems carry large heads of SULPHUR YELLOW flowers surrounded by bracts. Looks lovely in winter. Fertile soil in sun or shade. 60x45cm.£7.2510.00
Euphorbia characias wulfenii ‘Shorty’Spurge 2LtVery much like a small form of wulfenii with a more spreading, upright habit & usually wider than it is tall. Whorled narrow grey leaves on upright stems. Large, fat, cylindrical heads of rich golden-yellow flowers over a long period through spring into summer. Best in a light, free draining soil in sun. (3-7) 60cm.£7.956.00
Euphorbia cyparissias ‘Orange Man’Spurge 1.4LtA quite invasive species with feathery silver-grey foliage & LIME-GREEN FLOWERS FADING TO ORANGE. Fertile well drained soil. Sun or part shade. 20x60cms. Flowers: May-June.£5.9511.00
Euphorbia dulcis ‘Chameleon’Spurge 1.4LtValuable foliage plant with rich purple-red leaves all summer & good autumn colour. Yellow-green flowers bracts. Reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. 30x30cms. Flowers: May-June. SAP CAN CAUSE IRRITATION.£6.954.00
Euphorbia Excalibur’ (AGM)Spurge 2LtWell branched, semi-woody perennial the long, lance-shaped young leaves are translucent & rich-red in spring turning grey-green with a white rib in summer. Heads of PALE YELLOW-GREEN flowers; late summer. Retentive, humus-rich soil in sun/light shade. 80x50cms.£10.959.00
Euphorbia ‘Galaxy GlowSpurge 2LtAn impressive introduction forming a bushy, semi woody evergreen well covered iin elliptic, slender, glaucous, blue green leaves flushed with pink. Stems topped with multiple acid-green flowers maturing to pink; over a long period from late winter into spring. Retentive yet free draining soil in sun or part shade. To 50 cms. Warning: sap may cause irritation. £7.503.00
Euphorbia ‘Glacier Blue’Spurge 2LtA sport of ‘Tasmanian Tiger’ with rather more vigour & possibly the best variegated form to date. Whorls of grey-green leaves with a broad creamy-white margin. Cylindrical heads of cream flowers with a green eye, during April & May. Best in a sheltered, light, free draining soil in sun. (4-5) 50cm.£7.957.00
Euphorbia polychroma ‘Candy’Spurge 1.4LtClump-former sending up many stems making a rounded dome massed with flat heads of spectacular sulphur-yellow bracts against purple tinged foliage; Ap-May. Any reasonable soil in sun or light shade. POISONOUS IF EATEN – SAP IS EYE & SKIN IRRITANT. 45X45cms.£6.255.00
Euphorbia polychroma ‘Senior’Spurge 1.4LtA larger flowered selection of this popular perennial. The small flowers are held in much larger acid yellow bracts in late spring & early summer. Narrow grey-green leaves. Bushy plant for a well drained soil in sun. (4-6) 45cm.£6.505.00
Euphorbia stygiana santamariaeAzores Spurge 1.4LtFrom the Azores, this is a larger form. if differs in having whorls of more leathery, blue flushed leaves with a slight bloom, held at the tips of strong, spreading stems. Large heads of small, rusty yellow-brown, honey scented flowers in May & June. Best with the shelter of a warm wall in sun. 2.0×2.0mtrs. (5-6)£6.951.00
Euphorbia stygiana santamariaeAzores Spurge 2Lt£12.955.00
Euphorbia stygiana santamariaeAzores Spurge 3Lt£11.955.00
Euphorbia x gayeri ‘Betten’Spurge 2LtRather unusual, light, airy Euphorbia, almost continuously in flower from April to the frosts. Running root with willowy, erect stems with whorls of fine, fresh green leaves. Flattened heads of yellowish-green flowers. Retentive,w ell drained soil in sun or light shade. (3-10) 90cm.£6.957.00
Euphorbia x pasteurii ‘Brown’s Strain’Spurge 2Lt(stygiana x mellifera) Spectacular cross between these two species. Huge, shrubby species with long, velvet green leaves, this form spectactularly red in autumn remaining evergreen in winter. Panicles of scented, buff brown flowers in spring. Sheltered site with retentive yet freely draining soil 1.5×1.5m£9.506.00
Euphorbia x pasteurii ‘John Phillips’ 3Ltmellifera x stygiana. A very robust form of pasteurii looking more like stygiana than mellifera. Huge strong stems with whorls of leaves topped by large heads of honey scented honey-brown flowers during spring & summer. Needs a sheltered spot in sun. (5-7) 2.5×2.5m£10.954.00
Fascicularia bicolor canaliculata 2LtStemless Bromeliads forming evergreen rosettes of toothed, spiny grey-green leaves. At flowering times the central leaves are scarlet with blue tubular flowers sitting in ivory bracts. Plant at an angle so no water sits in the crown in a sheltered spot. (6-8) 45cm.£12.952.00
Ficaria verna ‘Brambling’Lesser Celandine 1.4Ltwas Ranunculus ficaria. Small, gently creeping ground cover with rosettes of glossy, leathery leaves purple shaded with silver & jade green markings on purple brown leaves. usual golden yellow flowers during mid spring. Summer dormant. Retentive, well drained soil in dappled shade. (3-4) 5cm.£5.2510.00
Ficaria verna chrysocephalaLesser Celandine 1.4Ltwas Ranunculus ficaria chrysocephala. This very large form of lesser celandine could easily be mistaken for a Caltha. In spring it produces rosettes of thick, fleshy leaves. Sprays of large golden-yellow buttercups from February to May. Summer dormant. Naturalises in retentive soil in sun or shade. (2-4) 30cm.£5.956.00
Filipendula ‘Kahome’Meadowsweet 2LtA real dwarf form, with heads of small, starry brightest-pink fluffy flowers in midsummer. Basal clumps of deeply cut, pinnate leaves. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 30cm.£6.508.00
Filipendula magnifica ‘Elegantissima’ 2LtNon to sure of nomenclature – sourced from Blooms with this name but not in Plant Finder syn. F.palmata ‘Elegantissima’? Whichever a superb form with large, frothy, light pink heads held on firm stems; May-July. Neatly spaced, large, deeply cut leaves. Prefers a moist soil in sun or part shade. 90cms £6.951.00
Filipendula purpurea albifloraMeadowsweet 2LtThe not often seen form of this good moisture loving plant. Flattened, loose heads of small, fluffy white flowers over a long period during midsummer. Basal mounds of divided, fresh green leaves. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade.(6-8)90£7.257.00
Filipendula rubra ‘Venusta’ (AGM)Meadow Sweet 2LtA vigorous plant forming clumps of fresh green, deeply cut foliage. Flat, feathery heads of DEEP PINK up to 30cm(1ft) across. Damp soil in sun or shade. 1.5m. Flowers: Midsummer£7.259.00
Filipendula ulmariaMeadowsweet 2LtLong, stiff stems with terminal clusters of fluffy, fragrant creamy-white flowers from an attractive basal crown of light green ferny foliage. Moist soil in sun or part shade. 1.5m. Flowers: June-August.£6.753.00
Filipendula ulmaria ‘Aurea’Golden Meadowsweet’ 2LtAn attractive form of our native Meadowsweet’ the young foliage making a basal clump of beautifully divided, vivid golden-green turning creamy-yellow in summer. Remove flowering heads before they seed. Deep, moist soil in part shade. 90x30cms.£6.956.00
Filipendula ulmaria Flore pleno’Queen of the Meadows 2LtLeafy, branching stems, with loose fluffy heads of double creamy-white flowers all summer. Pinnate, deeply veined dark-green leaves.Fertile, leafy moist yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 75cm.£7.2510.00
Foeniculum vulgareBronze Fennel 2LtHas ornamental & culinary uses. Elegant, upright perennial the firm stems lined with finely cut filigree, glaucous leaves. Yellow cow parsley like heads in summer. Self seeds freely so remove heads. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 2mx1m.£6.502.00
Foeniculum vulgare ‘Purpureum’Bronze Fennel 2LtHas ornamental & culinary uses. Deep mahogany purple finely cut filigree leaves. Yellow cow parsley like heads in summer. Self seeds freely so remove heads. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 2mx1m.£6.955.00
Fritillaria imperialis ‘Rubra’Crown Imperial 1.4LtBig bold bulbous plant that in early spring sends up stout stems topped by a crown of hanging whorls of bell-shaped orange-red flowers. Narrow green glossy leaves. Rich well drained soil in sun or part shade. 120x30cm. Flowers: March-April.£9.954.00
Galium odoratumSweet Woodruff 1LtSpreading clumps of whorled, glossy green leaves that smell of new mown hay. Small star-like, WHITE flowers; March to May. Any reasonable soil in part or full shade. 15x90cms.£4.951.00
Galtonia candicans (AGM)Summer Hyacinth 2LtElegant bulbous perennial with tall stems carrying large, fragrant, waxy, WHITE, bell-like flowers with dark stamens – similar to a huge hyacinth. Long, lax, glaucous leaves. Rich fertile soil in sun. 90x30cm. Flowers: July-August£6.502.00
Galtonia viridifloraSummer Hyacinth 2LtElegant bulbous perennial the tall stems carrying large, fragrant, waxy, open, PALE GREEN, bell-like flowers with dark stamens – similar to a huge hyacinth; September & October. Long, lax, glaucous leaves. Rich fertile soil in sun. 90x30cm.£7.951.00
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Cherry Brandy’Gaura 1.4LtShorter hybrid, with woody stems having narrow dark green leaves with a red central vein. Four petalled blush pink flowers with a deper centre & spur open irregularly up the spikes all summer & autumn. Sheltered well drained spot in sun. (5-10) 40cm.£6.256.00
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Cherry Brandy’Gaura 1Lt£4.954.00
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Gaudi White’Gaura 1LtClump forming, woody based perennial the wafting, airy stems lined with butterfly like white flushed soft pink flowers from soft pink flushed buds, through summer to the frosts. Light, free draining soil in sun or part shade. May need some winter protection in very cold areas. 60cm.£4.951.00
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Pink Fountain’Gaura 1.4LtMedium sized upright perennial which in this form unusually has well brached flowers spikes instaed of simply erect ones. Starry pink flowers from red buds over a long season through summer often to the frosts. Light, free draining soil in sun. (6-9) 75cm.£6.2510.00
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Pink Fountain’Gaura 1Lt£4.953.00
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Rosyjane’Gaura 1.4LtErect perennial with widely spaced spikes of starry white flowers, each petal having a broad bright pink edge, becoming more suffused as the flower ages. Flowers from summer to the frosts. Light, well drained soil in sun. (6-10) 75cm.£6.252.00
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Sparkle White’Gaura 1.4LtA more compact white flowered form with open, airy spikes of starry white flowers, opening from red tinged buds over a long period from June to the frosts. Basal clumps of elliptic leaves. Light, free draining soil in sun or light shade. (6-10) 45x45cm.£6.251.00
Gaura lindheimeri ‘Summer Breeze’Gaura 1.4LtCompact form bred specifically for it’s floriferousness, this has long, willowy spikes of starry white flowers, opening from reddish-pink buds;- summer to the frosts. Spotted leaves. Light, free draining soil in sun or part shade. (6-10) 90cm.£5.955.00
Gazania ‘Blackberry Ripple’Gazania 1.4LtHalf hardy perennial with rosettes of heavily silver-grey felted, divided leaves. Very large, palest cream daisies stained rich purple down the centre of each petal, flowering from May to the frosts & opening in sun. Needs a cold greenhouse except in the most mildest spots. well drained sunny spot. (5-10) 15cm.£5.958.00
Gentiana asclepiadea (AGM)Willow Gentian 1.4LtSlender, slow growing, graceful perennial with willow-like leaves on arching stems. RICH BLUE, trumpet-shaped flowers in the upperleaf axils; early autumn. Moist, rich deep soil, but chalk tolerant, in part or full shade. 90x60cm.£6.4510.00
Geranium ‘Alan’s Blue’Cranesbill 1.4LtNew hybrid from Alan Bremner with a lot of pratense in it’s breeding. Finely cut leaves & a profusion of silky, cup-shaped soft blue flowers with finely feathered veining over a long period through summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 35cm£6.959.00
Geranium albiflorumCranesbill 1.4LtSmall, cup-shaped, PURE WHITE flowers delicately veined mauve; late spring & early summer. Spreading clumps of toothed, fresh green leaves. Modest but attractive ground cover. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cm.£6.2510.00
Geranium ‘Allendale Gem’Cranesbill 1.4Lt(G.yeseonse x wlassovianum ?) Yet to fully pin this one down. Saucer shaped, single, violet flowers over deeply cut, golden yellow foliage turning green with age. Prefers a retentive soil . Given to us by Robin Moss ex Axletree nursery.£6.5015.00
Geranium ‘Brookside’ (AGM)Cranesbill 1.4Ltflowers: Large, cup-shaped, RICH DEEP-BLUE on branching stems; throughout summer. Tall, upright, leafy hybrid with clumps of fresh deep green, finely cut & divided leaves. Ordinary well drained soil in sun or part shade. 60x60cm.£6.7515.00
Geranium ‘Catherine Deneuve’Cranesbill 1.4LtNew hybrid sitting somewhere between psilostemon x x oxonianum. Strongly upright with striking, intense retina searing magenta-pink flowers with very narrow, gappy petals. Flowers through summer. a little shy the first year but when it settles if profuse. Retentive,w ell drained soil in sun. (6-9) 70cm.£6.2510.00
Geranium ‘Danny Boy’ (AGM)Cranesbill 1.4LtRarely seen hybrid with narrow petalled, rich purple-pink flowers with burgundy veining & blue filaments, over a long period throughout summer. Mounds of divided, basal leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 40cm.£6.253.00
Geranium ‘Elworthy Tiger’Cranesbill 1.4LtStriking, soft lilac, single flowers heavily veined rich violet & a boss of creamy stamens; May – July. Clump forming, upright grower with deeply cut, soft green leaves. Free draining soil in sun or part shade. 45cms. Elworthy Gardens£6.253.00
Geranium erianthum ‘Blues In The Night’ 1.4LtA Robin Moss selection of this not too easy to grow species. Needing plenty of moisture & a little shade, it is very slow to multiply. Clumps of large, divided & sharply toothed leaves. Hairy buds open to mid-blue flowers with deeper veining, during midsummer. (6-7) 45cm.£6.259.00
Geranium gymnocaulonCranesbill 1.4LtA species from NE Turkey & the Caucasus. Rich violet-blue flowers with a darker veining and notched petal; July-August. Divided leaves. Reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. Ht: 40cms.£6.503.00
Geranium himalayense ‘Baby Blue’Cranesbill 2LtDwarf, condensed form of this gently spreading Geranium, with generous, bowl-shaped soft-blue flowers with deeper veining, fluhed pink at the eye;- late spring & early summer. Finely cut leaves. Well drained soil in sun or part shade.(5-7) 30cm£8.954.00
Geranium himalayense ‘Derrick Cooke’Himalayan Cranesbill 1.4LtVery distinct form with huge white flowers with a strong purple veining during late spring & early summer. Finely divided leaves with a running root. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (5-7) 30cm.£6.2510.00
Geranium himalayense ‘Gravetye’ (AGM)Cranesbill 1.4LtSpreading deciduous ground cover. large cup-shaped violet-blue flowers with a red central zone & white eye. The much dissected leaves are smaller than the species. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 30cm.£6.2512.00
Geranium ibericum jubatumCranesbill 2LtDark lavender blue, deeply veined flowers in early summer. Deeply divided, slightly sticky leaves take on good autumnal colour. Retentive yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. 60x60cm.£7.951.00
Geranium ‘Johnson’s Blue’ (AGM)Hardy Border Geranium 1.4LtLovely variety with abundant BRIGHT BLUE cup-shaped flowers for a long period; mid-summer. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 40cms.£6.259.00
Geranium maculatum ‘Shameface’Cranesbill 1.4LtUmbels of saucer-shaped, PALE PINK flowers with a white eye: May & June. Glossy, mid green basal leaves. Retentive or moist soil in part or full shade. 75x45cm.£5.253.00
Geranium maculatum ‘Shameface’Cranesbill 2Lt£8.254.00
Geranium maculatum ‘Vickie Lynn’Wood Cranesbill 1.4LtVery floriferous form with generous sized soft silvery-pink flowers emerging shortly after the divided fresh-green leaves in late spring & early summer. Yellow autumn colour. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. Good upright habit. (5-6) 60cm.£5.2510.00
Geranium maderense – white floweredMadeira Cranesbill 2LtOn the borderlines of hardiness, this dramatic evergreen has symmetrical rosettes of very large, glossy, much divided leaves. Airy sprays of pink eyed white flowers smother the plant from summer to the frosts. Ideal for a pot with cold winter protection. (5-11) 120cm.£9.957.00
Geranium maderense (AGM)Cranesbill 2LtUnfortunately not a hardy variety but makes an imposing bold clump of finely cut leaves with brown markings. Thick radiating stems carry clusters of vivid magenta flowers with a paler veining. Excellent in a large tub in free draining soil. 90x90cm. (10-1)£9.959.00
Geranium ‘Midnight Star’Cranesbill 1.4LtAnother of those x oxonianum x psilostemon crosses. Basal clumps of large, lobed leaves, heavily blotched brownish-black. Branched stems with small, narrow intense cerise-purple flowers during May & June. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 50cm.£6.2512.00
Geranium ‘Nimbus’ (AGM)Cranesbill 1.4Lt(g.collinum x G.Kashmir Purple’) Purple-pink flowers with darker veining & a small white eye – widely spaced petals; early summer. Finely cut, feathery leaves are gold when young. Ordinary well drained soil in sun or part shade.£6.754.00
Geranium ‘Nimbus’ (AGM)Cranesbill 2Lt£7.252.00
Geranium nodosumHardy Border Geranium 1.4LtContinuous show of small, LILAC flowers with paler centres; spring to autumn. Fine hummocks of glossy green leaves. Any aspect including shade. 45cms.£6.2510.00
Geranium nodosum ‘Clos De Coudray’Cranesbill 1.4LtExcellent ground cover with glossy green, three lobed leaves. Cup shaped mid pink flowers with a paler eye throughout summer. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. Selected in France. (5-7) 30cm.£7.502.00
Geranium nodosum ‘Hexham Freckles’ 1.4LtShade loving geranium forming spreading mats of glossy, three pointed leaves. Unusual lilac-pink flowers with strong purple veins. The central zone is also flushed a light purple. Flowers over a long period from June to August. easy in any soil in sun or shade. (6-8) 30cm.£6.506.00
Geranium nodosum ‘Hexham Whitethroat’ 1.4LtSelected by Robin Moss, this strong growing, ground covering perennial is rarely out of flower. Mats of three lobed, glossy basal leaves. Branching stems carry cup-shaped, lilac-pink flowers with wide white throat, borne from early summer into autumn. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (6-9) 30x45cm.£6.753.00
Geranium nodosum ‘Silverwood’Cranesbill 1.4LtExcellent ground cover even for sry shade. Mats of three lobed, glossy green leaves, reddish tinted in autumn. A succession of pristine chalky white flowers through most of the summer. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (5-8) 40cm.£7.501.00
Geranium nodosum ‘Svelte Lilac’Cranesbill 2LtGood ground cover for sun or shade. Maple shaped glossy-green leaves & small, narrow petalled lilac flowers, with darker edges & veining. flowers midsummer. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (6-8) 40cm.£7.951.00
Geranium nodosum ‘Wreighburn House White’Cranesbill 1.4LtA real improvement on ‘Silverwood’ being more vigorous & floriferous. Spreading clumps of light-green, glossy divided leaves. Sprays of good sized white flowers with ragged edged petals, duruing early to midsummer. Good even in dryish shade.
(5-7) 40cm.
Geranium ‘Orkney Cherry’Cranesbill 1.4LtLow mat former, almost continuously in flower throughout summer. Low mats of bronze-brown leaves covered in a plethora of cup-shaped, cherry-pink, white eyed flowers. Reliable & hardy. An Alan Bremner hybrid. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (5-9) 15cm£7.751.00
Geranium palmatum (AGM)Cranesbill 2LtThick branching stems with clusters of PINKY-PURPLE, red-eyed, cup-shaped flowers; all summer. Forms a dome of dramatic, finely-cut green leaves with brown markings. Marginally hardy. Fertile well drained soil in sun. 60x60cm.£9.958.00
Geranium ‘Patricia’ (AGM)Cranesbill 1.4Lt(psilostemon x endressii) A new hybrid with large, showy, MAGENTA FLOWERS WITH A BLACK EYE; May to September. Makes a dense mound of finely divided, fresh-green leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade.£6.251.00
Geranium ‘Patricia’ (AGM)Cranesbill 2Lt£8.501.00
Geranium ‘Patricia’ (AGM)Cranesbill 1Lt£4.955.00
Geranium phaeumBlack Widow 1.4LtClump-former with lobed soft-green leaves with a dark splash. Lax stems carry REFLEXED MAROON-PURPLE flowers on branching stems; late spring. Excellent choice for difficult sites. Well drained soil in sun or shade. 75x45cms.£5.955.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Alec’s Pink’Mourning Widow 1.4LtEasily grown, even in the driest of shade. Mats of light green, softly hairy leaves. Branched stems with reflexed dusky pink-purple flowers with a violet ring around a small white eye, from May to July. Any soil in sun or shade. (5-7) 60cm.£5.953.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Angelina’Mourning Widow 1.4LtRecent introduction from Sarastro nursery in Austria. Collected in Croatia this has the the darkest red strongly swept back flowers on well branched stems;- Late spring & Early Summer. The large leaves are well blotched brown. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (5-7) 5-7) 50cm.£6.955.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Calligrapher’Black Widow 1.4LtA selected clone of this easy to grow evergreen with soft green deeply divided leaves having a strong black pattern. Reflexed mauvey pink flowers on branching stems in late spring. Grows even in deepest shade. 75x40cm.£7.253.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Green Ghost’Mourning Widow 1.4LtOur introduction & very distinct in its soft green leaves which emerge in spring with a central golden yellow splash. Heads of reflexed dove-white flowers over a long period in late spring & early summer. Good even in dry shade. (5-6) 75cm.£6.253.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Hexham Halo’Cranesbill 1.4LtMasses of small, slightly reflexed, single, glowing rich violet flowers the inner white halo overlaid with radiating, Dusty Springfield like, violet eye lashes; May – July. Soft green, cut foliage. Prefers a retentive, fertile soil in part or full shade. 60cm. A Robin Moss introduction£6.254.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Jensen’s Purple’Cranesbill 1.4LtLightly reflexed, rich purple flowers with a darker thumb print at the base; May – July. Mounds of deeply cut, rich green foliage. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade – tolerates dry shade. 60x45cms. Robin Moss introduction.£6.9513.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Joseph Green’Dusky cranesbill 1.4LtThe 1st & only double phaeum. A double layer of very pretty, deep rose-magenta petals and a smaller nner ring tipped creamy-green; May – July, Hardy, clump forming, semi evergreen for a retentive yet drained soil in part shade – sun if not allowed to dry out. 60cms? Very rare.£7.9512.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Klepper’Morning Widow 1.4LtStriking hybrid with slightly reflexed, intense violet-blue flowers, marked white in the throat. They are held on well branched stems from hairy buds from May to July. Black marked, divided basal leaves. Good even in the driest of shade, but adaptable. (5-7) 60cm.£6.254.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Mierhausen’Cranesbill 1.4LtGerman selection with unusual, lightly spotted leaves held on strangely angled stems Dainty, rounded, rosy-mauve flowers on well branched stems during early summer. Prefers shade but tolerates sun if moist enough. (5-7) 60cm.£6.5023.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Misty Samabor’Black Widow 1.4LtRather an unusual coloured variety the reflexed flowers open cream and mature to a blush pink giving the plant a bi-coloured effect; April- June. Broad mid greenleaves with a darker burgundy band.. Retentive well drained soil. Best in part shade. 60cm.£6.755.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Mourning Widow’Black Widow 1.4LtNodding, stunning purple-black flowers with reflexed petals; April-June. Clump forming perennial with purple-blotched leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun or aprt shade. Ht: 75cms.£6.5013.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Mrs.charles Perrin’Cranesbill 1.4LtGood ground cover, even for dry shade. Mats of hairy, divided, pale-green leaves. Reflexed, two-tone, pale mauve flowers in late spring & early summer. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (5-7) 45cm.£6.508.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Night Time’Mourning Widow 1.4LtExcellent ground cover even for dry shade. Nodding, reflexed darkest brownish-purple flowers with a white stained beak during late spring & early summer. Almost unmarked mid green leaves. Easy in any soil in sun or shade. (4-7) 60cm.£6.951.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Our Pat’ (AGM)Mourning Widow 1.4LtProbably the darkest selction so far from Robin Moss with reflexed, deepest purple-violet, almost black flowers during lat spring & early summer. Very vigorous, plain green leaves. Good even in dry shade if established. (5-7) 50cm.£7.257.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Phantom Of The Opera’Cranesbill 1.4LtSelected by Robin Moss, this has the leaves subtely suffused white when growing quickly in spring. Nodding, reflexed purple-pink during late spring & early summer. Good ground cover even for dry shade but very adaptable. (5-7) 60cm.£6.256.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Raven’ 1.4Ltne of the darker phaeums with deep dark purple flower. Classic phaeum leaf, Good ground cover even for a shade spot. Seedling from G.pheaum ‘Lily Lovell’ found at Rainforest Nursery in Canada. Part or full shade 40cm£6.5010.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Rise Top Lilac’Cranesbill 1.4LtStrong growing clump former for sun or shade. Basal mounds of cut leaves, lightly blotched brown. Reflexed, palest lilac flowers with a darker central ring;- summer. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (5-8) 75cm.£6.956.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Rothbury Cherry’Cranesbill 1.4LtA shorter grower for this group. Upright stems topped with clusters of open-faced, single , lilac pink flowers with a magenta-purple eye and prominent yellow stamens; May-June. Clumps of dark green leaves with purple markings. Any reasonable, retentive, fertile soil in sun or shade. 50cms. C.Foster introduction.£6.9513.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Rothbury Ruby’Mourning Widow 1.4LtFrom Cyril Foster, this phaeum has rather uniform, reflexing rich ruby-purple flowers, unusually with no white eye ;- April to June. Light brown blotched, hairy basal leaves. Easily grown in any soil in shade or sun, even dry shade. (4-6) 50cm.£6.959.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Saturn’Mourning Widow 1.4LtExcellent foliage plant close to ‘Samabor’ but often with better markings. The large, dark green leaves have a continuous band of black around the middle, hence the common name. Usually reflexed, purplish flowers in late spring. Sun or shade. (5-7) 60cm.£6.952.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Tyne Mist’Mourning Widow 1.4LtSelected by Robin Moss, this has basal clumps of softly hairy green leaves, heavily blotched black-brown. Branched stems carry small, reflexing pink-lilac flowers with a purple picotee edging the petals, during May & June. Easy ground cover, even for dry shade. (5-6) 60cm.£6.953.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Walkure’Mourning Widow 1.4LtBred By Christian Kress in Austria, this has clusters of flat, large lavender-blue flowers, a liitle later than other cultivars;- late spring & early summer. Softly hairy leaves. Prefers a good soil in shade but tolerates sun. (4-6) 65cm.£6.5016.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Waterer’s Blue’Cranesbill 1.4LtThis form has reflexed flowers of the softest pale-pink-blue with a contrasting flared inner ring of darker blue on branched stems: April-June.. Mottled, pale green basal leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun or even dry shade. 60cm.£6.757.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Wendy’s Blush’ 1.4LtA beautiful introduction the heads of delicate white, single flowers mature to a blush pink the central, white eye surrounded by a ray of lilac whiskers and pronoinced yellow-brown stamens; May-June. Semi evergreen, aromatic, soft green, matt foliage. Prefers a retentive, fertile soil in part shade.45cms.£6.9513.00
Geranium phaeum ‘Wildwood Whisper’ 1.4LtUpright stems with branching heads topped with delicate white flowers with a feint lilac tinge; late spring. Scalloped mid green, aromatic leaves. Adaptable clump forming perennial for a fertile, reasonably drained yet retentive soil in sun or shade. 60cms New to us 2004 indirectly from East of Eden Nursery.£7.256.00
Geranium platyanthumCranesbill 1.4Lt(syn.G.eriostemon) Rosettes of shallowly lobed, crinkled basal leaves turning red in autumn. Umbels of flat, nodding pale violet-pink flowers, shaded towards the centre, with a white eye. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (4-6) 45cm.£5.751.00
Geranium platyanthum ‘Ankum’Cranesbill 1.4LtMedium size, semi reflexed, single white flowers with feint grey pink cast and veining; May – July. Slow clump former with largish grey-green leaves with good autumn colour. Species grows in woodland & high meadows. Fertile, reasonably drained soil. 60cms+£5.253.00
Geranium pratenseMeadow Cranesbill 1.4LtStout, clump-former topped with dense heads of saucer-shaped, veined, white, blue or even violet flowers to 4.5cm across; early & midsummer. Basal clumps of 7-9 lobed leaves. Prefers a well drained soil in sun or part shade. To: 60x60cms+. Native species.£5.953.00
Geranium pratense albiflorum ‘Galactic’Meadow Cranesbill 1.4LtAn old cultivar dating back to at least 1954 & probably introduced by Will Ingwersen. Larger flowered than it’s own parent, this has showy white flowers on well branched stems during early summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun/pt.sh. (6-7) 75cm.£5.502.00
Geranium pratense ‘Algera Double’Meadow Cranesbill 1.4LtCompact form of meadow cranesbill with double, narrow petalled white flowers with a purple-pink centre;- May & June. Finely divided basal leaves. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 40cm.£5.751.00
Geranium pratense ‘Azure Skies’Cranesbill 1.4LtClumps of attractive, finely cut foliage makes an excellent foil for the profusion of semi-double, bright sky blue flowers with ruffled petals & yellow stamens; July – Sept. Any reasonably drained, fertile soil in sun or part shade. 45cms,UK introduction.£6.952.00
Geranium pratense ‘Else Lacey’Meadow Cranesbill 1.4LtSlow growing geranium, but probably the best of the double pratense types. Semi-double, pale-blue flowers with small, quilled pink tinged central petals around a green eye;- early summer. Never too dry soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cm.£5.2517.00
Geranium ‘Prelude’Cranesbill 1.4Ltsylvaticum hybrid. Upright, branched stems with clusters of small lilac-blue flowers, with deeper veining in early summer, with pronounced red veining. Basal mounds of deeply cut, fresh-green leaves. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 50cm.£6.9519.00
Geranium ‘Red Admiral’Cranesbill 1.4LtUnusual psilostemon hybrid, probably the closest yet to red that has been bred. Cup-shaped, bright cerise-red flowers with a white centre around a small black eye;- early summer. Mounds of finely cut leaves. Retentive, well drained soil. (6-8) 60cm.£5.751.00
Geranium ‘Richard Nutt’Cranesbill 1.4Ltpratense x sylvaticum. Rarely seen old hybrid, named for the famous plantsman. Mounds of divided basal leaves & good sized white flowers with a prominent lilac vein;- late spring & early summer. Slow but easy in a well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 45cm.£5.951.00
Geranium ‘Rozanne’ (AGM)Cranesbill 2Lthimalayense x wallichianum. Bloom’s introduction with spreading stems holding clusters of deep blue, white flowers, deeply veined red, throughout summer & autumn. Lightly marbled leaves. Retentive, rich soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 30cm.£9.5010.00
Geranium ‘Rozanne’ (AGM)Cranesbill 1Lt£4.951.00
Geranium sanguineum ‘Aviemore’ (AGM)Bloody Cranesbill 1.4LtLow growing, ground covering geranium with mats of finely cut, fresh-green leaves. Cup-shaped violet-rose flowers over a long period during late spring into summer. Well drainmed soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 15x40cm.£6.259.00
Geranium sanguineum ‘Hannelore’Bloody Cranesbill 1.4LtBred by Brian Kabbes, this is a very large flowered form. Spreading stems with finely cut leaves, turning red in autumn. The breeder claims some procurrens in this, not sure where though. Flowers June to September. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 35cm.£6.257.00
Geranium sanguineum ‘Holden’Bloody Cranesbill 1.4LtRarely seen form of our native Bloddy Cranesbill, forming lower, creeping mats of very finely but leaves. Cup-shaped pale mauve-pink flowers during late spring & early summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (5-7) 20cm.£6.259.00
Geranium sanguineum ‘John Elsley’Bloody Cranesbill 1.4LtCup-shaped, clear purple flowers; freely produced in summer. Hummock forming, spreading perennial with deeply divided, dark green leaves on radiating stems. Good ground cover for retentive soil in sun or part shade. 20x45cm.£6.255.00
Geranium sanguineum striatum (AGM)Bloody Cranesbill 1.4LtOngoing display of open, PINK blooms over wide hummocks of deeply divided foliage; June to September. Good ground cover for front of border for sun or light shade. 25cms.£6.253.00
Geranium shikokianumCranesbill 1.4LtFunnel shaped pink flowers with a white eye, veined reddish-purple in loose clusters; summer to early autumn. Light green marbled basal leaves. Moisture retetive soil in dappled shade. 30x45cm.£7.505.00
Geranium shikokianum quelpaertenseCranesbill 1.4Lt£6.955.00
Geranium ‘Sirak’ (AGM)Cranesbill 2LtLarge, upright, bushy & vigorous hybrid, with extremely large pink-purple flowers all summer. Bold, divided leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 45cm.£7.257.00
Geranium ‘Spinners’Cranesbill 2LtNew leaves emerge with golden-bronze flush. This has almost disappeared when the large, bright blue flowers smother the plant in summer. Showy hybrid bred in Hampshire. Ordinary soil in sun. 45x45cm.£7.508.00
Geranium sylvaticum albiflorum ‘Cyril’s Superb White’Wood Cranesbill 1.4LtSelected by Cyril Foster, this is a tall, strong growing, large form of sylvaticum. Heavily branched stems with good sized pure-white flowers from May to July. Basal mounds of light green, divided leaves. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 90cm.£6.253.00
Geranium sylvaticum ‘Amanda’Wood Cranesbill 1.4Ltvery unsual form of the wood Cranesbill with very small, piercing rich purple flowers on heavily branched stems creating an airy, hazy effect. Flower may to July. Divide dleaves with good auitumn colour. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 95-70 45cm.£6.256.00
Geranium sylvaticum ‘Birch Lilac’Cranesbill 1.4LtBranching stems with LILAC-PURPLE, cup-shaped flowers; late spring. Lovely basal clumps of fingered leaves. Easily grown in ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 90x60cm.£5.7512.00
Geranium sylvaticum ‘Lilac Eyes’Cranesbill 1.4LtFor the shadier, moister situation this bold grower has open, single, lovely soft lilac-pink flowers with deeper eye lashes & purple anthers; May – July. Slow clump former with soft green, divided foliage. 60cms. ‘Sylvaticum’ = of woodland. A Robin Moss introduction.£5.9510.00
Geranium sylvaticum ‘Master Charles Wilson’Cranesbill 1.4LtPreferring shadier, moister conditions a bold grower with open, single, rich pink flowers with deeper veining. Slow, upright clump former with divided, soft green foliage. To 75 x 45 cms. A Robin Moss introduction£6.2512.00
Geranium sylvaticum ‘Master Niall Lawson’Wood Cranesbill 1.4LtSelected by Robin Moss & named for his grandson. A low growing form of sylvaticum with mounds of much divided leaves.
