
Soft Fruit

Updated: 1st February. Note: stock numbers may not be accurate. UK grown in peat free compost

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Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Smokey’Saskatoon 3LtThe Juneberry or Saskatoon. Upright, large, bushy shrub producing heavy yields of smallish, sweet, smokey-black fruit full of nutrients & fibre in mid June. Can be eaten fresh or cooked. Clusters of single, self fertile, white flowers in early spring. Good autumn leaf colour. Any reasonably drained, fertile soil in sun. To: 3m£14.957.00
Blackberry ‘Merton Thornless’ 2LtLarge fruit late Aug-late Sept. Train against fence/wire or up pole. Moist, well-manured soil. in sun.£8.503.00
Blackberry ‘Oregon Thornless’Thornless Blackberry 2LtThornless variety giving good yields of well-flavoured fruit August-September. Easily trained canes with attractive ferny foliage – trellis or arch. Open, sunny position. Space 3.0m.£8.754.00
Blackcurrant ‘Ben Sarek’ (AGM)Eating / Cooking 3LtSmaller, more compact variety bearing heavy crops of large berries, mid-July. Good frost resistance when flowering. Organic-rich soil in a sunny position. Ht: 90-120cms (3-4ft).£9.505.00
Blackcurrant ‘Tisel’Blackcurrant 3LtResulting from an intensive Polish breeding programme this variety was selected for its excellent performance for productivity, flavour and high resistance to fungal infection. Medium size bush with large, juicy fruit of low acidity. Prune hard to maintain shape. Fertile, retentive soil in sun. Ht: 1m+£9.759.00
Blackcurrant ‘Titania’ 2LtA new Swedish introduction proving to have good frost tolerance and disease resistance. High yields of large, flavoursome, rich black fruit with a high juice content; early July into early August. Prune to keep an open shape. Relishes a rich, fertile, retentive yet drained soil in sun. 1.5×1.0m.£9.901.00
Blueberry ‘Bluejay’ 3Lt(Female) Very strong growing variety forming a rounded bush. Good size, very sweet fruit in succession from July on. Superb flame-red autumn foliage. Needs a male form for pollination. One of the most popular varieties in the USA. Requires a lime-free soil. To: 2x2m.£12.954.00
Blueberry ‘Brigitta’ 3Lt(Female) One of the easiest to grow forming a dense, narrow, upright bush. Firm fruit in late season – will store well in fridge for up to 8 weeks. Must have a male form for pollination. Requires a lime free soil. To: 1.5×1.2m.£12.954.00
Blueberry ‘Goldtraube’Blueberry 3LtHeavy cropping variety producing delicious, juicy, firm, well flavoured aromatic fruit; July & August. Robust, reliable, well branched shrub the pink-white flowers in April & good autumn foliage a bonus. Neutral to acid soil in part shade. 2-3 forms recommended to ensure pollination. To: 120x60cms.£12.957.00
Blueberry ‘Jersey’ 3Lt(Female) More upright form giving good crops of lighter blue, very ‘bloomy’ fruit in late summer. Requires a male form for pollination and a lime-free soil. To: 1.8×1.2m.£12.951.00
Blueberry ‘Pink Lemonade’Blueberry 3LtUnusual variety bearing good crops of deep pink, well flavoured berries from mid August on. Berries initially green from clusters of bell shaped, white flushed pink flowers. High in antioxidants. For a fertile, moist, ACID soil in sun or part shade. Better pollination if more than one plant. 1.5 x 1.2m.£12.954.00
Gooseberry ‘Hinnonmaki Guj’ 3LtA lovely new eating variety bearing heavy crops of sweet, juicy, golden-yellow fruit; late June-July. Neat, bushy habit with good disease resistance. Fertile, reasonably drained soil in sun. Prune annually to maintain good shape & fruuiting.£9.502.00
Gooseberry ‘Hinnonmaki Rod’Eating / Cooking 3LtA lovely new eating variety bearing heavy crops of sweet & juicy, red fruit; late June-July. Neat, bushy habit with good disease resistance. Fertile, reasonably drained soil in sun. Prune annually to maintain good shape and fruiting.£10.956.00
