

Updated: 1st February Note: stock numbers may not be accurate. Home / UK grown in peat free compost. Collection / local delivery only

Product DetailPrice List GBPStock Availability
Plant NameCommon NamePot SizeFull description of plantRetail PriceIn Stock
Acacia baileyana ‘Purpurea’ (AGM) 3LtOne of the slower growing Acacias with very finely cut, intensely chalky grey leaves with wine purple new growth. Small spherical heads of soft cream flowers during winter & spring. Needs a warm, sheltered, not too chalky spot in sun. Dislikes pruning. 4.0×3.0m£27.501.00
Acacia boormaniiSnowy River Wattle 3LtSurpisingly hardy, multi-stemmed large shrub or small tree with willowy stems covered in very fine, needle-like fresh green leaves. Clouds of fluffy, pale yellow flowers – unusually through summer. Sheltered, well drained, sunny, not too chalky site in sun. To: 3m.£17.951.00
Acacia dealbata (AGM)Silver Wattle 3LtA large shrub or small tree for a very sheltered site. Beautiful, silvery-green, fern-like evergreen foliage. Cascading sprays of fragrant yellow flowers with large stamens in early spring. Probably requires winter protection. Drained soil in sun.£12.755.00
Acacia retinodes (AGM)Wattle, Mimosa 3LtOne of the hardiest & most lime tolerant species for very sheltered spot. Erect, willowy stems eventually form a small tree. Long, narrow, grey-green leaves & loose clusters of yellow flowers in summer. Full sun out of cold winds. (7-8) 4.0×2.5mtrs.£12.755.00
Acer campestre (AGM)Field or Hedge Maple12LtLow & well branched, medium-sized, round headed native tree. 3 to 5-lobed leaves turn clear yellow in autumn often persisting well & giving spectacular displays. Very hardy. Fertile, moist yet drained soil in sun or part shade. (4-5) 12.0×8.0mtrs.£54.951.00
Acer campestre ‘Pulverulentum’Hedge or Field Maple10LtSmall, round headed, slow growing deciduous tree with rounded, five lobed, soft green leaves, heavily blotched & speckled creamy-white. New growth flushed reddish-purple. Erect spikes of green flowers; late summer followed by winged fruit. Fertile, moist yet drained soil in sun or part shade. 5.0×3.0mtrs.£44.951.00
Acer palmatum ‘Red Emperor’Japanese maple 7.5ltA beautiful, vigorous, well branched Japanese Acer the large, 7-9 lobed leaves emerge rich bronze red maturing to an outstanding deep red into fiery autumn colours. Tends to be resistant to leaf scorch. Clusters of bronze-red flowers in spring. Humus rich, retentive yet drained soil in dappled shade. 3m+£47.503.00
Acer pectinatum forrestiiMaple 3LtA very rare & choice tree from central China Forms a spreading deciduous tree the arching branches become green and white striped with age the young shoots turning bright red in winter. 3-5 lobed, dark green leaves with lighter veining turn brilliant orange-red in autumn.. For a retentive, yet drained, fertile soil in sun or part shade, reasonably sheltered. 10m.£28.502.00
Acer x conspicuum ‘Silver Vein’Snake Bark Maple12LtA strong growing, medium-sized deciduous tree with arching branches. The stems & bark are conspicuously streaked green & white. Large, rich green, three-lobed leaves are held on red stalks, turning butter-yellow in autumn. Prefers moist but not wet soil. 8.0×6.0mtrs.£59.951.00
Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Obelisk’Snowy Mespilus12LtMedium-size shrub with upright stems forming a tight, narrow vase-shape. Short spikes of single, star-like, white flowers on bare stems in Spring. Leaves elliptic, matt, rich moss-green with good autumn colour. Lime-free, fertile soil in sun. 2.0×1.0m.£69.952.00
Amelanchier canadensis ‘October Flame’Service tree12LtA very attractive form with abundant clusters of star-like, fragrant, white flowers as the leaves emerge in spring. Ovate leaves bronze tinted before turning green and finishing with a fiery orange-red display in autumn. Small, edible fruit which are attractive to birds. Prefers a moisture retentive soil in sun or part shade. To 3m. New intro. 2021£55.002.00
Amelanchier ‘La Paloma’Snowy Mespilus12LtSmall, rather slow growing deciduous tree with the new leaves emerging in spring with a light copper flush. Oval, softly hairy, mid-green leaves, felted on the undersides. Short clusters of starry white flowers in spring. Good autumn colour. Retentive, well drained soil, avoiding shallow chalk. 6.0×4.5mtrs.£69.952.00
Amelanchier laevis ‘Snowflakes’Service Berry12LtSlender, large, deciduous shrub or small tree looking spectacular in early May when the profuse, nodding clusters of white flowers emerge with the new, pink flushed leaves. Good autumn colour. Retentive yet well drained soil in sun or part shade. 3.0×2.0m.£69.501.00
Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Ballerina’ (AGM)Snowy Mespilus12LtA vigorous small deciduous tree with finely toothed leaves, flushed bronze on the new growth. Clusters of star-like, white flowers profusely borne in spring with the new leaves. Red & purple autumn colour. Sun or part shade in well drained, but not too dry, soil. 6.0×7.0mtrs.£69.955.00
Amelanchier x grandiflora ‘Robin Hill’Snowy Mespilus12LtA small deciduous tree of dense, upright habit with massed clusters of star-like, pale pink flowers, from pink buds, fading to white; spring on the bare wood. Oval leaves emerge bronze, becoming green & finally orange-red in autumn. Deep, fertile, not too chalky soil in sun or part shade.chalk. 8.0×4.5mtrs.£69.502.00
Betula albosinensis ‘Bowling Green’ W410612LtSmall tree, originating back to the original Wilson Collection of 1910 from Sichuan. Rich chestnut bark peels to reveal a soft honey coloured under-layer. Glossy leaves with rusty brown buds, shoots & catkins, which are very prolific. Easy in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. to 15mtrs eventually.£65.001.00
Betula albosinensis ‘China Rose’ (AGM)Chinese Red Birch12LtFast growing medium sized tree. The bark is a rich coppery-orange-red, with only a little white bloom when young & very few lenticels. Selected by Kenneth Ashburner in Gansu, China. Larger leaves turn gold in autumn. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 6.0×4.0mtrs£65.001.00
Betula albosinensis ‘China Rose’ (AGM)Chinese Red Birch 5Lt£35.001.00
Betula albosinensis ‘Pink Champagne’Chinese Red Birch 4LtFrom Ness Gardens seedlings, this selection is from seed collected by the Chinese Forestry Service in the Gansu province of China. The bark becomes a superb orangey-pink, heavily covered in a white bloom over the surface. Medium sized deciduous tree for sun or part shade. 7.0×5.0mtrs.£32.502.00
Betula albosinensis ‘Red Panda’ (C Lane)Chinese Red Birch 4LtA superb, strong growing variety with early peeling, red bark exposing grey and purple shades beneath. Derived from a spectacular specimen growing at RHS Wisley from seed collected in Hubei, China. Very hardy, large tree for any reasonable soil.£35.003.00
Betula ashburneriBirch 4LtSmall diploid tree or multi-stemmed large shrub from mountainous regions of China & Mongolia.. Ovate, glossy green leaves and shiny green-brown bark that darkens grey, and peels when more mature. Catkins unusually held in a vertical or horizontal position. 3m+£37.502.00
Betula dahurica ‘Maurice Foster’Dahurian Birch 4LtFrom Hokkaido, Japan. Medium sized, deciduous tree with a stunning, shredded, tightly peeling bark in small flakes. The outer bark is a pale creamy pink with darker reds and browns underneath. Leaves have a good autumn colour. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 6.0×4.5mtrs.£32.002.00
Betula ‘Edinburgh’White stemmed Birch12LtMedium-sized, upright deciduous, rather open tree with oval, glossy green leaves, turning butter yellow in autumn. Develops a beautiful, peeling white bark. Reasonably drained, fertile soil in sun or light shade. 8.0×5.0mtrs..£77.502.00
Betula ermanii ‘Grayswood Hill’ (AGM)Erman’s Birch 4LtVigorous, conical deciduous tree with striking pure-white bark. Oval, tapered green leaves turning yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown male catkins appear with emerging leaves in spring. Fertile, moist yet drained soil in sun or part shade. Most plants grown as costata are this. 20.0×12.0mtrs.£32.503.00
Betula ermanii ‘Hakkoda Orange’Erman’s Birch 4LtA lovely form with flaking & peeling orange bark. A graceful, vigorous, upright deciduous tree with bright green, heart shaped leaves. Raised from seed collected on Mt Hakkoda, N Honshu, Japan in 1981. Reasonably drained soil in sun or light shade. 20.0×12.0mtrs.£29.952.00
Betula ermanii ‘White Chocolate’ (WVO2F2)Birch12LtA smaller growing form of slender, pyramidal habit. Beautiful, white-chocolate peeling bark from an early age. Ovate, leathery glossy green leaves with golden tints in autumn. Clusters of bronze catkins in late spring. Excellent feature plant to 6m+. New to Beeches 2023.£84.951.00