Cup-shaped, pale blue-lilac flowers with eyelash like veins, during early summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 60cm.
Geranium sylvaticum ‘Mayflower’ (AGM)Wood Cranesbill 1.4LtA good plant for May flowering’ with good, RICH VIOLET-BLUE flowers over a long period from late spring. Delicate, finely cut foliage. Any reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. 90x60cms£5.952.00
Geranium sylvaticum ‘Miss Connie Wilson’Wood Cranesbill 1.4LtBred by Robin Moss & named for his granddaughter. A lower form of the wood cranesbill with soft, cup-shaped lilac-blue flowers, lightly veined, from May to July. Basal clumps of divided leaves. Retentive,w ell drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 40cm.£5.753.00
Geranium tuberosumCranesbill 1.4LtCup-shaped, BRIGHT PURPLE-PINK flowers with deeper veining; mid spring. Summer dormant. Deeply cut mid- green leaves appear in autumn. Well drained soil in sun. 20x45cm.£5.9512.00
Geranium x cantabrigiense ‘Biokovo’Cranesbill 1LtMasses of short-stemmed WHITE FLOWERS WITH PINK VEINING; May & June. Low, spreading perennial with finely cut foliage. Another superb hybrid from Cambridge Botanic Garden. Any reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. 25cms.£4.951.00
Geranium x cantabrigiense ‘Karmina’Cranesbill 1Lt(macrorrhizum x dalmaticum) flowers: Dark rosy-mauve; early summer. A German selection making low, evergreen ground-cover the glossy leaves having an apple scent & taking on good autumnal colours. Excellent even in dry soil in sun. 30x60cm.£4.951.00
Geranium x magnificum (AGM)Hardy Border Geranium 1.4LtDarkly veined, VIOLET-BLUE flowers; all summer. Handsome deeply cut, rounded hairy leaves with good autumn tints. Sun or part shade in any reasonable soil. 60x60cms.£6.7512.00
Geranium x magnificum ‘Hylander’Cranesbill 1.4Ltibericum ibericum x platypetalum. Old peter yeo hybrid with good sized rich violet-blue flowers with darker violet veins;- Late spring & early summer. Basal rosettes of hairy sage green leaves. Very slow to multiply. Well drained sunny site.(5-6) 40cm£6.2512.00
Geranium x magnificum ‘Rosemoor’Cranesbill 1.4LtA much more compact form than the species. The large flowers are a deeper purple-blue, with even darker veining, often reblooming in late summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) & (8-9). 35cm.£6.5018.00
Geranium x magnificum ‘Vital’Cranesbill 1.4LtOne of the richest violet forms of ibericum available. Good sized rich violet-purple flowers with even darker veining during June & July. Basal rosettes of hairy, scallop shaped leaves. Likes a well drained soil in sun. 96-7) 40cm.£5.954.00
Geranium x monacense ‘Jackie’Cranesbill 1.4LtA seedling of reflexum ‘Katara Pass’ x phaeum ‘Our Pat’. Basal clumps of divided, softly hairy, basal leaves. The strongly reflexing flowers are a very deep, intense purple, almost black. Flowers late spring & early summer. Good ground cover even for dry shade. (5-6) 90cm.£6.504.00
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Chocolate Strawberry’Cranesbill 1.4LtSelected by Robin Moss, this strong growing form divided leaves, heavily blotched chocolate. Branched stems with large reddish strawberry-pink flowers in late spring & early summer. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 45cm.£6.253.00
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Hollywood’Hardy Border Geranium 1.4LtA hybrid with large leaves & clusters of CLEAR PALE-PINK flowers on branching stems. Any reasoanble soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cm. Flowers: June-August£6.254.00
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Iced Green Tea’Cranesbill 1.4LtTidy, mound forming deciduous cranesbill with much divided, light apple-green leaves. Sprays of cup-shaped white flowers with a soft greyish-pink veining, during early summer. A new hybrid from Robin Moss. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 60cm.£6.254.00
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Lady Moore’Cranesbill 1.4LtDelicate, creeping, evergreen ground-cover. Sprays of cup-shaped, silvery lilac-rose flowers with a darker veining; summer until autumn. Elegant, divided, light green foliage. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 45x60cm.£5.952.00
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Laura Skelton’Cranesbill 1.4LtQuite outstanding introduction with good sized white flowers covered in rich red veining during early summer. Basal mounds of divided leaves. Not easy to keep through the winter we have found. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 40cm.£5.752.00
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Music from Big Pink’Cranesbill 1.4LtA Robin Moss hybrid with good sized, slightly trumpet shaped rich pink flowers over a very long period through late spring & summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-8) 40cm.£5.7511.00
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Robin’s Ginger Nut’Cranesbill 1.4LtSelected by Robin Moss, this shorter form has lower mats of mid green leaves often lightly blotched chocolate. Sprays of small, narrow petalled rich salmon-pink flowers with just a tinge of ginger as the flower finishes;- late spring & early summer. Sun or part shade.30£6.2516.00
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Rodbylund’Cranesbill 1.4LtBred in Denmark this long flowering oxonianum has good sized intense rich-pink flowers over a long season from late spring into summer. Plain green leaves on strong, weed supressing clumps. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 40cm.£5.251.00
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Sandy’Cranesbill 1.4LtShorter, more compact form with basal clumps of divided, light-green leaves. Large large, pale blush-pink flowers with slightly deeper veining, during late spring & early summer. Easily grown in a retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 35cm.£6.253.00
Geranium x oxonianum thurstonianum ‘Southcombe Double’Cranesbill 1.4LtClusters of rather small, coral-pink flowers with a second smaller row of petals giving a distinct double effect. Much divided leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 45cm.£4.954.00
Geranium x oxonianum unknown hybridCranesbill 1.4LtCannot come up with a valid name for this attractive hybrid, don’t want to name another – the world does not need it! Cup-shaped baby-pink flowers with delicate veining & cream filaments during early summer, held on trailing stems. easy in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 30cm.£6.257.00
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Wageningen’Cranesbill 1.4LtCup-shaped flowers of a lovely WARM SALMON-PINK, much like an improved Wargrave Pink’; early summer. If cut back hard will give a second show. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cm.£6.2516.00
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Waystrode’Cranesbill 1.4LtA large cultivar with large pale-pink flowers strongly veined magenta on rather weak stems. usual oxonianum habit. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-7) & (8-9). 60cm.£5.7511.00
Geranium x oxonianum ‘Whiter Shade Of Pale’Cranesbill 1.4LtMuch like a larger, stronger growing form of Rebecca Moss’. Strong growing mounds of divided leaves. Sprays of good sized, cup-shaped pale softest blush-pink flowers in profusion;- May to July. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (5-7) 60cm.£6.256.00
Geum ‘Banana Daiquiri’Avens 1LtWell branched stems carry semi-double, clear lemon flowers with wide, overlapping petals ;- May & June. Basal rosettes of hairy, toothed basal leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 35cm.£3.994.00
Geum ‘Blazing Sunset’Avens 1LtStriking form, with very large, bright scarlet-red, almost fully double flowers on dark stems in late spring. Strong, vigorous growth.Ffor a retentive, well drained soil in sun. (5-7) 40cm.£4.958.00
Geum ‘Cosmopolitan’ (Cocktail Series)Avens 1LtBeautiful, fully double sterile cream flowers with the outer petals progressively more pink, deeper on the reverses. Reddish stems. Basal rosettes of fresh green, deeply cut leaves. Best in a retentive soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 40cm.£4.959.00
Geum elatum CC7164Avens 1.4LtRarely seen Himalayan species, with rosettes of thick textured, pinnate leaves which lay flat to the ground. Clusters of golden yellow flowers held on maroon flushed tubes in late spring. Needs a more retentive soil in sun or part shade. (4-7) 30cm.£6.257.00
Geum ‘Flames Of Passion’Avens 1.4LtSemi-double, upward facing, bright cherry-red flowers, with gold stamens, held on deep black flushed stems, nodding at the tips; June-September. Rosettes of pinnate, rough textured leaves. Moist, yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 50cm.£6.2512.00
Geum ‘Lady Stratheden’ (AGM)Avens 1.4LtIntense, RICH GOLDEN-YELLOW flowers above rosettes of hairy foliage; May to August. Popular & easy perennial with branching stems. Fertile soil in sun or part shade. 60x45cms.£5.757.00
Geum ‘Lady Stratheden’ (AGM)Avens 1Lt£4.957.00
Geum ‘Mango’Avens 1.4LtShort, bushy hybrid forming a very leafy clump. Branched stems carry rather pale watermelon-pink, semi double flowers, generally a little later here than most varieties. Spreads rather rivale like so likely to need a more retentive soil in sun or part shade.30cm.£4.702.00
Geum ‘Mrs.J.Bradshaw’ (AGM)Avens 1.4LtA long display of RICH SCARLET flowers above hairy foliage; May to August. Popular & easy perennial with spreading stems. Fertile soil in sun or part shade. 60x45cms.£5.757.00
Geum ‘Mrs.J.Bradshaw’ (AGM)Avens 1Lt£4.953.00
Geum ‘Poco’Avens 1.4LtGood sized soft yellow flowers with tints of orange. Large boss of stamens. Purple flushed stems. Large toothed leaves. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 40cm.£6.2510.00
Geum ‘Savanna Sunset’ 1.4Lt£5.501.00
Geum ‘Tales of Hex’ 1.4LtBeautiful, large, lightly nodding, frilly, double, soft lemon yellow flowers with a large boss of creamy-green stamens; May – July. Loved by bees. Mound of acer like, rich green, semi-evergreen foliage. Any reasonable soil in sun ro part shade 50cms.£6.951.00
Geum ‘Tequila Sunrise’Avens 1.4LtWell branched stems carry good sized, semi-double soft orangey-yellow flowers, subtly blended apricot & pink at the tips. They emerge from burgundy buds in May & June. Basal rosettes of hairy, toothed leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 40cm.£6.258.00
Geum ‘Tropical Tempest’Avens 1LtAnother superb Geum from Elizabeth McGregor. Slender, wiry stems bear a profusion of semi-double, saucer-shaped, bright orange flowers over a very long period; April – August.Dead head to encourage even more flowers. Mound-forming, deciduous to semi-evergreen perennial forming a cushion of mid green, pinnate, hairy, scalloped and toothed leaves. Any reasonably drained, fertile soil in sun or part shade. 45cms.£4.9512.00
Geum x tirolenseAvens 1.4Lt(montanum x rivale) flowers: Clusters of nodding, YELLOW from brown calyces; early summer. A naturally occurring hybrid with characteristics of both parents. Spreading basal rosettes of rounded, pinnate, slightly hairy leaves. Retentive soil in sun. 60x60cm.£5.7510.00
Gillenia trifoliata (AGM)Bowman’s Root 1.4LtDainty N.American perennial forming clumps of fresh-green, divided leaves on bright red stems. Starry, WHITE FLOWERS emerge from red calyces; these persist after flower drop. Slow to establish. Retentive soil in dappled shade. 90x60cm. Flowers: Summer.£6.256.00
Gillenia trifoliata ‘Pink Profusion’Bowman’s Root 1.4LtBushy, slow growing perennial with wiry stems having divided, red flushed leaves. Sprays of starry pale-pink flowers from bright red buds during mid to late summer. Adaptable to sun or shade in a retentive soil. (7-9) 60cm.£6.507.00
Gladiolus communis byzantinus (AGM)Byzantine Gladioli 1.4LtTHE TRUE FORM (VERY RARE & NOT ITALICUS) Clusters of widely funnel-shaped, purple-red flowers the upper petal forming a hood. Fans of sword-shaped leaves. Hardy in a sunny, sheltered spot. Fertile, well drained soil in full sun. 60x30cm.£5.952.00
Gladiolus nanus ‘Impressive’Gladiolus 1.4LtImpressive, early flowering, dwarf variety with pale pink petals the upper with a striking dark pink ‘thumb’ print. very free flowering from May – July. Lance shaped leaves. Herbaceous corm for a very free draining soil in a sunny, sheltered position. Winter protect in cold areas. 45-50cms.£4.953.00
Gladiolus ‘Robinetta’ (recurvus hybrid) (AGM)Gladioli 1Lt(recurvus hybrid) Dwarfer selection of this surprisingly hardy species with short spikes of narrow, trumpet shaped true red flowers during midsummer. Narrow, upright fans of leaves. Sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (6-8) 60cm.£4.751.00
Gladiolus tristis concolorGladioli 1LtDelicate wispy late winter & spring flowering bulb with very long, wispy grassy leaves. Good sized soft cream trumpets with a yellow stain at the centre & black smudged eye. Dormant through summer. Needs excellent drainage in a warm, sunny spot. 90cm.£4.501.00
Gladiolus x colvillii ‘Red Drizzle’ 1.4LtSurprisingly hardy hybrid with impressive spikes of trumpet shaped, flared, glowing deep red flowers with faint white marking; early summer. Upright fans of sword like leaves. Excellent cut flower for a sharply drained soil in sun. 60cm.£6.256.00
Gladiolus x colvillii ‘The Bride’ (AGM) 1.4LtSurprisingly hardy hybrid, with narrow spikes of trumpet shaped, flared white flowers during early summer. Upright fans of sword like leaves. Sharply drained soil in sun. (5-7) 60cm.£5.957.00
Goniolimon tataricumPerennial Statice 1.4Lt(syn. Limonium dumosum) A very unusual plant forming low rosettes of leathery leaves topped by branching stems clothed in papery, WHITE flowers that are excellent for drying. For a well drained soil in a sunny site. 90x45cm. Flowers: July to September.£5.752.00
Hedychium aurantiacumGinger Lily 2LtOne of the hardier species with erect stems topped by spikes of rich golden-yellow flowers with deeper filaments in late autumn & early winter. Only hardy in sheltered, well drained mild spots in sun. (9-11) 120cm.£7.506.00
Hedychium densiflorumGinger Lily 4LtUpright clump former, with lance-shaped glossy green leaves. Dense cylindrical spikes of fragrant pale-orange flowers with cream filaments. One of the hardier species for a very sheltered well drained spot in the south. (8-9) 400cm.£12.956.00
Hedychium ellipticumGinger Lily 4LtDense spikes of pale yellow-white flowers, with two-lobed lower lips & unusual purple filaments. Flowers late summer & autumn. Upright stems, with broad dark-green leaves. Marginally hardy in a sheltered well drained spot in sun. (8-9) 200cm.£12.957.00
Hedychium flavescensYellow Ginger 4LtA more tender but showy species from Bengal, with dense spikes of pale-yellow flowers, with green lobes. The lip has a red stain, with protruding yellow filaments. Upright stems with broad fleshy leaves. Almost certainly will need lifting in winter. (7-10) 270cm.£12.956.00
Hedychium spicatum Himalayan Lipstick’Hardy Ginger 2LtDistinct form of spicatum with the narrow, glossy green leaves having a distinct red flush to the reverses. Rather spidery white flowers with a pink flush with rich pink filaments;- late summer & autumn. Sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (8-10) 120cm.£9.957.00
Hedysarum coronariumFrench Honeysuckle 2LtErect, angular stems carry racemes of pea-like, very FRAGRANT, DEEP RED flowers; late summer. Upright, bushy perennial with pinnate, pea-like leaves. Well drained, preferably stony soil in full sun. 90x60cms.£7.502.00
Helenium autumnale ‘Helena Rote Tone’Sneezeweed 1LtThe most sought after colour, a rusty-red. Upward facing, daisy-like flowers with a raised brown central cone;- late summer. Likes a sandy, retentive soil in sun or part shade. (8-9) 100cm.£4.951.00
Helenium ‘Butterpat’ (AGM) 2LtStrong, upright stems topped with heads of daisy-like, rich yellow flowers with a brownish-yellow central disc; June-August. Clump forming perennial for a retentive yet drained soil in sun. Ht: 90cms.£8.252.00
Helenium ‘El Dorado’Sneezeweed 2LtThought of by the national collection holder as one of the best varieties, this short form has good sized, rich yellow flowers around a deep brown cone from late summer into autumn. Very long flowering. Retentive,w ell drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-10) 85cm.£8.953.00
Helenium ‘Feuersiegel’ (AGM)Sneezeweed 2LtGolden ray florets with a brown flush. Has a dark brown, central cone. Good for the prairie border, giving good colour in late summer. Prefers of free draining, sandy soil in sun. (7-9) 120cm.£8.2510.00
Helenium ‘Kanaria’Sneezeweed 1.4LtCanary-yellow, slightly reflexed petals, with a large central cone of deep golden-yellow. Strong, upright stems. Well drained, light soil in sun or light shade. (6-8) 90cm.£5.254.00
Helenium ‘Kanaria’Sneezeweed 2Lt£8.9510.00
Helenium ‘Kanaria’Sneezeweed17cm£9.155.00
Helenium ‘Rauchtopas’Sneezeweed 2LtUnusual soft coppery yellow flowers with fine brown flecks, especially at the tips of the petals. Brown cone. The reverses are more brown tinged. A tall variety for retentive, free draining, preferably sandy soil in sun. (7-10) 120cm.£6.502.00
Helenium ‘Red Jewel’Sneezeweed 2LtShorter form with dense clusters of rather small rich dusky reddish-pink flowers with a maroon cone which ages rusty gold. Tidy erect perennial flowering mid to late summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 85cm.£8.405.00
Helenium Sahin’s Early Flowerer’ (AGM)Sneezeweed 1.4LtVery large flowered form, with a rich gold on emergence quickly ageing soft apricot orange with an orange central flush & streaking. Compact & long flowering. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (6-10) 90cm.£6.255.00
Helenium ‘The Bishop’Sneezeweed 1LtErect stems topped by upward facing golden-yellow daisies with a brown central cone & frilled petals; June-Spetember. Excellent showy perennial for autumn colour. Divide regularly. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 60x45cm.£4.957.00
Helenium ‘The Bishop’Sneezeweed 2Lt£7.259.00
Helenium ‘Wesergold’ (AGM)Sneezeweed 1.4LtCompact, free-flowering form, with golden-yellow daisies, with horizontally held rays & a golden rusty-brown central cone. This new German hybrid requires a well drained, retentive soil in sun. (7-9) 60cm.£5.758.00
Helenium ‘Wesergold’ (AGM)Sneezeweed 2Lt£7.951.00
Helenium ‘Wesergold’ (AGM)Sneezeweed17cm£9.1511.00
Helenium ‘Wyndley’Helen’s Flower 1LtGolden-yellow flowers, with a light overlay of orange, with a central cone of orange-brown. flowers midsummer to early autumn. Fertile, moist, well drained soil in sun. (7-9) 80cm.£4.952.00
Helenium ‘Zimbelstern’Sneezeweed 2LtTall stems toped by upward facing CREAMY-YELLOW flowers SLIGHTLY STREAKED RED, with a protruding brown cone. Good for cutting & loved by bees. Light, preferably sandy free draining soil in sun or light shade. (8-9) 120cm.£9.156.00
Helianthemum ‘Cerise Queen’ 1LtTrailing vergreen ground cover with trailing stems clothed in narrow, glossy, dark green leaves. Clusters of papery, cup-shaped, carmine pink flowers with a redder central blotch around the small yellow eye;- late spring into summer. Sun. 10x45cm.£4.952.00
Helianthus giganteusGiant Sunflower 2LtTall, imposing back of the border perennial the tall, stiff, branched stems topped with medium sized, single, bright yellow daisies with pointed, slightly quilled petals;- late summer through autumn. Loved by bees & butterflies. Strong grower for a retentive yet well drained soil in sun or part shade 200cm.£7.505.00
Helianthus microcephalusSunflower 2LtHuge back of the border perennial, with stout stems carrying coarse leaves, pubescent beneath. Small head sof large pale-yellow flowers with a deeper eye in late summer & early autumn. Retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-10) 300cm.£7.255.00
Helianthus x kellermaniiSunflower 2LtHuge, imposing back of the border perennial, with strong, often woody stems topped by rather small, single, golden yellow daisies throughout late summer into autumn. Whorlos of long, narrow arching leaves. Fertile, humus rich, retentive soil. (9-10) 300£8.253.00
Helleborus ‘Angel Glow’Hellebore 2LtSpectacular in both leaf and flower. Basal clumps of silver-grey flushed leaves with a fine silver veining. The cup-shaped pale-pink flowers open shortly after christmas, turning deep pink with age. Very long flowering. Best in a retentive soil in part shade. (1-4) 40cm.£17.958.00
Helleborus argutifolius (AGM)Corsican Hellebore 2Lt(syn. H.corsicus) Bushy stout-stemmed plants with striking evergreen leaves. Clusters of beautiful pale-green pendant cup-like flowers. Humus-rich retentive soil in sun or part shade. 60cms. Flowers: Jan-May£12.7514.00
Helleborus HGC ‘Ice ‘N Roses Bennotta’Hellebore 2LtClusters of outward facing rich ruby-red red, single flowers with creamy yellow stamens over a long period; February to April. Flowers age to green. Evergreen clumps of rich, glossy green, leathery leaves. Retentive,w ell drained soil in sun or part shade. 50cm.£17.956.00
Helleborus HGC ‘Ice ‘N Roses Carlotta’Hellebore 2LtClusters of outward facing single blooms the 6 ‘tepals’ alternting rose-red suffused cream & cream suffused pink with creamy yellow stamens over a long period; December to April. Flowers age to green. Evergreen clumps of rich, glossy green, leathery leaves. Retentive,w ell drained soil in sun or part shade. 50cm.£17.958.00
Helleborus HGC ‘Ice ‘N Roses Red’Hellebore 2LtClusters of outward facing deep red, single flowers with creamy yellow stamens over a long period; February to April. Flowers age to green. Evergreen clumps of rich, glossy green, leathery leaves. Retentive,w ell drained soil in sun or part shade. 35cm.£17.505.00
Helleborus niger (AGM)Christmas Rose 1.4LtBeautiful, nodding, cup-shaped white, tinged pink blooms. Dark green leathery leaves. Best in humus-rich retentive soil in dappled shade. 25cms. Flowers: Jan-March.£6.7512.00
Helleborus odorusHellebore 1.4LtSmall clusters of outward facing, fragrant, green flowers; midwinter to early spring. Evergreen, leathery, deep green basal leaves, hairy beneath. Good rich soil in sun or dappled shade. 45x45cm.£10.2511.00
Helleborus ‘Star of Passion’Hellebore 2LtBlooms of the richest burgundy red with subtle ‘freckles’ & a simple boss of golden stamens; free and long flowering Jan-March. Fresh green glossy leaves of neat habit. Fertile moist yet drained soil in part or full shade. 30cms.£17.956.00
Helleborus x ericsmithii ‘HGC Shooting Star’Hellebore 2LtStrong growing evergreen with dusky rose buds, opening to white flowers that eventually fade to sage green. Flowers February to May. Deep green leaves with prominent silver veining and dark red stems. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (2-5) 35cm.£17.955.00
Helleborus x ericsmithii ‘Joker’Hellebore 2LtSuperb, outfacing, 6 petalled, white blooms flushed pink at the base with a boss of creamy stamens from rich pink buds; over a long period in winter; Dec-Feb. Loved by bees, Rich green, leathery leaves. For a fertile, reasonably drained soil in sunor part shade. Ideal border or container. 40cms.£17.502.00
Helleborus x ericsmithii ‘Pirouette’Hellebore 2LtTall, upright, clump forming perennial with basal clumps of blue-flushed, leathery, dark-green leaves strongly veined white. Erect, burgundy stems carry pink buds, opening to white flowers with a pink tinge, eventually ageing a deeper pink. Early flowerer from midwinter into spring. Free draining soil in sun or part shade. (1-4) 40cm.£17.506.00
Helleborus x ericsmithii ‘Winter Moonbeam’Hellebore 2LtProfuse soft creamy white flowers age a dark dusky pink with age, held on red stems;- Late winter & spring. The much divided olive green leaves are strongly marbled pewter-grey. Rich, well drained soil in sun or light shade. Vigorous. (1-4) 30cm.£17.956.00
Helleborus x ericsmithii ‘Winter Sunshine’Hellebore 2LtLow mounds of evergreen, steely green leaves with a silvery sheen. Upward facing creamy-white flowers with a green stain age dusky pink on fading, held on burgundy stems. Long flowering from February to May. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (2-5) 40cm.£17.956.00
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Double Purple’Lenten Rose1.5ltSeed raised Hellebores which should give double, rich purple, quilled petalled flowers with the new leaves, which are often flushed purple. AS WITH ALL HELLEBORES EXPECT SOME VARIATION. Cool, moist, humus rich soil in part shade. (1-4)40cm.£13.255.00
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Red Lady’Lenten Rose1.5ltA new seed raised strain from Germany said to breed 85% true from seed. Cup-shaped deep red-purple flowers emerge with the new leaves in early spring, BUT EXPECT SOME VARIATION. Retentive soil in sun or shade. (2-4) 45cm.£13.253.00
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Tutu’Lenten Rose 2LtTall, upright hellebore with unusual anemone centred white flowers, all covered in a very fine red speckling;- late winter into spring. Leathery divided leaves. Cool, rich yet well drained soil in part shade. (2-4) 40cm.£17.956.00
Helleborus x hybridus ‘ViV Lucrezia’Hellebore 2LtAbundance of striking, anemone like, single, yellow flowers the boss of creamy stamens surrounded by a crown of small petals – a flower within a flower; Jan-March. Fresh green glossy leaves of neat habit. Fertile moist yet drained soil in part or full shade. 30cms.£17.956.00
Helleborus x hybridus ‘ViV Teodora’Hellebore 2LtAbundance of large, outfacing, heavily speckled deep rose flowers with a boss of creamy; Jan-March. Fresh green glossy leaves of neat habit. Fertile moist yet drained soil in part or full shade. 30cms.£17.956.00
Helleborus x hybridus ‘ViV Teresa’Hellebore 2LtAbundance of striking, anemone like, single, deep pink flowers dusted with darker speckling the boss of creamy stamens surrounded by a crown of smaller petals. A flower within a flower!; Jan-March. Fresh green glossy leaves of neat habit. Fertile moist yet drained soil in part or full shade. 30cms.£17.956.00
Helleborus x hybridus ‘ViV Victoria’Hellebore 2LtAbundance of striking, single, rich ruby-red flowers dusted with darker speckling and a boss of creamy stamens; Jan-March. Fresh green glossy leaves of neat habit. Fertile moist yet drained soil in part or full shade. 30cms.£17.956.00
Helleborus x hybridus ‘White Spotted Lady’Lenten Rose1.5ltA new seed raised strain from Germany, said to breed 85% true from seed. Large cup-shaped white flowers with heavy deep-red spotting almost covering the face of the flower, BUT EXPECT SOME VARIATION. Retentive soil in sun or shade. (2-4) 45cm£13.254.00
Helleborus x hybridus ‘Yellow Lady’Lenten Rose1.5ltA new seed raised strain bred in Germany by Elise Schliemann, said to come 85% true from seed. Should give bowl shaped flowers hopefulyy in primrose & yellow shades, BUT THEY WILL PROBABLY BE VARIABLE. Retentive, rich soil in part shade. (2-4) 45cm.£13.256.00
Helleborus x nigercors ‘HGC Ice Breaker Max’Hellebore 2LtHandsome in both leaf & flower, this late winter flowering variety has good sized, almost white flowers, tinted cream, stained green as they age, from February to may. Mounds of leathery, much divided glaucous flushed leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (2-5) 35cm.£17.955.00
Helleborus x sternii 2LtA hybrid with grey-green toothed leaves with a purple reverse. Beautiful clusters of pendant, saucer-shaped flowers are a blend of green & pink. Any reasonably drained soil; best in full sun. 45x45cm. Flowers: December-March£9.9512.00
Heloniopsis umbellata B&SWJ3732a 1.4LtWild collected by the Wynn Jones’s in Taiwan, this distinct form has rosettes of broad, strap like, leathery smooth green leaves. Nodding heads of spidery, lilac white flowers with exerted stamens during mid spring. DISLIKES ANY ARTIFICIAL FEED. Likes a moist, yet well drained soil in part shade. 25cm.£8.503.00
Hemerocallis ‘Catherine Woodbery’Day Lily 2LtOne of the best with large flared SOFTEST BLUSH-PINK, almost white flowers & a LIME-GREEN THROAT. Flowers are continually produced in midsummer. Arching grassy clumps. Any not too dry soil in sun or part shade. 90x60cm.£6.954.00
Hemerocallis ‘Corky’ (AGM)Day Lily 2LtNarrow, flared, tubular, PALE YELLOW flowers with bronze tinted exteriors, emerging from brown buds; late summer. Very narrow clumps of grassy leaves. Retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. 60x60cm.£6.956.00
Hemerocallis dumortieriDay Lily 2LtA semi-dwarf Japanese form making a dense clump of grassy leaves. Stiff stems topped with sprays of lily-like RICH DEEP-YELLOW, fragrant flowers from brown buds; May & June. Any reasonable, not too dry soil in sun or part shade. 60x45cms.£9.253.00
Hemerocallis fulva roseaDay Lily 2LtBold, clump former the firm, fleshy stems topped with large, single, rose pink, waxy, 6 petalled flowers with prominent yellow stamens; mid summer. Lance shaped, evergreen leaves. Discovered in Kuling, China by Dr Steward in 1930 it became the original source of many early pink hybrids. Retentive, fertile soil n sun or part shade. 90cms.£9.153.00
Hemerocallis ‘Golden Chimes’ (AGM)Day Lily 2LtHeads of small, lily-like, DEEP YELLOW flowers over a long period; June to August. Makes a clump of arching, grassy leaves. Any reasonable, not too dry soil in sun or part shade. Ht:60cms.£6.957.00
Hemerocallis ‘Happy Returns’Day Lily 2LtAttractive, smaller flowering hybrid with narrow, trumpet-shaped, lemon-yellow flowers during early summer. Narrow, arching leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (6-7)60cm.£6.954.00
Hemerocallis ‘Joan Senior’Day Lily 2LtAlmost circular white flowers are flushed just the palest of pinks, the recurved petals exposing the small, yellowish-green throat. Flowers mid to late summer. Fertile retentive soil in sun. 60x75cm.£6.955.00
Hemerocallis ‘Little Wine Cup’Day Lily 2LtDwarf hybrid with flared, DEEP BURGUNDY-WINE flowers with a large, rich golden-orange throat; July to September. Narrow, grassy strap-like leaves. Retentive yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cm.£8.5010.00
Hemerocallis ‘Madeleine Nettle Eyes’Day Lily 1.4LtRather unusual, small & delicate hybrid with umbels of small, slightly reflexed darkest mustard-brown flowers with a deep brown eye;- June and July. Very fine, almost grassy glossy green leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (6-7) 60cm.£4.958.00
Hemerocallis ‘Madeleine Nettle Eyes’Day Lily 2Lt£6.458.00
Hemerocallis middendorffiiDay Lily 2LtEarly flowering species with fragrant, rich orange, star-shaped flowers from brown buds; May-June. Semi-evergreen, clump forming perennial with narrow, stiff leaves to 30cms. Fertile, retentive yet drained soil in sun. Ht: 90cms.£9.154.00
Hemerocallis minorDay Lily 2LtThe first day lily to flower with good sized, narrowly trumpet shaped yellow flowers, stained purple on the exterior;- May & June. Fine, upright grassy deciduous leaves. Not often seen in cultivation. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (5-6) 70cm.£9.252.00
Hemerocallis ‘Pink Damask’ (AGM)Day Lily 2LtLarge, flared trumpets of soft pink; July & August. Glossy strap-like foliage. Sun or part shade in any not too dry soil. 60x45cm.£6.9511.00
Hemerocallis ‘Red Rum’Day Lily 2LtAbundant & ongoing display of medium size, funnel shaped, brilliant cherry-red flowers with a yellow mid-rib and green throat; July – August. Much loved by bees. Bold clumps of lance shaped, semi evergreen leaves. Reliable & easy for any reasonably drained, fetile soil in sun or part shade. Int: Pittatrd, USA 1974£7.251.00
Hemerocallis ‘Veins of Truth’Day Lily 1.4LtBicoloured soft rose & cream flowers with a white stripe down the centre of each petal. Lightly braided. Small lime throat. large flowers up t0 15cm across. Flowers June & July. Retentive soil in sun or light shade. (6-7) 75cm.£4.652.00