Gooseberry ‘Invicta’ (AGM)Cooking 3LtHighly praised, heavy cropping culinary variety with large, pale green fruit; late July. Immune to mildew. Vigorous, spreading growth. Well drained, sunny position.£10.955.00
Grape ‘Lakemont’ 3LtA seedless dessert grape suitable for outdoor cultivation in sheltered, warmer parts of the country. Abundant, large bunches of sweet, pale yellow-green fruits, with a good muscat flavour ripen from late summer. Free draining soil in sun. Best results from annual pruning. 3m+£14.751.00
Loganberry LY654 (Thornless) 2LtLarge dark red fruit of good flavour, July-September. Ideal stewing, jam, freezing Space:10-12ft. Enriched soil in a sunny position.£8.752.00
Raspberry ‘Autumn Bliss’ x 5Autumn fruitingRoot wrapExcellent autumn fruiting variety producing heavy crops of good flavoured fruit in Aug-Sept. Fruit borne on current year’s wood. Upright, sturdy canes not requiring support. Deep, moist soil in sun. Space 45cms.£15.959.00
Raspberry ‘Cascade Delight’ x 5Root wrapHighly productive and very vigorous, late season variety. About 20% larger than many other varieties the long, conical fruit have a glossy skin, and a firm, sweet flesh. Prune out old canes after fruiting. Free draining soil in sun. New intro Bred n the USA.£15.955.00
Raspberry ‘Glen Ample’ (AGM) x5Root wrapVigorous, almost spine free variety yielding good crops of well tasting fruit; late July-August. A reliable, mid-season variety and one of the best for freezing. Free draining soil in sun. (Sold in pots of 10 canes)£15.954.00
Raspberry ‘Joan J’ x5RaspberryRoot wrapAn excellent autumn fruiting (primocane) variety producing high yields of firm, sweet, juicy, deep ruby red fruit, larger than Autumn Bliss on the current years wood over a 7 week period from mid summer on. Spine free canes which should be cut back to the ground in winter. Freely drained fertile soil in sun. Recent introduction by Medway Fruits.£15.959.00
Raspberry ‘Malling Juno’ x 5Root wrapA very early ripening variety the medium – large, firm textures fruit are sweet with fine flavout. Medium vigour, spine free canes with fruit held well for easy picking. Remove old canes after fruiting then tie in new growth. Reasonably drained soil in sun. Space: 45cms.£15.955.00
Raspberry ‘Tulameen. (AGM) x5RaspberryRoot wrapVery prolific mid to late season variety, not as late as ‘Autumn Bliss’ but a far better garden variety. Can produce very strong canes to 2mtrs with profuse red-pink, very tasty oval fruit.Plant in rich soil in sun for best results.£15.955.00
Redcurrant ‘Jonkheer van Tets’ (AGM) 2LtVery free fruiting variety with hanging clusters of glossy, cherry red fruits from mid, through late summer. Self fertile. Tidy, upright, deciduous bush for retentive, well drained soil in sun. (6-8) 1.2×1.2m.£9.951.00
Redcurrant ‘Red Lake’ (AGM) 3LtReliable mid-season variety bearing heavy crops of very large, bright red, juicy friut of good flavour on long trusses. Fetile, reasonably drained soil in sun. Harvest: Late July.£9.506.00
Rhubarb ‘Fenton Special’Rhubarb 2LtA very reliable, slightly later variety. Rich red stems of good flavour. Also good for forcing. Prefers a retentive, rich yet reasonably drained soil. Best in dappled shade. Harvest March – May.£9.901.00
Rhubarb ‘Timperley Early’ (AGM) 3LtPopular early variety of good flavour. Excellent for forcing. Well manured, retentive soil.£9.952.00
Tayberry ‘Buckingham’ 3LtHeavy cropping variety producing red-black fruit of good flavour; July. Grown from virus-free stock. reasonably drained soil in sun. Ht: 2.4m+.£8.401.00
Tayberry ‘Medana’Tayberry 2Lt(Raspb.x Blackberry). Virus-free strain bearing good yields of large, sweet, juicy, aromatic fruit July – August. Space: 2.4m(8ft). Sunny position.£8.751.00
Whitecurrant ‘Versailles Blanche’White Currant 2LtLovely dessert variety bearing long & heavy trusses of large, pale yellow, sweet fruit of delicate flavour early July. Reliable variety giving good crops year after year. Any reasonable soil in sun.£9.502.00



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