Betula medwediewiiTranscausican Birch 3LtErect large shrub or small shrubby deciduous tree, spreading with age. Large terminal winter glossy buds & corrugated leaves, turning yellow & brown in autumn. Yellow-brown male catkins. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 5.0×5.0mtrs.£27.504.00
Betula nigra ‘Shiloh Splash’River birch12LtA very unusual River Birch being variegated & making a very large shrub or small tree rather than being the 20m+ norm. Papery, tan, and peach bark and green leaves that appear to have had their margins dunked in creamy-white paint. Adaptable but prefers moist, even wet conditions in a fertile soil. Introduced by Shiloh Nursery.£74.952.00
Betula papyrifera ‘Saint George’Paper bark Birch 4LtA large, slender, vigorous yet graceful tree the peeling orange-brown bark reveals a white underlayer. Diamond-shaped leaves turn yellow in autumn. very hardy tree for any reasonable soil. Unusual in the UK.£32.501.00
Betula pendula (AGM)Silver Birch12Ltsyn.verrucosa. Graceful, medium-sized, open, airy, tall tree with slender crown and pendulous branch tips. Silver-white peeling bark with rugged cracks at the base. Light, diamond-shaped leaves turning golden-yellow in autumn. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 25.0×10.0mtrs.£54.951.00
Betula pendula (AGM) – multistemSilver Birch12Lt£62.501.00
Betula pendula ‘Fastigiata Joes’Columnar Birch12LtA striking, sleek, narrowly columnar Silver Birch the twisting branches clothed in small green leaves turning yellow-orange in autumn. Ideal for the smaller garden or formal avenue planting. To be launches Chelsea 2017. Reasonably drained soil. Ht: 3-5m in 10 yrs.£77.502.00
Betula pendula ‘Laciniata’ (AGM)Swedish Birch12Ltsyn.’Dalecarlica’ Tall, slender, graceful, medium-sized deciduous tree with pretty finely-cut leaves and drooping branch tips & slender crown. Silver-white peeling bark. Leaves turn golden-yellow in autumn. Best grown in sun or part shade; will stand drier conditions than other varieties. 12.0×5.0mtrs.£54.951.00
Betula ‘Red Lady’Birch12LtA rare form selected & introduced by John Grimshaw. A neat, upright tree displaying an excellent example of the attractive red/brown peeling bark of the species. Clusters of bronze catkins as the glossy green leaves emerge in spring. Golden yellow in the autumn tints. Any reasonably fertile moist yet drained soil. Best to avoid shallow chalk. 8m+£84.952.00
Betula utilis albosinensis ‘Jim Russell’Himalayan birch 4LtCollected by Jim Russell. Remarkable layers of semi-transparent, peeling bark revealing copper-brown & purple, shining under layer. Ovate, coarse, rich green leaves. Bark used for medicinal purposes in native Himalayas. Fast growing tree to 10m+£35.007.00
Betula utilis ‘Bhutan Sienna’Himalayan Birch 4LtCollected by Sinclair & Long in Bhutan, this, slender, upright form has a superb, smooth, light reddish-brown bark which peels in large sheets. Has a light, open, airy crown with glossy, well veined leaves. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 10.0×4.0mtrs.£32.503.00
Betula utilis ‘Chris Sanders’ 5LtAn excellent new selection grown from wild collected Chinese seed. Rich red-brown, peeling bark overlaid with a fine grey-white ‘wash’. Yellow brown catkins in spring. Any reasonably drained soil. 10m+£31.502.00
Betula utilis ‘Dark Ness’Himalayan Birch 4LtA particularly richly coloured form of the Himalayan birch with lustrous mahogany-red peeling bark showing prominent white lenticel flecking, rather like Prunus serrula. Originally collected in Bhutan in 1984. Superb when wet as it really glows. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 5.0×4.0mtrs.£29.952.00
Betula utilis ‘Forest Blush’ F19505 (AGM)Himalayan Birch 5LtElegant and unusual, large upright deciduous tree with blush-pink peeling bark exposing patches of copper and white. Tapered, dark-green leaves turn yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown male catkins in spring. Retentive, well-drained soil in sun or dappled shade. 18.0×10.0mtrs.£35.002.00
Betula utilis jacquemontiiHimalayan Birch12LtVery attractive, medium-sized, upright, deciduous tree with superb, brilliant-white peeling bark. The leaves are dark-green, turning yellow in autumn. Ascending branches with spreading crown. Any reasonable soil in sun or light shade. Ht: to 20m£64.958.00
Betula utilis jacquemontii (Multi stem)Himalayan Birch10Lt£66.251.00
Betula utilis jacquemontii ‘Grayswood Ghost’ (AGM)Himalyan Birch12LtA beautiful medium-sized, upright deciduous tree with pure, unmarked brilliant white bark. Much larger than normal, intensely glossy, dark green leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Fairly upright, vase-shape with age. Any reasonable soil in sun or light shade. 18.0×9.0mtrs.£64.951.00
Betula utilis jacquemontii ‘Grayswood Ghost’ (AGM)Himalyan Birch 4Lt£32.501.00
Betula utilis jacquemontii ‘Trinity College’Himalayan Birch 4LtMedium sized, slender, upright deciduous tree, smaller than the species. Superb gleaming white bark, even of young plants. Heart shaped, toothed, glossy green, wavy edged leaves, butter yellow in autumn. Yellow-brown male catkins in spring. Fertile well drained soil in sun or light shade. 18.0×10.0mtrs.£32.501.00
Betula utilis jacquemontii ‘Trinity College’Himalayan Birch 5Lt£35.005.00
Betula utilis ‘Knightshayes’Himalayan Birch 4LtDiffers from other forms of the white stemmed birch in that the tips of branches are slightly weeping. Larger, diamond shaped leaves turn rich yellow in autumn. Superb white bark with strong lenticels. Easy in any soil in sun or part shade. 9.0×7.5mtrs.£32.503.00
Betula utilis ‘Moonbeam’Himalayan Birch12LtOne of the smallest forms with a wider spreading crown of strong spreading branches, white to the tips. Has a superb, peeling creamy-white bark. Oval, sharply pointed, intensely glossy leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Ideal for the smaller garden. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. 4.0×4.0mtrs.£79.503.00
Betula utilis ‘Moonbeam’Himalayan Birch 5Lt£35.007.00
Betula utilis ‘Moonbeam’Himalayan Birch 4Lt£32.504.00
Betula utilis ‘Mt Luoji’ H&M 1480Himalayan Birch12LtFrom the Chinese end of it’s range, this small, upright tree has a dark brown-black, polished bark with shredding coppery orange sheets. Small, diamond shaped, glossy leaves. Rare in cultivation. 5.0×3.5mtrs.£65.002.00
Betula utilis ‘Nepalese Orange’ BLM100Himalayan Birch 4LtSelected for it’s striking patchwork bark by Roy Lancaster. Coppery orange bark with irregular silver patches & strong lenticel banding. Small, glossy triangular leaves. Easy in any retentive, well drained soil. 5.0×3.5mtrs.£29.956.00
Betula utilis ‘Ramdana River’Betulaceae 5LtAn unusual small to medium size birch. Glossy, dark brown bark peeling to reveal a beautiful clear white layer. Glossy, ovate leaves. Tidy, symmetrical, upright habit. Selected from seed collected near Ramdana River, Uttar Pradish, India 1991. Est. 10-12m.£35.008.00
Betula utilis utilis ‘China Bronze’Birch 4LtA selected form from wild collected Chinese seed. Medium size tree with flaking bark as the plant matures revealing shiny orange-red under layer. Ovate, green leaves & orange-brown catkins in spring. Tends to week slightly. Any reasonably drained soil. Fast growing..£32.503.00
Betula utilis utilis ‘Parkwood’Himalayan Birch 3LtA very striking birch with amazing intense chocolate-purple bark with coppery orange patches and prominent horizontal bands of white lenticels. Medium size, open canopied tree the glossy green leaves turning gold in autumn. Reasonably drained, fertile soil. Origin: Hergest Croft Garden. Ht: c. 8m.£29.952.00
Carpinus betulus ‘Rockhampton Red’Hornbeam12LtStrong growing, upright, medium to large deciduous tree, selected rather unusually for it’s glowing red autumn colour, gold is usual on a hornbeam. As a specimen it has a neat, fluted grey bark & deeply veined, corrugated leaves. Easily grown in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 8.0×4.5mtrs.£74.952.00
Carpinus carolinianaAmerican hornbeam 5Lt(syn. C.americana) Small to medium size deciduous tree with branches that droop at the tips and fluted, grey bark. Ovate, serrated and prominently veined bright green leaves turn shades of orange, yellow and red in autumn. Green catkins borne in spring are followed by fruiting clusters around 7cm long in autumn. Any reasonable, fertile moist yet drained soil in sun or part shade. 10m+ at maturity£29.952.00
Carpinus fangianaHornbeam 3LtOnly in cultivation in since the late 1990s, this much is sought after. Upright, medium sized deciduous tree with huge, deeply veined, toothed leaves, bronze when young. Spectacular 30cm long catkins;-late summer. Introduced by Mikinori Ogisu to the UK in 1991 & proving easy to grow. Ht: to 18+m.£29.504.00
Carpinus omeiensis KR280Mount Omei Hornbeam 5LtSmall, upright, deciduous tree with elliptic, prominently veined, glossy, toothed, mid-green leaves, reddish-purple when young, In late spring and early summer has catkins of pale green flowers which are followed by brown, hop-like fruit. Easy in any soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 7.0×5.0mtrs£23.953.00