Hemiboea strigoaFalse Sinningia 2LtA rare woodland perennial from forested, mountain valleys, Guangdong, China. Spreading clumps, via stolons, of abundant, large, soft green, fleshy leaves. Clusters of gloxinia-like, tubular soft pink flowers purple spotted within; summer. Hardy in UK for a humus rich, retentive soil in full / part shade. 30cm+ Coll: Chung, 1935£10.952.00
Hemiboea subcapitataFalse Sinningia 2LtA rare woodland perennial from the mountain regions to 1800m, Hubei, China. Spreading clumps, via stolons, of abundant, large, soft green, fleshy leaves. Clusters of gloxinia-like, tubular white flowers bronze spotted within; summer. Hardy in UK for a humus rich, retentive soil in full / part shade. 30cm+ Coll: Silvestri 1822£10.953.00
Hepatica acutiloba 1.4LtSpreading ground cover for a woodland garden. Wide gently toothed pointed basal leaves. The large flowers are usually lavender blue but occassionally white & produced in april & may. Leafy humus rich cool site in part or full shade. 23x30cm.£5.952.00
Hesperantha coccinea albaKaffir Lily 2LtClump-forming perennial with long, linear leaves. Spikes of small, cup-shaped WHITE flowers late in the season. Fertile, retentive soil in sun – must be moist through summer. 45cms. Flowers: October-December.£6.951.00
Hesperantha coccinea ‘Pink Princess’Kaffir Lily 2LtBeautiful, soft pink, silky, cup shaped flowers during autumn into early winter. Narrow upright fans of fresh green leaves. Has good rust resistance. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. 60cm.£7.503.00
Hesperis matronalisSweet Rocket 1LtA joy for the scented garden. Cup-shaped, lilac, purple or even white, stock-like flowers on tall, lanky stems; all summer. May need staking. Biennial which seeds freely. Retentive well drained soil in sun. 120x60cm.£4.957.00
Hesperis matronalis albifloraSweet Rocket 1LtA joy for the scented garden. Cup-shaped, white, stock-like flowers on tall, lanky stems; all summer. May need staking. Retentive well drained soil in sun. 120x60cm.£4.957.00
Heuchera ‘Black Forest Cake’Alum Root 2LtA mound-forming, semi-evergreen, herbaceous perennial with scalloped, deep chocolate-black foliage. Tall, arching stems of tiny, bell-shaped, cherry red flowers in spring until summer. Ideal for containers or the border for a retentive yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. 30cm.£9.252.00
Heuchera ‘Cherry Berry’Alum Root 2LtMound forming, evergreen perennial of neat habit the small, scalloped, cherry-red leaves have prominent darker veins. Totally covered with large rosy pink flowers on proportionate mahogany stems repeating throughout the summer. Moist yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. 30cm.£9.253.00
Heuchera ‘Gojiberry’Alum Root 2LtMounds of heavily ruffled, golden mustard-brown leaves, more peachy orange on the new growth. With the ruffling it shows the burgundy red reverses. Darker red tones in winter. Dainty spikes of white flowers on dark stems during late spring. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 40cm.£9.253.00
Heuchera ‘Leuchtkafer’Coral Bells 1.4LtDelicate sprays of small, bell-shaped, RED flowers; May to July. Excellent ground cover making mounds of evergreen, scallop-shaped leaves. Retentive, yet drained, soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cms.£6.258.00
Heuchera ‘Lime Marmalade’Alum Root 2LtSelected from ‘Marmalade’, this attractive foliage form has medium sized, heavily ruffled & crinkled bright lime-yellow leaves, more green when grown in shade. Short spikes of bell-shaped white flowers. One of the better yellow forms for winter. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or shade. (6-8) 25cm.£9.253.00
Heuchera ‘Melting Fire’Alum Root 2LtAlthough a seed strain this is an very consistent variety. Rather small, light burgundy leaves with crisped & fluted edges, the reverses the same colour. Wispy spikes of buff cream flowers on dark stems. Sun or shade. 50cm.£8.255.00
Heuchera pulchellaAlum Root 1.4LtRarely seen. Slender spikes of small, bell-shaped, palest pink flowers; early summer. Mounds of rich, bright green, scallop shaped, toothed leaves. Good ground cover for sun or shade. 60x60cm.£6.956.00
Heuchera ‘Silverberry’Alum Root 2LtMoundi forming, evergreen perennial of neat habit with scalloped, pewter-silver leaves with prominent dark veins. Totally covered with large rosy pink flowers on proportionate mahogany stems repeating throughout the summer. Moist yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. 30cm.£9.256.00
Heuchera ‘Sugar Plum’Alum Root, Coral Bells 2Ltvillosa hybrid giving the larger leaves & increased hardiness. Soft plum-purple leaves with a heavy silver overlay, most pronounced in Autumn & winter. Airy spikes of small silver-pink bells;- often repeating. Good in any soil in sun or shade. (5-7) 60cm.£7.953.00
Heuchera ‘Timeless Night’Alum Root 2LtMoundi forming, evergreen perennial of neat habit the small, scalloped, glosyy black leaves have prominent dark veins. Totally covered with large clear pink flowers on proportionate mahogany stems repeating throughout the summer. Moist yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. 30cm.£9.253.00
Heuchera villosa ‘Palace Purple’Alum Root 1.4LtExcellent evergreen herbaceous perennial making a dense mound of large, heart-shaped leaves dark bronze-red on the surface & light magenta-pink on the reverse. Sprays of small white flowers on wiry stems in summer. Reasonably drained, sunny position. 60x45cms£6.508.00
Hibiscus trionumBlack eyed Susan 1.4LtAn upright annual, well brancjhed each topped with an attractive, simple, cup shaped creamy white flower with an almost black centre followed by bladder-like seed capsules. Flowers July until frosts. Long, lance shaped, serrated, rich green fleshy leaves. For a free draining soil in sun. 60cms.£5.5012.00
Hosta ‘August Moon’Plantain Lily 2LtUnusual form with large golden-yellow leaves holding colour well. Slender stems of pendant, lily-like mauve flowers. Avoid dry sites. Best in part shade. 60x60cms. Flowers: August-September.£7.502.00
Hosta ‘Blue Angel’ (sieboldiana) (AGM)(Sieboldiana) 2LtAn improvement on the popular Elegans’. Mounds of large, heart-shaped, more pointed, steely-blue silver leaves. Spikes of near-white flowers on tall scapes. Retentive soil in part or full shade. 120cm. (7-9)£7.954.00
Hosta ‘Buckshaw Blue’ 2Lt(H.sieboldiana x H.Tokudama) Regarded as one of the top blue Hosta’s this forms a dense clump of overlaid, deep powder blue, corrugated and puckered, heart shaped leaves. Heads of tubular, fragrant, near white flowers in summer. Fertile, retentive soil in part or full shade. 20cms.£9.251.00
Hosta ‘Celebration’ 2LtA delightful diminutive yet highly attractive Hosta forming a low clump of flattishly held, slender, creamy-yellow leaves with a deep green margin. Slender stems lined with lily like white flowers; June – July. For a rich, retentive soil in part or full shade. Ideal for a container blending well with small ferns etc. 20cms£9.255.00
Hosta ‘Empress Wu’Plantain Lily 2LtRarely seen sport of ‘Big John’ & certainly one of the largest leaved Hostas ever bred. Huge, rounded puckered blue green leaves with parallel prominent veining. Big 5ft spikes of lavender flowers. Retentive soil in sun or shade. 150cm.£6.954.00
Hosta ‘Fireworks’Plantain Lily 1.4LtSport from ‘Loyalist’. Rosettes of medium sized, narrow, twisted pure white leaves with irregular greenish streaks & margins. Spikes of pale lavender flowers in late summer. Best in light shade as it may scorch in full sun. Retentive soil. (7-8) 30cm.£6.951.00
Hosta ‘Fireworks’Plantain Lily 2Lt£7.5016.00
Hosta fortunei aureomarginata (AGM) 2LtMedium-large, ovate to heart-shaped, deep olive-green leaves irregularly margined yellow. Flowers freely on stems to 80cms (30ins) long; summer. Tolerates sun or part shade. Fertile, moist yet drained soil.£9.255.00
Hosta ‘Fragrant Bouquet’Hosta 1.4LtStrong growing, medium to large leaves Hosta with heart-shaped, mid-green leaves with a wide, irregular, creamy-yellow margin. Superb spikes of strongly fragrant, tubular, lavender- flowers during early autumn. Retentive soil in sun or shade. 60x60cm.£5.752.00
Hosta ‘Francee’ (fortunei) (AGM)(Fortunei) 2LtLarge clumps of forest-green leaves with bright white margins. Elegant stems of pendulous lavender flowers. Fine specimen plant for moist shade. 75cms. Flowers: Midsummer.£9.252.00
Hosta ‘Gold Edger’Plantain Lily 2LtSmall, pointed, gold-green leaves topped with stems of lily-like lavender flowers. Dwarfer form quickly making good clumps. Responds to good feeding. Moisture retentive soil in part shade. Flowers: July£9.154.00
Hosta ‘Honeybells’ (AGM) 1.4LtLong, fresh looking, mid green leaves and a fine display of deep mauve, scented, lily like flowers. Excellent in both borders & containers. Moisture holding soil; best in light shade. 60x60cms. (6-7)£5.957.00
Hosta ‘Hydon Sunset’(nakaiana) 2LtOne of the best golden-edged varieties with small, lance-shaped, burnished gold leaves which seem not to scorch in sun. Lilac flowers, flushed mauve; midsummer. Retentive soil in sun or shade. 45x45cm.£9.154.00
Hosta ‘June’ (Tardiana grp) (AGM)(Tardiana) 2LtHardy Perennial. Ht.20cms(8ins) Beautiful butter-yellow variegated green foliage.Pale lilac flowers August. Avoid dry sites.Sun or part shade.£9.151.00
Hosta ‘Jurassic Park’Plantain Lily 2LtVery large leaved Hosta. sieboldiana hybrid with very large, puckered, blue flushed rich green leaves with prominent veining. Impressive spikes of trumpet shaped pale lavender flowers. Retentive soil in sun or shade. 140cm.£7.251.00
Hosta ‘Krossa Regal’ (AGM) 2LtA wonderful Japanese seedling forming domes of glaucous, pointed leaves with graceful spires of lilac flowers, summer. Moisture retentive soil/part shade. 1.0m+£9.252.00
Hosta plantaginea japonica (AGM)Plantain Lily 2Ltsyn.grandiflora. Oval to lance shaped, wavy margined light green leaves, with raised, widely spaced veining. Very large, trumpet shaped intemsely fragrant white flowers in late summer. Retentive soil but prefers sun. (8-9) 60cm.£7.506.00
Hosta ‘Purple Heart’Plantain Lily 2LtMedium leaved Hosta with pointed, rather glossy jade green leaves, held on striking burgundy red’ almost black stalks which bleed into the leaf. One sided spikes of flared lavender flowers in autumn. Best in a retentive, rich soil in sun or shade.£8.951.00
Hosta ‘Red Stepper’Hosta 2LtRed Stepper has brilliant shiny dark green leaves held on stunning red stems – similar to – ‘Invincible’. Heads of fragrant, lily-like lavender flowers; June-July. Retentive, fertile soil in full or part shade. 35cms.£6.957.00
Hosta ‘Royal Standard’ (AGM) 2LtGood clusters of long, fresh-looking, light rich-green leaves with a good display of large, flared, scented, white flowers on long stems. Avoid dry sites; best in partial shade. 90cms. Flowers: August-October£7.252.00
Hosta ‘Sagae’ (AGM)fluctuans hybrid 2LtMedium-large, light green heavily veined margined bright pale yellow. Clusters of creamy white flowers; mid summer. Clump forming perennial for a humus rich, retentive soil in full or part shade. Ht: 100cms.£8.953.00
Hosta ‘Shade Fanfare’ (AGM) 2LtClump former with heart shaped wavy margined mid-green leaves irregularly margined cream & turning white with age. Lavender blue flowers on leafy stems; summer. Moist retentive yet well drained soil in part or full shade. 45x60cm.£8.954.00
Hosta venusta (AGM)Plantain Lily 2LtSmall leaved form, with narrow, wavy margined dark-green leaves, glossy beneath. Spikes of trumpet-shaped violet flowers on leafy stems from midsummer to mid autumn. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or shade. (6-8) 20cm.£9.253.00
Houttuynia cordata ‘Fantasy’ 1.4LtGood ground cover for retentive soil or in a pond margin. Creeping rhizome with heart-shaped, bityter scented leaves, mainly heart-shaped & dark-green with white & red splashes & often slightly contorted. White flowers in summer. (6-8) 30cm.£4.953.00
Hymenoxys hoopesiiSneezeweed 1.4Ltsyn,Helenium. Large 10cm (4in) GOLDEN-YELLOW daisies on tall stems. Large, broad, grey-green leaves forming a big rosette. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 90x45cms. Flowers: June-August.£5.251.00
Impatiens insignis 1.4LtThere are several plants masquerading under this name, but this is probably the true thing. Erect, gently running stems with zebra striped stems & small, leathery leaves. Top hinged soft pink flowers during late summer & autumn but always a little shy. Seems hardy in a sheltered, woodland garden in shade. (7-9) 30cm.£5.756.00
Impatiens omeiana ‘Ice Storm’ 1.4Lt£5.955.00
Impatiens omeiana ‘Pink Nerves’ 1.4LtSelected form of this woodlander with red stems & reverses to the leaves. As they age they take on bright pink veining. The teeth on the margins are also blood red. Usual, hinged yellow flowers during mid to late autumn. Cool, moist woodland soil in part or full shade. (8-10) 30cm.£6.9514.00
Impatiens P1961Perennial Busy-Lizzy 1.4LtWoodland species, collected in China & yet to be identified. Creeping rhizome with thick, fleshy, olive-green leaves. Top hinged, lilac-pink flowers with with a yellow throat, spotted red, during late summer & autumn. Never too dry soil in humus rich, woodland conditions in part shade. (8-10) 45cm.£6.006.00
Impatiens qingchengshanica ‘Emei Dawn’Hardy Balsam 1.4LtSmall, gently creeping woodlander from China with omeiana like, lightly mottled, pale green leaves. Good sized soft pink flowers in autumn with a high hood & top hinged. The species name may be contentious. Cool, moist, woodland soil in part shade & shelter. (8-10) 30cm.£6.252.00
Impatiens sp. DJHC 98415 1.4LtCollected by Dan Jacobs in Emei Shan, Sichuan. China. Hardy species with rosettes of smooth green leaves, becoming more veined with age. Delicate pink flowers in late autumn give late colour. Cool, moist, woodland soil in part shade. (8-10) 20cm£5.5010.00
Impatiens stenanthaBusy Lizzy 1.4LtOne of the hardier species forming low mats of fleshy, hairy green leaves with a red flush on the new growth, held on burgundy red stems. Unusual, top hinged, golden-yellow flowers, flushed red on the exterior & speckled in the throat, from midsummer to autumn. (6-9) 10x30cm.£6.759.00
Incarvillea delavayi 1.4LtExotic-looking, tuberous perennial with strong stems topped with up to 10 handsome, ROSE-PINK, trumpet-shaped flowers; early & midsummer. Basal rosettes of lobed, glossy leaves. Fertile, moist yet well drained, sunny site; mulch crowns in winter. 45cms.£7.509.00
Incarvillea delavayi ‘Snowtop’Hardy Gloxinia 1.4LtExotic-looking, tuberous perennial making a basal rosette of pinnate leaves. Strong stems topped with large, white, trumpet flowers with a yellow throat; early & midsummer. Fertile, moist yet well drained, sunny position; mulch crowns in winter. 45cms.£7.509.00
Inula ensifolia 1.4LtWiry stems topped with large, golden-yellow daisies with long, thin petals; June-July. An easy to grow front of the border perennial forming a dense clump of narrow leaves. A sun lover for any reasonable soil. 30x30cms.£5.758.00
Inula magnificaElecampane 2LtBig, bold, imposing back of the border plant with light, pale green, dock like leaves. Branched stems carry heads of 15cm rich golden daisies with very fine ray petals, during late summer. Slow to maturity. Retentive, deep fertile soil in sun. (8-10) 180cm.£6.953.00
Ipheion sessile 1.4LtSmall winter flowering bulb from Argentina & Uruguay, prpbably best in an alpine house. Short stems carry upward facing, starry white flowers, striped red on the reverse;- january & february. Grassy leaves are summer dormant. Excellent scent. Light, free draining soil in sun. (1-2) 10cm.£6.506.00
Iris ‘Benton Apollo’Tall bearded 1.4LtTall bearded) Soft canary yellow standards & falls the latter having a bright orange ‘beard’; ‘May & June. Plant rhizomes at soil level in a very free draining spo with plenty of sunshine. A Cedric Morris introduction. 90cms.£8.501.00
Iris ‘Benton Apollo’Tall bearded 2Lt£9.953.00
Iris ‘Benton Dierdre’ (Tall Bearded)Tall Bearded Iris 2Lt(Tall Bearded Iris) Very unsual old East Anglian form with simple pure-white flowers with an intense rose-pink plicata (Stitching around the edge of the petals) ; May & June. PLant in an open, free draining soil in sun. (5-6) 90cm.£10.952.00
Iris ‘Benton Lorna’Tall Bearded Iris 2LtAn old, tall bearded Iris from Sir Cedric Morris’ garden. Smaller flowers have white standards, strongly suffused dusky-purple around the margins. The falls are creamy-white with fine purple stitching. Gold beard. Flowers May & June. Light, free draining soil in sun. (5-6) 80x60cm.£10.959.00
Iris ‘Benton Nigel’Bearded Iris 2LtGlowing rich violet standards with deeper violet, velvety falls & a bronze-yellow ‘beard’; May & June. Plant rhizomes at soil level in a very free draining spo with plenty of sunshine. A Cedric Morris introduction. 90cms.£10.3013.00
Iris ‘Benton Pearl’Tall bearded 2LtBred by Sir Cedric Morris a variety bearing white flushed pale pink blooms with yellow falls; May – June. A high;y attractive clump forming, rhizomatous, herbaceous perennial with upright, strap-like, green leaves. Do not bury rhizomes which require a well drained soil in full sun. 90cms.£10.956.00
Iris ‘Benton Storrington.Tall bearded 2Lt(Tall bearded) Glowing rich violet-purple standards with a soft yellow thumb print at the base, darkvelvety falls with an orange ‘beard’; May & June. Plant rhizomes at soil level in a very free draining spot with plenty of sunshine. A Cedric Morris introduction. 90cms.£10.306.00
Iris ‘Benton Susan’ (Tall Bearded)(Tall Bearded Iris) 2Lt(Tall Bearded Iris) Old variety with an unusual buff, creamy-white flower with a fine purple-brown etching around the edge of each petal;- May & June. Fans of broad, glaucous fklushed leaves. Light, free draining soil in sun. (5-6) 80cm.£10.956.00
Iris ‘Berlin Tiger’ (spuria) (AGM)Bog Iris 2LtMoisture loving short pseudacorus hybrid with elegant, small pale yellow flowers covered in fine brown purple netting; – June to August. Erect fans of glaucous sword like leaves. Retentive or wet soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 90cm.£6.959.00
Iris ‘Black Gamecock’ (louisiana)Water Iris 1.4Lt(Louisiana Iris) A crested Iris with large, upward facing, six petalled, rich velvety purple, almost black flowers. Small red tinged styles & gold splash. Broad, sword like leaves. Retentive or moist even wet soil in sun. (6-7) 60cm.£5.506.00
Iris ‘Black Tie Affair’ (TB)Tall Bearded Iris 2LtTall Bearded Iris. One of the darkest, most sinister coloured flowers with velvet textured, darkest inky-violet, almost black flowers with a black beard, borne from May to June. Fans of grey-green leaves. Light, free draining soil in sun. (5-6) 75cm.£8.503.00
Iris ‘Blue Shimmer’ (Tall Bearded)(Tall Bearded) 2LtStiff stems topped with beautiful WHITE flowers with a WIDE, BLUE PICOTEE; May-June. Forms a clump of stiff, lance shaped leaves from thick rhizomes. Well drained soil in full sun. 90x60cm.£8.503.00
Iris ‘Bold Pretender’Louisiana 1.4LtIdeal for pond margins & boggy areas with acid, fertile conditions this clump forming iris produces long, fleshy stems topped with 6 petalled flowers the falls a rich red bronze topped with pinkish wings all margined soft yellow; late spring. Sheaves of linear, green leaves. Part or full shade. 75cms.£5.502.00
Iris ‘Braithwaite’ (Tall Bearded)(Tall Bearded) 2LtLarge LAVENDER flowers WITH PURPLE FALLS. Attractive fans of sword-like foliage. Divide rhizomes regularly for vigour. Lovely border plant for well drained soil in a sunny site. 90x60cm. Flowers: May-June.£8.004.00
Iris ‘Deep Black’ (Tall Bearded)(Tall Bearded) 2LtUpright stems topped with large, EXTRA DARK-PURPLE flowers. Fans of sword-like leaves. Expose rhizomes when planting. Well drained, sunny position. 90cms. Flowers: May-June.£8.501.00
Iris ‘Draco’ (TB)Bearded iris 2LtTall Bearded) Tall, upright stems topped with heads of lightly scented, ruffled, rich violet black self blooms with a violet beard; May-June. Long, lance shaped, glaucous leaves. Plant rhizomes at soil level in a very free draining soil in sun. 80cms. Introd: Antosso 1988£8.005.00
Iris ‘Dreaming Yellow’ (Siberian) (AGM)Siberian Iris 1.4LtShowy form with white standards & creamy yellow, ruffled falls; mid to late spring. Narrow upright leaves. Adaptable to most conditions in sun or part shade. 80x60cm.£6.5021.00
Iris ‘Dusky Challenger’ (Tall Bearded)Tall Bearded Iris 2LtA tall bearded Iris with lightly ruffled, intense violet-purple flowers with a deeper violet-blue beard, during May & June. Fans of broad, glaucous grey-green leaves. Plant with tubers near the surface. Well drained soil in sun. (5-7) 70cm.£8.501.00
Iris ensata ‘Dresden China’Japanese Water Iris 2LtRather unusual form with good sized palest soft grey flushed sky-blue flowers, covered in very fine white veins. Yellow stained throat. Flowers early summer. Erect fans of glaucous flushed, sword like leaves. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. (6-7) 90cm.£6.952.00
Iris ensata ‘Kuma-funjin’Japanese or Water Iris 2LtMoisture or aquatic Iris with large, upward facing white flowers, subtly shaded & veined purple blue at the edges. Short purple flushed standards & a yellow throat. Flowers May & June. Fans of sword like leaves. Retentive soil or even shallow water in sun. (5-7) 75cm.£6.953.00
Iris ‘Flight Of Butterflies’ (Siberian)Siberian Iris 1.4LtElegant species with small, elegantly poised purple-blue flowers with a white throat netted gold, held well clear of the narrow, erect, glaucous-grey leaves in late spring & early summer. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (6-7) 90cm.£6.5020.00
Iris foetidissima (AGM)Gladwyn Iris 2LtGood clump former with shiny, evergreen, rich dark-green blade-like leaves. Stiff stems topped with rather insignificant, veined, lilac-green flowers followed by splendid orange seeds. Prefers a shady site in any reasonable soil. 45x60cms.£7.506.00
Iris ‘Holden Clough’ (spuria) (AGM)Laevigate Iris 3LtVery showy, rich yellow flowers heavily veined purple, giving an overall chocolate effect. Arching, evergreen, grey-green leaves. Rhizomatous perennial for moist, rich, even wet soil in sun or part shade. 60x60cm.£8.506.00
Iris ‘Jane Phillips’ (Tall Bearded) (AGM)Tall Bearded Iris 2LtA lovely old cultivar with comparatively small, well poised intense sky-blue flowers with a luminous quality unsurpassed in modern varieties. Plant with rhizomes at the surface. Well drained soil in sun. (6-7) 75cm.£8.506.00
Iris lazica (AGM) 1.4LtUnguicularis Group. Short stems topped with lavender-blue flowers the white falls veined lavender; February-March. Arching fans of broad, evergreen, bright green leaves. Rhizomatous perennial for slight shade in moist soil – unlike the others in this group. Ht: 30cms.£6.2514.00
Iris ‘Lemon Ice’ (Tall Bearded)Tall Bearded Iris 2Lt(Tall Bearded Iris) Elegant, unruffled, creamy lemon-yellow flowers with a paler throat. The falls are almost white at the centre. Deeper yellow beard. Flowers May & June. Tubers like a summer baking. Well drained, sunny spot. (5-6) 90cm.£8.952.00
Iris ‘Melton Red Flare’ (Siberian)Siberian Iris 2LtTal clumps of narrow, upright, grassy leaves. Elegantly poised, deep, wine purple flowers, with yellow markings in the throat during midsummer. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (6-7) 90cm.£7.5015.00
Iris ‘Night Owl’Tall Bearded Iris 3Lt(Tall bearded) Well branched stems topped with exceptionally fine, large, near deep black, ruffled, burnished blooms; May-June. Stiff, linear, grey green, evergreen leaves. Plant rhizomes at soil level in well drained soil in full sun. 75cm. Int: Schreiner 1974.£8.503.00
Iris ‘Ola Kala’ (Tall Bearded)(Tall Bearded) 2LtForms a clump of lance-shaped leaves from thick rhizomes. Stiff stems topped with striking deep golden-yellow flowers. Well drained soil in full sun. Ht:1.0m. Flowers: May-June.£8.958.00
Iris pallidaDalmatian Iris 2Lt(syn. dalmatica) Small cluster of medium sized light blue flowers on stiff, upright stems in June & July with a good scent. Attractive fan-shaped clumps of glaucous blue foliage.75cms. Well drained soil in full sun. (5-6) 60cm.£8.508.00
Iris pallida ‘Argentea Variegata’ (AGM)Tall Bearded Iris 2LtAttractive in both leaf & flower. fans of leathery, sword like blue-green leaves with a wide creamy white margin. Elegant, medium sized lavender-blue flowers during May & June. Shallowly plant tubers. Light, free draining soil in sun. (5-6) 60cm.£8.501.00
Iris ‘Papillon’ (Siberian)(Sibirica) 2Lt(Sibirica Group) Upright, branching stems carry 2-3 heads of SOFT PALE BLUE flowers. Quickly forms clumps of grassy foliage. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 90cms. Flowers: June-July.£6.9510.00
Iris ‘Rajah’ (Tall Bearded)(Tall Bearded) 2LtStiff stems topped with ORANGE-YELLOW flowers WITH CRIMSON FALLS. Forms clumps of lance-shaped leaves from thick rhizomes showing at the surface. Well drained soil in full sun. 90cms. Flowers: May-June.£8.007.00
Iris ‘Raspberry Blush’ (Intermediate Bearded) (agm) 2LtRaspberry-pink flowers with a lilac flush, deeper at the centre. Orange throat with a striking scarlet beard. Flowers May & June. Upright fans of leaves. Light, well drained soil in sun. (5-6) 60cm.£8.505.00
Iris ‘Rocket’ (Tall Bearded)(Tall Bearded) 2LtStiff stems topped with DEEP CHROME flowers with orange-chrome falls; May & June. Forms clumps of sword-like leaves from thick rhizomes. Plant with tubers on the surface. Well drained soil in full sun. 80x60cm.£8.008.00
Iris ‘Sable’ (Tall Bearded)(Tall Bearded) 2LtStiff stems topped with rich, deep blue-black flowers; May & June. Forms a clump of lance-shaped leaves from thick rhizomes. Drained soil in full sun. 90cms£8.505.00
Iris setosa (AGM)Bristol Pointed Iris 2LtStiff stems topped with several flat, beardless, DEEP TO PURPLE-BLUE FLOWERS WITH PALE BLUE MARKINGS; late spring. Dense evergreen clumps of light green leaves. Ordinary not too dry soil in sun or part shade. Ht: variable from 30 to 90cms!£8.404.00
Iris ‘Showdown’ (Siberian)Siberian Iris 3LtShowy, large, wine-red flowers with yellow markings on the falls; early summer. Narrow, erect leaves. Adaptable to most conditions but prefers moist soil in sun or part shade. 90x60cm.£8.504.00
Iris ‘Silver Edge’ (Siberian) (AGM)Siberian Iris 2LtDelicately poised RICH BLUE flowers with each petal EDGED SILVER-WHITE; June & July. Narrow, upright fans of grassy, deciduous leaves. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. 90x60cm.£7.9512.00
Iris ‘Sparkling Rose’ (Siberian)Siberian Iris 1.4Lt(Sibirica) Unusual colour break with the branching stems having clear rose-pink flowers with yellow veining in the throat; May & June. Upright clumps of narrow grassy leaves. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. 90x45cms.£5.954.00
Iris ‘Sparkling Rose’ (Siberian)Siberian Iris 2Lt£7.5011.00
Iris ‘Sparkling Rose’ (Siberian)Siberian Iris 3Lt£8.502.00
Iris ‘Tropic Night’ (Siberian)(Siberian Iris 2LtLong stems topped with heads of velvety, VIOLET, veined flowers. Makes good clumps of upright, grass-like foliage. Prefers moisture-retentive, even damp, soil in sun or light shade. 90cms. Flowers: June-July£7.505.00
Iris typhifolia 2LtAn elegant, moisture loving, rhizomatous perennial with erect fans of fine, upright, sword-like leaves. Elegant, sibirica like, soft violet-blue flowers are held during April & May. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. (4-5) 75x45cm. From China. £7.957.00
Iris ‘White City’ (Tall Bearded)(Tall Bearded) 2Lt(Tall Bearded) Large WHITE flowers on stiff, upright stems. Fans of sword-like leaves. Expose rhizomes when planting. Well drained, sunny position. 90cms. Flowers: May-June.£8.002.00
Iris x robusta ‘Gerald Darby’ (AGM)(x robusta) 2Lt(versicolor x virginica) A moisture lover with RICH-BLUE carried on unusual purple flower stems. Quick spreading clumps of sword-like leaves are stained purple at the base. Even grows in water. 90x90cmS. Flowers: Midsummer.£6.506.00
Isodon effusus 3Lt(Plectranthus effusus) A very rare & unusual autumn flowering shade lover from Japan.Tall, square stems topped open heads of long, deep blue, tubular flowers and the bright green leaves become dark purple tinted. Retentive, woodland fertile soil. 90cms£10.954.00
Jaborosa integrifolia 1.4LtStemless, large white trumpets, flared at the mouth, nestle among broad, dark green leaves; June to September. Quick spreading ground coverer for a warm, sunny position. Argentina & Brazil.15x90cms.£5.758.00
Jeffersonia diphyllaRheumatism root 1LtTufted clump-former with unusual two-lobed leaves that open after flowering. Large, WHITE, cup-shaped flowers in spring. Dies down quickly after flowering. Hates root disturbance. Choice plant for cool, leafy, woodland soil in shade. 30x30cm.£7.252.00
Kalimeris incisa ‘Madiva’Japanese False Aster 1.4LtDwarfer, more compact form with woody stems with toothed, dark green leaves. Heads of starry sky-blue flowers with a creamy-yellow eye;- early to midsummer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-8) 35cm£5.504.00
Kalimeris incisa ‘Nana Blue’Blue Star 1.4LtVery dwarf form of this late summer flowering perennial. Low, spreading clumps topped by clouds of narrow petalled, starry lilac-blue daisies over a long period from late summer into autumn. Foliage turns reddish as winter progresses. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 30cm.£4.951.00
Kalimeris mongolica ‘Antonia’ 1.4LtA much more compact form of mongolica, effectively behaving like a summer Aster. Willowy stems with narrow leaves, topped by clouds of small, rich-blue, yellow eyed daisies, from July to September. Easily grown in any retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 60cm.£6.503.00
Kalimeris yomena ‘Shogun’ 1.4LtA lovely variegated plant with each leaf edged cream. Pale purple daisies in August & September on upright stems. Slowly forms a dense clump. Any soil in sun. 60x75cms£6.503.00
Kirengeshoma palmata (AGM) 1.4LtAn unusual Japanese perennial noted for its buttermilk-yellow, 5cm (2inch), shuttlecock-like flowers of great charm; August & September. Good rich soil in part shade. 90x60cm.£6.503.00
Knautia macedonica ‘Mars Midget’ 1LtSmaller form, with branched stems carrying scabious-like, pincushion flowers of rich burgundy-red throughout summer. Rosettes of toothed leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (6-8) 30cm.£4.951.00
Knautia macedonica ‘Melton Pastels 1Ltflowers: Pincushion-like in a wide range of colours on heavily branched stems; summer & autumn. Scabious-like relative making mounds of pinnate grey folaige. Easily grown in most soils in sun or part shade. 60x75cm.£4.951.00
Knautia macedonica ‘Thunder & Lightning’ 1LtSmall, semi evergreen, clump forming perennial with pinnate, downy, grey-green leaves with a wide creamy-white margin. Branched stems with pincushion-like, rich crimson red flowers, freely borne from mid to late summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-8) 35x45cm.£4.956.00
Kniphofia linearifoliaRed Hot Poker 2LtVery showy species proving to be one of the hardiest. Tall erect spikes of orange-yellow to yellow-green flowers emerge slowly from striking red buds; late summer into autumn. Grown from wild collected seed. Retentive well drained soil in sun. 120x90cm.£8.954.00
Kniphofia ‘Pineapple Popsicle’Red Hot Poker 2Lt(Popsicle Series) Small poker with tufts if very fine, evergreen grassy leaves. Slender cones of creamy yellow flowers throughout summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (6-9) 40cm.£8.951.00
Kniphofia rooperi (AGM)Red Hot Poker 2LtBold almost rounded spikes of deep rich orange flowers maturing deep gold; early autumn. Robust with long narrow rich green evergreen leaves. Retentive well drained soil in sun. 120x60cm.£7.957.00
Kniphofia ‘Toffee Nosed’ (AGM)Red Hot Poker 2LtSuperb variety the pokers colouring from toffee-brown at the tip through to cream as they open; July-September. Clumps of upright, sword-like leaves. Free draining soil in sun. 100cms. VERY DIFFICULT IN THE OPEN GARDEN AS IT REALLY NEEDS WINTER PROTECTION.£8.002.00
Lamium maculatum ‘Beacon Silver’Dead Nettle 1LtExcellent, semi-evergreen, quick spreading carpeter with silver-white leaves. Short, tufty spikes of pink flowers; May & June. Preferably cool soil in part shade. 10x30cms.£4.952.00
Lamprocapnos spectabilis (AGM)Bleeding Heart 1.4LtElegant perennial with attractive ferny foliage and tall, arching stems drooping with delicate rose & white lockets. Best in deep, rich, reasonably drained soil in cool growing conditions. 60x45cms. Flowers: April-July.£5.753.00
Lamprocapnos spectabilis (AGM)Bleeding Heart 2Lt£7.251.00
Lamprocapnos spectabilis ‘Alba’ (AGM)Bleeding Heart 1.4LtElegant perennial with attractive ferny foliage & tall, arching stems drooping with white lockets. Best in deep, rich, reasonably drained soil in cool growing conditions. 60x45cms. Flowers: May-June£5.759.00
Lamprocapnos spectabilis ‘Alba’ (AGM)Bleeding Heart 2Lt£7.253.00
Lamprocapnos spectabilis ‘Valentine’Lyre Flower 1.4LtShowy form of this cottage favourite. The new shoots emerge purple, becoming glaucous. Glowing red lockets on arching spikes in spring. Sheltered spot as it has fleshy stems. Retentive woodland soil in part shade. (3-5) 60cm.£6.751.00
Laserpitium siler 2LtSlow growing umbellifer, soundly perennial with rather waxy grey, finely cut, airy leaves. Large, flattened heads of white flowers in a lacy head during summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 90cm.£7.502.00
Lathyrus sylvestris ‘Wagneri’Narrow leaved Pea 1.4LtScrambling tendril climber with narrow blue-green leaflets. Clusters of red-pink flowers with green flushed keels from mid to late summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 2m.£8.503.00
Lathyrus tuberosusEarth Chestnut 1.4LtA low sprawling climber for growing through shrubs. Clusters of rich rosy pink, pea-like flowers throughout summer followed by attractive seed pods. Spreads by runners. Soundly perennial. Humus-rich, fertile well drained soil in sun or part shade. 120x60cm.£5.959.00
Lathyrus vernus (AGM)Vetchling, Sweet Pea 1.4LtEarly spring flowerer of the small, herbaceous species. The spikes of pea like, purple-blue flowers emerge with the new, divided leaves in spring. Dormant by midsummer. Best in woodland type soil in light shade. (2-4)30cm.£5.752.00
Leonurus turkestanicus 2LtStout stems topped with long spikes of small, tubular, soft violet-pink flowers with dark calyces; June-August. Paired, alternate, trident shaped, green-grey leaves heavily veined purple. Free draining soil in sun or part shade. 60cms. Arid regions of central Asia.£7.257.00
Leucanthemella serotina (AGM) 2LtStrong growing, erect perennial massed with large, daisy-like white flowers with a greenish yellow disc; early to late autumn. Stems lined with elliptic, toothed leaves. Any reliably moist soil in sun or part shade. Wet meadows of SE Europe. Ht: 1.5m.£6.951.00
Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Antwerp Star’Shasta Daisy 2LtBold clump forming perennial the stout stems topped with very large, single, white daisies with a yellow disc; July – September. Lush, rich green, aromatic. lobed leaves. Any reasonable, fertile soil in sun or part shde. 75cms£7.255.00
Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Christine Hagemann’Shasta Daisy 1.4LtLarge, fully double, slightly quilled, pure white daisies; early summer to early autumn. Good vigorous clone. Rich, retentive yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. 75x45cm.£6.952.00
Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Engelina’Shasta Daisy 1.4LtA short Shasta daisy with double, very fine, frilled & frothy petals around a yolk yellow cone;- mid to late summer. Toothed, leathery green leaves. Very distinct hybrid for a retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 40cm.£5.954.00
Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Shaggy’Shasta Daisy 1.4LtBold, clump forming perennial the stout, branched stems topped with large, double, ‘shaggy’ white flowers; July – September. Lush, aromatic, rich green leaves. Any reasonable, fertile soil in sn or part shade. 75cm£7.257.00
Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Snowdrift’Shasta Daisy 1.4LtMid sized snow white flowers with very narrow ray petals held in several rows & emerging with a lime green flush. Yolk yellow eye. Flowers midsummer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 60cm.£5.952.00
Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Sunny Side Up’Shasta Daisy 1.4LtLarge flowers with a double layer of white petals around a raised anemone golden centre. Basal clumps of dark-green, toothed basal leaves. Good for cutting. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-7) 75cm.£6.952.00
Leucojum aestivum ‘Gravetye Giant’ (AGM)Summer Snowflake 2LtA vigorous large flowered form of this snowdrop lookalike with long strap-shaped leaves topped by drooping clusters of pure white, bell-shaped flowers with green tips; April & May. Retentive yet well drained soil in sun. 60x30cm.£6.9510.00
Liatris pycnostachyaGayfeather 2LtSpikes of bottlebrush like, purple flowers, fro, red flushed buds, during mid to late summer. Basal rosettes of narrow, grassy leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 90cm.£6.951.00
Liatris spicataButton Snakewort 1.4LtShould be much more widely grown. A dense, cylindrical spike of brush-like, strap-shaped petals & curling stigma’s of BRIGHT MAUVE-PINK; late summer. Clumps of dark green basal leaves. Well drained soil in full sun. 90x45cm.£5.954.00
Liatris spicata ‘Floristan Weiss’Button Snakewort 2LtDense cylindrical spikes of PURE WHITE flowers open from the base making a brush of strap-shaped petals & long curling stigmas; late summer. Dark green leaves in whorls. Well drained soil in sun. 90x45cm.£6.952.00
Libertia procera 2LtFrom fans of leathery, dark evergreen leaves arise spikes with cup-shaped, three-petalled pure-white flowers in early summer. Easily grown in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 60cm.£10.956.00
Ligularia dentataOx-eye 2LtBig, bog garden perennial with large, rounded leaves, burgundy veined on the undersides. Large, flattened heads of golden-orange flowers with a brown centre during mid to late summer. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. (6-8)150cm.£6.954.00
Ligularia dentata ‘Desdemona’ (AGM) 2LtStriking, handsome plant producing large, heart shaped leaves or rich brownish green above & mahogany red below. Branching heads of VIVID ORANGE DAISIES; August. Rich, moist soil in sun or & partial shade. 1.5x60cms.£6.953.00
Ligularia dentata ‘Othello’Leopard Plant 2LtElegant clumps of large, heart-shaped, leathery leaves on long stalks topped with golden-orange daisies on branching stems; midsummer. Bold perennial for moist or boggy, rich soil in sun. 120x60cms.£6.954.00
Ligularia ‘Franz Feldweber’Leopard Plant 2LtOld Austrian hybrid, bred from dentata ‘Moorblut’. Shorter in stature, this has good sized heads of rich golden-orange daisies through mid to late summer. The rounded leaves are heavily flushed purple. Strangely neglected in the UK. Best in a retentive or moist soil in sun or shade. (7-8) 80cm.£7.951.00
Ligularia ‘Sungold’Ox-eye 2LtImposing, moisture loving perennial with large, pyramidal spikes of rich golden-orange daisies;- mid to late summer. Basal clumps of glossy, rounded, toothed, dark-green leaves. Retentive or moist soil in sun or shade. (7-9) 150cm.£6.951.00
Lilium henryi (AGM)Henry’s Lily 2LtVigorous Chinese species, with purple flushed stems. Scattered lance-shaped leaves are topped by crowded clusters of turkscap like, deep orange flowers, spotted black, with red anthers. easy in rich soil in part shade. (8-9) 150cm.£6.503.00
Lilium nepalenseLily 1LtBeautiful but difficult to please bulbous perennial liking dry winters & moist summers. Large flared CREAMY-GREEN bells with a large, brown throat – the tips of the petals reflexed like Erythronium. Flowers july & august. 90x30cm.£0.002.00
Lilium ‘Orange Marmalade’Turks Cap lily 2LtA bulbous perennial producing tall, fleshy stems lined with up to 30 dainty, turks cap like, star-shaped, soft tangerine-orange flowers; early to mid summer. Reasonably sheltered site with a fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 1.2m£6.952.00
Lilium pardalinum (AGM)Lily 1LtVigorous clump forming rhizomatous Lily, with dense whorls of lance-shaped dull-green leaves. Racemes of unscented, nodding turkscap orange-red, crimson flushed flowers, paler towards the bases & spotted crimson. Moist soil in sun or part shade. (6-7) 150cm.£0.004.00
Lilium ‘Peppards Gold’Turks Cap Lily 1Lt(Martagon) Recent introduction the 1.2m stems topped with heads of pendent, heavily reflex, orange flushed yellow flowers & long orange stamens; spring. Can be slow to establish in humus rich, woodland type soil in part or full shade.£0.001.00
Lilium regale ‘Album’Regal Lily 2LtFragrant, broadly trumpet-shaped pure-white flowers, with distinct orange stamens. Arching, purple-flushed grey-green stems. Moistyet well drained soil in sun. 120x45cm. (6-7)£6.954.00
Lilium ‘Sunny Morning’Turks Cap Lily 2LtA bulbous perennial producing tall, fleshy stems lined with up to 30 dainty, turks cap like, star-shaped, heavily spoted, golden orange-yellow flowers; early to mid summer. Reasonably sheltered site with a fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 1.2m£6.951.00
Limonium ‘Blauer Diamant’ 1.4LtForms a low mound or tuft of ovate, leathery olive-green, evergreen leaves, In summer upright branching sprays of tiny papery mauve-blue flowers which dry well. Attractive to bees & butterflies. Very tolerant of hot, dry sites once established. Free draining soil in sun.£5.751.00
Limonium platyphyllum ‘Violetta’Statice 2LtShowy statice with bold basal rosettes of spoon-shaped, glossy green leves turning red in autumn. Airy, branched spikes of tiny rich purple flowers, held in silvery, papery calyces;- mid to late summer. Good for cutting & drying. Best in full sun. (8-9)30cm£7.508.00
Liriope muscari (AGM)Lily Turf 1.4LtColonizer forming dense tuft of evergreen, grassy, dark, shining, arching leaves. Dense spikes of tiny DARK VIOLET flowers. Fertile, moist yet drained soil in sun or shade. 30x45cm. Flowers: August-September.£5.751.00
Liriope muscari ‘Christmas Tree’Lily Turf 1.4LtSelected for it’s broad, dark evergreen leaves, forming arching clumps. Spikes of strong purple flowers. Needs a sheltered spot, to make it vigorous. Humus rich soil in part or full shade. (8-11) 30cm.£5.951.00
Liriope muscari ‘Gold Banded’Aztec Grass 1.4LtA rather broad leaved Liriope with glossy green, arching leaves having a narrow gold edge, most striking in spring. Fat spikes of rich purple flowers during late summer & autumn. Best in a never too dry soil in sun or shade. (8-10) 30cm.£7.505.00
Liriope muscari ‘Ingwersen’Lily Turf 1.4LtStrong, vigorous evergreen with arching clumps of narrow, dark-green leaves. Short spikes of lilac-purple flowers from purple buds are freely produced in autumn followed occasionally by fruit. Good ground cover for retentive soil in sun or shade. 30cm.£7.504.00
Liriope muscari ‘Okina’Lily Turf 1.4LtJapanese selection with evergreen clumps of strap like leaves almost entirely white in spring with just a fine green streaking. As the season progresses with become more green with a fine white fleck. lilac flowers in autumn. Retentive soil in part shade. 25cm.£7.7510.00
Liriope muscari ‘Purple Passion’Aztec Grass 1.4LtPossibly one of the best flowering forms with long, narrow spikes of rich violet-purple flowers during late summer & autumn. Arching, evergreen fans of narrow, leathery green leaves. Good edger for a retentive soil in sun or shade. (8-10) 30cm.£7.504.00
Liriope muscari ‘Royal Purple’Lilyturf 1.4LtSpreading clumps of evergreen, shining, grassy, arching leaves from which arise dense spikes of grape-like DEEP PURPLE flowers in autumn. Fertile, moist yet drained soil in sun or shade. 30x45cms.£6.9511.00
Liriope muscari ‘Webster Wideleaf’ 1.4LtEvergreen clumps of dark green, grassy, arching leaves which are broader than most forms. Dense spikes of lilac-blue flowers in autumn. Fertile, moist yet well drained soil in sun or shade. 40cms. (8-10)£7.5010.00
Lobelia cardinalis (AGM)Cardinal Flower 1LtReddish-purple stems lined with tubular, 2-lipped, brilliant scarlet-red flowers with reddish-purple bracts; summer to early autumn. Lance-shaped, green leaves tinged bronze. Deep, fertile, reliably moist soil in sun or part shade. 90x30cms.£4.954.00
Lotus corniculatus ‘Plenus’Birds Foot Trefoil 1.4LtDouble flowered form of our native Bird’s Foot Trefoil forming self rooting mats of small, soft green , evergreen leaves. Abundant, pea like, bright yellow flowers, attractive to bees, in summer. Free draining soil in sun or part shade£5.955.00
Lupin ‘The Chatelaine’ (Band of Nobles Series) 1Lt(Russell Type) Densely packed, long, upright spikes of scented, pea-like, bi-coloured flowers in shades of pink with white flag. Best in well drained soil in sun of part shade. 90cms. Flowers: June-July.£4.951.00
Lupinus ‘Blacksmith’Lupin 2Lt(West Country Lupin) SUPERIOR CUTTINGS RAISED PLANT. Bold, statuesque spikes of dark purple & white bi-coloured, scented flowers; June. Silky haired, divided leaves. Free draining soil in sun. (6-8) 70cm.£9.5010.00
Lupinus ‘Desert Sun’ (West Country Series)Lupin 2LtTowering spikes of rich yellow, aromatic flowers from creamy buds;May- July. Soft green, ferny foliage. Light, free draining soil in sun. (5-7) 90cm. Cutting raised plant giving more substance and longevity over seed grown strains.£9.5010.00
Lupinus ‘Gallery Yellow’ (Gallery Series)Lupin 1LtSeed raised strain bearing spikes of scented, pea-like blooms in shades of yellow. Attractive mounds of evergreen, ferny foliage. Requires an open, reasonably drained soil in sun. To: 45x60cms.£4.951.00
Lupinus ‘Manhattan Lights’ (West Country)Lupin 2LtWest Country Series. CUTTINGS RAISED PLANT. Taller form with narrow, erect spikes of bicoloured rich purple & lemon yellow flowers early summer. A midseason variety. protect from slug & Aphid damage. light, free draining soil in sun. (5-7) 90cm.£9.5010.00
Lupinus ‘Rachel de Thame’West Country Lupin 2LtWest Country Lupin. CUTTINGS RAISED PLANT. Tall, strong growing form with long, tapering spikes of rich-pink & white bicoloured flowers, a little later than most varieties of Westcountry Lupins. Radial basal leaves. Light. free draining soil in sun or light shade. (6-7) 90cm.£9.5015.00
Lupinus ‘Red Rum’ (West Country)Lupin 2LtWest Country Series. CUTTINGS RAISED PLANT. Long, impressive spikes of morello cherry red flowers with a white fleck on the bee;- early summer. early season variety. One of the longest flowering varieties. Protect from slug & aphid damage. Light, free draining soil in sun. (5-7) 90cm.£9.5015.00
Lupinus ‘Salmon Star”’ (West Country)Lupin 2LtWest Country Series. CUTTINGS RAISED PLANT. Abundant, erect, narrow spikes of pea-like, coppery-orange self, fragrant flowers, early summer. Far more reliable and longer lived than most seed raised strains. Light, free draining soil in sun. 75cm£9.5010.00
Lychnis chalcedonica (AGM)Maltese Cross 1.4LtTall, wiry stems carry heads of small but beautiful VERMILLION-RED crosses; unremarkable glossy foliage. Fertile soil in sun. 90x45cm. Flowers: July-August.£5.755.00
Lychnis chalcedonica (AGM)Maltese Cross 1Lt£4.956.00
Lychnis chalcedonica ‘Carnea’Maltese Cross 1.4LtUnusual pink form of this usually scarlet species with dense, domed umbels of cut, two-toned, salmon-pink flowers, paler at the edges during early summer. Good cottage garden plant. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (7-8)100cm£5.757.00
Lychnis chalcedonica ‘Rauhreif’Maltese Cross 1.4LtThe unusual white flowered counterpart of a usually scarlet species. Maltese cross like pure white flowers are held in dense umbels on tall stems during summer. Basal clumps of fresh green leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 90cm.£5.7513.00
Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’ (AGM)Dusty Miller 1.4LtHeads of 2.5cms (1inch) WHITE, saucer-shaped flowers on branching stems; June to September. Intensely woolly, grey leaves form basal clumps. Fertile, free draining soil in full sun. 90x45cms.£5.253.00
Lychnis coronaria ‘Alba’ (AGM)Dusty Miller 2Lt£6.951.00
Lychnis coronaria ‘Angel’s Blush’Dusty Miller 2LtHeavily branched stems, with simple, five petalled white flowers, with blush-pink eye, usually becoming more suffused with age. Rosetes of erect, woolly silver-grey leaves. Self seeds mildly. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-8) 80cm.£6.954.00
Lychnis viscaria ‘Splendens’Catchfly 1.4LtTough little garden plant with basal rosettes of narrow evergreen leaves. Sticky stems with heads of gappy petalled rich dusky pink flowers over a long period through summer. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (5-8) 40cm.£5.751.00
Lysimachia cf. terrestrisLoosestrife 1.4LtUnidentified form we found growing near Bill Gates’ house on Lake Shammish in Washington state. Erect stems with domed heads of starry golden-yellow flowers with an orange eye; summer into autumn. Red autumn colour. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. 96-9) 100cm.£4.351.00
Lysimachia cf. terrestrisLoosestrife 2Lt£6.955.00
Lysimachia ciliata ‘Firecracker’ (AGM)Loosestrife 2LtCreeping perennial with dark-chocolate leaves throughout the season & delicate SULPHUR-YELLOW flowers providing an attractive contrast. Spreads quickly in damp soil but is amenable to most sites. 75x60cm. Flowers: June-August£7.507.00
Lysimachia ciliata ‘Firecracker’ (AGM)Loosestrife 3Lt£9.501.00
Lysimachia clethroides (AGM)Loosestrife 2LtLovely clump-former the erect stems topped by arching wands of small WHITE flowers; August-September. Requires a moist soil in sun or part shade. 90x60cms.£8.002.00
Lysimachia ephemerumLoosestrife 2LtA lovely foliage perennial with silver-grey leaves lining strong stems topped by dense spires of WHITE flowers; July & August. Moist soil in sun or shade. 90x45cms.£6.955.00
Lysimachia thyrsifloraLoosestrife 1.4LtAiry branched heads of simple, cup-shaped pale-yellow flowers in loose spikes. Whorls of elliptic, dark-green leaves on upright stems. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 85cm.£5.753.00
Lythrum salicaria ‘Blush’ (AGM)Loosestrife 2LtClump-forming perennial with stiff, upright, branched stems clothed in lance-shaped downy leaves & topped with long spikes (to 45cms long) of starry, blush-pink flowers. Fertile, moist soil in sun. 80x45cms. Flowers: Midsummer to early autumn.£6.951.00
Lythrum salicaria ‘Lady Sackville’Loosestrife. 2LtErect perennial, with spikes of starry, rose-purple flowers from mid to late summer. Narrow, willowy leaves take on yellow autumnal colour. Retentive or moist soil in sun. Best deadheaded to prevent self seeding. (6-8) 60cm.£6.957.00
Lythrum salicaria ‘Robert’ 2LtA fine feature plant with branching spikes of clear pink flowers; late summer. Good autumn colour..Any reasonably moist or boggy soil in sun or shade. 120cms. (4ft)£6.9510.00
Lythrum salicaria ‘Robin’Loosestrife 1.4LtA dwarf form with short, fat spikes of cerise-purple flowers from mid to late summer. Lance-shaped downy leaves turn yellow in autumn. Fertile, moist soil in sun. (6-8) 60cm.£4.951.00
Machaeranthera sp. KM-C-2-02 1.4LtNot totally sure this is not an Erigeron bu has willowy, silky grey leaves much like Amsonia. Dense heads of cream eyed lilac-pink daisies during early summer. Gritty, free draining soil in sun. (5-7) 30cm.£6.9513.00
Macleaya microcarpa ‘Kelways Coral Plume’ (AGM)Plume Poppy 2LtImposing back of border plant with a running rootstock & leafy stems, blue-green above, grey white below topped with branching plumes of coral pink. Needs a lot of space in well drained soil in sun. 2.1×0.9m+. Flowers: Summer£7.952.00
Macleaya x kewensis ‘Flamingo’ (AGM)Plume Poppy 2LtStatuesque plants throwing up many tall, strong, grey-green stems carrying long, arching plumes of creamy-pink, fluffy flowers. Large, rounded, lobed leaves of grey green. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. NEEDS SPACE! 2.0m+. Flower: July-Sept.£7.956.00
Maianthemum bifolium kamtschaticumFalse Lily of the Valley 1.4LtThe Russian form of this widespread woodland species. Heart-shaped, glossy, deeply veined leaves emerge with the short spikes of starry, small white flowers in spring. Red fruits in autumn. Humus rich, woodland soil in part or full shade. (3-5) 20cm.£5.759.00
Maianthemum racemosum amplexicaule ‘Emily Moody’False Spikenard 2LtUnusual woodlander, closely allied to Solomon’s Seal, with small clusters of hanging, bell-shaped cream flowers from the upper leaf axils in spring. Pairs of fresh green leaves on stout stems. Humus rich, woodland soil in part or full shade. (3-5)100£10.9510.00
Maianthemum stellatumStar Flower 1.4Lt(syn.Smilacina stellata sessilifolia) Creeping, rhizomatous perennial with narrow, pointed leaves that clasp upright stems, to about 60cm tall. Small sprays of white, star-shaped, lightly-scented flowers appear in late spring and early summer followed by greenberries maturing through red to black. Woodland conditions.£9.9513.00
Mathiasella bupleuroides ‘Green Dream’Mathiasella 2LtOnly discovered in Mexico in 1954 this evergreen umbellifer has striking, divided, ash-grey leaves on stout stems. Euphorbia like heads of jade green flowers take on pink colouration by autumn. Seems hardy in a sheltered, well drained spot in sun. 90cm.£8.502.00
Meconopsis ‘Branklyn’ (George Sherriff Group)Himalayan Blue Poppy 2Lt(George Sherriff Group) So rarely available these are divisions of the true form. Soundly perennial, the basla leaves are covered in rusty hairs. Vivid blue nodding lampshade flowers during summer. Cool, moist acid soil in part shade. Not easy. (7-8) 120cm.£11.951.00
Meconopsis cambrica (Red)Welsh Poppy 1.4LtAn ardent colonizer with fresh, fern-green foliage. RED flowers unfurl all summer. Best in shade in any reasonable soil.45x45cm. Flowers: May-September.£6.251.00
Meconopsis cambrica (Yellow)Welsh Poppy 1.4LtAn ardent colonizer with fresh, fern-green foliage. VIVID LEMON flowers unfurl all summer. Best in shade in any reasonable soil.45x45cm. Flowers: May-September.£6.5010.00
Melanoselinum decipiensBlack Parsley 2LtBig, bold, slightly shrubby umbellifer, developing a woody base. Rosettes of three pinnate, divided, lance-shaped leaves. After a few years it has huge, crowded umbels of highly fragrant, white flowers in divided bracts. Monocarpic.Needs shelter. (7-8) 250cm£10.954.00
Melanoseris aff cyanea 2LtUnusual herbaceous perennial forming clumps of stiff, rough textured often blotched stems lined with coarse, nettle like leaves. Terminal clusters of pendent, tufty, thistle-like rich violet blue flowers with long dark calyces in summer. Reasonably drained soil in sun. Previously posturing under several different names. Native Assam, India , central China, Tibet.£8.507.00
Melanoseris atropurpurea 1.4LtUnusual herbaceous perennial forming clumps of stiff, rough textured often blotched stems lined with coarse, distinctly lobed leaves. Terminal heads of pendent, strong purple blue flowers with very long dark blue stamens protruding beyond the petals in summer. Reasonably drained soil in sun. From seed collected 3300m, by Yu & Bjornar, Yunnan, China. 90cms£7.954.00
Melianthus major (AGM)Honey Flower 3LtWonderful half-hardy foliage plant with large, deeply serrated grey-green leaves up unbranched stems. Tubular, BROWNISH-RED flowers in terminal spikes if the plant is kept in growth through winter. Grow in poor soil in sun to encourage flowering. 2x2m.£9.254.00
Melittis melissophyllum albidaBastard Balm 1.4LtThe rarely seen pure white form of our native plant. Short, erect spikes with nettle like, dark-green leaves. Large, two-lipped, pure white flowers nestle in the leaf axils during early summer. Best in retentive soil in light shade. (4-6) 30cm.£5.951.00
Mertensia virginica (AGM)Virginia Cowslip 1.4Lt(syn.pulmonarioides) A most desirable plant with oval, soft blue-green leaves. Arching stems are topped by clusters of funnel-shaped RICH BLUE flowers; April to June. Goes dormant in late summer. Fertile well drained soil in sun or shade. 45x45cms..£5.955.00
Mertensia virginica (AGM)Virginia Cowslip 1Lt£5.7510.00
Mirabilis jalapaFour o’clock plant 2LtA curious tuberous perennial from temperate South American producing sweetly scented ‘flowers’ of various colours, yellow, red, pink, white, on the plant at the same time.These open each day around 4 o’clock.Leaves may wilt with heat but soon revive. Free draining soil in sun – keep frost free. 1.0m+£7.956.00
Mitella breweriBishop’s Cap 1.4LtGently creeping woodland perennial closely allied to Heuchera. Mats of gently lobed, hairy, soft green leaves. Narrow, airy spikes of tiny yellow-green flowers; late spring & summer. Moist yet well drained, leafy soil in dappled shade. 15x30cm.£6.504.00
Monarda ‘Beauty Of Cobham’ (AGM)Wild Bergamot 2LtBeautiful old hybrid of this showy border perennial. Aromatic pointed leaves are topped by whorls of narrow, hooded, tubular, soft flush-pink flowers with the bracts heavily veined & flushed bronze-purple; June to August. Retentive soil in sun. 90x45cm.£7.257.00
Monarda ‘Blaustrumpf’Bergamot 2LtBlue Stocking’. Showy German hybrid, with whorls of hooded deep violet-purple flowers held in dark purple bracts on upright stems. Slightly smokey-purple flushed leaves. Retentive soil in sun or light shade. (6-8) 90cm.£7.953.00
Monarda ‘Blue Moon’ (Buzz Series)Bees balm 2LtA medium size, blue flowering Monarda – a breakthrough combination. Ieally suited to mid border a clump former with strong, upright stems topped with heads of pale lavender flower surrounded by rich purple bracts; summer into autumn. Loved by bees & butterflies. Dark green, mildew resistant, ovate leaves. All parts high;y aromatic. Prefers a rich, moist organic soil in sun. 60cms£8.953.00
Monarda ‘Cambridge Scarlet’ (AGM)Bergamot, Bee Balm 1.4LtSpikes of hooded, RICH-RED flowers; June to August. Forms a dense clump with strongly scented, pointed, brown-tinged leaves. Retentive soil in an open, sunny position. 1.2m.£5.952.00
Monarda ‘Gardenview Scarlet’ (AGM)Wild Bergamot 2LtNew compact selection recently introduced from Canada. Highly aromatic, minty leaves & whorls of large, hooded, brilliant scarlet flowers all summer. Good mildew resistance. Ordinary soil in a sunny site. 90x45cm.£6.953.00
Monarda ‘Mahogany’Wild Bergamot 2LtWhorls of narrow, tubular, hooded, RICH-RED flowers the bracts flushed smokey-purple; June to August. Highly aromatic, old cottage garden favourite. Rich retentive soil in sun or part shade. 90x45cms.£7.259.00
Monarda ‘Prarienacht’Bee Balm, Bergamot 2Lt(syn Prairie Night’) Upright stems with pointed, fragrant, mint-like leaves topped with hooded, DEEP PURPLE flowers; June to August. Deep, rich soil in sunny. 90x60cm.£6.958.00
Monarda ‘Schneewittchen’Bergamot, Bee Balm 2Lt(syn. Snow Maiden’) Abundant stems of white hooded flowers over a clump of fresh-green foliage, late summer. All parts scented. Open sunny spot in dryish soils. 90cms(3ft)£6.951.00
Monarda ‘Squaw’ (AGM)Bergamot, Bees Balm 1.4LtUpright stems with scented leaves & hooded, BRIGHT RED flowers around a central cone; July & August. Good, mildew-resistant variety. Best in retentive soil in sun. 120x60cms.£6.2511.00
Monarda ‘Squaw’ (AGM)Bergamot, Bees Balm 2Lt£6.951.00
Monarda ‘Violet Queen’Wild bergamot 1.4LtErect highly aromatic easy border plant with pointed hairy leaves in whorls. Tubular hooded two lipped deep violet flowers are also held in whorls from late june into august. Good rich retentive soil in sun or part shade. 90x45cm.£6.2512.00
Monarda ‘Violet Queen’Wild bergamot 2Lt£6.951.00
Morina longifoliaWhorlflower 1.4LtRosettes of evergreen, very aromatic, thistle-like leaves. Tall stems with whorls of hooded, tubular, white flowers with a pink flush, turning crimson after pollination, all set in spiny collars. Well drained retentive soil. 75x45cm.£5.751.00
Mukdenia rossii 2Lt(syn. Aceriphyllum) Slow spreadingg woodlander from N.E Asia. Palmate bronze tinted mid green leaves. Panicles of creamy white flowers just above the leaves in spring. Leafy, moist light soil in part shade with plenty of summer moisture. 30x45cm.£7.958.00
Mukdenia rossii ‘Karasuba’Red Leaved Mukdenia 2LtFrom the woodlands of N.E Asia comes this attractive, rhizomatous ground cover with mats of palmate, deeply cut, glossy, dark green leaves, turning fiery claret-red during autumn. Spikes of small white flowers are borne with the new leaves during spring. Retentive, woodland soil in part or full shade. (3-4) 30cm.£7.503.00
Nectaroscordum siculum bulgaricum 1.4LtPendulous bells of off-white flowers flushed green & purple with seed pods becoming erect as the flowers fade; early summer. Linear, garlic scented leaves die away at flowering. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 120x60cm.£6.5010.00
Nepeta govaniana 1.4LtA beautiful rare Nepeta from Kashmir & not widely grown. Well branched plant with light-green pointed leaves and long, CLEAR LIGHT-YELLOW flowers in summer. Likes cool, retentive soil in part shade. 90cms.£5.755.00
Nepeta grandiflora ‘Summer Magic’Catmint 2LtSturdy, bushy, compact catmint with deeply veined, grey-green leaves. Semi whorled spikes of small, narrowly tubular lavender-blue flowers from May to the frosts. One of the longest flowering varieties available. Light, free draining soil in sun. (5-10) 30x45cm.£8.956.00
Nepeta grandiflora ‘Wild Cat’Catmint 1.4LtVery prolific flowerer with well branched stems clothed in myriads of narrow, tubular purple-blue flowers, held in striking purple-red calyces, which persist long after flowering. Aromatic plant for well drained soil in sun. (6-8) 120cm.£5.956.00
Nepeta ‘Hill Grounds’Cat Mint 1.4LtSemi-evergreen perennial quickly forming loose mounds of aromatic, grey-green foliage the stems topped with sprays of tubular, intense violet-blue flowers; June to August, Highly attractive to bees & butterflies. For a free draining soil in sun. 50x40cms.£5.754.00
Nepeta ‘Junior Walker’Catmint 1LtA sterile dwarf seedling of ‘Walker’s Low’ & the most popular variety in United States. Spreading stems with toothed, aromatic, grey-green leaves. Densely clustered spikes of lavender-blue flowers, held continuously from May to September. Light, free draining soil in sun. (5-9) 40x60cm.£4.951.00
Nepeta kubanicaCatmint 1.4LtMay correctly be cyanea ssp. cyanea. Medium sized, upright catmint from the Caucasus with smooth, nettle leaves, flushed bronze in spring & autumn. Whorls of large mauve flowers from mauve bracts ;- late summer. Needs a more retentive soil in sun. (6-8) 65cm.£5.7510.00
Nepeta nervosa ‘Blue Moon’Catmint 1.4LtUnusual species from Kashmir, needing a more retentive spot. Gently creeping root with erect stems having smooth, deeply veined leaves. Dense, whorled spikes of narrowly tubular, rich blue flowers throughout summer. Sun or part shade. (5-7) 45cm.£5.752.00
Nepeta racemosa ‘Snowflake’Catmint 1.4LtAn unusual white form with the usual hooded flowers over bushy pale grey-green foliage. An excellent edging plant. Well drained soil in sun. 45x45cm. Flowers: June-September£5.953.00
Nepeta racemosa ‘Walker’s Low’Catmint 1.4LtAn improvement on the common catmint. Dense basal clumps of silvery-grey, aromatic leaves topped by spikes of hooded, PALE BLUE-MAUVE flowers with a spotting on the lower lip; May to July. Very well drained soil in sun. 60x60cm.£5.953.00
Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’Catmint 1.4LtSuperb variety bearing masses of large sprays of lavender-blue flowers over grey, aromatic foliage. Probably the hardiest type. Well drained sunny position. 60x60cms. Flowers: Midsummer.£5.951.00