Carpinus shensiensisHornbeam12LtRecently introduced, small deciduous hornbeam. Small, deeply veined leaves are flushed burgundy red on the new growth. 10cm, hanging hop-like clusters on late summer. Easy in any well drained soil in sun or part shade. 4.5mx3.0mtrs£42.501.00
Carpinus tschonoskii BBJMT297Hornbeam 5LtMedium sized deciduous tree from the mountainous area of Northern Japan.Elliptical, shallowly ribbed leaves on slender drooping stalks. Profuse small catkins in spring followed by dangling hop-like clusters of winged seed. Easy in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 6.0×4.5mtrs.£29.953.00
Castanea sativa (AGM)Sweet Chestnut12LtLong lived, fast growing, broadly columnar deciduous tree with the crown becoming more domed with age. Spirally furrowed bark. Oblong, toothed, glossy green leaves. Attractive pale yellow catkins;- July followed by edible nuts after hot summers. Prefers well drained, preferably light soil but dislikes chalk. 30.0×15.0mtrs.£56.951.00
Catalpa fargesii duclouxiiBean Tree 4LtThe rarely seen Chinese counterpart of the Indian Bean Tree. Slow growing tree with chestnut-like, red speckled, lilac pink flowers; summer. Leaves, slightly smaller than the latter, are purple when young. Any reasonable soil in sun or light shade. To: 10×8.5m.£27.953.00
Cercidiphyllum japonicum ‘Morioka Weeping’ 5LtExcellent weeping deciduous tree with a strong leader. Horizontal branches with stiffly weeping branchlets. Small leaves emerge, reddish-purple, turning blue-green through summer rich apricot orange in autumn. said to smell of burnt sugar. Likes a fertile soil in sun or part shade. 5.0×4.0mtrs.£29.953.00
Cercis canadensis ‘Alley Cat’Redneck Lupine12LtLarge, glossy, heart shaped leaves initially green with hints of pink turning striking green with bold white patterns.Clusters of rich pink, pea like flowers emerge on the angular stems before the leaves: early spring. Dome shaped small tree for a humus rich, fertile, retentive yet drained soil in a sheltered site in sun or part shade. Chance find growing in an alley in Kentucky. 4m.£87.502.00
Cercis canadensis ‘Golden Falls’Redbud12LtA graceful, steeply weeping, columnar form of this increasingly popular plant. Large, heart-shaped, glowing golden-yellow green eaves – quite stunning when seen against the light. Pink-purple, pea-like flowers emerge on the bare stems in early spring. Leader may need training.Can be pruned to maintain a tight shape. Fertile soil in sun. 2x1m£97.502.00
Cercis canadensis ‘Hearts of Gold’12LtDelicate small spreading deciduous tree with rounded leaves emerging red before turning a rich golden yellow all summer. Small clusters of lavender-pink flowers just before the new leaves in April. Needs a shelteerd spot out of cold winds in sun. 4.5×4.0mtrs.£97.502.00
Cercis canadensis ‘Lavender Twist’Judas Tree12LtSmall, very slow growing, architectural tree or large shrub with graceful, weeping, spiralling branches. Profusion of pea-like, lavender-blue flowers hug the bare stems in late winter / early spring. Rounded, glossy leaves turn yellow in autumn. Best in a reasonably drained soil in sun. To: 2.0m+.£97.501.00
Cercis canadensis ‘Ruby Falls’Redbud12LtA graceful, weeping form of this increasingly popular plant. Large, heart-shaped, deep purple-red leaves – quite stunning when seen against the light. Red purple, pea-like flowers emerge on the bare stems in early spring. Leader may need training. Fertile soil in sun.£97.501.00
Cercis canadensis ‘The Rising Sun’American redbud12LtSmall, open tree the beautiful, heart-shaped, semi glossy leaves emerge deep orange maturing through orange, then yellow and finally bright green. Clusters of pea like, pink purple flowers emerge on the bare stems just prior to leaf break For a fertile, retentive yet drained soil in a reasonably sheltered site. 2.5×1.5m.£97.502.00
Cercis canadensis ‘Vanilla Twist’Canadian Redbud12LtCovey’ x ‘Royal White’. Strongly weeping deciduous shrub or small tree with clusters of pea-like white flowers, held on the bare stems during April & May. They are followed by the large, rounded, glaucous, blue-grey leaves, offering yellow autumn colour. Rich soil, out of cold winds in sun or part shade. 5.0×3.5mtrs. (4-5)£97.501.00
Cladrastis kentuckeaYellow Wood12Lt(syn.C.lutea) Spreading, medium-size tree with pendent panicles of pea-like, white marked yellow flowers; May-June (flowers best in hot summers). Pinnate leaves to 30cms. long turn clear yellow in autumn. Fertile, well drained soil in sun sheltered from high winds.£69.501.00
Cornus macrophyllaDogwood10LtAs the name suggests this Dogwood has very impressive, large, glossy, broadly ovate green leaves forming a crown above which stands a corymb of cream-white flowers in summer followed by edible blue-black fruit. Small tree with a wide, flat topped canopy with age. 3m+. Hardy, Central Asia. £45.003.00
Corylus colurna (AGM)Turkish Hazel12LtMedium to large, symmetrical, conical deciduous tree. Broadly oval, dark green leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Pendant yellow catkins late winter; edible nuts held in deeply fringed husks;- autumn. Striking, corky, spongy, corrugated bark. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 20.0×7.0mtrs.£59.951.00
Cotoneaster ‘Exburiensis’ (Standard)12LtVigorous, spreading, semi-evergreen large shrub or small tree with heads of white flowers, tinged pink in late spring, followed by clusters of apricot-yellow fruit in autumn. Lance-shaped, glossy, mid-green, leathery leaves. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. 5.0×4.5mtrs.£59.952.00
Cotoneaster ‘Hybridus Pendulus’Weeping Cotoneaster12LtAttractive semi-evergreen, small tree with the stiffly weeping branches studded with clusters of white flowers in spring, followed by profuse shiny red fruit in autumn. Thin out overcrowded stems in spring. Any reasonably drained sopil in sun or part shade. Ideal for the smaller garden. 2.0 x 1.5m.£59.952.00
Cotoneaster ‘Rothschildianus’ (Standard)19th Feb 200812LtA small, semi-evergreen, quick growing tree with gently arching branches. Clustered heads of cup-shaped white flowers in late spring followed by clusters of creamy-yellow fruit in autumn. Shiny, long, bright green leaves. Adapatable to almost any soil in sun or shade. 5.0×5.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Crataegus laevigata ‘Crimson Cloud’May or Midland Hawthorn12LtSmall, round headed deciduous tree or large, bushy shrub. An abundance of single, blood red cup-shaped flowers with a striking white eye;- April to May. Thorny stems with glossy, 5-lobed dark green leaves, yellow in autumn. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 7.0×7.0mtrs.£54.952.00
Crataegus laevigata ‘Paul’s Scarlet’ (AGM)May or Midland Hawthorn12Ltsyn.’Coccinea Plena’. Hardy & adaptable small, round-headed deciduous tree or large bushy shrub. Clusters of rosette-like, double scarlet flowers in late May to early June. 5-lobed, glossy green leaves, yellow in autumn. Thrives in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 5.0×4.0mtrs.£54.951.00
Crataegus laevigata ‘Rosea Flore Pleno’ (AGM)May or English Hawthorn12LtSmall to medium, round headed deciduous tree or large bushy shrub. 5-lobed, glossy, mid green leaves with good autumn colour. Dense clusters of small, pompom like double mid-pink lowers in April & May followed by small, rather sparse, oval red fruit. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 6.0×5.5mtrs.£54.953.00
Crataegus monogyna ‘Variegata’Variegated Hawthorn or May 5LtAn interesting form of our native ‘May’ with the leaves splashed & mottled white, pink on the new growth. Heads of heavily-scented white flowers smother the plant in May followed by the familiar red berries which are attractive to birds. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 10.0×8.0mtrs.£34.951.00
Crataegus persimilis ‘Prunifolia’ (AGM)Hawthorn12Ltsyn.x prunifolia. An excellent, small, compact, broad-headed deciduous tree with polished, oval leaves with excellent autumn colour. Clusters of white flowers in June followed by bunches of large, persistent, showy orange-red fruit. Very hardy in any reasonably drained soil in sun or shade. 8.0×9.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Crataegus pinnatifida major ‘Big Golden Star’Cut Leaved Hawthorn12LtSmall, round headed deciduous tree, almost thornless. Small, conspicuously lobed mid-green leaves taking on spectacular autumn colour. Domed heads of white flowers in late spring followed by very large red fruit, the size of crabapples. Fertile soil in sun or part shade. 5.0×6.0mtrs.£54.952.00
Davidia involucrata (AGM)Pocket Handkerchief or Ghost Tree10LtBeautiful & unusual medium-sized, deciduous tree draped with pairs of large, white, handkerchief-like white bracts resembling handkerchiefs – early summer but only on mature trees. Conical habit, more domed with age. Lime-like, glossy, pale green leaves. Winter hardy thriving in any good, fertile soil. 15.0×10.0mtrs.£54.952.00