Nepeta ‘Six Hills Giant’Catmint 1Lt£4.959.00
Nepeta x faassenii (AGM)Cat Mint 1.4LtFree mounds of bushy, greyish, aromatic foliage and sprays of LAVENDER-BLUE blooms over a long period. Popular perennial making a good edger or under-planter. Well drained soil sunny position. 30x45cms. Flowers: May-September.£5.754.00
Nepeta x faassenii ‘Blue Wonder’Catmint 2LtLow, spreading ground cover with aromatic, softly grey downy toothed leaves on trailing stems. Rather fat, whorled spikes of small rich-blue tubular flowers over a long period through summer. Good edger for a light, well drained soil in sun. (6-9) 20x60cm.£8.951.00
Nepeta x faassenii ‘Crystal Cloud’Cat Mint 1.4LtA new colour break the plant well covered in lipped, pale lilac flowers from late may until August. Attractive to bees & butterflies. Well branched, mound forming, herbaceous perennial with grey green leaves. All parts aromatic. Free draining soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cms.£7.506.00
Nepeta x faassenii ‘Purrsian Blue’Catmint 1.4LtMuch neater than most forms, not sprawling but forming a rounded bun. Short, dense, erect stems with stumpy, whorled spikes of narrowly tubular periwinkle blue flowers, held in persistent purple calyces, from late spring through summer. Small, aromatic, mid green leaves. Light, free draining oil in sun. (5-9) 30x40cm.£6.2516.00
Nerine bowdenii ‘Favourite’Nerine 1.4LtIn autumn it offers umbels of flared, wavy edged petalled salmon-pink flowers before the new leaves kick into growth ;- October & November. arching, strap like leaves. Plant bulbs shallowly. Best in a very warm, sheltered spot for a summer baking. (10-11) 55cm.£5.954.00
Nerine bowdenii ‘Isabel’Nerine 1.4LtMore or less a bowdenii hybrid so reasonably hardyish in a sheltered spot. Whorls of large, spidery deep-rose flowers on bare stems in autumn, just before the strap like leaves. Needs a sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (8-10) 45cm.£6.956.00
Nerine bowdenii ‘Lipstick’ 1.4LtExcellent bulbous perennial for late summer autumn colour. Upright stems topped with a crown of flared, white flushed to carmine at the tips, flared petals over a long period; late summer into autumn. Fleshy, lance shaped, green leaves. Plant with neck of bulb at the surface. Best planted in a very dry, well drained, sunny position or as a pot plant. South Africa. 60x45cms..£7.509.00
Nerine bowdenii ‘Ostara’Nerine 1.4LtBulbous perennial with whorls of flared, trumpet shaped rich pink flowers with paler, almost white edges, held on the bare stems in autumn, followed by the strap like leaves. Plant at the foot of a warm wall in sun. (9-10) 80cm.£5.957.00
Nerine bowdenii ‘Vesta K’Nerine 1.4LtReasonably hardy, Dutch hybrid with whorls of flared, good sized , trumpet-shaped blush-pink flowers, fading almost white, during late summer & autumn. The flower on bare stems just before the emergence of the strap like leaves. Sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (8-10) 60cm.£5.501.00
Nerine ‘Pink Triumph’ 1.4LtFleshy upright stems topped with a cluster of lily-like, wavy, re-curved mid pink petals with a deeper centre; autumn. Strap like rich green leaves disappear before flowering. Plant at the base of a warm wall where it should not be disturbed in well drained soil in full sun. 45cms£6.508.00
Nipponanthemum nipponicum 1.4LtClosely related to the Shasta Daisy, this has upward facing chalky-white daisies with a pale-yellow eye in autumn, finally turning a pale-pink. Thick, fleshy lobed leaves on upright stems. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-11) 45cm.£4.753.00
Oenothera fruticosa ‘Hoheslicht’Sundrops 1.4LtHighlight’.From late spring through midsummer are produced an abundance of showy bright yellow flowers from red flushed buds. Basal rosettes of mid-green leaves. Well drained soil in sun. (5-8) 60cm.£6.955.00
Oenothera fruticosa ‘W.Cuthbertson’Evening Primrose 1.4LtCompact form, with heads of papery, silky cup-shaped rich golden-yellow flowers on short stems in early summer. Basal rosettes of red fluahed pale-green leaves. Well drained soil in sun. (6-8) 45cm.£5.754.00
Oenothera speciosa ‘Siskiyou’Evening Primrose 1.4LtGorgeous variant found in the Siskiyou mountains. Large, CLEAR PINK, cup-shaped flowers veined a deeper pink & darken towards the edges; golden-yellow eye. Excellent scent & flowers remain open all day. Gritty, well drained soil in sun. 45x45cm.£5.751.00
Omphalodes cappadocica ‘Starry Eyes’Navelwort, Navelseed 1.4LtBranching spikes with WHITE flowers each petal having a BLUE CENTRAL STRIPE. A wonderful cultivar making low growing clumps of pointed, dark green leaves. For any not too chalky soil in part shade. 20x30cm. Flowers: March-April.£6.751.00
Omphalodes vernaNavelwort 1.4LtBranching sprays of powder-blue starry flowers. Large, heart-shaped leaves form a dense ground cover. Moist shady site. 20x90cm. Flowers: March-May£5.252.00
Omphalodes verna ‘Alba’Creeping Forget-me-Not 1.4LtChoice ground-covering perennial for a retentive, woodland type soil. Spreading clumps of soft, hairy, oval, green leaves topped by sprays of small, pure white flowers in short racemes in spring. 30x45cm.£5.7512.00
Ophiopogon bodinieri B&L 12505 1.4LtA vigorous spreading clump-former with long, narrow, strap-like, arching, dark green leaves. Clusters of hanging bell-shaped pale lilac-pink flowers. Moist woodland soil. Collected in Yunnan, China. 30x75cm.£7.5012.00
Ophiopogon chingii 1.4LtTiny little evergreen species from Japan with very fine, curling twisted mounds of leathery deep green leaves on a gently running root. Spikes of small, bell-shaped lilac flowers followed by very large neon blue fruit, from mid to late summer. diminutive so best on a rockery. Retentive soil in a part shaded spot. (5-6) 5cm.£5.9512.00
Ophiopogon jaburanJaburan Lily 1.4LtTufted evergreen perennial, with strap-shaped leathery dark green leaves. Short spikes of lilac tinted white flowers in late summer followed by violet-blue fruit. Moist, fertile, hunus-rich soil in sun or part shade. (7-8) 45cm.,£5.757.00
Ophiopogon japonicusMondo Grass 1.4LtTufted evergreen clump former with tights mats of leathery, grassy dark green leaves, spreading gently by stolons. Clusters of small, bell-shaped lilac-white flowers, followed by metallic purple-blue berries in autumn. never too dry soil in sun or shade, out of cold winds. (8-9) 15cm.£5.251.00
Ophiopogon japonicus ‘Compactus’ 2LtVery rare, slow growing perennial with forming clumps of short, evergreen, linear, dark green leaves. Short spikes of bell-shaped, SILVERY-MAUVE flowers almost hidden in the foliage; summer. Retentive, humus-rich soil in sun or part shade. 4cms.£9.951.00
Ophiopogon planiscapus ‘Nigrescens’ (AGM)Black Grass 1.4LtStriking herbaceous perennial with evergreen, almost black, strap-like leaves which set off short spikes of rich pink flowers followed by black berries. One of the few black leaved plants. Needs good soil, part shade. Creeps slowly. 15cms. Flowers: Aug-Sept.£7.954.00
Origanum ‘Amethyst Falls’ 1.4LtA beautiful ornamental oregano, with masses of hop like clusters of purplish pink flowers, maturing to a striking mauve from June to September. Perfect for the front of a sunny border, rockery or a patio container. Height 40cm. Spread 45cm. Full sun. Free draining soil.£6.959.00
Origanum ‘Kent Beauty’Oregano 1.4LtProstrate, semi evergreen sub shrub with trailing stems clothed in oval, apple green leaves. Whorls of small, tubular, rose pink flowers enclosed in large, inflated rose pink bracts. Sharply drained soil in sun. (6-8) 10cm.£6.754.00
Origanum laevigatum ‘Herrenhausen’ (AGM)Marjoram 1.4LtMat-forming clumps of aromatic foliage. Well branched stems bearing abundant clusters of violet flowers; mid to late summer. Reasonably drained soil in sun. 40cms.£5.958.00
Origanum laevigatum ‘Hopleys’Marjoram 1.4LtUseful late flowering aromatic perennial herb with hairy leaves and an abundance of semi-lax stems with clusters of PINK-PURPLE flowers – much loved by bees & butterflies; August & September. Well drained, sunny position. 60x60cms.£6.509.00
Origanum ‘Teddy’Oregano 1.4LtBred in Holland, this looks very much like a dictamnus hybrid. Low, spreading mat former with rounded, intensely white felted leaves. Small bobble like branched heads of jade green bracts with small, tubular soft pink flowers. Will need excellent drainage in full sun. (5-8) 10cm,£6.256.00
Origanum ‘Teddy’Oregano 1Lt£6.253.00
Origanum vulgare ‘Compactum’Oregano 1.4LtOne of the best, most modest edgers, forming dense mats of rounded, highly aromatic, dark-green leaves. Narrow, rich-pink flowers protrude from small, jade-green, hop-like bracts. Light, well drained soil in sun. (5-7)15cm.£6.254.00
Origanum vulgare ‘Thumble’s Variety’Wild Marjoram 1LtBushy, woody based, aromatic herb making larger than normal carpets of yellow-green leaves becoming burnished gold in autumn. Loose whorls of tubular, deep pink flowers; midsummer & autumn. Fertile, well drained soil in sun. 45x45cms.£4.952.00
Origanum vulgare ‘Thumble’s Variety’Wild Marjoram 2Lt£6.953.00
Orthrosanthus chimboracensis 1.4LtRarely seen iris relative making clumps of long, narrow, grassy evergreen leaves. Sprays of CLEAR LIGHT-BLUE flowers each lasting but a day from May to July. Not fully hardy but O.K in an unheated greenhouse in winter. Gritty well drained soil in sun. 45x45cm.£6.759.00
Pachysandra procumbens (AGM) 1.4LtRarely seen semi-evergreen from S.E USA, with whorls of toothed, grey green leaves, with brown mottling, taking on superb winter colour. Short spikes of white flowers, with pink anthers in late spring. Very slow. Humus rich, woodland soil in shade. (4-5) 25cm.£5.451.00
Pachysandra terminalis (AGM) 3LtGood evergreen carpeter with whorls of glossy, green and cream variegated foliage. Heads of small greenish-white flowers; Feb-March. Spreads by underground stems. Any reasonable soil in shade. 20cms x indefinite.£10.256.00
Paeonia ‘Coral Sunset’Paeony 3LtDeeply cup shaped, semi double, almost luminous coral-pink flowers shaded peach, the centre is filled with a big boss of gold stamens;- May & June. Intermediate hybrid of lactiflora. Plant shallowly. Rich, retentive soil in sun. (5-6) 85cm.£11.955.00
Paeonia ‘Flame’Paeony 3LtLarge, single, bowl-shaped reddish-orange flowers, with a large central boss of gold stamens. Compact, tidy habit. Good autumnal colour. Rich, fertile, yet well drained soil in sun or light shade. (5-6) 75cm.£11.954.00
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Agida’Paeony 2LtTraditional cottage garden style paeony with almost fully double, carmine-red flowers tipped silvery-pink; late spring & early summer. Good rich fertile soil in sun or part shade. 75x60cm.£11.752.00
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Bunker Hill’Paeony 2LtDouble. Large, vibrant, double purple-red flowers held on stout stems. Humus rich, retentive yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 80cm.£11.751.00
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Duchesse De Nemours’ (AGM)Double Peony 2LtBeautiful DOUBLE WHITE FLOWERS WITH A CREAMY CENTRE. Splendid foliage richly tinted in autumn. Deep, rich, well drained soil, regularly mulched, in sun. Plant crown 1′ deep only. 90x90cms. Flowers: June-July.£11.953.00
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Festiva Maxima’ (AGM)Double Peony 2LtBeautiful, very large DOUBLE WHITE flowers, the central petals FLECKED CRIMSON, on strong stems. Fine clumps of attractive lobed foliage with rich autumn tints. Best in enriched deep soil in full sun. 75-100cms. Flowers: June-July.£11.952.00
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Festiva Maxima’ (AGM)Double Peony 3Lt£12.706.00
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Immaculee’Paeony 3LtA profusion of flat, single, white flowers, with a large boss of creamy gold stamens, during late spring & early summer. Humus rich, retentive soil in sun or light shade. (5-6) 80cm.£11.951.00
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Karl Rosenfield’Double Peony 3LtBeautiful, large DOUBLE CRIMSON-RED flowers on strong stems. Fine clumps of attractive, lobed foliage giving good spring & autumn colour. Best in enriched, deep soil in full sun. 75-100cms. Flowers: June.£11.951.00
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Kelway’s Glorious’Paeony 2LtVery large, fully double, bomb shaped white flowers with just the merest hint of pink & irregular red flecks at the centre of the flower. leaves have good red autumn colour. Flowers May & June. Rich, retentive soil in sun. (5-6) 75cm.£11.953.00
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Lady Alexandra Duff’ (AGM)Double Peony 3LtVery beautiful DOUBLE blooms with LAVENDER & PINK OUTER & WHITE CENTRAL PETALS; fragrant & free flowering. Clumps of handsome foliage giving good spring & autumn colour. Prefers humus-rich, deep, reasonably drained soil in sun. 90x75cms. Flowers: Early summer.£11.952.00
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Nymphe’Paeony 3LtSingle, cup-shaped pink flowers with frilly, overlapping petals. Has a large central boss of small, creamy white central petals. Fragrant & late flowering. rich, retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 90cm.£11.954.00
Paeonia lactiflora ‘President F.D Roosevelt’Peony 2LtA strangely neglected hybrid with large, almost fully double, deliciously scented, rich red flowers with wavy margined petals, freely borne during May. :Likes a rich, retentive soil in sun or light shade. (5-6) 80x45cm.£11.753.00
Paeonia lactiflora ‘Sarah Bernhardt’ (AGM)Double Peony 2LtAn abundance of DOUBLE, sweetly perfumed, APPLEBLOSSOM-PINK blooms TIPPED SILVER over a long period. Bold clumps of foliage giving good spring & autumn colour. Humus-rich, reasonably drained soil in sun. 90x75cms. Flowers: E. summer£11.956.00
Paradisea lusitanicaParadise Lily 1.4LtUpright clump former, with basal rosettes of linaer leaves. Loose racemes of trumpet-shaped fragrant white flowers all summer. Humus reich, fertile yet excellently drained soil in sun. Beware of slugs. (7-8) 90cm.£7.251.00
Patrinia triloba palmata 1.4LtSmall species with basal clumps of maple-shaped, glossy green leaves, turning red in autumn. Heads of acid-yellow flowers, held on red flushed stalks during mid to late summer, with a pleasing scent. Easy in a retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 40cm.£7.2514.00
Pelargonium – Zonal variegated 1LtSemi-woody, half hardy perennials with rounded heads of large flowers throughout the year if given winter protection. Popular for summer displays. dead head regularly Free draining soil in sun.£5.755.75
Pelargonium ‘Lilian Pottinger’ 1Lt(Scented) A well branched, attractive variety the maple-like, bright green foliage having a delicious camphor scent. Branched heads of dainty white flowers during the summer months. Excellent pot plant requiring little attention. Needs overwintering in frost free conditions. Free draining soil in sun or part shade. £6.253.00
Pelargonium papilionaceumButterfly geranium 1.4LtA large, vigorous species pelargonium from S Africa with delicate looking, butterfly like pink to pale pink single flowers with darker pink blotches and three linear lower petals; spring to early autumn. Large, heart shaped, scented leaves. A semi-woody perennial requiring frost free protection..To 2.0m£6.952.00
Pelargonium ‘Richard Gibbs’ 1Lt(Scented) A neat, bushy variety the dainty, feathered, grey green leaves with an unusual spicey fragrance. Heads of delicate fuchsia pink flowers. Excellent pot plant requiring little attention. Needs overwintering in frost free conditions. Free draining soil in sun or part shade. £6.254.00
Penstemon ‘Andenken an Friedrich Hahn’ (AGM) 2Lt(AGM) (syn P.Garnet’) A vigorous evergreen with DEEP PORT-WINE tubular flowers flushed crimson over narrow fresh foliage. Full sun in fertile soil. 75x60cms. Flowers: July-September£7.958.00
Penstemon digitalis ‘Husker Red’ 1Lt(syn.Purpureus’) One of the most spectacular varieties. Panicles of large, tubular, WHITE FLUSHED LILAC flowers above basal rosettes of deep purple-red leaves. Well drained, sheltered site in sun. 90x45cms. Flowers: July-August.£4.953.00
Penstemon ‘Evelyn’ (AGM) 2Lt(Beard Tongue) A very hardy hybrid with glossy evergreen leaves. Tubular dark red-crimson flowers. Fertile well drained soil in sun.45x45cm.(7-9)£7.953.00
Penstemon ‘Flamingo’Beard Tongue 2LtSpikes of large, tubular, BRIGHT REDDISH-PINK flowers the white throat lightly streaked with red; all summer & autumn. Take cuttings in autumn as a winter safeguard. 90x90cm.£7.952.00
Penstemon hirsutus pygmaeus albus 2LtSmall, hardy edging species from Eastern USA with rosettes of softly downy leaves. Spreading spikes with short spikes of narrowly tubular white flowers during early summer. Easy in any well drained soil in sun or light shade. (5-7) 20cm.£7.251.00
Penstemon ‘King George V’Beard Tongue. 2LtOne of the most popular varieties with large tubular flowers of SCARLET-RED WITH A DISTINCTIVE WHITE THROAT produced over a long period. For a well drained sheltered sunny site . 75x45cm. Flowers: July-October£7.954.00
Penstemon ‘Pensham Just Jayne’BeardTongue 2LtFrom the new Pensham series, this disease free variety has erect stems topped by spikes of flared, trumpet-shaped, rich cerise-pink flowers with a white throat, streaked red;- summer & autumn. Linear leaves. Well drained, sheltered spot in sun/lt.sh. (6-9) 70cm.£7.951.00
Penstemon ‘Purple Passion’Beard Tongue 2LtSpikes of wide, tubular deep purple flowers with white markings & streaking in the throat. Broad, dark green leaves are lightly flushed purple. well drained soil in a sunny, sheltered site. (6-9) 75cm.£7.9511.00
Penstemon ‘Rubicundus’ (AGM) 2LtHuge, tubular, CRIMSON-SCARLET flowers; July to September. Large, evergreen foliage. Needs a well sheltered position in sun & a fertile soil. 60x60cm.£8.955.00
Penstemon ‘Schoenholzeri’ (AGM)Beard Tongue 2Lt(syn. P.Firebird’) Long, thin, narrow, tubular BRIGHT RED flowers. One of the hardiest hybrids with narrow, evergreen leaves. Well drained soil in sun. 60x45cm. Flowers: July to October.£7.9517.00
Penstemon smalliiBeard Tongue 1.4LtRare native of N.Carolina & Tennessee. Short spikes of lilac-pink flowers the white throat filled with creamy hairs. Unusually the top lip is larger than the lower. Basal clumps of oval leaves. Gritty well drained soil in sun. 90x60cm. Flowers: Summer.£6.251.00
Penstemon ‘Sour Grapes’ (AGM)Beard Tongue 2Lt(syn.Margery Fish’) Lovely, rich plummy-burgundy trumpets with a metallic hue; July to September. One of the more hardy varieties but should be protected in winter. Well drained soil in sun. 75x60cms.£7.958.00
Penstemon ‘Strawberries and Cream’Beard Tongue 2LtErect spikes of soft pink, tubular flowers with a white throat. The red veining extends to the outer lips giving it an unusual look. Flowers over a long period through summer to the frosts. hardy in a sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (6-10) 75cm.£7.952.00
Penstemon ‘Thorn’Beard Tongue 2LtSpikes of large, creamy ivory, tubular flowers delicately edged red at the mouth; all summer. Ovate, shiny, evergreen leaves. Marginally hardy & best overwintered as cuttings. Well drained sunny site. 60x45cm£7.951.00
Penstemon tubaeflorusBeard Tongue 1.4LtSpecies native to the midwestern prairies & glades and introduced to New England, USA. Fleshy upright stems lined with short, trumpet shaped, 5 petalled white flowers; June & July. Ovate fleshy, stem clasping leaves. Freely drained soil in sun. 60cms£6.502.00
Penstemon ‘Windsor Red’Beard Tongue 2LtLong, bold spikes of glowing red flowers with a white throat, heavily pencilled red. They are held on purple flushed stems all summer & autumn. Needs a well drained soil in a sunny sheltered site. (7-10) 75cm.£7.952.00
Penstemon x mexicali ‘Miniature Bells’ 1LtCompact, clump-forming, semi-evergreen perennial with upright racemes of bell-shaped pink, purple or magenta flowers with white throats; mid summer into autumn.. Linear to lance-shaped, deep blue-green leaves. Excellent for borders , containers etc in a sunny position in reasonably drained soil. Leave old stems for winter protection. 40x30cms.£4.957.00
Persicaria alpinaSmartweed 2Lt(P.polymorpha) Very large back of the border species. Bold stems with alternate dark green leaves topped by PURE WHITE bottlebrushes; late summer & autumn. Give it plenty of space – not invasive. Retentive soil in sun or shade. 180x90cm.£9.258.00
Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Anne’s Choice’Knotweed 2LtRobust, clump forming, semi evergreen bearing long, bright red-orange flower spikes over a long period; July-Sept. Claimed to be the most striking colour currently available for this Genus. Ovate mid green leaves. Versatile perennial for any reasonable soil in sun or shade. 1.2m£8.406.00
Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Atrosanguinea’Smartweed 2LtShowy, strong growing, clump former with stem clasping, heart-shaped leaves flushed purple at the tips. Short upright pokers of RICH CRIMSON flowers persist all summer & autumn. Retentive or moist soil in sun or shade. 90x90cm.£6.953.00
Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Fascination’Knotweed 2LtRobust, versatile, clump forming semi-evergreen covered in long spikes of rose pink flowers from salmon buds over a long period; July-Sept. Ovate, rich green leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. 1.2m£8.251.00
Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Fat Domino’Red Silk Fleece 2LtBushy perennial with short, fat spikes of glowing crimson-red flowers from midsummer to the frosts. Mounds of pointed, glossy green leaves. Best in a retentive, even moist soil in sun or shade. (7-10) 85cm.£8.251.00
Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Firetail’ (AGM) 2LtA stout, bushy perennial with deep green, heart-shaped, pointed leaves & tall SCARLET pokers’; June to September. Adaptable to most soils but prefers moist conditions in sun or part shade. 1.0m.£7.954.00
Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Golden Arrow’Golden Fleeceweed 2LtStrong growing clump former with large, heart shaped gold leaves, especially strong in spring more lime-green by summer. Narrow spikes of cardinal-red flowers during late summer & autumn. Retentive soil, colouring best in sun, although tolerant of part shade. (7-9) 90cm.£7.753.00
Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘High Society’Knotweed 2LtNot very well known in cultivation, i find that this is one of the tidiest, mopst free flowering cultivars. Narrow, upright spikes of small deep pink red flowers over a long period in summer. Large, pointed leaves. Retentive soil in sun/pt.sh. 120cm.£7.251.00
Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘J.S.Caliente’Knotweed 2LtCaliente’ is Spanish for hot & warm which describes these fiery orange-red fat pokers which are prolific over a long period in summer. Pointed leaves in spreading clumps. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 70cm.£8.405.00
Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Rosea’Knotweed 2LtConstant display of erect spikes of blush-pink pokers from June until frosts. Robust clumps of semi-evergreen, ovate, mid-green leaves. Needs space. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. 90x120cm.£6.956.00
Persicaria amplexicaulis ‘Taurus’Knotweed 2LtLong, narrow plump spikes of rich cerise-pink flowers on branched stems all summer into autumn. Bushy, vigorous form, with large, heat-shaped dark-green leaves. Retentive soil in sun or shade. (7-9) 90cm.£8.405.00
Persicaria campanulata Alba Group 2LtBold, clump forming perennial with large, branched stems carrying spikes of pure-white flowers throughout summer. Large, felted grey-green, deeply veined leaves. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. Needs space. (6-9) 90cm.£6.959.00
Persicaria microcephala ‘Purple Fantasy’Fleeceweed 2LtSpectacular foliage plant with beautiful, heart shaped leaves, silver green with a central silver splash & purple heart. Fine red edge. rather insignificant spidery red flowers. Best in a retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 45cm.£8.251.00
Persicaria microcephala ‘Red Dragon’Smartweed 2LtSpectacular foliage plant with the branched red stems clothed in large, pointed smokey-burgundy leaves with a black chevron, edged in green & silver. Small, wispy white flower spikes in late spring. Sheltered spot in sun or part shade. 60cm.£8.505.00
Persicaria vacciniifolia (AGM)Smartweed 1.4LtCreeping red stems clothed in small shining dark green leaves that turn russet brown in winter. From late September the whole plant is covered in short spikes of tiny pink flowers. Good, not too dry soil in sun or shade. 10x90cm.£5.751.00
Persicaria virginiana ‘Compton’s Red’Knotweed 2LtA selected form collected in Szechuan by James Compton. Erect stems with narrow leaves having a broad olive chevron. Wispy spikes of small carmine flowers. Retentive soil in sun or some shade. (7-8) 60cm.£11.501.00
Persicaria virginiana filiformis ‘Lance Corporal’ 2LtA selected form of the eastern N.American species. Large oval olive green leaves with a large black chevron, taking on good autumnal colour. Very thin, wispy spikes of scarlet-red flowers in early autumn. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (9-10) 75cm.£8.951.00
Persicaria virginiana ‘Painter’s Palette’ 3LtAttractive erect perennial the large leaves having a banding of cream, pink, black & white making it a noble foliage plant. Small insignificant flowers. For a fertile retentive soil in sun or part shade. 60x60cm.£8.506.00
Peucedanum verticillareMilk Parsley 2LtImpressive, stately Umbellifer bearing dramatic, creamy green flattened flower heads on strong, dark purple stems. Blueish-purple divided foliage. Ht: 220-250cms.£8.504.00
Phlomis russelliana (AGM) 2LtStout stems with whorls of SOFT BUTTER-YELLOW, hooded flowers; all summer. Basal rosettes of large, coarse leaves. Evergreen perennial for a dry, sunny border. Gives good winter structure. 90x60cm.£7.9511.00
Phlomis tuberosa ‘Amazone’Jerusalem Sage 1.4LtChoice German selection with prolific leafy growth. Large, toothed leaves. Dark purple branching stems with whorls of soft-lilac, tubular flowers intermittently up their length during summer. Semi-evergreen & sterile. Well drained soil in sun. 150x75cm£6.751.00
Phlomis tuberosa ‘Amazone’Jerusalem Sage 2Lt£8.259.00
Phlox paniculata ‘Blue Boy’Summer Phlox 2LtStrong grower with large panicles of fragrant flowers of MAUVE-BLUE WITH A WHITE EYE; summer into mid autumn. Good mildew resistance. Fertile retentive soil in sun or part shade. 90x45cm.£7.259.00
Phlox paniculata ‘Laura’Summer Phlox 2LtA new European hybrid with densely packed heads of rich violet-blue flowers with a darker central zone giving a star-like pattern. Retentive well drained soil in sun. 80x45cm. Flowers: July-September.£7.252.00
Phlox paniculata ‘Mardi Gras’Summer Phlox 2LtDomed panicles of very intense, richest velvety purple flowers with paler flecking, around a small red eye, during late summer & autumn. Light scent. Best in a retentive, even moist soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 65cm.£7.2513.00
Phlox paniculata ‘Monica Lynden-Bell’ (AGM)Summer Phlox 1.4LtThis showy hybrid has large baby-pink flowers with a red flushed eye, emerging from red buds in in late summer. Well scented. Leafy stems have good disease resistance. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 75cm.£5.751.00
Phlox paniculata ‘Spitfire’Summer Phlox 1.4LtUpright stems topped with well packed heads of fragrant, brilliant, red-salmon heads, attractive to bees: mid summer. Flowers off set by ovate, bronze flushed leaves. Clump forming perennial for a fertile, retentive soil in sun or part shade. 75cms.£5.758.00
Phlox paniculata ‘Starfire’ (AGM)Summer Phlox 1.4LtHeads of good dark red, scented flowers; July to September. Dark green foliage. Any fertile, moisture holding soil in sun or part shade. 90cms.£6.257.00
Phlox paniculata ‘Starfire’ (AGM)Summer Phlox 2Lt£7.252.00
Phlox paniculata ‘Tenor’ 1.4LtUpright, wiry stems with heads of fragrant RED flowers WITH A SCARLET GLOW. Fertile, not too dry soil in sun or part shade. 80cms. Flowers: July-September£4.951.00
Phlox paniculata ‘Windsor’ (AGM)Summer Phlox 2LtOld variety with dense, domed heads of warm salmon-pink with a magenta-red eye;- late summer. Needs a retentive soil in sun or light shade in order to thrive. (7-8) 75cm.£7.2515.00
Phlox subulata ‘Emerald Blue’Mossy Phlox 1LtLow, ground covering Phlox with fine, needle like, dark green leaves on trailing stems. Clusters of four petalled, lavender blue flowers with notched petals from deeper buds during spring. Prune after flwg to maintain shape. Well drained sunny site. 10x45cm.£4.957.00
Phlox subulata ‘Emerald Pink’Mossy Phlox 1LtLow, ground covering Phlox with fine, needle like, dark green leaves on trailing stems. Clusters of four petalled, rose pink flowers with notched petals from deeper buds during spring. Prune after flwg to maintain shape. Well drained sunny site. 10x45cm.£4.954.00
Phlox x arendsii ‘Miss Jill’ (Spring Pearl Series)Summer Phlox 1Lt(Springpearl Series) Shorter hybrid with clusters of scented, creamy-white flowers with a small pink eye;- late summer & early autumn. Good mildew resistance. Idel for pots. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 55cm.£4.951.00
Phlox x arendsii ‘Miss Mary’ (Spring Pearl Series)Summer Phlox 1LtSpringpearl series. A new selection with clear-red flowerheads like a paniculata, but much dwarfer & well scented; June & July. Very dark smokey-purple foliage. Retentive soil in sun. 50x45cm.£4.954.00
Phuopsis stylosa 1.4LtDense compact ground cover, with trailing stems carrying needle-like glaucous grey-green leaves with a Foxy scent when wet. Small flattened heads of narrow, trumpet shaped pink flowers smother the plant in late spring & early summer.(5-7)15cm£5.756.00
Physalis alkekengi franchettiiChinese Lantern 1LtCreeping perennial with heart shaped leaves turning yellow in autumn. Flared soft cream flowers during early summer followed by large inflated yet inedible orange fruits which persist through winter. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 50cm.£4.958.00
Physostegia virginiana speciosa ‘Bouquet Rose’False Dragonhead 1.4LtCuriously hinged, rosy lilac-pink, tubular flowers open up the spikes; July-September. Easy to grow, erect border perennial the stems clothed in large, serrated, green leaves. Retentive soil in sun. 75x45cms.£5.952.00
Pilea matsudae ‘Taiwan Silver’ 2LtA rare, attractive foliage perennial the opposite & alternate ovate, toothed, silver mottled, nettle like leaves held on square, fleshy, spotted upright stems. Panicles of tiny, pink flowers in the leaf axils in autumn. A member of the Urticaceae but does not sting. Moist, humus rich soil in part to full shade. 60cms.£10.251.00
Pimpinella major ‘Rosea’ 1.4LtBold, upright perennial the stiff stems topped with flattish heads (umbels) of both deep and pale pink flowers; early & midsummer. Basal clumps of triangular, pinnate, fresh green leaves. Prefers a fertile, moist soil in sun. Ht: 120cms.£6.507.00
Pinellia ternata 1.4LtProbably the trickiest species to grow of those currently in cultivation. Tuberous, with palmate, mid-green leaves with oblong segments. Hooded green spathes with a protruding green spadix in summer. Fertile, humus rich soil in part shade. (7-8) 20cm.£6.508.00
Platycodon grandiflorus ‘Fuji Blue’Balloon Flower 1.4LtClump forming perennial the upright stems clothed in lance shaped, blue green leaves held in whorls.Large, balloon like buds open to blue, star shaped flowers in summer. Dead head to prolong Any reasonably drained, fertile soil in sun or part shade. To 75cms.£5.253.00
Platycodon grandiflorus ‘Fuji White’Balloon Flower 1.4LtClump forming perennial the upright stems clothed in lance shaped, blue green leaves held in whorls.Large, balloon like buds open to white, star shaped flowers in summer. Dead head to prolong flowering. Any reasonably drained, fertile soil in sun or part shade. To 75cms.£5.251.00
Plectranthus excisus 1.4LtUnusual autumn flowering shade lover with square stems having unusual, rounded leaves with a very pointed tip. Arching sprays of small, narrowly tubular, id-blue Nepeta like flowers during autumn. Best in a retentive, woodland soil in part or full shade. (8-10) 60cm.£7.505.00
Polemonium caeruleum ‘Brise D’anjou’Jacob’s Ladder 1.4LtRecently rediscovered in France. Deep green pinnate leaves are regularly margined golden-yellow. Cup-shaped, BLUE flowers with a yellow centre; midsummer. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 60x45cm.£5.503.00
Polemonium caeruleum caeruleum albiflorumWhite Jacob’s Ladder 1.4LtElegant, cottage garden perennial, forming basal mounds of pinnate, deeply cut, pale-green leaves. Heads of cup-shaped white flowers with yellow filments;- late spring & early summer. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 60cm.£5.251.00
Polemonium ‘Northern Lights’Jacob’s Ladder 1.4LtOne of the best hybrids, with large, LUMINOUS, RICH SKY-BLUE, cup shaped flowers on branching stems; all summer. Basal clumps of finely divided leaves. Retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. 60x45cm.£5.954.00
Polemonium yezoense hidakanum ‘Purple Rain’Jacob’s Ladder 1.4LtVariable seed raised strain which in it’s best form has rich-purple pinnate leaves; but very variable! Clusters of silky, RICH BLUE, cup-shaped flowers with yellow stamens; summer. Fertile soil in sun. 45x45cms.£6.501.00
Polygonatum biflorumSolomon’s Seal 1.4LtGently creeping rhizomatous perennials, with arching stemshaving alternate, elliptic leaves with glaucous veining. Clusters of pendent, tubular greenish-white flowers in the leaf axils followed by black fruit. Fertile, rich, well drained soil in full or part shade. 75cm.£6.508.00
Polygonatum graminifoliumSolomon’s Seal 2LtErect stems with pairs of opposite leaves crowded at the top of the stems. Long narrow tubular purple flowers on long stems hang from the leaf axils in early summer. Leafy, humus rich soil in part or full shade. (5-7) 30cm.£7.951.00
Polygonatum hirtumSolomon’s Seal 1.4Lt(syn.P.latifolium) Pendent, tubular green tipped white flowers from the upper leaf axils; late spring followed by black fruits. Lance shaped pleated deep green leaves, slightly hairy benaeth. Fertile humus rich soil in part or full shade. 120x60cm.£6.9510.00
Polygonatum odoratum -dwarf 1.4LtA dwarf form of thie scented Solomon’s Seal with stem clasping oval leaves. Highly fragrant, dangling white flowers with a prominent green tip:- May & June followed by red fruit ageing black. Cool, moist woodland soil in part or full shade. 30cm£7.5011.00
Polygonatum odoratum -dwarf 1Lt£7.2512.00
Polygonatum polyanthemumSolomon’s Seal 1.4LtA graceful, semi arching species the stems lined with dainty, pendent. tubular, white, lime tipped flowers; May-June. Upswept, ovate, soft green leaves line the stems. Rarely seen species from N Iran for a deep, rich, retentive soil in sun or part shade. 50cms.£6.9512.00
Polygonatum prattiiSolomon’s Seal 1LtDistinct, dwarf Chinese species with short erect stems with very narrow, scattered, linear leaves. The stems are crowded in small, rather lilac-grey, bell-shaped flowers during mid to late spring. Gently creeps in a retentive, woodland soil in part or full shade. (4-6) 35cm.£5.756.00
Polygonatum roseumSolomon’s Seal 1.4LtSmall species from Asia, with the leaves emerging pale green on angled, erect stems, greyish-green beneath. Pairs of long, dusky-pink flowers from the upper leaf axils in late spring. Cool, retentive, humus rich soil in part or full shade. (4-5) 30cm.£5.952.00
Polygonatum verticillatumWhorled Solomon’s Seal 1.4LtWillowy tall stems with whorls of very fine leaves. Small, nodding creamy white flowers with green rims in pairs in the leaf axils during late spring. Cool, moist woodland soil in part shade. (5-6) 120cm.£5.951.00
Polygonatum yunnanense Og94.047Solomon’s Seal 1.4LtDelightful small spreading species, initially collected by Midori Ogisu in China as a Disporum. Creeping rhizome with arching stems having pairs of smooth green oval leaves. Small hanging clusters of yellowish green flowers in the leaf axils in late spring & early summer. Cool, moist woodsy soil in part shade. (5-7) 25cm.£7.256.00
Potentilla andicolaCinquefoil 1.4LtSouth American species, with mats of deeply-cut, dark green, strawberry-like leaves. Upright stems carry sprays of golden-yellow flowers during late summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-8) 45cm.£5.757.00
Potentilla ‘Arc en Ciel’Cinquefoil 1.4LtOpen heads of very large, unusual bronze-red, fully double flowers with the petals often tipped golden-yellow. June-July. Spreading mats of felted, green leaves. Ht: 25cms.£7.954.00
Potentilla argutaTall Cinquefoil 1.4Lt(coll:-Illinois). Rare in cultivation this is an erect plant making clumps of divided, finely toothed, hairy leaves. Clusters of CREAMY-WHITE flowers are freely produced from mid to late summer. Fertile well drained soil in sun. 60x60cm.£5.956.00
Potentilla atrosanguinea argyrophylla ‘Scarlet Starlit’Cinquefoil 1.4LtNot sure how this differs from the usual species, a seed company again giving a stupid name to a familiar plant! Mats of silvery strawberry like leaves & bowl shaped intense scarlet flowers during summer. Edger for well drained soil in sun or light shade. 30cm.£5.754.00
Potentilla ‘Blazeaway’Five Finger 1.4LtBranching stems with cup-shaped SUFFUSED ORANGE-RED flowers; June-August. Good, low, ground covering perennial with greyish, strawberry-like leaves. Fertile well drained soil in sun. 45x60cms.£4.651.00
Potentilla ‘Etna’Cinquefoil 1.4LtLovely old hybrid, with cup-shaped deep-maroon red flowers on branching stems. Carpets of strawberry-like green leaves. Rarely seen now as it is slow to propagate. Well drained soil in sun or light shade. (5-7) 45cm.£4.651.00
Potentilla hippianaColorado Silvery Cinquefoil 1.4LtWild collected near Calgary, this spreading perennial has rosettes of pinnate, intensely silver-haired leaves. Heads of canary-yellow flowers on wiry stems throughout summer. Easily grown in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (5-8) 20cm.£6.255.00
Potentilla megalantha (AGM)Cinquefoil 1.4Lt(syn.P.fragiformis) Small clusters of thick textured, large, single, deep golden yellow flowers; July to September. Forms attractive, evergreen carpets of deeply cut leaves covered in silky hairs. For a well drained soil in full sun. 30x30cms.£5.754.00
Potentilla ‘Monsieur Rouillard’Cinquefoil 1.4LtOld cultivar with double, mahogany-red flowers with just the faintest tips of yellow at the edges of the petals. The eye is deeper. Flowers over a long period during midsummer. STrawberry like leaves on radiating stems. Sun/pt.sh. (5-7) 30cm.£4.751.00
Potentilla thurberi ‘Monarch’s Velvet’Cinquefoil 2LtBranching stems have RICH RASPBERRY-RED FLOWERS with a deeper velvet eye; throughout summer. Attractive front of border perennial with basal clumps of strawberry like, mid green leaves. Fertile, well drained soil in sun. 30x45cm.£8.505.00
Primula auricula ‘Bartl’Alpine Auricula. 1Lt(Alpine Auricula) Unusual, small flowered variety with large, dense heads, packed full of soft lavender-purple flowers with pristine white eye & a gentle scent. Flowers late spring & early summer. Rosettes of soft green leaves. Well drained soil in dappled shade. (4-6) 15x20cm.£4.959.00
Primula auricula ‘Kaleidoscope’Auricula 1Lt(Bavarian Gaudi Series) A mixture of single, fragrant blooms in a range through yellow, blues and reds often with a large white eye & rich yellow stamens; April & May. Basal rosettes of smooth, grey-green leaves. Free draining soil in light shade. Best grown in small pots, alpine troughs etc. 10cm.£4.9524.00
Primula auricula ‘Kathl’Auricula 1LtSingle, glowing, bright yellow flowers with overlapping petals & a large central white disc- April & May. Basal rosettes of smooth, grey-green leaves. Free draining soil in light shade. 10cm.£4.9510.00
Primula auricula ‘Louis’Auricula 1LtDouble, rich red flowers;- April & May. Basal rosettes of smooth, grey-green leaves. Free draining soil in light shade. 10cm.£4.957.00
Primula auricula ‘Vroni’Alpine Auricula 1LtAlpine Auricula. Attractive hybrid with darkest burgundy-red, almost black, single flowers with a very large gold eye, borne during late spring & early summer. Basal rosettes of smooth, grey-green leaves. Retentive, sharply drained soil in part shade. (4-6) 10x20cm.£4.957.00
Primula ‘Barbara Midwinter’ (prim)Primrose 1.4LtPleasing little creeping primrose with mats of toothed fresh green leaves held on striking red stems. Light purple flowers with notched petals around a white eye;- Late winter. Retentive, never too dry soil in part shade. (1-4) 10cm.£5.758.00
Primula capitataCapitatae Group 1.4LtRosettes of oblong spathe shaped leaves with toothed margins & dusted with farina. Bright purple-blue funnel shaped flowers are held in a flattened conical head during late summer & autumn. Retentive well drained soil in sun or shade. 20x20cm.£5.751.00
Primula denticulata (AGM)Drumstick Primula 1.4LtSturdy stems topped with large, rounded, drumstick-like flower heads of blue, violet, white or red. Basal rosettes of crisp, fresh-green leaves. Reasonably moist soil in part shade. 30cms. Flowers: Spring£6.506.00
Primula denticulata ‘Glenroy Crimson’Drumstick Primula 1.4Lt(Denticulata Group) A choice named hybrid of this moisture loving primula. Dense leafy clumps of toothed leaves with leafless stems holding rounded densely packed heads of rich crimson flowers which emerge with the new leaves in spring. Part shade. 30x30cm.£5.7510.00
Primula Gold Laced group (prim)Polyanthus Group 1.4LtShort, stiff stems topped with clusters of almost pure black flowers with a gold eye & each petal delicately edged gold. Base of crinkled leaves. Lovely variety but rarely available. Retentive but gritty well drained soil in sun or part shade. 20x20cm.£4.601.00
Primula ‘Groenekan’s Glorie’ (prim)Primrose 1.4LtOld Dutch hybrid with small rosettes of coarsely crinkled dark green leaves. Shorts stems with deeply notched lilac-pink flowers with a small white halo around a tiny gold eye, early to mid spring. Retentive, well drained soil in dappled shade is best. (2-5) 10cm.£5.501.00
Primula ‘Groenekan’s Glorie’ (prim)Primrose 1Lt£5.506.00
Primula ‘Guinevere’ (AGM)Polyanthus Group 1.4LtA selected clone with rosettes of bronzey-purple crinkled leaves. In spring the pale lilac, primrose-like flowers with a distintive red eye, are freely produced, flowering for several weeks. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 15x30cm.£4.751.00
Primula ‘Iris Mainwaring’Primrose 1.4LtOld hybrid with simple, lilac-pink flowers with a fine deckled white edge. Small yellow eye. Flowers throughout spring. Neat basal rosettes of glossy green leaves. Retentive soil in sun or shade. (2-5) 10cm.£5.7516.00
Primula ‘Iris Mainwaring’Primrose 1Lt£5.502.00
Primula japonica ‘Miller’s Crimson’ (AGM)Japanese Bog Primula 1LtA Japanese bog primula the upright stems carrying whorls of large, magenta-red flowers; April & May. Large rosettes of green leaves. Best in part shade in heavy soil. 60x30cm.£4.951.00
Primula ‘Kinlough Beauty’Primrose 1.4LtSmall, creeping little Irish cultivar with mats of oval, deep green, crenated leaves. Short stems carry rich-pink flowers with rather random white stripes around the small yellow eye, during early to late spring. easy in retentive soil in sun or shade. (2-5) 5cm.£5.758.00
Primula ‘Old Port’ (prim)Polyanthus 1.4LtA very old selection of polyanthus with striking, rich port red flowers with a gold eye;- early to late spring, nestling in the crown of the rosette of basal leaves. Retentive , well drained soil in sun or shade. (2-5) 10cm.£5.757.00
Primula rosea ‘Grandiflora’ (AGM)Pink Primrose 1.4LtShowy, easy to grow primrose with dense heads of vivid rich pink flowers with a small yellow eye; spring & early summer. The stems lengthen in seed. Rosettes of deep green leaves. Ordinary soil in sun. 20x30cm.£5.509.00
Primula ‘Schneekissen’Primrose 1.4Ltsyn. ‘Snow Cushion’. Small, tight, mat forming primrose with carpets of crinkled, deeply veined, glossy green leaves. Short stems carry small, yellow eyed white flowers over a long period through spring. Retentive soil in part shade is best. (3-5) 10cm.£5.754.00
Primula sieboldii ‘Alba’ 2LtThe rare white flowered form. Basal rosettes of pale green, wrinkled, lobed, scallop-shaped leaves, topped by heads of large, deeply cut, pure-white flowers in late spring. Cool, moist, yet well drained soil in light shade. (4-5) 30cm.£9.154.00
Primula sieboldii ‘Beeches Star’Skamoosh 1.4LtSelected here this distinctive hybrid has narrow, rather ragged tipped petals of bright cerise-purple flowers with a distinct star like white pattern at the centre. The flower fades pinkier with age. Rosettes of scallop shaped leaves. Summer dormant. (3-5) 25cm.£5.958.00
Primula sieboldii ‘Benjamin’ 2LtRobust and vigorous forming a clump of light green leaves topped with many umbels of large, deep pink, fragrant flowers with a white centre held just above the foliage; April – May.. For a fertile, retentive yet drained soil in dappled shade. An excellent cultivar raised at Staddon Farm Nurseries in Devon. 40cms£9.154.00
Primula sieboldii ‘Cherubim’ 1.4LtCherished by the Japanese. Umbels of deeply lobed lavender-pinky-blue flowers with a deeper eye; late spring. Lobed downy pale green rosettes. Deep humus rich soil in part shade.30x45cm.£6.258.00
Primula sieboldii MusashinoPrimula 2LtA showy selection from Japan with large flower heads of open, palest pink flowers with distinctive darker reverse petals; spring. Mounds of light greenleaves which may cause irritation. Fertile, retentive soil in dappled shade. 30cms.£8.956.00
Primula sieboldii ‘Shishi-fujin’ 2LtTranslated as ‘Lion Dance’ Cherished by the Japanese these elegant woodlanders have umbels of nodding, deeply lobed, pinky-purple flowers with a deeper eye; late spring. Lobed downy pale green leafy rosettes. Deep humus rich soil in part shade. 30x45cm.£9.255.00
Primula sieboldii ‘Snowflake’Primula 2LtA small, clump forming, herbaceous woodlander with a creeping rhizome having small rosettes of crinkled, hairy, pale-green leaves. Short stems carry flat, starry, finely cut, pure-white flowers, resembling a snowflake, from late spring to early summer. Cool, moist, woodland soil in part shade. (5-6) 30x30cm.£9.154.00
Primula ‘Tawny Port’Primula 1.4Ltvulgaris hybrid. An old hybrid with small rosettes of bronze-purple, crenated & wrinkled leaves. Short stems carry gappy petalled, dark, reddish-purple flowers with a small yellow eye, during spring. Retentive soil in part shade is best. (2-4) 10cm.£5.756.00
Primula vulgaris ‘Carrigdale’Primrose 1.4Lt(Kennedy Irish Series) Low, mat forming primrose forming rosettes of crinkled, corrugated leaves. Soft pink buds open to white flowers, eventually fading with soft pink blush, from February to May. Best in a retentive soil in part or full shade. (2-5) 5cm.£5.757.00
Primula vulgaris ‘Claddagh’Primrose 1.4Lt(Kennedy Irish Series) Heads of good sized soft honey-yellow flowers with a prominent gold eye ;- February to May. Rosettes of heavily flushed purple-brown crinkled leaves offer a contrast. Retentive soil in part or full shade. (2-5) 5cm.£5.757.00
Primula vulgaris ‘Glengariff’Primrose 1Lt(Kennedy Irish Series) A small, clump forming, woodland perennial with rosettes of crinkled, glossy, deep bronze-purple leaves. Short stems carry dark pink suffused white flowers with white edging around a yellow eye; early to mid-spring. Retentive soil in part or full shade. 20cm.£4.651.00
Primula ‘Wanda’Primrose 1.4LtSpreading mats of ribbed, purple-green, semi evergreen leaves topped with an abundance of purple-magenta primroses; Feb -March. Divide clumps as necessary. An heirloom variety established in gardens from way back. Fertile, retentive soil in dappled shade. 8 x 45cms.£5.753.00
Primula ‘Wanda’Primrose 1Lt£5.50117.00
Pulmonaria ‘Blue Ensign’Soldiers & Sailors 1LtA gem with plain, velvety, almost black leaves and sprays of vivid gentian-blue flowers; March to May. Any fertile soil in full or part shade. 20x45cm.£4.9511.00
Pulmonaria ‘Cotton Cool’Lungwort 1.4LtStrikingly handsome, evergreen, long narrow leaves which become almost entirely silver by midsummer, with a slight green marbling. Deep violet-blue flowers; late winter to late spring. Fertile humus rich soil in part or full shade. 30x60cm.£6.2511.00
Pulmonaria ‘High Contrast’Lungwort 1.4LtA mildew resistant variety forming semi-evergreen clumps of large, striking bright silver edged green, lance shaped, coarse leaves against clusters of rich pink maturing to blue flowers; spring Attractive to bees. Reasonably drained yet moist soil in part shade. 35cms. New to us 2022£7.508.00
Pulmonaria longifoliaOld Garden Spotted Dog 1.4LtNarrow, acutely-pointed leaves are heavily blotched white. Dense heads of vivid blue flowers. Fertile soil in full or part shade. 30x45cm. Flowers: March-April.£6.2511.00
Pulmonaria ‘Moonshine’ 1.4LtForms rounded clumps of semi-evergreen, large, ovate, stunning silvery-white leaves with a dark green margin; good mildew resistance. Pendent heads of bell-shaped, very pale blue flowers in early spring offering early nectar for bees. For a retentive, yet drained soil in full or part shade. 35x35cms.£7.501.00
Pulmonaria ‘Opal’Lungwort 1.4LtNeat, tidy, regularly spotted silver leaves are a good foil for the opalescent, PALE BLUE flowers from pale pink buds; Feb to May. The foliage becomes almost entirely silver all summer. Retentive soil in sun or shade. 30x45cm.£6.951.00
Pulmonaria ‘Pretty in Pink’Lungwort 1LtAdding patches of brightness to the shadier side of the garden in late spring into summer the rosettes of bold, silvery speckled leaves are topped with clusters of single clear rosy pink bell-like flowers with a darker pink centre, Much loved by bees. For a retentive, fertile soil in dappled shade. 30cms£4.953.00
Pulmonaria saccharata ‘Dora Bielefeld’Lungwort 1.4LtLovely new German introduction. Green leaves spotted pale green with sprays soft rose-pink flowers emerging from coral-pink buds; March-April. Moisture retentive soil in part shade. 20x60cms.£7.504.00
Pulmonaria ‘Shrimps on the Barbie’Lungwort 1.4LtThe name says it all!! A very different variety of complex breeding the flowers a striking bright shrimp pink with ruffled edges over large, elliptic silver spotted foliage. For a reasonably drained, fertile yet retentive soil in part shade. 30cms Introduced 2021£7.503.00
Pulmonaria ‘Trevi Fountain’Lungwort 1LtAttractive, reliably evergreen lungwort with heart-shaped, rich green leaves covered in a regular aluminium spotting. Sprays of tubular, rich-blue flowers on well branched stems during spring. Retentive, well drained soil in part or full shade. 30x45cm.£4.953.00
Pycnanthemum flexuosumAppelacain Mountain Mint 2LtLow growing, intensely aromatic species from coastal regions of Florida to Alabama. Mounds of elliptic leaves topped with mops of silvery white, globular flowers – a haven for pollinators. Spreads very slowly via underground stems. Fertile, retentive yet drained soil in sun or part shade. 15cms.£6.952.00
Pycnanthemum muticum 2LtAn intensely aromatic mint like plant from E.USA.Terminal white flower heads are surrounded by creamy bracts. Any soil in sun/pt.sh. 45x30cm. (6-9)£6.955.00
Pycnanthemum pilosumMountain Mint 1.4LtAmerican native with mint scented narrow hairy pale green leaves on hairy stems. Whorls of hooded white flowers with purple spotting, held in the upper leaf axils;- mid to late summer. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 90cm.£5.253.00
Pyrrocoma clementis 1.4Ltcoll;-Sanpete Co, Utah. Rarely seen W.USA native with hairy, long, linear, oblong leaves. Dense heads of golden daisy-like flowers are freely produced in late summer. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade.£6.502.00
Ratibida pinnataLong Head Coneflower 1.4Lt(coll:-Park Co, Colorado). Slender native of the American prairies. Large upward-facing GOLDEN-YELLOW daisy like heads with blunt toothed petals & a grey central cone. Back of the border. Ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 100x45cm.£6.507.00
Rehmannia elata (AGM)Chinese Foxglove 1.4LtLarge, exotic, foxglove-like, lobed flowers of warm mauve-pink with yellow spotted throat; June to August. Basal clumps of handsome, lobed leaves. Warm, sunny position; may need winter protection. 60x45cms.£6.252.00
Reineckea carnea 1.4LtA close relative of Lily-of-the-Valley with sprays of light pink flowers with protruding stamens; autumn which nestle amongst the narrow, pale green leaves. Humus-rich soil woodland soil in shade. Dislikes excessive chalk. 30x30cm.£7.959.00
Reineckea incurva ‘Crug’s Linearleaf’ BWJ8029 1.4LtWoodland perennial from Sichuan, China forming carpets of lush, grass-like linear leaves from underground rhizomes. Reddish stems topped with palest pink lily of the valley-like flowers; August-October. Easily grown in any type of drained fertile soil in full to part shade.. 20cms£12.954.00
Reineckea incurva SDR 3605 1.4Ltcarnea is said to be the only species but this potential new species is very different. Running root with arching grey-green evergreen strap like leaves. Short spikes of pink tinged white flowers;- midsummer. Convallaria relative for part shade. 15cm.£5.353.00
Remusatia hookeriana 1.4LtRare species from the Himalayas. Fragrant small yellow spathe in spring followed by large, heart shaped glossy leaves, purple beneath. Rich, cool moist, woodland soil in shade. Marginally hardy in the right spot. Ht to 45cm.£6.956.00
Remusatia pumila 1.4LtSpecies from SW China with a fragrant spathe in June with the large, heart shaped, purple flushed leaves with a prominent silver veining. Needs a cool, moist, woodland soil in shade. Marginally hardy in the right spot. (6-7) 45cm.£6.955.00
Remusatia vivipara 1LtNot sure how hardy this will be. From the Himalayas through SE Asia, this produces creamy-yellow spathes in spring on arching stems. Large, deeply veined bronze-flushed, dark-green leaves. Try a damp, retentive soil in a sheltered shady spot. (4-5) 30cm.£6.954.00
Rheum rhaponticumRhubarb 2LtPossibly the origin of our culinary rhubarb this bold perennial produces large, heart shaped leaves held on thick pinkish stems. Upright hollow stems are topped with large, ‘fluffy’, white flowers heads in summer. Retentive, fertile soil. Medicinal roots. 90x90cms.£6.954.00
Rhodiola kirilovii rubraRoseroot 1.4LtFormerly included in Sedum. Terminal heads of 5-petalled, rich orange-red flowers; summer. Erect stems with closely packed, narrow, dark green, fleshy leaves. Gently creeps underground. Ordinary soil in sun. 30x30cm.£5.958.00
Rodgersia aesculifolia (AGM) 2LtBold, stately perennial with broad, deciduous, heavily lobed & crinkled, bronze-tinted leaves. Huge pyramids of small, creamy-white to pale pink flowers becoming redder with age; midsummer. Moist soil in sun or part shade. 120x75cms£8.505.00
Rodgersia ‘Bronze Peacock’Rodgersia 2LtA miniature & one with one of the darkest leaves available. Much divided, coarse textured glossy dark brown leaves, holding their colour all season. Airy plumes of soft pink flowers on short stems during summer followed by showy seed heads. Retentive or moist soil in sun or shade. (6-7) 50cm.£9.505.00
Rodgersia pinnata ‘Chocolate Wing’Rodgersia 2LtSuperb foliage plant with the new leaves emerging a rich cocolate-brown. They are green by summer, turning burgundy-red in autumn. Pale-pink flowers open from burgundy-red buds during summer. Retentive or moist soil in sun or pt,sh. (6-8)60cm.£9.505.00
Rodgersia purdomii (of hort.) 2LtSmaller species, with clumps of chestnut like, divided, bronze tinted leaves. Narrow spikes of fluffy creamy white flowers during midsummer. Retentive oir moist soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 90cm.£9.251.00
Roscoea australisHardy Ginger 2LtThe southernmost species of Roscoea, from high mountainous regions of Burma, & only described in 1982. Erect stems with fleshy, stem clasping leaves. Exotic purple-pink flowers only just extend beyond the calyx, flowering from May to September. Humus rich, retentive soil in part shade. (5-9) 40cm.£7.5012.00
Roscoea ‘Kew Beauty’ 2LtLarge orchid-like hooded pale yellow flowers in the upper leaf axils; late spring. Linear fleshy clasping stems. Thrives in a cool, moist leafy soil in part or full shade. 45x30cm.£8.505.00
Roscoea purpurea 2LtLong, lance-shaped leaves of rich green with strange but beautiful DEEP PURPLE, hooded, orchid-like flowers; August & September. Plant deeply in humus-rich, retentive soil in cool shade. 45x30cms.£8.505.00
Roscoea x beesiana 2Lt(R.auriculata x R.cautleioides) Orchid-like, papery, PRIMROSE-YELLOW flowers freely produced; early summer. Leafy, long, mid-green leaves clasp the stems. Dislikes root disturbance. Fertile, humus-rich, retentive soil in cool shade. 45x30cms.£8.505.00
Roscoea x beesiana Cream GroupHardy Ginger 1.4LtHybrid between auriculata x cautleyoides which have been classified as a group as they can be a little variable. All have erect stems with fleshy, stem clasping leaves. rather exotic, orchid like soft creamy-lemon flowers during early to mid summer. Late into growth in spring. Best in a cool, moist, woodland soil with some shade. (6-8) 30cm.£7.5010.00
Rudbeckia fulgida deamii (AGM) 1LtMasses of large, rayed, deep yellow flowers with a dark centre; July to September. Mounds of dark green leaves. Excellent border & cut flower with stiffish stems. Any reasonable soil in sun or light shade. 75cms.£4.951.00
Rudbeckia fulgida speciosa (AGM)Black Eyed Susan 2LtSlightly more dainty subspecies with smaller, more profuse, very narrow rayed, golden flowers around a striking black eye;- late summer into autumn. Easily grown in retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (7-9) 65cm.£7.255.00
Rudbeckia fulgida sullivantii ‘Goldsturm’ (AGM)Black Eyed Susan 1LtLong, wiry stems topped with VIVID GOLDEN-YELLOW daisies with black central cones; over a long period July & August. Makes a clump of rich-green foliage. Easy in any fertile soil in sun. 75x60cms.£4.951.00
Rudbeckia fulgida ‘Viette’s Little Suzy’Black Eyed Susan 1.4LtBranched stems carrying myriads of cheery golden-yellow daisies, with a black eye; all summer & autumn. Bushy compact habit. Good edging plant. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cm. PROTECTED BY PLANT BREEDER’S RIGHTS.£5.751.00
Rudbeckia hirta ‘Indian Summer’ 2LtClump former the stiff, upright stems topped with large (to 12cm), rayed, golden yellow daisies with a brown disc; July into autumn. Ovate, rich green leaves. Loved by bees. Prairie plant for a retentive yet free draining soil in sun or part shade. Dislikes heavy winter wet soils. 90x60cms.£9.952.00
Rudbeckia hirta ‘Indian Summer’ 3Lt£9.956.00
Rudbeckia hirta ‘Prairie Sun’ 3LtAward winning eye catcher the well branched, sturdy stems topped with large (to 5″) orange tipped yellow daisies over a long period from mid summer into late autumn. Attracts bees. Coarse, ovate leaves. May succumb in harsh winters so allow to seed. Moist yet free drained soil in sun. A Rudbeckia Echinacea hybrid. 60x45cms.+£9.951.00
Rudbeckia laciniata ‘Goldquelle’ (AGM)Coneflower 1.4LtLarge, double, brassy-yellow, daisy-like, upward facing flowers freely produced; late summer. Tall, upright stems with slightly lobed leaves. Probably a hybrid of R.nitida. Fertile soil in sun. 120x60cms.£5.255.00
Rudbeckia laciniata ‘Hortensia’Coneflower 2Lt(syn.R.Golden Glow’) A large erect perennial with huge daisy like double golden yellow flowers with green centres. The lance shaped mid green leaves are finely divided.Excellent back of the border plant. Well drained soil in sun. 180x75cm. July to September.£8.953.00
Rudbeckia laciniata ‘Juligold’Coneflower 2Ltsyn. July Gold’. Large, golden-yellow daisies, with a pronounced central cone, freely produced; July to September. Good, tall, back of the border perennial which should not need staking. Ordinary well drained soil in sun or part shade. 180x75cms.£8.953.00
Rudbeckia ‘Little Gold Star’Coneflower 1.4LtA dwarf form of this popular, autumn flowering perennial with heavily branched stems carrying a plethora of small, vibrant golden-yellow daisies with narrow ray petals, held around a raised black cone, during late summer & autumn. Tough, hardy & easy. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-10) 45cm.£6.953.00
Rudbeckia ‘Little Henry’Coneflower 2LtShorter form of this midwest native species, often flowering rather late in autumn. The gold daisies have very narrow, quilled gappy petals around a reddish-brown cone, from mid to late autumn. simple, alternate, hairy elliptic leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-11) 90cm.£9.255.00
Rudbeckia mollisConeflower 2LtMuch like R.Goldsturm’ but with smaller black-eyed, yellow daisies on much branched stems; late summer & early autumn. Rare native of Western USA. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 60x60cm.£7.253.00
Rudbeckia subtomentosa ‘Henry Eilers’Sweet Coneflower 2LtFound in the wild in Illinois, this tall form has sweetly vanilla scented leaves. Well branched stems with narrow quilled yellow daisies around a small crimson-black eye;- August & September. Never too dry, well drained soil in sun. 140cm. (7-8)£7.252.00
Sagina subulataHeath pearlwort1.5ltA low-growing, matforing evergreen perennial making dense, mossy like mats of slender stems that root at the the nodes when they touch the soil Fine, linear mid-green leaves held in pairs along the stems. Tiny white flowers are held up on stems to 4cm high in summer. Tolerates light foot traffic dense good for gaps in paving, rock gardens and troughs. Ideal for that cool japanese effect in an acid to neutral, retentive soil in dappled shade. 10cm£5.958.00
Salvia ‘Amethyst Lips’Sage 1.4LtClosely related to the popular ‘Hot Lips’ this semi-woody perennial bears masses of open, tubular lipped, white & purple flowers from June into late summer. Aromatic, elliptic leaves. Remove spent spikes to prolong flowering.. For a retentive yet free draining soil in sun. May need winter protection. 75x75cms.£6.256.00
Salvia ‘Amistad’Salvia 2LtOnce in a while comes a truly startling plant, discovered in argentine. Very long, one sided spikes of rich purple flowers all summer to the frosts, held in striking black stems & calyces. large, glossy, nettle like leaves. proving quite hardy in a sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (6-10) 120cm.£9.5024.00
Salvia ‘Amistad’Salvia 3Lt£15.9514.00
Salvia ‘Azure Snow’Sage 1.4LtA striking introduction. From basal mounds of rich green, aromatic leaves are abundant upright, square stems lined with lipped flowers – bright violet wings and a contrasting clear white lip; early summer on. Loved by bees. It appears to be of a ‘nemorosa’ type. Free draining yet retentive soil in sun. 45cms.£8.501.00
Salvia buchananii (AGM)Buchanan’s Sage 2LtMexican species flowering almost year round but needing frost free winter protection. Mounds of glossy, evergreen leaves & spikes of very large, tubular rich magenta hairy flowers from smokey bracts. Retentive soil in light shade. (3-11) 40cm.£8.954.00
Salvia cacaliifolia (AGM)Sage 2LtAlthough not reliably hardy it is best overwintered in a cold greenhouse. Erect with slightly hairy leaves & arching spikes have bright gentian blue hooded flowers throughout summer into autumn. Ordinary well drained soil in sun. 75x60cm.£8.251.00
Salvia ‘Cherry Lips’Sage 1.4LtA new perennial Salvia, which is closely related to the much loved series of ‘Hot Lips’ and ‘Amethyst Lips’. Producing an abundance of both bi-coloured and solid cerise-pink and white flowers all summer long. Hardy, but winter protection advised.£6.952.00