Eucalyptus cinerea ‘Silver Dollar’Gum tree 5LtA smaller form with large, evergreen, highly aromatic, rounded, silver-blue leaves which clasp the white, waxy stems. Mature stems have deeply furrowed, reddish-grey bark.Can be pruned in early spring to maintain shape / size. Excellent foliage for flower arranging. Fertile, moist yet well drained soil in sun. Hardy to -10c. Ht: c 8m Australia / New Zealand.£27.954.00
Eucalyptus dalrympleana (AGM)Broad-leaved Mountain Gum 5LtVigorous, broadly columnar tree with handsome, smooth, patchwork bark turning creamy-white. Young leaves ovate, blue-green maturing to narrowly lance-shaped bright green. Any reasonable soil sheltered from cold, drying winds. To: 20x8m.£22.505.00
Eucalyptus gunnii divaricataMiena Cider Gum10LtAmong the hardiest of Genus the young leaves of this fast growing medium size, evergreen tree are rounded & very glaucous becoming waxy blue with age. Produces a sweet sap, similar to Maple syrup. Endangered in the wild – forests of central Tasmania. Very free draining soil. To 15m.£49.951.00
Eucalyptus gunnii ‘Silverana’Cedar Gum 5LtA recently introduced slower growing form making a very aromatic, evergreen, medium size, upright tree (or shrub if hard pruned). Young foliage rounded & intense silvery-blue becoming grey green, sickle shaped later. Peeling bark revealing shades of cream, pink and fawn.One of the hardiest varieties for any reasonable soil protected from cold winds in sun. 12m+£27.953.00
Eucalyptus urnigeraUrn Gum 5LtLarge shrub or small tree, with grey, peeling bark. Narrow, dark green leaves are more or less evergreen. Loose umbels of creamy white flowers, followed by urn shaped fruits. Vigorous & best planted out of winds. Tasmanian species. (7-9) 4.5×3.0£22.504.00
Eucalyptus x gunnii ‘France Bleu’ 5LtA slow growing,dwarf Eucalyptus the result of many years breeding & selection.Excellent new introduction making a well branched, bushy, aromatic, evergreen shrub the young leaves rounded intense silver-blue maturing to sickle shaped, sage green. Prune hard to keep new growth. Ideal containers / borders for a well drained soil in sun. 2.0×1.5m.£27.507.00
Eucommia ulmoides10LtA vigorous, deciduous tree to 15m or more tall forming a broad, rounded crown. Leathery, glossy leaves up to 15cm long are oval to elliptic with serrated margins and exude rubber if gently torn in half. Inconspicuous greenish-brown flowers in spring my be followed on female plants by flattened, elliptic, winged fruits to 3.5cm long. Moist yet drained soil in sun.£45.003.00
Euptelea polyandra10LtHandsome, small to medium, round headed tree with dark green, deeply veined, heart-shaped leaves with toothed & jagged margins. The bare stems have small clusters of petalless red flowers during mid-spring. Rich red autumn colour. From central & Sth. Japan & very hardy. 7.0×4.5mtrs.£45.001.00
Fagus sylvatica Atropurpurea GroupPurple Common Beech, Copper Beech12LtLarge, broadly domed deciduous tree with dark purple leaves, lighter & silky haired in spring, turning rich copper in autumn & usually persisting well into winter. Being shallow rooting, needs a well drained soil in a sunny spot which brings out the best colouration. 18.0×12.0mtrs. Can be variable in colour.£54.952.00
Ginkgo biloba (AGM)Maidenhair Tree 7.5ltSole survivor of trees growing 160 million years ago, now extinct in the world. Initially columnar tree, spreading with age. Deeply furrowed, dull grey bark. Fan shaped, pale green leaves turning butter yellow in autumn. Hanging cylindrical catkins in autumn. Any reasonable soil in sun. 30.0×8.0mtrs.£58.001.00
Ginkgo biloba ‘Autumn Gold’Maidenhair tree 7.5ltPyramidal, deciduous conifer, becoming broader with age. Unusual, fan shaped, plae green leaves taking on wonderful, rich golden-yellow autumn tints. This male form does not produce cones but has long, hanging catkins. Fertile, well drained soil in sun. 20.0×8.0mtrs.£58.001.00
Ginkgo biloba ‘Blagon’Maidenhair tree12LtUnusual male form of the ancient Genus (species180 million years old). Deciduous conifer of narrow, almost columnar habit well clothed in fan shaped, leathery, emerald green leaves turning a beautiful golden yellow in autumn. Tolerant of adverse conditions but prefers a fertile, reasonably drained soil. Slow to 10 x 2m.£72.001.00
Gleditsia triacanthos ‘Sunburst’ (AGM)Honey Locust12LtMedium-sized, spreading deciduous tree much like Robinia but with thornless stems. The new, finely pinnate leaves are initially vivid golden-yellow which contrast with the fresh green older leaves. Insignificant flowers but rarely fruits. Fertile,well drained soil in sun. \n12.0x10.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Jacaranda mimosifoliaGreen ebony tree 3LtA fast growing, round headed tree the ferny mimosa-like leaves to 45cm long comprised of many small. bright green leaflets. Trusses of long lasting blue-pur[ple, trumpet-like flowers ; spring & early summer. Native to central South America it requires a free draining soil in sun and winter protection. to 12m£19.503.00
Koelreuteria paniculata ‘Coral Sun’Pride of India 5LtSmall, very slow growing, deciduous tree with whorls of delicately cut, finely pinnate leaves emerging in spring a bright coral-pink then turning more yellow with a pink tinge in summer. Large panicles of small yellow flowers followed by bladder like fruit. 5m.£24.953.00
Liquidambar styraciflua ‘Worplesdon’ (AGM)Sweet Gum12Lt(AGM) Large, broadly conical deciduous tree. Long, narrow, maple-like, glossy green leaves with long lobes, turning to a magnificent purple then orange in autumn. Bark takes on a corky appearance with age. The only form which fruits in the UK. Fertile, moist soil, colouring best if acid in sun. To:18x10mtrs.£59.951.00
Malus brevipes ‘Wedding Bouquet’Flowering Crab Apple12LtSmall to medium size tree bearing a profusion of good size, snow white flowers from pink buds; May. Clusters of persistent red fruit from early autumn often to beyond Christmas. Long, tapering, glossy green leaves with attractive autumn tints. Well drained soil in sun or part shade.£74.501.00
Malus ‘Butterball’Ornamental Crab Apple12LtSmall to medium, spreading deciduous tree with broadly oval, heart-shaped bright green leaves, grey when young on slightly weeping shoots. Single white flowers with a pink flush in late spring followed by showy orange-yellow fruit, initially with a red flush. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. 8.0×8.0mtrs.£69.952.00
Malus ‘Comtesse de Paris’Crab Apple12LtSmall to medium size tree the single, white flowers in spring developing into an abundance of yellow fruit in autumn – these persist and continue to look good well into late autumn / winter. An unusual variety from France for any reasonable soil and aspect.£74.503.00
Malus ‘Evereste’Flowering Crab12LtA small, deciduous, conical tree. Oval, dark-green leaves, sometimes lobed. Large white flowers, from red buds in profusion;- late spring followed by an abundance of medium-sized orange-yellow fruit, often with red striping. Any reasonable soil but prefers a sunny position. 7.0×6.0mtrs.£69.951.00
Malus ‘Halloween’Crab apple12LtAbundant clusters of medium size, pumpkin like, ribbed orange-yellow fruit in autumn making good jelly. Fragrant, semi double, white flushed pale pink flowers; April-May. Small tree giving a long period of interest and ideal for the small garden. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. Introduced Ermen, Kent 2022£74.501.00
Malus ‘Harry Baker’Ornamental Crab12LtSmall, slow growing, round headed deciduous tree with narrowly oval, semi-glossy, dark green leaves, A profusion of cup-shaped dark-pink flowers from crimson buds in April, followed by persistent, ruby-red fruits, ideal for crab apple jelly. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 4.0×4.0mtrs.£64.501.00
Malus hupehensis (AGM)Hupeh Crab12LtMedium to large, vigorous spreading deciduous tree with stiff, ascending branches. Oval, dark-green leaves. Fragrant white flowers from pink buds are held in profusion; late spring. An abundance of small, rich red fruit in autumn. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 12.0×12.0mtrs.£69.501.00
Malus ‘Indian Magic’Crab Apple12LtLarger, more open and spreading form the showy, red winter buds opening to very large, bright pink flowers in spring. Massed with bunches of marble sized red maturing to vibrant orange fruit which persist well into winter. Excellent scab & canker resistance. Fertile soil in sun or part shade.£69.504.00
Malus ‘Jelly King’Crab Apple12LtA very useful, compact variety massed with fragrant, pure white flowers in spring followed by prolific, long lasting orange fruit with pink-cream overtones. As the name implies excellent for jelly. A neat, round headed tree for fertile soil in sun. To: 4.0m in 10 years.£69.502.00