Salvia ‘Cherry Lips’Sage 2Lt£8.501.00
Salvia concolor 2Lt(True Form) Hardyish species from Argentine, often confused with guaranitica. Very woody stems with pointed, light yellowish-green leaves. Huge spikes of good sized, bright-blue flowers, held on black stems during August to October. Seems hardy in the South in a sheltered spot. (8-11) 3,0×1.5mtrs.£8.953.00
Salvia confertiflora 2LtRather tender species from Brazil, needing at least cold greenhouse treatment. Large, densely haired leaves topped by narrow spikes of dark furry blood orange to red bracts from which reddish-orange flowers protrude;- late summer & autumn. Very sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (7-9) 100cm.£11.958.00
Salvia curvifoliaTehuacan sage 2LtAn elegant, semi hardy perennial from Mexico the long, to 1.2m, slender arching stems lined with tubular,velvety, dark cerise blooms from June into autumn (if old flower stems removed). Aromatic, elliptic, deeply veined leaves. Open, sunny site in freely draining soil. Ideal for containers. Usually needs winter protection. 120cm.£8.952.00
Salvia dombeyiGiant Incan Sage 2LtLarge, imposing sage which much be kept frost free, but flowers all summer through winter. Large, elongated, heart-shaped leaves. Huge, hanging clusters of scarlet flowers from black bracts. Likes cool moist soil. A real stunner but challenging. From S.Peru & N.Bolivia. Ht to 2.2mtrs.£13.9510.00
Salvia dombeyiGiant Incan Sage 4Lt£17.953.00
Salvia farinacea ‘Farina Arctic Blue’Sage1.5ltWell branched, semi-hardy perennial the square stems lined with alternate, elliptic, aromatic glaucous-green leaves. Terminal racemes of densly packed, lipped, clear ice-blue flowers from June until frosts. Loved by bees etc. Excellent for containers or borders in a free draining soil in sun. Requires frost free winter protection. 60cms£6.253.00
Salvia farinacea ‘Farina Bicolor Blue’Sage1.5ltWell branched, semi-hardy perennial the square stems lined with alternate, elliptic, aromatic glaucous-green leaves. Terminal racemes of densly packed, tubular, clear ice-blue white lipped flowers from June until frosts. Loved by bees etc. Excellent for containers or borders in a free draining soil in sun. Requires frost free winter protection. 60cms£6.253.00
Salvia forreriForrer’s Sage 1.4LtGently running, front of the border species with erect spikes of widely spaced, bright blue flowers, each with a small white throat;- summer to the frosts. Seems totally hardy in a sheltered, well drained spot. (6-10) 30cm.£6.958.00
Salvia gregii ‘Salvito Scarlet’1.5ltA semi woody, wel branched, half hardy, aromatic perennial the wiry stems lined with tubular, lipped, bright scarlet blooms from late spring right through until autumn ‘These are held over a foliage of small, oval, aromatic, grey-green. Best if given frost free winter protection. Cut back hard in spring to create a bushier plant. Free draining soil in sun. 60cms£7.2514.00
Salvia gregii ‘Salvito Violet’Sage 2LtA semi woody, wel branched, half hardy, aromatic perennial the wiry stems lined with tubular, rich violet blooms from late spring right through until autumn ‘These are held over a foliage of small, oval, aromatic, grey-green. Best if given frost free winter protection. Cut back hard in spring to create a bushier plant. Free draining soil in sun. 60cms£8.504.00
Salvia guaranitica – small formBlue Anise Sage 2LtA low growing, more rounded form branched stems carrying spikes of intense gentian-blue, tubular flowers from very dark calyces; mid summer often into winter. Shiny rich green, aromatic foliage. A variably hardy form from Argentina. Needs a retentive yet well drained soil in a sunny, sheltered spot. 75cms +£8.951.00
Salvia guaranitica ‘Super Trouper’ 2LtA more compact form of guaranitica with basal clumps of large, deeply veined, nettle like leaves. Whorles, open spikes of large,hooded, purple-blue flowers are freely borne from midsummer to the frosts. Needs a sheltered spot in retentive soil in sun. hardy to -5c. (7-10) 70x50cm.£8.957.00
Salvia karwinskiiSage 2LtImposing tall tender Salvia with long racemes of 2 lipped, rich pink to red, tubular flowers over a long period and mainly in winter. White woolly stems and large, felted greyish leaves. Requires frost free conditions in a free draining soil. Native to mountain forests in central South America.£9.957.00
Salvia ‘Love and Wishes’Sage 2LtA half hardy, very free flowering semi-evergreen perennial with dark stems having nettle like, aromatic, deep-green leaves. Long, one sided spikes of flared, narrowly tubular, bright magenta flowers, held in burgundy calyces from June to the frosts. Sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (7-10) 75x60cm.£8.2526.00
Salvia ‘Madeline’Meadow Clary 1.4LtVery long flowering form of our native sage with long, widely spaced spikes of deepest inky-blue flowers with a white marked lower lip, often repeating. Flowers May to August. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (5-8) 45cm.£7.7511.00
Salvia microphylla ‘Hopley’s Violet’Salvia 1.4LtUnable to confirm authenticity of this Salvia given to us several years ago. appears to be typical ‘microphylla’ type with lipped, mid lilac-blue flowers over small, ovate, more or less evergreen, grey green leaves. Needs a warm, sheltered sunny spot in full sun or winter protection. 60cm.£5.253.00
Salvia microphylla ‘Hopley’s Violet’Salvia 2Lt£8.503.00
Salvia microphylla ‘Violet Flowered’ 1.4LtOne we have been given but cannot fully identify – hence a ‘generic’ name. Woody stemmed sub-shrub with small, strongly aromatic, soft green leaves. Widely spaced spikes of intense violet-blue flowers with a prominent lower lip; summer to the frosts. Best grown in a sharply drained soil in a sunny, sheltered spot.- may need winter protection. 60cms.£5.251.00
Salvia microphylla ‘Violet Flowered’ 2Lt£8.501.00
Salvia ‘Mulberry Jam’Roseleaf Sage 2LtWoody based perennial with erect stems carrying large mulberry red flowers from reddish purple buds. Flowers late summer & is a better garden plant than it’s parent as it is less prone to flop. On the borderlines of hardiness in a sheltered spot.(8-11)120cm£8.508.00
Salvia nemorosa ‘Amethyst’ (AGM)Sage 1.4LtNeat, upright branching plants, with spikes of small, lilac-pink hooded flowers held in wine-purple bracts. Rough textured, crinkled leaves. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 60cm.£5.951.00
Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’Sage 2LtLong spikes of rich, purple-blue flowers from dark calyces in early summer. Basal clumps of pale-green, wrinkled leaves. Fully hardy in well drained soil in sun or light shade. (5-8) 50cm.£8.507.00
Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’Sage 1Lt£4.751.00
Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna Pink’Sage 1.4LtA welcome ‘pink’ form of this popular perennial. Abundant long spikes of rich, deep rose-lavender flowers from dark calyces over along period from early summer – dead head to keep flowering. Basal clumps of aromatic pale-green, wrinkled leaves. Fully hardy in well drained soil in sun or light shade. 60cm.£6.251.00
Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna Pink’Sage 2Lt£10.752.00
Salvia nemorosa ‘Lubecca’ (AGM) 1.4LtUpright spikes of VIOLET-PURPLE, hooded & lipped flowers; June to September. Clumps of rich green foliage. Any well drained soil in sun or part shade. 60x45cms.£5.752.00
Salvia nemorosa ‘Marcus’Sage 1.4LtVery dwarf, compact form, with short spikes of deep-purple blue, larger flowers on purple flushed stems. Mats of coarse, wrinkled, dark green leaves. Good in pots. Well drained soil in sun. (6-7) 30cm.£5.7519.00
Salvia nemorosa ‘Marcus’Sage 1Lt£4.9512.00
Salvia nemorosa ‘Schwellenburg’Sage 1.4LtBasal rosettes of crinkled leaves & long spikes of purple-rose flowers from pink flushed calyces all summer, held in fat pyramidal heads, a little later than most nemorosas. Well drained soil in sun. (6-10) 50cm.£5.954.00
Salvia nemorosa ‘Schwellenburg’Sage 2Lt£6.952.00
Salvia nipponicaJapanese Sage 1.4LtUnusual Sage from Taiwan & Japan with aromatic, unusual, three lobed, almost arrow shaped leaves, deeply veined & dark green. Terminal whorled heads of golden-yellow flowers, usually in autumn & early winter. Needs a sheltered spot in part shade, never too dry. (8-10) 35cm.£6.2512.00
Salvia ‘Orchid Glow’sage 1LtThough to be a greggii x microphylla hybrid. Woody based sub-shrub with oval, aromatic, glossy green leaves. Spikes of very large, bright magenta-pink flowers with a small white eye, from June to the frosts. Best in a warm, sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (6-10) 60c5051424050701
Salvia patens ‘Blue Angel’Salvia 1.4LtBushy, clump forming perennial with clumps of aromatic, triangular, slightly downy, soft green leaves. Bold spikes of large, hooded, bright gentian-blue flowers with a prominent lower lip, borne during summer & autumn. Sheltered spot in sharply drained soil in sun. (6-9) 70x45cm.£6.955.00
Salvia patens ‘Blue Angel’Salvia 2Lt£8.502.00
Salvia stachydifolia CDPR3071 2Ltsyn. meyeri. New species introduced from Argentina. Informal bush with heart-shaped, nettle like leaves. Whorled spikes of two lipped sky-blue flowers with a white marked lip, flowering most freely in autumn. Proving surprisingly hardy in a sheltered spot in sun. (8-11) 100x75cm.£12.509.00
Salvia uliginosa (AGM) 1.4LtA graceful tall perennial with waving sprays of azure-blue flowers on branching stems; August & September. Saw-edged leaves. Needs a moist soil in a sunny position & a warm, sheltered spot. From Argentina. 150x60cms.£5.952.00
Salvia uliginosa ‘Ballon Azul’ 2LtBred by Ewald Hugin in Germany, this short form offers spikes of clear, sky-blue flowers from August to November. Erect, willowy stems with small, toothed, glossy green leaves. Needs a warm, sheltered, well drained spot in a retentive soil. (7-11) 100cm.£6.955.00
Salvia x jamensis ‘Hot Lips’Sage 2LtWoody stemmed perennial with spikes of elegant white flowers stained rich red around the mouth & along the tube. In cold they can be all white, in heat all red. Flowers;- June to the frosts. Hardy in a warm, sheltered spot in full sun. (6-10) 60cm.£8.953.00
Salvia x sylvestris ‘Blauhugel’ 1.4LtAbundant upright spires of LIGHT BLUE, two-lipped, sage-like flowers; July to September. Free draining soil in a sunny position. Loved by bees. 50x30cms.£5.754.00
Salvia x sylvestris ‘Dear Anja’Sage 1.4LtWidely spaced spikes of violet-blue flowers with a white marked lower lip, emerging from inky black bracts during early to midsummer. Basal rosettes of deeply veined,. scallop shaped aromatic leaves. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-8) 60cm.£5.751.00
Salvia x sylvestris ‘Mainacht’ (AGM)Sage 1.4LtSpikes of large, hooded DARKEST INDIGO-VIOLET flowers from purple bracts; May & June. A lovely perennial for producing a deep colour in early summer. Well drained sunny position. 60cms.£5.7510.00
Salvia x sylvestris ‘Mainacht’ (AGM)Sage 1Lt£4.953.00
Salvia x sylvestris ‘Rugen’Salvia 2LtNew, German, dwarf strain with spikes of MID BLUE, hooded flowers; June & July. Rosettes on oblong, wavy edged, mid green leaves. Well drained, sunny position. 20cms.£7.955.00
Sanguisorba ‘Autumn Red’ 2LtA later flowering, September to November, tall, strong growing form, up to 1.8mtrs if the soil is rich & is well fed. Heavily branched stems with erectly held spikes of dark red flowers. Clumps of toothed, broadly pinnate leaves, often red blotched. Very adaptable to most soils in sun or shade. 1.8m£6.951.00
Sanguisorba ‘Cangshan Cranberry’Burnet 2LtCollected by Dan Hinkley in Cangshan, China, this huge form has stumpy, fat spikes of rich cranberry-purple flowers, held on well branched stems during midsummer into autumn. Strong stems with large, glaucous, pinnate leaves. Best in a retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 200cm.£6.952.00
Sanguisorba ‘Chocolate Tip’Burnet 2LtLight, airy border perennial with slightly longer, bobble-shaped, dusky purple-red flowers with a chocolate brown tip, hence the name. Mounds of finely divided, pinnate leaves. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. (8-9) 75cm.£7.9510.00
Sanguisorba hakusanensisBurnet 2LtShowy & rare Japanese species with long, arching bottlebrush-like soft-pink flowers with white filaments in late summer & autumn. basal rosettes of finely cut, pinnate leaves. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (8-10) 120cm.£7.951.00
Sanguisorba ‘Little Angel’Burnet 1.4LtAn amazingly small hybrid for the rockery, never more than a few inches high, making ideal for a sink. Mounds of pinnate, dark-green leaves with a crisp white edge. Small stems with burgundy-red, bobble like flowers during summer. Retentive soil in sun or shade. (6-8) 10cm.£7.504.00
Sanguisorba menziesiiBurnet 2LtAn attractive form with large, dangling wine-red tassles on branched stems. Mounds of pinnate, finely toothed leaves. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (6-7) 90cm.£6.951.00
Sanguisorba minorBurnet 2LtAromatic & edible plant, forming large mounds of glaucous flushed, finely pinnate leaves. Rather insignificant, green-yellow, bobble-like flowers during late summer. Not too dry soil in sun or shade. (7-9) 90cm. Mediterranean area.£6.952.00
Sanguisorba obtusaBurnet 2LtClumps of elegant pinnate foliage with sheaves of large, ROSE-PINK, bottlebrush-like flowers. Moisture retentive soil in sun. 120cm.x60cm. Flowers: June-August.£7.954.00
Sanguisorba obtusa white floweredBurnet 1.4LtNo this is not albiflora but a rare white form of obtusa. Rosettes of pinnate, glaucous grey leaves. S[ikes of white flowers in thick bottlebrushes during late summer. never too dry or moist soil in sun or part shade. 75cm.£5.251.00
Sanguisorba obtusa white floweredBurnet 2Lt£7.956.00
Sanguisorba officinalis ‘Arnhem’Burnet 2LtAttractive native plant, giving an airy feel to the border. Small bobble-like deep burgundy flowers are held on much branched stems in late summer. Basal clumps of pinnate, deeply toothed leaves. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (8-9) 120cm.£7.252.00
Sanguisorba officinalis ‘Crimson Queen’Burnet 2LtShorter form of officinalis with small, pinnate, fresh green leaves. short, stumpy spikes of rich crimson red flowers on airy, well branched stems; August to October. Likes a retentive soil in sun or part shade. (8-9) 60CM.£7.952.00
Sanguisorba officinalis ‘Jam Session’ 2LtA recently introduced (2022) short growing variety the heavily branched stems topped with erectly held spikes of white flowers from mid summer on. Clumps of toothed, broadly pinnate leaves, often red blotched. Very adaptable to most soils in sun or shade. 50cms.£7.954.00
Sanguisorba officinalis ‘Lemon Splash’Burnet 1.4LtLove it or hate it, this has finely pinnate variably dusted with fine golden yellow pepppered speckles. Rather prone to reversion. Well granched stems with bobble like maroon flowers, late if produced. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (9-11) 60cm.£8.508.00
Sanguisorba ‘Pink Tanna’Burnet 2LtUnusual variant on our native species, with bobble-like small pink flowers on heavily branched stems in late summer. Basal mounds of deeply cut, fresh-green leaves. Quickly dormant after flowering. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 90cm. (7-8)£7.9519.00
Sanguisorba ‘Rock and Roll’Burnet 2LtTall form of indeterminate parentage with erectly held, slender spikes of soft pink flowers during mid to late summer. Basal mounds of pinnnate, toothed leaves. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 150cm£7.951.00
Sanguisorba stipulataBurnet 2LtMedium sized species, rarely seen in cultivation with pinnate, grey-green leaves with toothed margins. Erect stems with upright, bottlebrush like white flowers, consisting entirely of white filaments. Retentive soil in sun/pt.sh. (6-8) 90cm.£9.253.00
Sanguisorba ‘Tanna’Greater Burnet 2Ltflowers: Erect, very short spikes of MAROON-RED; early summer to mid-autumn. Clump-forming, more compact than S.officinalis with ash-like basal leaves. Moisture retentive soil in sun or part shade. 45cms.£7.5013.00
Saponaria officinalis ‘Alba’Soapwort 1.4LtWhite form of native soapwort. Gently running stems topped by clusters of sweetly scented pure white, flowers over a long period in late summer. Spreading but never invasive. Contains ‘saponins’ and a liquid soap can be made by soaking the leaves in water. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 60cm.£5.753.00
Saponaria officinalis ‘Rosea Plena’Soapwort 1.4Lt(Soapwort) A popular old cottage garden variety making a large spreading patch of fully leaved upright stems. These are topped by clusters of double, scented, soft pink flowers. Needs space. 75x60cm. Flowers: July-September£5.751.00
Sauromatum giganteum 2LtSpectacular, rare Chinese / Tibetan species with large, arrowhead shaped, fleshy leaves. In midsummer tall, upright pitcher-like light purple spathes with a velvety-black lining emerge on short stems. Highly pungent smell exists for about 1 day. For a fertile, retentive, humus rich soil in part shade. Tubers may need protection in cold winters£12.959.00
Saxifraga ‘Variegata’ (x urbium) (AGM)Variegated London Pride 1.4Lt(x urbium) Dense evergreen carpeter with loose rosettes of toothed, dark green leaves splashed gold. Arching stems with loose panicles of starry, red-spotted, white flowers; May & June. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. 30x45cms.£5.951.00
Scabiosa ‘Barocca’Scabious 1LtBushy, dense, short lived evergreen perennial with pincushion like, solitary, rich purple-black flowers, edged pink 7 held on woody stems in profusion through summer & autumn. Rosettes of toothed, spoon shaped leaves. Light, poor, free draining soil in sun. (6-9) 50x50cm.£4.952.00
Scabiosa ‘Butterfly Blue’Pincushion Flower 1Ltsyn. ‘Irish Perpetual Flowering’. A good show of rich powder-blue flowers on heavily branched stems; summer. Said to be a hybrid of S.knautia & our field scabious. Like all scabious may be difficult to establish. Fertile well drained soil in sun. 45x45cm.£4.951.00
Scabiosa caucasica ‘Perfecta Alba’ (Perfecta Seris)Pincushion Flower 1.4LtLarge, pincushion-like, WHITE flowers freely produced on airy branching stems all summer. Good border & cut flower. Divided clumps of light green leaves. Chalky, well drained, fertile soil in sun. 60x60cm.£5.751.00
Scabiosa columbaria ‘Nana’Pincushion Flower 1LtCompact, front of the border perennial, easier to establish than the caucasica hybrids. Basal rosettes of finely dissected leaves & branched stems with sky blue pincushion flowers throughout summer. Rather poor soil in sun. (6-9) 35cm.£4.954.00
Scabiosa ‘Pink Mist’Pincushion Flower 1LtRosettes of glossy deeply toothed leaves are topped by soft pink pincushions that are good for cutting.Fertile well drained limey soil in sun.45x45cm.Jun-Aug£4.951.00
Scutellaria indica parvifoliaSkullcap 1.4LtSlender creeping perennial with small heart-shaped, hairy grey leaves. Short spikes of blue-grey tubular flowers all summer. Good for rockeries of edging. Fertile, light, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 20x45cm.£6.2510.00
Scutellaria scordiifoliaSkullcap 1.4LtGently running edger from Korea with light green leaves. Spikes of flared, tubular luminous blue flowers with a white marked throat during early summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-7) 25cm.£6.5012.00
Sedum ‘Carl’ 1LtRather choice new ice plant, forming mounds of silvery-grey fleshy leaves. Flattened heads of intense, glowing rose-pink flowers in late summer & autumn. Much loved by butterflies (and humans). Well drained soil in sun. (8-10) 45cm.£4.955.00
Sedum ‘Herbstfreude’ (AGM)Ice Plant 1.4Lt(Syn. S.spectabile Autumn Joy’). Wide heads of bright rose-salmon flowers; September & October. Attractive to butterflies. Fleshy stems & leaves of grey-green. Best in sun & well drained soil. 45cms.£5.751.00
Sedum ‘Herbstfreude’ (AGM)Ice Plant 2Lt£7.505.00
Sedum ‘Jose Aubergine’Ice Plant 2LtSuperbly coloured autumn perennial with the smokey violet-brown leaves taking on bluer tones as the season progresses until rich purple at flowering. Starry dark pink & red flowers in autumn. Free draining soil in sun. (8-10) 45x45cm.£7.506.00
Sedum ‘Matrona’ (AGM)Orpine 2LtFrom Coen Jansen. Large, purply-pink fleshy leaves & clusters of warm dusky pink flowers; late summer & early autumn. One of the best new perennials. Fertile well drained soil in sun. 45x45cm.£7.509.00
Sedum ‘Red Cauli’ (AGM)Ice Plant 1.4LtDwarf form, excellent for pots. Small, dense, domed heads of intense cherry-red flowers over mounds of thick textured, glaucous, blue-green leaves in autumn. Well drained soil in sun or light shade. (8-10) 30cm.£6.509.00
Sedum spectabile ‘Brilliant’ (Brilliant Group)Ice Plant 2LtLarge, flat heads of tiny, starry, BRILLIANT MAUVE-PINK flowers smother the plant attracting bees & butterflies. Fleshy, glaucous leaves & stems. Fertile soil in full sun. 45x45cm. Flowers: Late summer.£7.5021.00
Sedum spectabile ‘Pink Bomb’Ice Plant 2LtA recent introduction forming a rounded. well branched ‘bun’ of fleshy stems topped with very large ‘bomb like’ rounded heads of star like, soft rose pink flowers much loved by bees & butterflies; mid summer into Autumn. Stem clasping, fleshy grey leaves. Retentive, yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. (45cm. Int: 2024£7.507.00
Sedum spectabile ‘Spellbound’Ice Plant 2LtA recent introduction forming a rounded. well branched dome of fleshy stems topped with very large heads of star like, cream flowers from soft pink buds; much loved by bees & butterflies; Mid summer into Autumn. Stem clasping, fleshy grey-green leaves. Retentive, yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. 45cms£7.504.00
Sedum telephium ‘Purple Emperor’ (AGM)Ice Plant 1.4LtOne of the darkest foliage forms available. Mounds of fleshy, livid, deep-purple leaves on upright stems. Flattened heads of deepest burgundy-red flowers, late in the season. Any reasonable soil in sun to bring out the best colour. (8-10) 60cm.£5.751.00
Sedum ‘Vera Jameson’ (AGM) 1.4LtHybrid perennial with heads of DUSKY-PINK on short, graceful, lax stems bearing glaucous, fleshy leaves. Well drained, sunny position. 20cms. Flowers: Late summer.£5.951.00
Selinum felicifolium 2LtGraceful, upright stems bearing horizontal fronds of fern-like, pinnate, heavily divided, fresh green leaves. Umbels of white flowers with green calyces; mid summer. Attractive to insects. Prefers a freely drained, deep, fertile soil iin sun or part shade. 30cms£7.251.00
Sempervivum ‘Climax’House LeekNeat, tidy, overlapping rosettes of pointed, soft green, leathery, slightly hairy leaves. Faint burgundy tips. Spikes of pink flowers. Good in rockeries or pots in very free drainging soil. in sun 10cm£4.951.00
Sempervivum ‘Rubin’House Leek 1Lt£4.956.00
Seseli montanumMoon Carrot 2LtShort lived umbellifer from the Southern Mediterannean to the Balkans. Delictae, lacy mounds of finely cut, fresh-green leaves. Flattened, cone-shaped heads of white flowers, tinged pink on well branched stems;- summer. Self seeds in a warm, sunny spot. 45cm£7.505.00
Silene dioica ‘Rollie’s Favorite’Campion 1.4LtVery compact form which could possibly be a cross between Silene & Lychnis. Head of rich, cerise-pink flowers with a small white eye over mounds of hairy, dark green leaves. Flowers continuously all summer. Light, well drained soil in sun. (5-8) 35cm.£6.2515.00
Silphium perfoliatum ‘J S Mayer’Cup Plant 2LtA more compact variety making clumps of robust, sturdy stems topped with clusters of large, bright yellow, single daisies over a long period in late summer. Coarse, elliptic perforated leaves. For a well drained, sunny position. East & central north American native. 90x60cms.£8.508.00
Sisyrinchium striatum 1.4LtMakes good tufts of evergreen leaves. Numerous star-like pale yellow flowers on stiff spikes; June-July. Well drained, enriched soil in sun. 60x60cms.£6.252.00
Soleirolia soleiroliiMind Your Own Business 1Ltsyn Helxine soleirolii. Forms a large carpet of tiny, rounded leaves. Versatile perennial for ground cover, moulded over wire frames packed with compost, greenhouse path edging etc. Soon multiplies in coolish, damp places. Much loved by the Victorians. May suffer winter damage but soon recovers.£5.503.00
Solidago caesiaGolden Rod 2LtErect almost black stems are clothed in tiny, bright yellow flowers; late summer. One of the gems of this weedy race! Not as invasive as some species. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. 60x60cm.£6.502.00
Solidago flexicaulis ‘Variegata’Variegated Golden Ro 2LtUpright stems with leaves splashed & blotched gold. Unusual YELLOW flower heads; August & September. Vigorous. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 90x60cms.£6.957.00
Solidago luteus 2Ltsyn.x hybridus. solidago x aster. Clump forming perennnial with branched panicles of pale yellow daisies, surrounding a deeper yellow disc;- mid to late summer. Tufts of lance shaped, linear leaves. Fertile, well drained soil in sun. (8-9) 90cm.£6.953.00
Solidago luteus ‘Lemore’ (AGM) 1.4LtSolidago x Aster. Bi-generic hybrid between two species with clouds of tiny, fluffy, pale-primrose flowers with a darker centre;-late summer & autumn. Upright willowy stems. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-10) 90cm.£4.758.00
Solidago luteus ‘Lemore’ (AGM) 2Lt£6.956.00
Solidago spectabilis confinis KM 27/01Golden Rod 2Ltcoll; Yosemite Co, California. Tall form, with narrow, upswept, pyramidal panicles of small golden-yellow flowers during summer, giving good height at the back of the border. A non-invasive form. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (6-8) 150cm.£7.256.00
Solidago ulmifoliaElm Leaved Golden Rod 1.4LtRarley seen North American prairie plant with erect stems carrying small, toothed, dark green elm-like leaves. Clouds of small golden-yellow daisies in late summer & autumn. Anmy reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 90cm.£6.505.00
Speirantha convallarioides 2LtMuch like an evergreen lily-of-the-valley. Starry clusters of small, WHITE flowers amongst the leaves; late spring & early summer. Spreading clumps of rich green, broad, elliptic leaves. Moist humus rich soil in part or full shade. 20x60cm.£9.953.00
Spiranthes cernua odorata ‘Chadd’s Ford’ (AGM)Nodding Ladies Tresses 1.4LtAn amazing quick spreading deciduous orchid, probably the easiest to grow in the open garden. Spikes of white flowers with a yellow eye; autumn. linear basal leaves. spreads by stolons. Fertile humus rich well drained soil in part shade & a sheltered site. 60x30cm.£8.953.00
Stachys byzantina ‘Big Ears’Lamb’s Ears 1LtA selected, stronger growing clone with large, felted, silver-green, evergreen leaves. Upright stems with small magenta flowers shrouded in a grey wool; summer. Good, spreading ground cover for a reasonably drained soil in sun. To: 45x60cms.£4.952.00
Stachys byzantina ‘Big Ears’Lamb’s Ears 2Lt£7.509.00
Stachys byzantina ‘Primrose Heron’ 2LtForms a spreading basal clump of attractive, intensely woolly, soft-yellow leaves. Tiny pink flowers on short spikes in summer. Full sun on well drained soil. 30x45cms.£7.251.00
Stachys byzantina ‘Silver Carpet’Lamb’s Ears 2LtPossibly the best silver carpeter there is providing good evergreen ground cover. Non-flowering form. Full sun on well drained soil. 30x45cms.£7.951.00
Stachys macrantha ‘Superba’Lamb’s Tongue 1.4Lt(Syn.S.grandiflora/spicata) Erect, sturdy, branching stems with whorls of large, hooded, DEEP PINKISH-PURPLE flowers; early summer to late autumn. Slowly makes clumps of rich green, scalloped edged, oval leaves. Any reasonably drained soil in sun. 60x30cms.£5.757.00
Stachys macrantha ‘Superba’Lamb’s Tongue 1Lt£4.956.00
Stachys officinalis ‘Hummelo’Hedge Nettle 1.4LtCylindrical spikes of densely packed purple-pink, tubular flowers; early summer to early autumn. Basal rosettes of crinkled, dark green leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 50x45cm.£5.751.00
Stachys officinalis ‘Saharan Pink’Betony 1.4LtCompact edger, with mats of dark green, crinkled, deeply veined leaves. Short spikes of large, tubular, soft pink flowers during early summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. (6-7) 30cm.£4.951.00
Sternbergia luteaWinter Daffodil 1LtMediterannean bulb needing a hot, dry, sunny position to flower well. Summer dormant with crocus like, golden yellow flowers erupting straight from the ground followed shortly after by the broad, strap like, glossy leaves. Flowers Oct-Nov. (10-11) 15cm.£5.758.00
Stokesia laevis ‘Purple Parasols’Stoke’s Aster 1.4LtLarge showy deep purple cornflowers on short stems. Leafy, evergreen mounds of narrow leaves. Gritty, well drained soil in sun. (7-8) 30cm.£5.9510.00
Stokesia laevis ‘Traumerei’Stokes Aster 2Ltsyn. ‘White Star’. Large, cornflower-like, white beautifully shaded pastel-pink blooms; July & August. Unusual hybrid with narrow, evergreen leaves. Drained, sunny front of border. 45x45cms.£6.951.00
Strobilanthes attenuata ‘Blue and White’ 1.4LtTall, strong growing perennial, for both sun & shade. Erect, arching stems with oval, hairy, light-green leaves. Two0lipped white flowers with a blue stained mouth, during late summer & autumn. Retentive, well drained soil in part shade. (7-10) 120cm.£5.451.00
Strobilanthes attenuata ‘Blue Carpet’ 1.4LtLow, spreading mat forming perennial with radiating stems clothed in white haired leaves. Trumpet-shaped violet-blue flowers, held in the upper leaf axils during autumn. Excellent ground cover for a rich, woodland soil with some shade. (8-10) 20cm.£4.751.00
Strobilanthes nutansStrobilanthes 1.4LtFound growing as an epiphyte in a Cloud Forest in Nepal, this looks spectacular growing over a rock in a moist, woodland spot but needing shelter. Arching stems with narrow hanging white tubular flowers in autumn. Does well in the S.W. (8-10) 20cm.£6.506.00
Succisa pratensis ‘Nana’Devils’ Bit Scabious 1.4LtA dwarf form of this familiar British native has bobbly, Scabious like, white flowers on much branched stems;- midsummer. Rosettes of hairy, elliptic leaves. Well drained soil in sun or light shade. 25cms£5.508.00
Succisella inflexa ‘Frosted Pearls’ 1.4LtScabious relative forming basal rosettes of long, narrow leaves. Well branched stems carry small pincushion like soft creamy-lilac flowers over a long period through summer. Light, well drained alkaline soil in sun. (5-9) 50cm.£5.252.00
Synthyris missurica stellata 1.4LtUnusual evergreen perennial for a cool, moist position. Large, sharply toothed, rounded glossy leaves. Spikes of POWDER-BLUE flowers in small bracts; April & May. For the keen gardener & not easy. 30x30cm.£5.504.00
Tanacetum coccineum ‘Laurin’Pyrethrum 2Ltrarely offered variety of this cottage garden favourite. Simple. starry bright pink daisies with a yellow eye, held on unbranched stems during mid to late summer. Basal clumps of finely cut, fresh leaves. Good cut flowers. Needs superb drainage in a sunny spot. 40cm.£9.152.00
Tanacetum coccineum Robinson’s Pink floweredPyrethrum 1LtWaving upright stems topped by rich deep pink upward facing daisies with a yellow eye. Old cottage garden favourite forming clumps of fresh-green, ferny foliage. Well drained soil in sun. Good for cutting. 60x45cm. (Early summer)£4.957.00
Tanacetum vulgare crispumTansy, Golden Buttons 1.4LtSpectacular foliage plnts forming mounds of very finely cut, slightly twisted aromatic leaves. Button like yellow rayless flowers are formed less freely than the species. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-8) 75cm.£6.254.00
Tanacetum vulgare crispumTansy, Golden Buttons 2Lt£7.506.00
Telekia cordifolia 2LtRather coarse daisy with basal rosettes of large, deeply veined leaves. Branched spikes of deep golden-yellow, upward facing daisies with narrow, ragged ray petals;- late summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 90cm.£6.957.00