Malus ‘John Downie’ (AGM)Flowering Crab12LtSmall to medium, upright deciduous tree, broadly conical when mature. Large, oval bright green leaves. A profusion of white flowers from pale-pink buds; late spring. Good sized, oval, orange red fruit are excellent for Crab Apple jelly. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 10.0×6.0mtrs.£59.951.00
Malus ‘Laura’Crab Apple12LtSmall, slow growing, upright deciduous tree with the new leaves flushed rich bronze with a slight colouration remaining all summer. Large pink-rose & white bicoloured flowers with the new growth in mid spring. Purple red fruit, ideal for crab apple jelly. Fertile soil in sun or part shade. 4.0×3.0mtrs.£74.502.00
Malus ‘Nuvar Marble’Crab Apple12LtSelected specifically for its excellent Crabapples, this has very large golden fruit, heavily striped red, making excellent crab apple jelly. In spring has a profusion of single white flowers. Golden-yellow autumn colour. A small tree for a retentive,w ell drained soil in sun or part shade. 4.0×3.0mtrs.£74.501.00
Malus prattiiOrnamental Crab 4LtBroadly conical tree. Clusters of fragrant, single, white flowers in spring followed by groups of greenish russet flushed red fruit. Ovate, coarse, corrugated leaves with good disease resistance & good autumn colour. Any reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. Mixed forests on slopes at elevations of 1400 – 3500 metres in W Sichuan and NW Yunnan. 8x6m.£24.952.00
Malus prattiiOrnamental Crab10Lt£35.953.00
Malus ‘Rosehip’Crab Apple12LtIdeal small tree, selected for it’s disease resistance & large, substantial red crabapples, ideal for making jelly. The large fruits are held in a swollen calyx, hence the name. Profuse single white flowers in spring. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 5.0×4.0mtrs.£74.501.00
Malus ‘Royalty’Flowering Crab12LtOval, spreading, medium sized deciduous tree with oval, dark purple-red leaves, retainingbtheir colour well through summer. Clusters of single, rich crimson-purple flowers; mid to late spring. Small dark red, almost black fruit in autumn. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 8.0×8.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Malus ‘Rudolph’Flowering Crab Apple12LtSmall deciduous tree of upright habit. Oval, glossy, dark-green leaves, reddish purple when young. Large, deep rose-red flowers from deep red buds;- late spring. Orange-red oblong fruit persists well into the winter. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 7.0×4.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Malus ‘Scarlet Brandywine’Crab apple12LtMost unusual and attractive variety bearing abundant clusters of semi double, rosette like, deep rose pink, fragrant flowers; April-May. These are followed by clusters of small orange red autumn fruit. Green leaves tinted purple. Any reasonably drained, fetile soil in sun or part shade. 4-5mts.£74.251.00
Malus toringo ‘Aros’Rosaceae12LtLovely small tree of compact, slender, upright habit. Clusters of single, fragrant, pink-purple flushed white flowers in spring followed by 1-2cm dark red fruit in autumn. Luxurious, glossy, dark purple leaves throughout the season. Ideal for patio / large container planting in a fertile, retentive soil in sun or part shade. 3x1m. Introduced 2017£77.501.00
Malus transitoria (AGM)Flowering Crab 5LtElegant, spreading, medium sized deciduous tree. Small, maple like, three lobed bright green leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Profuse clusters of small white flowers from pink buds; late Spring, followed by small, pea-like, yellow fruit on red stalks. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 8.0×10.0mtrs.£35.002.00
Malus ‘White Star’Crab Apple12LtSmall, vigorous, strong growing, round headed deciduous tree. Oval, dark-green leaves turning russet & yellow in autumn. A profusion of white star-shaped flowers from blush-pink buds in late spring. Large, persistent golden crab apples, often until christmas. Fertile soil in sun. 5.0×5.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Malus x atrosanguinea ‘Gorgeous’Flowering Crab Apple12LtA small, decorative, round headed deciduous tree of dense habit. Masses of scented, single white flowers in spring from pink buds. Large, rounded, red-orange glossy fruit in autumn, persisting well after the leaves have fallen. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 6.0×4.5mtrs.£69.951.00
Malus x moerlandsii ‘Profusion’Flowering Crab12LtMedium size, broad headed, deciduous tree. The leaves emerge a rich purple-red, more bronze-green throughout summer. Single, dark purple-pink flowers in profusion during late spring, followed cherry-like, ox-blood red fruit. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 10.0×10.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Malus x purpurea ‘Neville Copeman’Flowering Crab12LtMedium sized, spreading deciduous tree. Large, oval, dark green leaves emerging purple-red in spring. Clusters of dark purple-pink flowers in late spring followed by large, orange-red to crimson fruit. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 9.0×9.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Malus x robusta ‘Red Sentinel’ (AGM)Flowering Crab12LtSmall, broadly upright, deciduous tree with oval, dark green leaves. A profusion of large white flowers in late spring followed by very long lasting, large, glossy rich red fruit. One of the best fruiters. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. Excellent disease resistance. 7.0×7.0mtrs.£59.951.00
Malus x zumi ‘Golden Hornet’ (AGM)Flowering Crab12LtSmall to medium, round headed deciduous tree with oval, sharply toothed, large, bright green leaves. Clusters of pure-white flowers from pink buds;- late spring, followed by persistent & profuse, golden yellow fruit. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 8.0×8.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Nyssa sylvatica (AGM)Tupelo, Black Gum, Sour Gum12LtSlow growing, broadly conical to columnar deciduous, medium sized tree with drooping lower branches. Glossy, dark-green leaves are downy beneath with magnificent autumn colour of rich scarlet, orange & yellow. Inconspicuous flowers. Fertile, well drained, neutral to acid soil in sun or part shade. To:20x10m.£59.952.00
Ostrya carpinifoliaHop Hornbeam10LtLarge, broadly conical deciduous tree with lustrous, oval, dark green leaves on hairy shoots. Rich yellow autumn colour. Hanging yellow male catkins in autumn followed by hop like, white fruit clusters in spring, turning brown & persisting into autumn. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 20.0×20.0mtrs.£44.452.00
Parrotia persica ‘ Persian Spire’Persian ironwood 3LtAn unusual, pyramidal form. Small red flowers borne on the bare branches late winter to early spring. Ovate, green leaves emerge on purple tinted stems. Leaves develop a purple border during summer before culminating in a spectacular display of flaming reds 7 oranges in autumn. For a reasonably drained, neutral to acid, fertile soil. Ht: 4m+£16.503.00
Parrotia persica (AGM)Persian Ironwood 3LtSmall, spreading, short trunked deciduous tree with dense branches in the crown. Peeling grey & fawn bark on mature plants. Oval, rich green, glossy leaves turning vivid orange & red in autumn. Tiny, spider like, spherical red clusters of flowers in late winter. Colours best on acid soil but ok in chalk. Sun. To:8x10mtrs.£19.504.00
Parrotia persica ‘Vanessa’ (AGM)Persian Ironwood12LtExcellent multi-stemmed large shrub or small tree of narrow, upright habit but with short, slightly arching branches. With age the bark peels & shows silver & white patches. At it’s best in autumn when the leaves turn rich plum, red & orange fiery colours. Very hardy & lime tolerant but best in a sheltered spot. 5.0×4.0mtrs.£77.501.00
Paulownia tomentosa (AGM)Empress Tree, Princess Tree.12LtMedium sized, deciduous, spreading deciduous tree of broadly columnar habit. Large, hairy light green leaves. Conical heads of fragrant, foxglove-like, pinkish lilac flowers with a yellow throat in late spring. can be coppiced. Avoid frost pockets in a fertile, moist yet drained soil in sun. 9.0×7.0mtrs.£64.952.00
Photinia villosa coreana 5LtA deciduous species from Korea forming a small, broad headed tree the ovate, toothed, green leaves turning a brilliant orange, red & yellow in autumn. Heads of fragrant, hawthorn-like, white flowers in spring followed by bright ref fruit. Fertile, retentive yet drained soil. 5m£24.952.00
Picrasma quassioidesBitterwood / Quassi Wood 7.5ltSmall, slow growing, deciduous tree related to Ailanthus. The pinnate leaves are spectacular in autumn when they turn scarlet, orange & gold – among the best of all trees. Tiny yellow flowers in May followed by red fruit. Lime tolerant but best in neutral to acid soil in light shade. To: 5x3m.£34.951.00
Platanus x hispanica (AGM)12LtLarge, strong growing deciduous tree with a smooth, marbled grey bark, Large leaves with gold autumn colour. Bauble-like fruits which persist through winter and into spring. Excellent in pollution reduction. Easy in any soil in sun or shade. Ht to 20mtrs.£47.951.00
Populus deltoides ‘Purple Tower’Cottonwood or Necklace Poplar12LtMedium to large, strong growing, conical deciduous tree with black, angular stems. Rather large, heart shaped soft red leaves on burgundy stems, turning rich scarlet in autumn. Probably best as a parkland tree. Long male catkins in spring. Good even in wet soil in sun or part shade. 15.0×10.0mtrs.£49.503.00
Populus nigra ‘Hanging Tree’Black Poplar12LtStatuesque fast growing male form the ovate, glossy, rich green, fluttering leaves turning rich gold in autumn form a dense canopy. Clusters of balsam scented, long red catkins in spring. Selected from an ancient champion tree from the welsh Marches. Retentive, fertile soil. 20x 10m.£57.951.00
Prunus ‘Accolade’ (AGM)Flowering Cherry12LtSmall, spreading deciduous tree with oblong, tapered, dark-green leaves, turning yellow in autumn. Very showy clusters of large, semi-double pale-pink flowers, opening from deeper buds;- early spring. Retentive, well drained soil in full sun.£64.502.00
Prunus ‘Amanogawa’ (AGM)Japanese Cherry10LtVery narrow, upright, small deciduous tree. Oval leaves emerge yellow-bronze in spring, green by summer & red & orange in autumn. Densely clustered, semi-double, fragrant, pale-pink flowers on erect stems;- late spring. Retentive, well drained soil in sun.\n8.0x3.0mtrs.£64.501.00
Prunus avium (AGM)Gean or ‘Wild Cherry’12LtSpreading, fast growing deciduous tree, forming a domed-head. Red banded bark. Dark green leaves, bronze when young with good autumn colour. Spectacular in spring when massed with clouds of single white flowers, followed by bright red fruit in autumn. Retentive soil in sun. 20.0×10.0mtrs.£54.952.00
Prunus ‘Beni-yutaka’Ornamental Cherry12LtRound headed, small to medium sized deciduous tree. \nOval, glossy green leaves with excellent autumn colour. Profuse, semi-double, bowl-shaped, sugar pink flowers with a deeper eye, darkening with age;- late March-early April. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 6.0×5.5mtrs.£64.502.00
Prunus campanulata ‘Felix Jury’Formosan Cherry 5LtSmall, slow growing, round headed tree with upswept branches. Hanging clusters of bell shaped rich rosy-red flowers on long stalks in March & April. Golden autumn colour. Needs a warm, sheltered garden in a sunny spot. 4.0×3.0mtrs.£35.002.00
Prunus cerasifera ‘Nigra’ (AGM)Purple-leaved Plum12Ltsyn. pissardii ‘Nigra’. Small, round headed deciduous tree with oval, darkest plum purple leaves, emerging with a red flush, held on black stems. Prolific show of single, rich-pink flowers fading to pale-pink, with the new leaves;- early spring. Plum like, edible red fruit. Retentive, well drained soil in sun. 8.0×7.0mtrs.£62.502.00
Prunus ‘Gyoiko’Ornamental Cherry12Lt(syn.serrulata ‘Tricolor’). Strong growing, medium sized deciduous tree with ascending branches. New leaves emerge with a reddish-brown flush, russet yellow in autumn. Semi-double, creamy-white flowers, streaked green with a pink tinge; early summer. Fertile soil in sun or part shade. 7.0×5.0mtrs.£64.951.00
Prunus ‘Hokusai’ (AGM)Flowering Cherry12LtInitially upright deciduous tree, spreading with age. The leaves emerge bronze, turning green with age. The stems are wreathed in large, semi-double pale-pink flowers, ageing white. It is one of the first to flowers in March & April. An old cultivar for a well drained soil in sun or part shade. 7.0×7.0mtrs.£74.502.00
Prunus ‘Kanzan’ (AGM)Japanese Cherry15ltMedium-sized, vase-shaped deciduous tree, spreading with age. The leaves emerge rich bronze, dark green by summer. Profuse clusters of large, showy, double, purple-pink flowers, from deep pink buds, before the leaves in spring. Orange & red autumn colour. Retentive soil in sun. 10.0×10.0mtrs.£59.954.00
Prunus padusBird Cherry12LtMedium-sized, spreading deciduous tree, conical when young. Long, drooping panicles of small, fragrant, white cup-shapedflowers in late spring followed by pea-like, glossy black fruit. Elliptic, dark green leaves turn red & yellow in autumn. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. 15.0×10.0mtrs.£59.951.00
Prunus ‘Pandora’ (AGM)Flowering Cherry15ltMedium sized, spreading deciduous tree, intially upright when young. Oval, dark green leaves emerge bronze with good red & gold autumn colour. Large, single, cup-shaped pale-pink flowers from dark-pink buds;- early spring just before the leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. 10.0×8.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Prunus ‘Pink Perfection’ (AGM)Japanese Cherry15ltMedium sized, vase-shaped deciduous tree with oblong, dark green leaves, flushed bronze when young. Profuse clusters of large, double, rosy-pink flowers in long hanging clusters;- late April to early May. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 8.0×8.0mtrs.£64.501.00
Prunus ‘Royal Burgundy’Flowering Cherry15ltStrong growing, medium sized, vase shaped deciduous tree with the elliptic leaves emerging a rich purple & holding their colour well throughout summer with some red autumn colour. Large, double, deep-pink flowers in profusion in mid spring before the leaves. Retentive soil in sun. 10.0×10.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Prunus ‘Royal Flame’Flowewring cherry12Lt(syn.’Mieke’) A small to medium size tree of tidy, pyramidal habit broadening with age. Clusters of fragrant, white, single flowers with the emerging coppery leaves in April. The green summer foliage turning to a blaze of long lasting, fiery autumn hues. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. 3-5m in 10 years.£74.502.00
Prunus serrula (AGM)Species Flowering Cherry12Ltsyn.serrula tibetica. Medium sized, round headed deciduous tree with a spectacular, peeling, glossy, red-brown, mahogany like bark. Tapered green leaves, yellow in autumn. Bowl-shaped white flowers with the new leaves in spring. Oval, red cherry-like fruit. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 10.0×10.0m.£59.951.00
Prunus serrula ‘Branklyn’Tibetan Cherry12LtA slender, upright form with beautiful shiny, golden-copper bark. Clusters of fragrant single white flowers in spring. Oval, green leaves turn orange-yellow in autumn. Fertile, reasonably drained soil in sun or part shade. To: 8m.£71.754.00
Prunus serrula x serrulataHybrid Flowering Cherry 4LtThis hybrid between 2 popular species forms a medium sized, round headed deciduous tree with resistance to ‘witches brooms’ on the branches. Sectacular, peeling, glossy, mahogany-red bark with white lenticels. Tapered green leaves, yellow in autumn. Bowl-shaped white flowers with the new leaves in spring. Oval, red cherry-like fruit. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 8 x6m.£35.001.00
Prunus ‘Shirotae’ (AGM)Mount Fuji Cherry12LtSmall, vigorous tree with wide-spreading, horizontal branches arching at the tips. The new leaves emerge a soft green with the large, single, fragrant, single or semi-double pure-white flowers, held in drooping clusters in spring. Yellow autumn colour. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 5.0×6.0mtrs.£59.951.00
Prunus ‘Snow Goose’Japanese Cherry12LtSmall, spreading deciduous tree with a crown of ascending branches. The branches in spring are smothered in good sized, white single flowers. Golden yellow autumn colour. Probably from the same breeding & similar to ‘Umneiko’. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 6.0×7.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Prunus ‘Spire’ (AGM)Flowering Cherry15ltA deciduous, medium sized deciduous tree, conical when young, more vas shaped with age. Soft pink, single flowers freely produced; April to May. Young leaves are bronze, maturing to dark green then turning brilliant orange-red in autumn. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 10.0×6.0mtrs.£64.502.00
Prunus ‘Taihaku’ (AGM)Great White Cherry12LtVigorous, wide spreading deciduous tree with elliptic, dark green leaves flushed coppery-bronze when young with yellow autumn colour. Very large, bowl-shaped snow white flowers in large clusters during mid-spring. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 8.0×10.0mtrs.£59.951.00
Prunus ‘The Bride’ (AGM)Flowering Cherry12LtA highly sought after, slow growing medium shrub, possibly a small tree, always scarce as it is very difficult to propagate. the bare stems are wreathed in very large, single white flowers with contrasting red stamens during February & March. Rich bronze autumn colour. Easy in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (2-4) 4.0×2.5mtrs.£69.953.00
Prunus ‘The Bride’ (AGM)Flowering Cherry 4Lt£24.958.00