Telekia speciosa 2Lt(syn.Buphthalmum S.) A vigorous feature plant with huge aromatic leaves topped by 4-inch GOLDEN-YELLOW DAISIES with narrow rays. Creates a lovely effect in a large garden where it is free to spread. Sun or part shade in any reasonable soil. 150x90cm. (7-8)£7.256.00
Tellima grandiflora ‘Purpurteppich’Fringe Cups 1.4LtExcellent ground cover for shady places. Spreading clumps of Heuchera-like leaves are washed & veined purple. Narrow spikes of large green flowers tinged pink; all summer. For a retentive soil. 45x60cm.£5.951.00
Teucrium chamaedrysWall Germander 1.4LtThe true wild form, collected in Croatia & not x lucidrys under which it masquerades in cultivation. Small, creeping mats with short, erect stems having glossy, round lobed, deep green leaves. Small whorls of tubular purple-pink flowers, in the leaf axils during late spring & summer. Loved by insects. (5-7) 10x40cm.£5.756.00
Thalictrum aquilegiifoliumMeadow Rue 2LtLong, wiry stems branch into wide, fluffy heads of PURPLE-MAUVE flowers; May to July. Attractive, light green, columbine-like foliage. Any moisture-holding soil in sun or part shade. 90cms.£7.5012.00
Thalictrum cultratum HWJCM 367Meadowe Rue 2LtHeavily branched stems with clouds of fluffy, small, greenish-white flowers & long thread-like, purple anthers; late summer & early autumn. Pinnate, lobed basal leaves. Humus-rich, moist soil in part shade but tolerates sun. 90x45cm.£8.955.00
Thalictrum delavayi ‘Album’Meadow Rue 1.4LtHeads of long stalked white fluffy flowers with prominent yellow stamens; midsummer to early autumn, in large pyramidal heads. Mounds of pinnate foliage. Moist, humus rich soil in part shade but tolerates sun. 120x60cm.£6.503.00
Thalictrum ‘Elin’Meadow Rue 2LtA big, bold, imposing form, with large mounds of deeply divided, gently lobed basal leaves. Stout stems with huge umbels of lilac flowers during mid to late summer. Back of the bordr in retentive well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 300cm.£9.252.00
Thalictrum ichangenseMeadow Rue 1.4LtSmall, slowly creeping woodlander with unusual, purple brown leaves covered in a heavy silver overlay of veins. Small heads of lilac fluffy flowers in late spring. Best in a woodland soil in part shade. (4-6) 30cm. China – Guizhou, Hubei, Liaoning, Shanxi, Sichuan, Yunnan & Zhejiang. .£6.254.00
Thalictrum isopyroidesMeadow Rue 2LtA dwarf form from Afghanistan with delicate grey ferny foliage. Clusters of small lilac flowers. Ordinary fertile soil in sun. 45x45cm. Flowers: June-August.£7.951.00
Thalictrum sphaerostachyumMeadow Rue 2LtAn invalid name, possibly a superb form of flavum. Mounds of glaucous steely blue, finely cut leaves. Frothy heads of soft yellow flowers on tall stems;- June & July. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or shade. (6-7) 200cm.£7.953.00
Thalictrum ‘Splendide’Meadow Rue 1.4LtTall form with airy clouds of good sized lilac-purple flowers with a tuft of cream stamens;- midsummer. Laced, lobed grey-green leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (7-8) 130cm.£5.952.00
Thalictrum ‘Splendide White’Meadow Rue 1.4LtRather like a more robust form of delavayi, this forms clouds of very delicate, pale green lacey leaves. Airy sprays of small, cup-shaped white flowers with long filaments from July to September, creating an airy haze. Retentive soil in sun or shade. (7-9) 120cm.£6.251.00
Thalictrum squarrosumMeadow Rue 2LtDelicate species from China through to Russia. Erect stems with lacy, round lobed, pale, grey tinged leaves. Open heads of large lilac flowers with cream stamens during summer. prefers a light, woody soil in part shade. (6-8) 45cm.£7.9510.00
Thalictrum ‘Tukker Princess’Meadow Rue 2LtProbably a hybrid of flavum, this exceptionally tall form has huge plumes of rich golden yellow flowers on dark, sturdy stems ;- May to July. Glaucous grey flushed, much lobed leaves. Best in a retentive soil in sun or shade but very adaptable. 250cm.£8.253.00
Thermopsis chinensisBush Pea 2LtRarely seen Chinese form with much divided leaves divided into three narrow segments, like a birds foot. Narrow, erect spikes of pea like, brilliant yellow flowers during late spring. Easily grown if a little slow in retentive, well drained soil in sun. (5-7) 75cm.£6.952.00
Thladiantha dubiaRed Hailstone 1.4LtStrong growing deciduous climber from the cucumber family. From Korea & China, this has twining stems with large, heart-shaped softly hairy leaves. Flared, tubular golden-yellow flowers through summer. Males & females are needed for the edible fruit as it is not self fertile. Not sure if this will happen in the UK. Best against a sheltered wall in sun. (6-8) Ht to 4mtrs.£7.955.00
Tiarella wherryi (AGM)Foam Flower 1LtBeautifully shaped shot-silk textured bronze leaves. Slender spires of white flowers from pink buds; May to July. Any reasonable soil in light shade. 30x60cm.£4.9512.00
Tinantia pringlei AIM77 1.4LtAmazing Tradescantia relative from Mexico with purple-brown spotted leaves. Small, three petalled purple flowers nestle in the crown for much of the year. Will need a sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (3-10) 30cm.£6.251.00
Trautvetteria carolinensisFalse Bugbane 1.4LtWoodland perennial closely allied to Thalictrum. Creeping root with large, palmate, fresh green leaves. Heads of white Thalictrum like flowers over a long season from late spring through summer. Cool, retentive woodland soil in part shade. 60cms Western USA.£5.958.00
Tricyrtis hirta ‘Taiwan Atrianne’Toad Lily 1.4LtShorter selection of this non running form. Well branched stems with exotic, small orchid like, dark blue-purple, almost black spotted flowers, so heavily marked the colour is predominantly black. Soft, hairy leaves. Cool, retentive soil in part shade.(8-10)60cm£5.951.00
Tricyrtis Hototogisu 1.4Lt(Toad Lily) A unique form with slightly arching stems & faintly spotted leaves. Heavily blotched flowers are flushed bright blue.Not too dry soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cm. September to October.£5.952.00
Tricyrtis ‘White Towers’Toad Lily 1.4LtCreamy buds opening into exotic, small, lily-like, white flowers with a tint of pink & central tower of stamens & stigmas; early autumn. Grey-felted leaves. Fertile not too dry soil in sun or shade. 90x45cm.£5.751.00
Trifolium trichocephalum 1.4LtSemi-prostate perennial forming a low, dense clump of semi-evergreen, ovate, silvery grey-blue leaves topped by largish, creamy-yellow, clover like flowers in summer; much loved by bees. Prefers a reasonably drained soil in sun. Widespread native from Iran through to Turkey. 45x60cms.£5.956.00
Trillium cuneatumWake Robin 1LtA harbinger of Spring with 3-petalled, marbled, dark green leaves. Upturned, 3-petalled, burgundy flowers; March & April. Cool, moist, woodland conditions. 30x30cms.£6.9510.00
Trillium erectum (AGM)Lamb’s Quarters 1LtHandsome plant with upward facing leaves in threes the single, MAROON flowers in the crown have paler anthers; April & May. Dies back quickly after flowering. Slow to multiply. Moist, cool, woodland soil in part or full shade. 40x30cm.£6.9510.00
Trillium luteum (AGM)Wake Robin 1Lt3-petalled, pale-primrose, upturned flowers within a nest’ of 3 marbled-green leaves – a harbinger of spring! Cool, moist, woodland conditions. 30x30cm. Flowers: March-April£6.9510.00
Trollius pumilus ‘Wargrave’Globe Flower 2LtSelected clone of the smaller Chinese Alpine species forming tight mats of deeply cut, dark green leaves. Bowl shaped, bright lemon yellow flowers in late spring. Retentive or moist soil in sun or part shade. 20cm.£9.254.00
Tropaeolum tricolor (AGM)Tropaeolum 1LtDelicate, twining climber for the cold green house with five lobed leaves on fragile stems. A profusion of elfin like, spurred scarlet flowers with a purple rim around a yellow moth in late spring. Dormant by summer. Dry soil in sun. HT to 2mtrs.£6.956.00
Tulbaghia ‘Cosmic’Society Garlic 1.4LtTall violacea hybrid with heads of dusky pink buds opening to slightly reflexed silver purple flowers with a copper stripe down each petal. Large golden trumpet. Flower colour deepens with age. Fleshy, strap like glaucous leaves. Strong grower for a warm, sheltered spot in sun. (5-9) 55cm.£6.956.00
Tulbaghia violacea ‘Alba’Cape Onion 1.4LtMore or les evergreen, bulbous perennial with evergreen, strongly onion scented, glossy leaves. Heads of starry pure white flowers with a sweet scent through summer to the frosts. Needs a light, free draining soil in a sunny, sheltered spot. (6-10) 40cm.£6.9511.00
Tulbaghia violacea ‘Silver Lace’Society Garlic 1.4LtDefinitely not hardy but ideal as a tub plant. The strap-like narrow leaves are green, striped white & have a pink flush. Heads of scented purple flowers on strong stems are carried in clusters. Well drained soil in full sun. 30x30cm. (6-8)£6.958.00
Typhonium roxburghiiTyphonium 1.4LtSmall, surprisingly quick spreading species with short red stems topped by radial, velvet textured leaves divided into narrow leaflets. Small, stinky cream spathes spotted red during early summer. Seems reasonably hardy in a sheltered woodland garden. 30cm.£5.956.00
Uvularia grandiflora (AGM))Merrybells 1LtA relative of Solomons Seal with fresh-green leaves. Arching stems are topped by hanging, straw-yellow flowers; March & April. Loves woodland site in dappled shade. 60x30cms.£6.256.00
Uvularia grandiflora pallidaBellwort 2LtA relative of Solomons Seal with fresh-green leaves. Arching stems are topped by hanging, pale creamy-yellow flowers; March & April. Loves woodland site in dappled shade. 60x30cms.£8.253.00
Uvularia sessilifoliaLittle Merrybells 2LtGood spreading plant with a mass of erect stems with hanging, narrow, tubular, creamy bells. For cool, shady conditions in a peaty soil. 30x30cms. Flowers: April-May.£9.252.00
Valeriana montanaMountain Valerian 1.4LtFrom mountainous regions of Europe this low growing charmer bears large, open clusters of single, white tinged pink fragrant flowers from April into June over mat of rich green, glossy, ovate leaves.Prefers a retentive yet drained, fertile soil in sun or part shade. Good as an edger or rockery perennial. 20x30cms.£5.502.00
Valeriana phu ‘Aurea’ 1.4LtAt its best in spring when the leaves turn a burnished gold before greening. Spikes of small white flowers; June. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 60x60cms.£6.504.00
Veratrum formosanum 2LtAn unusual species with narrow pleated foliage. Panicles of starry dark purple flowers are produced in late summer. Best in a shady spot. Retentive soil. 50cms. From Hohuanshan in Tiawan.£16.952.00
Veratrum schindleri 2LtBulbous woodland perennial. The narrow, strap-like, leaves emerge in very early spring to form a clump of loose rosettes, each leaf having prominent veining. Tall, branched stems lined with small reddish flowers over many weeks in summer. Prefers a moist, rich soil in part shade. To 1.5m. WARNING: poisonous especilly the roots and flowers.£12.953.00
Verbascum pyramidatumMullein 2LtSoundly perennial. Basal rosettes of narrow grey-green, downy leaves with wavy margins. Narrow spikes with cup-shaped YELLOW flowers & violet filaments in a dense wool; summer. Ordinary to poor, well drained soil in sun. HIGHLIGHTED IN OUR FRONT GARDEN. 120x45cm.£6.952.00
Verbena hastataVervain 1.4LtSmall heads of violet-blue flowers on long, branched, stiff stems; early summer to early autumn. Lance-shaped, toothed, pointed green leaves. Upright habit. Well drained retentive soil in full sun. 160x75cm.£5.952.00
Verbena hastata ‘Alba’American Vervain 1.4LtFlattened heads of pure white flowers; early summer to early autumn. Stiff upright perennial with dark green, toothed leaves. Moist, yet well drained fertile soil in full sun. 120x45cm.£5.955.00
Verbena lasiostachys lasiostachysVervain 1.4LtHy collection from Henry Coe State park wher it grows in abundance . Spikes of pale lavender-blue flowers during late summer. There are two sub-species growing here but not sure what we have as they were collected in seed. Sheltered, sunny spot. (7-8) 50cm.£6.5010.00
Verbena peruvianaVervain 1.4LtExcellent, prostrate, spreading rockery, ground cover or edger, forming mats of finely cut, dark-green leaves. Domed heads of tubular, intense scarlet-red, tubular flowers all summer to the frosta. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. Very sheltered spot.10cm£5.753.00
Verbena rigida (AGM)Veined Verbena 1.4LtBranching stems with showy, rich purple-magenta flowers all summer. Tuberous rooted, reasonably hardy perennial with rough, irregularly toothed leaves. Any good soil in sun. 60x60cm.£6.256.00
Verbesina alternifoliaYellow Ironweed 2LtFrom eastern USA, this tall, back of the border plant is possibly one of the best for bees. Willow stems with narrow leaves. Heads of 5cm, butter-yellow daisies with a green cone, from august, long into autumn. Easy in a retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (8-11) 180cm.£6.956.00
Vernonia noveboracensis ‘White Lightning’Ironweed 2LtOne of the last perennials to flower, this bold, back of the border plant has stout stems with elliptic, finely toothed leaves. Heads of small, fluffy, daisy like white flowers during October & November. Breeds true from seed. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (10-11) 150cm.£6.9513.00
Veronica allioniiSpeedwell 1.4LtForms a low carpet of elliptic olive-green leaves, Chubby spikes of deep violet-blue flowers from late spring and often right through to autumn. Ideal for the rock garden, patio edge, container etc for a free draining soil in sun or part shade. Native to the European Alps. 10x30cms.£4.952.00
Veronica austriaca teucrium ‘Crater Lake Blue’ (AGM) 1.4LtGood, quick spreading, evergreen ground cover with narrow spires of clear blue flowers; June-August. Well drained soil in a sunny position. 45x60cms.£5.755.00
Veronica austriaca teucrium ‘Royal Blue’ (AGM)Bird’s Eye 1.4LtContinuous succession of deep-blue hooded flowers in densely packed spikes on erect stems throughout summer. A bushy, spreading, ground coverer. Dry sunny site in a well drained soil. 30x60cm.£5.5012.00
Veronica ‘Eveline’Speedwell 1.4LtVery vigorous form, with long spikes of narrow, tubular, rich rose-purple flowers, with protruding stamens. Long, narrow, glossy, toothed, rich green leaves. Well drained soil in sun or light shade. (6-8) 55cm.£5.252.00
Veronica ‘First Love’Speedwell 1LtVery much a spicata hybrid, this dwarf edger has short, branching, erect spikes of small, glowing, fluorescent pink flowers over a very long period from late spring to mid autumn. Toothed, grey flushed leaves. Light, free draining soil in sun or part shade. (5-9) 40x60cm.£4.953.00
Veronica gentianoides ‘Barbara Sherwood’Speedwell 1.4LtClusters of PALEST POWDER-BLUE flowers with a darker veining; April-May. Dense evergreen ground cover with rosettes of broad, glossy, dark green leaves. Easy in ordinary soil in sun or part shade. 40x60cms.£5.755.00
Veronica gentianoides ‘Mountain Breeze’Speedwell 1.4Lt(syn.V.kemulariae) Forms mats of glossy, elliptic, semi evergreen leaves topped with spikes of speedwell-like, mid blue, lightly striped flowers over a long period from April on. Dead head to encourage. Fertile, well drained yet moist soil in sun or part shade. 30cms. £6.956.00
Veronica gentianoides ‘Pallida’Speedwell 1.4LtEerect spikes of PALEST BLUE flowers; late spring & early summer. Dense evergreen ground coverer with broad, glossy, dark green basal rosettes. Good edging plant. Sun lover for well drained soil. 45x60cm.£5.503.00
Veronica gentianoides ‘Robusta’Speedwell 1.4LtSpikes of cup-shaped, clear light-blue flowers; early summer. An improved, strong-growing form with evergreen, glossy leaves in basal rosettes. Retentive YET well drained soil in sun or part shade. 45x45cm.£5.9511.00
Veronica grandisSpeedwell 1.4Lt(syn.V.bachofenii) Rarely seen airy, tall border perennial with erect stems & broad serrated leaves. Delicate spikes of PALE LILAC-BLUE flowers are freely produced all summer. Well drained soil in sun. 100x45cm.£6.2512.00
Veronica liwanensisTurkish Speedwell 1.4LtMat-forming evergreen perennial with small, oval, glossy, lightly toothed, dark green leaves. Clusters of siingle, rich blue, speedwell like flowers with a white eye; late spring to early summer. Self rooting stems makes it ideal for cracks in paving, rockeries etc. Free draining soil in sun. Native to NE Turkey & Caucasus.£5.502.00
Veronica longifolia ‘Blauer Sommer’Speedwell 1.4LtLong, narrow spires of single, bright blue flowers on upright stems. A good mid-border plant for retentive soil in sun. 90x90cms. Flowers: June-August£5.9512.00
Veronica longifolia ‘First Glory’ 1.4LtElegant, dense spikes of small deep blue flowers are produced on short, branching stems from early summer to early autumn; attractive to bees, butterflies.Compact, clump-forming perennial to around with lance-shaped, serrated green leaves. Any reasonable fertile, well drained soil in sun or psrt shade. 40cms£5.758.00
Veronica longifolia ‘First Glory’ 1Lt£4.954.00
Veronica longifolia ‘Pink Eveline’Spiked Speedwell 1LtA much shorter form of longifolia with erectly held, very long, narrow spikes of palest blush pink-white flowers with exerted dark pink stamens during midsummer. Toothed, grey green leaves on woody stems. Retentive,w ell drained soil in sun or light shade. (6-8) 50cm.£4.9512.00
Veronica prostrataSpeedwell 1.4LtSmall mat forming alpine with short, erect spikes of closely packed mid to dark blue flowers during spring. Fine toothed leaves. Easily in a light, free draining soil in sun. (3-6) 10cm.£5.503.00
Veronica prostrata ‘Blauspiegel’Creeping Speedwell 1.4LtGently creeping semi evergreen edger with the glossy green leaves. Short wispy spikes of cup-shaped, glossy, purple-blue flowers in profusion during late spring & early summer. Ideal for rockeries, containers etc. Light, free draining yet retentive soil in sun. 10cm.£4.754.00
Veronica prostrata ‘Trehane’Creeping Speedwell 1LtMat forming semi evergreen forming carpets of burnished gold leaves. Short spikes of pale blue flowers over a long period through May to June. The leaves are more lime by summer. Light, free draining soil in sun. (5-7)15cm.£4.954.00
Veronica spicata ‘Erika’Speedwell 1.4LtA low growing variety for the front of the border. Densely packed upright stems have small icing sugar pink tubular flowers in midsummer. Rosettes of silver-grey toothed leaves. Sun lover for a well drained soil. 30x45cm.£5.751.00
Veronica spicata ‘Rotfuchs’Speedwell 1.4Ltsyn. Red Fox’. Spreading semi evergreen mats of grey green leaves with dense spires of CHERRY-RED flowers; June to August. Any well drained soil in sun or part shade. 40x25cms.£5.755.00
Veronica spicata ‘Rotfuchs’Speedwell 1Lt£4.955.00
Veronica spicata ‘Royal Candles’ 1Lt£4.953.00
Veronica spicata ‘Ulster Blue Dwarf’Speedwell 1.4LtDwarf Irish species, forming mats of grey flushed, toothed leaves. Narrow, erect spikes of deep, inky, violet-blue flowers during early summer. Good edger for well drained soil in a sunny site. (5-7) 10cm.£5.959.00
Veronica umbrosa ‘Georgia Blue’Speedwell 1.4LtVery free flowering form, collected in Georgia by Roy Lancaster. Short sprays of vivid, gentian blue flowers in spring, often continuing all summer. The new growth is heavily flushed purple. Well drained soil in sun or part shade. (4-8) 20cm.£5.252.00
Veronica x cantiana ‘Kentish Pink’Speedwell 1.4LtTiny, delicate,. mat forming, more or less evergreen perennial with creeping carpets of small, deep green, toothed leaves. Small, upright, slender spikes of small, cup shaped, pale-pink flowers, from May to July. Light, free draining soil in sun or light shade. (5-7) 5x20cm.£5.506.00
Veronicastrum ‘Adoration’Culver root 2LtGood sized back of the border perennial, much like a large Veronica. Candelabra like spikes of small lilac-rose flowers in profusion during late summer into autumn. Slow to establish. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. (8-10) 160cm.£7.9510.00
Veronicastrum sibiricumSiberian Culver Root 2LtTall, back of the border perennial, differing from virginicum in the more downy leaves. Whorls of pointed leaflets topped by imposing candelabra like spikes of lavender-blue flowers; July through autumn. Best in a retentive soil in sun or part shade. (6-9) 180cm.£6.952.00
Veronicastrum villosulumCulver’s Root 2LtWeak stemmed herbaceous scrambler or climber with small, rounded clusters of rich, violet-purple flowers in the leaf axils;- summer & autumn. Rounded, softly hairy leaves are held in pairs. Moist, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (6-10) 180cm.£6.959.00
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Album’Culver’s Root 1.4LtBold upright perennial with clusters of tiny, closely set, PURE WHITE flowers in spikes; midsummer. Whorls of narrow leaves up the stems. Fertile soil in sun or part shade. 120x60cms.£5.957.00
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Album’Culver’s Root 2Lt£7.5013.00
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Cupid’Culver Root 1.4LtImpressive, back of the border perennial with well branched, candelabra like spikes of wispy, rich lavender-purple flowers during late summer & autumn. Whorls of toothed leaves turn rich yellow in autumn. Fertile, humus rich, retentive soil in sun or part shade. (7-9) 120cm.£5.9510.00
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Cupid’Culver Root 2Lt£7.506.00
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Diane’Culver’s Root 2LtLong narrow slender spikes of palest blush-pink flowers with protruding stamens; midsummer to early autumn. Unbranched stems with toothed lance shaped leaves. Fertile humus rich moist soil in sun or part shade. 160x75cm.£7.251.00
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Erica’Culver’s Root 1.4LtTall, back of the border perennial with large, branched spikes of small, soft-rose spikes of flowers opening from rose-pink buds;- late summer into autumn. Much like a supersize Veronica. takes time to establish. retentive soil in sun or part shade. 2.0m.£5.251.00
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Erica’Culver’s Root 2Lt£7.953.00
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Fascination’Culver’s Root 1.4LtLong stems (to 1.5m) topped with generous spikes of pinky-lilac, veronica-like flowers; August. Dark stems neatly lined with whorls of pointed leaves. From Tom Der Linden’s garden, Holland & named by Piet Oudolf. Humus-rich, moist soil in sun or part shade.£5.959.00
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Lavendelturm’Culver’s Root 2LtLong narrow slender spikes of tubular lavender-blue flowers with protruding stamens; midsummer to early autumn. tall unbranched stems with toothed pointed leaves. Retentive humus rich soil in full sun. 150x75cm.£7.501.00
Veronicastrum virginicum roseum 2LtTall, stately, back of the border perennial, with long, narrow, wispy spikes of soft pink flowers, with darker, protruding stamens, over a long period in late summer & autumn. whorls of toothed, dark green leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun.(7-9) 120£7.2512.00
Veronicastrum virginicum roseum ‘Pink Glow’Culver’s root 1.4LtTall slender spikes of warm soft pink tubular flowers with protruding stamens; midsummer to early autumn. Erect unbranched stems with pointed leaves. Moist retentive soil in sun or part shade. 160x75cm.£5.9513.00
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Spring Dew’Culver’s Root 2LtElegant, back of the border relative of veronica, with long, narrow wispy spikes of pearly-white flowers opening from the base in late summer. Easily grown in well drained soil in sun or part shade. (7-8) 150cm.£7.255.00
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Temptation’Culver’s Root 2LtLong, narrow spikes of loosely formed purple-rose flowers, with protruding stamens, opening from the base in midsummer. Whorls of dark-green, serrated leaves. Good accent plant for the back of the border. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. (6-8) 130cm.£7.504.00
Vicia sp.Vetch 1.4LtRaised from seed from Chile, we are not really sure if this is a Vicia or Lathyrus. Scrambling, twining stems with large, broadly pinnate, dark-green leaves. Small clusters of bicoloured, lilac & white, pea like flowers are held in the leaf axils during late summer & autumn. Seems hardy in a well drained soil in sun. Ht, to 2.0mtrs. £5.952.00
Vincetoxicum hirundinariaSwallowwort 1.4LtFor the collector only, this unusual small twining species has elliptic, leathery dark-green leaves. Clusters of yellow flushed white flowers, much like an Asclepias appear in the upper leaf axils during summer. Retentive soil in light shade. (6-7) 90cm.£4.951.00
Viola ‘Dawn’Violet 1.4LtClusters of unscented pale primose-flowers with a slightly deeper lower petal. carpets of fresh green leaves. Dead head regularly to prolong flowering through summer. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-8) 10cm.£6.505.00
Viola odorata ‘Konigin Charlotte’Sweet Violet 1.4Lt(odorata group) Beautiful small, purple blue flowers with an exquisite parma violet scent; flowering in early spring with the new leaves, often repeating in autumn. Fertile, never too dry soil in part shade. 5cm.£4.951.00
Viola reichenbachianaEarly Dog Violet 1.4LtA native violet forming mats of heart-shaped and slightly hairy leaves that grow from a low-growing rosette. Flowers are violet-purple in colour, with a straight dark violet-blue spur; late spring-early summer. Often found in hedgerow bases. Any reasonably fertile, moist yet drained soil in sun or shade.£4.756.00
Viola sororia ‘Dark Freckles’Viola 1LtSelected from the popular Freckles’, this has elegant, light-blue flowers with a heavy speckling of purple, giving a darker effect than it’s parent. Dark-green, heart-shaped leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. (4-6) 10cm.£4.956.00
Viola sororia ‘Freckles’Woolly Blue Violet 1.4LtLovely chalky-white flowers heavily speckled blue; late spring & early summer. Good fresh green basal clumps of leaves. Good ground cover in retentive soil in sun or part shade. 20x60cm.£5.756.00
Viola sororia ‘Freckles’Woolly Blue Violet 1Lt£4.952.00
Wachendorfia thyrsiflora 2LtSpectacular subject for a warm border or pot with winter protection. Fans of spectacular pleated leaves. Long spikes of golden-orange flowers all summer. Hardy in the Southwest. Well drained soil in sun. (5-8) 180cm.£6.955.00
Waldsteinia geoidesBarren Strawberry 1.4LtMore or less evergreen, spreading ground cover with dull green, hairy, palmate leaves. Sprays of cup-shaped, bright-yellow flowers in profusion during late spring & early summer. Good ground cover even in dry shade. (4-7)25cm.£5.257.00
Waldsteinia ternataBarren Strawberry 1.4LtGood ground cover with spreading mats of evergreen strawberry like leaves & clusters of cup shaped BRIGHT YELLOW flowers; late spring & early summer. Ordinary well drained soil in sun or part shade. 20x60cm.£5.256.00
Watsonia angustaWatsonia 1.4LtA popular feature of the Cape fynbos with two raked spikes of glowing, narrowly tubular, orange-red flowers with striking black filaments;- late spring & early summer. Narrow, upright fans of grey-green leaves. Sheltered spot in sun. (6-7)120cm.£6.757.00
Watsonia angustaWatsonia 2Lt£8.2516.00
Watsonia ‘Dart Sea Trout’Watsonia 2LtSeedling selected from the free flowering ‘Tresco Dwarf Pink’. Spikes of long tubed, warm salmon-pink flowers in spaced spikes during early summer. Fans of broad, strap like leathery leaves. Multiplies well & a good flowerer. well drained soil in sun, needing moisture at flowering. (5-7) 90cm.£7.954.00
Watsonia merianaWatsonia 1.4LtLarge species with branched spikes of flared, bright rose-red, tubular flowers during midsummer. Upright fans of broad, sword-like, dark-green leaves. Likes moisture at flowering but otherwise needs a warm, sheltered spot in sun. (6-8) 90cm.£5.755.00
Wulfenia baldaccii 1.4LtSmall evergreen alpine with basal rosettes of leathery, round lobed basal leaves. Whorled spikes of narrowly tubular, rich lilac-blue flowers during early to midsummer. From Albania. Retentive, free draining soil in sun or light shade. (5-6) 20cm.£6.5016.00
Wulfenia x schwarzii 1.4LtHybrid between orientalis & baldaccii & assumed lost, but we have recovered it from Austria. Lax, basal rosettes of leathery, shiny, round lobed leaves. One sided, spike-like racemes of tubular, two-lipped, deep blue flowers. Fertile soil in sun. 15cm.£6.5011.00
x Amarcrinum memoria-corsii ‘Howardii’ 2LtAmaryllis howardii x crinodonna corsii. Robust perennial, with wide strap-like basal leaves. In late summer has umbels of fragrant, funnel-shaped rose-pink flowers. Warm, sheltered spot at the foot of a sunny, warm wall. (8-9) 75cm.£12.9511.00
x Amarine tubergenii ‘Anastasia’ 2LtBred for the cut flower trade, this Amaryllis x Nerine hybrid flowers for a very long time. Bare stems topped by whorls of soft rosy-pink, flowering from September to November. They are followed by broad, strap like, smooth green leaves. Sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (9-11) 80cm.£6.508.00
x Amarine tubergenii ‘Aphrodite’ 2LtBred for the cut flower trade, this Amaryllis x Nerine hybrid flowers for a very long time. Bare stems topped by whorls of dark-pink, narrow petalled flowers with a dark throat, flowering from September to November. They are followed by broad, strap like, smooth green leaves. Sheltered, well drained spot in sun. (9-11) 80cm.£6.958.00
x Amarine tubergenii ‘Emanuelle’Nerine 2LtBulbous perennial the bare, firm stems are topped by whorls beautiful white to sof pink tubular flowers with a darker bar over a long period September to November. Broad, strap like, smooth green leaves emerge as the flowers open. Excellent cut flower. An Amaryllis Nerine cross for a sheltered, well drained spot in full sun. 60cms£7.955.00
x Amarine tubergenii ‘Tomoka’Nerine 2LtBare, firm stems are topped by large clusters of exotic,lily-like, intense magenta pink flowers over a long period September to November. Broad, strap like, smooth green leaves emerge as the flowers open. Excellent cut flower. An Amaryllis Nerine cross for a sheltered, well drained spot in full sun. Plant just below soil level. 75cms.. £7.954.00
x Heucherella ‘Eye Spy’Foam flower 2LtBold mounds of acer-like, palmate, evergreen leaves amber yellow with deep rose centres in spring mellowing to a chartreuse green with a silver overlay. Wiry stems topped with bright pink, foamy flowers in late spring. Fertile, retentive soil in sun or part shade. 30cms£9.257.00
x Heucherella ‘Pink Fizz’ 2LtThis beautiful new Heucherella forms a full clump of large, deeply lobed, soft green leaves with a light silvering and heavy wine red to deep purple veining all season. Spires of pure pink flowers burst from hot pink buds; spring into summer. Coolish, retentive soil in shade. 30cms Int: 2020£9.253.00
x Heucherella ‘Red Rover’ 2LtMound forming, evergreen making a neat dome of heavily lobed, finger like, intense red-bronze leaves maturing to an olive suffusion. Fine, upright stems topped with airy, cream-white flowers; mid summer. Excellent for containers & borders in a fertile, reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. To: 25 x25cms. Introduced 2018£9.253.00
Ypsilandra thibetica 1.4LtUnusual woodlander with rosettes of long, narrow, fleshy green leaves. Spikes of spidery white flowers mature dusky pink with age,, through spring into summer. There appears to be two forms in cultivation. Cool, moist woodland soil in pt/shade. 30cm.£7.502.00
Zingiber miogaGinger 2Ltfrom Japan, this vigorous, spreading, clump former has upright stems with clasping fresh-green leaves. Small yellow flowers nestle near the base in summer. Needs a very warm, sheltered spot in sun. Good in pots. 45cm.£10.953.00



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