Prunus ‘Ukon’ (AGM)Japanese Cherry12Ltsyn. serrulata ‘Grandiflora’. Medium to large, vigorous, spreading deciduous tree with elliptic, tapered, dark-green leaves, flushed bronze when young. Clusters of large, fully double, creamy, yellowish white flowers with fine pink tips, opening from deeper pink buds in spring. 8.0×10.0mtrs.£67.251.00
Prunus x incam ‘Okame’ (AGM)Japanese Cherry12LtSmall to medium, spreading, bushy deciduous tree. Narrowly oval, toothed, dark-green leaves, rich orange & red in autumn. A profusion of single, cup-shaped carmine-pink flowers in early spring before or with the new leaves. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or light shade. 10.0×8.0mtrs.£64.501.00
Prunus x incam ‘Okame’ (AGM)Japanese Cherry 3Lt£14.506.00
Prunus x subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’ (AGM)Autumn or Higan Cherry12LtSmall, spreading deciduous tree of open habit. Clusters of delicate, semi-double, white flowers with a pink tinge during mild spells; November to March. Tapered leaves are flushed bronze on emergence with yellow autumn colour. The best tree for winter interest. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 8.0×8.0m.£59.954.00
Prunus x subhirtella ‘Autumnalis Rosea’ (AGM)Autumn or Higan Cherry12LtA beautiful, small, spreading deciduous tree of open habit. Taered green leaves emerge with a bronze flush, yellow autumn colour. Clusters of delicate, semi-double, pale rose-pink flowers in flushes during mild spells; December to March. Good yellow autumn colour. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 8.0×8.0m.£59.953.00
Pyrus calleryana ‘Chanticleer’ (AGM)Ornamental Pear12LtSmall, narrowly upright, semi-evergreen tree, more pyramidal with age. Shiny, rich-green leaves turn an attractive red-maroon in autumn, holding until very late into winter. Cup-shaped white flowers in spring followed by small, hard brown fruit. Fertile, well drained soil in full sun. 10.0×6.0mtrs.£69.952.00
Pyrus salicifolia ‘Pendula’ (AGM)Weeping Silver Pear12LtA small, weeping deciduous tree forming a mushroom mound of steeply weeping branches. Narrow, bright silver leaves maturing to grey-green by summer. Dense heads of white flowers in spring followed by green, pear like fruit. Ideal for the smaller garden. Fertile, well drained soil in sun. 5.0×4.0mtrs.£69.953.00
Quercus frainettoHungarian Oak12Ltsyn.conferta. Large, fast growing, spreading deciduous tree with a rugged, grey-brown bark. Large, oval, dark green leaves with rounded lobes, turning yellow-brown in autumn. Small clusters of oval acorns in autumn. Very tolerant of chalk. Deep, fertile, well drained soil in sun or part shade. 30.0×20.0mtrs.£69.501.00
Quercus ilex (AGM)Evergreen or Holm Oak12LtLarge, slow growing, broadly round headed evergreen tree with a smooth, dark-grey bark. Narrowly oval, toothed, holly like, dark-green leaves, grey hairy beneath. Leaves scaly silver-grey when young. Oval acorns in small groups in autumn. Rich, sheltered spot & likes shade. 25x20mtrs.£64.951.00
Quercus rubra (AGM)Red Oak12Ltsyn.borealis. Large, fast growing, spreading deciduous tree with a smooth, dark greyish-brown bark. Large, elliptic, matt green leaves with bristle tipped lobes, turning red, yellow & brown in autumn. Small, domed acorns in autumn. Intolerant of chalk. Deep, fertile soil in sun or part shade. 25.0×20.0mtrs.£64.952.00
Quercus x warei ‘Long’Oak12Lt(syn. ‘Regal Prince’) Tidy, upright, narrow but not fastigiate tree with upswept branches. noticeable for it’s strong bronze yellow autumn colour. Bred specifically for it’s powdery mildew resistance. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 15.0×8.0mtrs.£42.951.00
Robinia pseudoacacia ‘Frisia’ (AGM)False Acacia12LtMedium sized, fast growing, spreading deciduous tree, initially upright when young. The brittle stems are rather spiny & are clothed in pinnate, burnished gold leaves, more yellow by summer. Orange-yellow autumn colour. Never has many flowers. Sheltered spot in well drained soil in sun. To:15x8mtrs.£59.951.00
Salix alba vitellina ‘Britzensis’ (AGM)Scarlet or Golden Willow12Ltsyn.’Chermesina’. Large, strong growing, upright deciduous tree, benefitting a lot by pollarding. Long, narrow, willowy shoots are brilliant orange-scarlet, especially on the new growth. Elliptic, glossy green leaves & small, hanging yellow catkins in spring. Moist yet well drained soil in sun. 18.0×10.0mtrs.£67.251.00
Salix babylonica pekinensis ‘Tortuosa’ (AGM)Dragon’s Claw Willow 3Lt(AGM) Medium sized, narrowly upright, fast growing deciduous tree with erect, spiralling, twisted yellow green stems with curious twisted, bright green leaves, yellow in autumn. Hanging, yellow-green catkins in spring. Needs a retentive or moist soil in sun or light shade. To:15x8mtrs.£10.754.00
Salix babylonica pekinensis ‘Tortuosa’ (AGM)Dragon’s Claw Willow 5Lt£14.951.00
Salix magnificaWillow 3LtLarge shrub or small deciduous tree, narrowly upright. The new shoots are a polished purple-red. Large, (to 20cm)) broadly oval, blue-green leaves, gold & brown in autumn. This form has longer catkins red in bud then bright yellow with pollen; late spring, Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 5.0×3.0mtrs.£12.757.00
Salix x sepulcralis ‘Erythroflexuosa’Willow12Ltsyn.’Golden Curls’. Medium sized, rounded, spreading deciduous tree with spirally twisted, orange-yellow young shoots. Narrow, glossy, lance-shaped, twisted bright green leaves, glaucous beneath & yellow in autumn. Slender pale-yellow catkins in spring with the leaves. Moist soil in sun. 5.0×5.0mtrs.£49.752.00
Sorbus aff pseudovilmorinii KR6453 4LtCollected in Pasum Tso, SE Tibet by Rushforth this very hardy small tree bears fragrant heads of white flowers in May then clusters of deep crimson fruit maturing white-pink in autumn. Airy pinnate, ferny green-grey leaflets are richly coloured in autumn. ny reasonably drained, fertile soil in sun or part shade. Rarely available..£29.951.00
Sorbus ‘Amber Light’Rowan12LtA seedling from ‘Joseph Rock, reflecting many of its better qualities. Forming a regular, upright cone, this has neat, pinnate leaves, tinted rich red in autumn. Heads of white flowers in spring followed by dark amber-orange fruit, initially emerging white. Retentive,w ell drained soil in sun or part shade. (4-5) Ht to 5mtrs.£69.951.00
Sorbus aria x pseudovilmorinii10Ltex Maurice Foster. Unusual hybrid between a Chinese Mountain Ash and our native Whitebeam, with leaves half way between, being pinnate and entire. Raised by Maurice Foster in Kent, this makes a small hardy tree with heads of white flowers in ealry summer and clusters of red berries in autumn. (5-6) 4.0×3.0mtrs.£44.953.00
Sorbus aucuparia ‘Sheerwater Seedling’ (AGM)Rowan or Mountain Ash12LtSmall, narrowly upright, almost fastigiate deciduous tree with upswept branches, forming a narrow crown. Finely pinnate, dark green leaves, turning red in autumn. Domed heads of small white flowers in late spring followed by clusters of orange-red fruit. Ideal street tree. Fertile soil in sun. 10.0×5.0mtrs.£59.951.00
Sorbus ‘Autumn Spire’Mountain Ash, Rowan12Lt(aucuparia group) Small, narrowly upright, almost fastigiate tree with finely pinnate, dark-green leaves, turning rich red & purple in autumn. Domed heads of white flowers in late spring followed by persistent, yellow orange fruit. Superb amongst the autumn colour. Fertile, well drained soil in sun. 5.0×1.2mtrs.£74.951.00
Sorbus caloneuraRowan10LtSmall, usually multi-stemmed deciduous tree with erect branched clothed in oval, deeply toothed & veined leaves with golden-orange autumn colour. Heads of white flowers during May followed by small, rounded brown fruit. From Central China. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (4-5) 3.5×2.5mtrs.£44.951.00
Sorbus cashmiriana (AGM)Rowan or Mountain Ash12LtSmall, spreading deciduous shrub or large shrub with finely pinnate, dark-green leaves with narrow, lance shaped leaflets. Domed heads of soft-pink flowers in late spring followed by hanging clusters of porcelain white berries well after the leaves have dropped. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 8.0×7.0mtrs.£69.952.00
Sorbus ‘Chinese Lace’Rowan or Mountain Ash12LtSmall, upright, deciduous tree with large, pinnate, dark-green leaves with delicate, deeply cut, drooping leaflets, turning rich purple-red in autumn. Small heads of white flowers in late spring followed by rounded, golden-orange berries well into winter. Fertile soil in sun or light shade. 6.0×5.0mtrs.£67.251.00
Sorbus commixta ‘Ravensbill’Rowan. Mountain Ash12LtSmall to medium sized upright deciduous tree with an oval crown. Long, pinnate leaves with elegant leaflets, turning yellow & orange in autumn. Named for the striking, long curved, blue-black winter buds. White flowers in late spring & small orange fruit. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or dappled shade. 5.0×4.0mtrs.£74.501.00
Sorbus ‘Copper Kettle’Rowan or Mountain Ash12LtSmall, upright, tidy deciduous tree with finely pinnate, glossy green leaves turning rich red & orange in autumn. Domed heads of white flowers in late spring followed by large bunches of copper-orange berries well into winter. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or dappled shade. 5.0×3.0mtrs.£57.952.00
Sorbus ‘Croft Coral’Rosaceae12LtSmall, deciduous, upright tree with heads of fragrant, white flowers in spring followed by clusters of orange berries in autumn. Flowers great for bees, fruit for birds. Attractive, pinnate, ‘aucuparia’ type, green-blue leaves – good autumn colour. Any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. Around 5 x 4m. Possibly named after Croft Castle.£74.501.00
Sorbus ‘Eastern Promise’Mountain Ash12LtSmall, oval headed deciduous tree of upright habit. Clusters of fragrant white flowers in spring, followed by an abundance of dense clusters of deep rose-pink fruits in autumn, initially emerging white Pinnate, dark green leaves, flushed red beneath turn purple then fiery orange in autumn. Fertile soil in sun. 8.0×6.0m.£69.951.00
Sorbus eleanorae10LtTerminal clusters of large, glossy, ovate, green leaves surround apical corymbs of fragrant, white flowers; spring. Clusters of marble size, glossy, russet fruit in autumn with good foliage colour. Rarely available, medium size tree for any reasonably drained, fertile soil in sun or part shade. SE China£45.001.00
Sorbus forrestii10LtSmall, slender, slow growing, upright tree with pinnate, blue-green leaves.Domed heads of white flowers in May followed by persistent clusters of snow white berries which hang throughout winter. Retentive yet drained soil in sun or part shade. To: 6x4m.£44.951.00
Sorbus ‘Glendoick Spire’Rowan12LtRather upright form of Rowan with delicate, very finely pinnate leaves, turning purple-burgundy in autumn. Heads of creamy-white flowers during late spring, followed by persistent, glowing pink-red berries into winter. Easy in any reasonable soil in sun or part shade. (4-5) 4.0×2.5mtrs.£67.201.00
Sorbus harrowiana 4Lt(S. insignis) Slow growing large shrub or small tree with large, pinnate, glossy, deep-green leaves with large segments, turning yellow in autumn. Large heads of creamy-white flowers are followed by sparse, very large, open heads of small white fruit, which smell of fermenting apples. Sun or part shade. Nepal, Central China£29.951.00
Sorbus helenae EN3088Rowan10LtA rarity, collected years ago on Mount Omei, Sichuan, China. Bold, pinnate leaves with five pairs of rounded leaflets on thick stalks. Heads of frothy white flowers in May, followed by heavy flattened clusters of white fruit amongst the autumn colours. Retentive, well drained soil in sun or part shade. (5-6) 3.5×3.0mtrs.£44.951.00
Sorbus hemsleyi – Cowley ManorMountain Ash10LtA small, slow growing, round headed tree with large, grey-green, heavily veined leaves, felted on top with striking white undersides, even whiter in spring. Heads of fragrant white flowers (attractive to bees) in spring followed by clusters of reddish-brown fruit in autumn. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or light shade. 4.0×3.0mtrs.£45.001.00
Sorbus hupehensis (AGM)Hubei Rowan12LtMedium sized, broadly columnar, deciduous tree with the pinnate leaves divided into oval, blue-bgreen leaflets, turning rich red-purple in autumn. Pyramidal panicles of white flowers in spring followed by white berries, becoming pink flushed with time. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or light shade. 8.0×8.0mtrs.£49.501.00
Sorbus ‘Joseph Rock’Rowan or Mountain Ash12LtSmall to medium, broadly upright deciduous tree with pinnate leaves, divided into very narrow leaflets. Superb orange, red & yellow autumn colour. Dense heads of white flowers in late spring followed by profuse pale-yellow fruit, ageing golden-orange. Fertile soil in sun or light shade. 10.0×10.0mtrs.£59.952.00
Sorbus ‘Matthew Ridley’Mountain Ash12LtNamed after the famed botanist from Co Durham this small to medium size tree bears large clusters of oval, orange-red berries (much loved by birds) in autumn. Heads of fragrant white flowers in spring. Ash like, green leaves with good autumn colour. Any reasonably drained, fertilesoil in sun or part shade.£69.951.00
Sorbus needhamii NJM11.0055ltNamed after the first collector Edward Needham & collected on Leigong Shan, Guizhou, China. Compact, vigorous whitebeam with slender, deeply veined leaves, felted white on the undersides. Heads of white flowers are followed by red berries. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. 6.0×4.0mtrs. (5-6)£29.955.00
Sorbus needhamii NJM11.00510Lt£44.954.00
Sorbus ‘Pink Ness’Rowan or Mountain Ash12LtSmall, broadly pyramidal deciduous tree. Pinnate, grey-green leaves, glaucous on the undersides. Dense heads of creamy-white flowers in late spring, followed by profuse, mid-pink flowers, ageing with a mauve flush. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or dappled shade. Vigorous. 5.0×4.0mtrs.£67.251.00
Sorbus ‘Pink Pearl’Rowan12LtA neat, attractive Rowan bearing clusters of fragrant white flowers in spring followed by pearl-like, heavily flushed pink speckled white fruit in autumn. Heavily pinnate, rich green leaves turn purple bronze in autumn. Any reasonably drained, fertime soil in sun or part shade. 4x3m Hillier 1958£74.501.00
Sorbus pseudovilmoriniiMountain Ash12LtSimilar to the popular vilmorinii but much better in fruit. Medium sized, spreading, rather shrubby tree with gently arching shoots. Pinnate, glossy leaves with rich burgundy autumn colour. Small heads of white flowers;- late spring. Dark red berries ageing pink & finally white. Well drained soil in light shade. 4.0×4.0m.£69.953.00
Sorbus sargentiana (AGM)Rowan’ or ‘Mountain Ash’12LtSlow growing, broadly upright, medium sized deciduous tree with stout shoots with large, sticky, bright red winter buds. Very large, pinnate leaves with lance-shaped, dark green leaflets, rich orange & red in autumn. White flowers in early summer followed by red berries. Fertile soil in sun. 10.0×10.0mtrs.£41.552.00
Sorbus splendensMountain Ash 4Lt(syn S.wilsoniana) Similar to but smaller than S.sargentiana forming a magnificent rounded tree with leathery, rich green, large, to 25cm, leaves with 7 pairs of leaflets from large, ovoid, sticky buds. Large heads of fragrant white flower in spring then large clusters of shiny red fruit. Any reasonably drained soil. Native to forests of C. China. 8m+£35.001.00
Sorbus thibetica ‘John Mitchell’ (AGM)Mitchell’s Whitebeam12Ltsyn.mitchellii. Medium-sized deciduous tree, ultimately with a broad, rounded crown. Large, aria like, rounded dark green leaves, white felted beneath. New growth is densely felted. Heads of white flowers in spring. Green fruit age orange. Fertile, not too dry soil, in sun or part shade.15.0×12.0mtrs.£67.252.00
Sorbus ulleungensis ‘Olympic Flame’ (AGM)Rowan12LtFrom seed collected in Ullungdo, Korea this Swedish selection has large, glossy, pinnate leaves turning a superb fiery scarlet-orange in autumn. Heads of cream flowers in May followed by showy, polished, red fruit in large, open heads. Retentive soil in sun or part shade. To: 10x5m.£64.951.00
Sorbus vilmorinii (AGM)0Rowan or Mountain Ash12LtSmall, spreading, shrubby, deciduous tree with an open crown. Pinnate leaves divided into narrow leaflets, turning plum purple in autumn. Small heads of white flowers during early summer, followed by small red berries, turning pink & white. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or light shade. 5.0×5.0mtrs.£64.954.00
Sorbus wilsoniana PW47Mountain Ash 3Lt(syn S.wilsoniana) Similar to but smaller than S.sargentiana forming a magnificent rounded tree with leathery, rich green, large, to 25cm, leaves with 7 pairs of leaflets from large, ovoid, sticky buds. Large heads of fragrant white flower in spring then large clusters of shiny red fruit. Any reasonably drained soil. Native to forests of C. China. 8m+£28.951.00
Sorbus ‘Wisley Gold’Mountain Ash or Rowan12LtSmall, round headed deciduous tree. Pinnate leaves with oval, glossy, dark green pointed leaflets, turning yellow & red in autumn. Domed heads of white flowers in late spring followed by profuse golden-yellow, intensely coloured berries. Fertile, well drained soil in sun or light shade. 6.0×4.0mtrs.£74.501.00
Tilia ‘Moltkei’Lime, Linden12LtVigorous, medium to large, strong growing deciduous tree, forming a thicket of branches, initially erect, becoming weeping with age. Large, broadly oval, 20cm, dark green leaves, grey downy on the undersides. Large clusters of scented, creamy-white flowers; summer. fertile soil in sun. To:20x16mtrs.£44.401.00
Ulmus laevisEuropean White Elm 5LtAlmost immune to Elm die back & most diseases. Ultimately a very large, long lived, imposing tree with beautiful, smooth, grey green bark fissuring with age. Ovate, coarse, serrated green leaves. Any reasonable, fertile soil. Rarely seen in the UK.To: 40m.£35.004.00



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